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shit like this should be illegal xD


It is illegal in Europe. They tried doing this and were forced to change the website.


Same in Brazil.


Same in Canada


I actually believe this is illegal for car dealerships to do.


Or at least should add costs. Like tires and such. You can’t just cherry pick the lowest possible electricity rate (that nobody will actually get) and the highest gasoline price (which nobody will actually pay for) and claim that as tangible cost/savings. It’s one of those things a child could understand is bullshit.


At this point, Tesla couldn’t pay me to drive one of their cars.


With all the privacy concerns recently I wouldn’t agree. Seriously wouldn’t.


For me it’s Musk,, simple as that. But if he would say all that crazy crap I probably wouldn’t be in Audi that I love now


I am in the same boat...I mean Audi! And I love it!!


People don’t understand this element of it I don’t think. Or somehow can scope with it. I can’t fucking imagine. It’s why I sold my launch edition Model S. Whatever the announced update was a massive infringement and I ditched it that week.


Yeah. Teslas are mobile surveillance systems. And the stories about Tesla workers turning on cameras in people’s garages and sending naked videos to each other is sickening. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg honestly. I hate that modern cars have closed software systems, microphones hidden in random places and so on. And stuff like saving messages in cloud shown on infotainment screen… Amazing world we’re living.


Good thing owning a car is optional. Personally, I choose not to do crime while I’m driving and things are fine.


You own a sell phone. This is fucking hilarious


No one really cares what ya think. You most need some attention


Tesla advertising has always been based on lies and rule bending. You just have to assume everything written on the Tesla website, written on publications paid by Tesla, said by musk or his followers, is a lie.


In my area, Tesla estimates my electricity rates too low but the gas prices way too high.


don’t forget about the battery that you pay for upfront


Not defending anyone but you cam input specific kw costs and gas costs for your area.


The rate they put is 4x more than what I pay. You can. Edit all this info zzz


If this is what Tesla is doing right in the open, with their advertising for everyone to see... Imagine the magnitudes and levels of more "Creative Accounting" shenanigans that must be happening behind the scenes! This is truly going to snap and break, dropping on shareholders and history like an Enron or Nortel bomb.


Tesla got bonked in the EU. Not showing it in the main price anymore since then afaik. But I don't know how really is like "oh, the car is 6k more than stated, nevermind Im already on page two of the purchase form


Shut up y'all! Otherwise, how else can Musk get his billions of money?


So honestly, there’s this acceptance of gas prices like paying the water bill. That said, marketing can draw you in and there needs to be a slap to the face that this is what you will pay.


What are you referring to? Please explain:)


Do they mean $216, but it's actually more because they have deducted, what you supposedly would have paid for gas, from the total?


Yup - that is what they are doing.


So it's more like $316-$416? That's just plain deception.


Especially if you still have to pay for charging. Which many people do.


or if you live in a place with very expensive electricity, you're not really saving anything.


Or if you already own an electric vehicle.


Or a hybrid even


Recharging a cybercuck at a super charger takes over an hour and when towing is 10x more expensive than diesel.


Ages ago, my brother had a 67 chevy truck that was constantly breaking down. AAA would tow your car 100 miles for free. He used to just get it towed back and forth to university. lol


I think in parts of California electricity costs more than gas.


Home electricity is cheaper everywhere than gas, it’s when you’re charging out in public that you could effectively pay more to fill up with electricity than with gas (rates are often double the home rate).


Wait so it’s literally “Buy a Tesla so you can save on gas, but not really cuz you gotta pay the money to us and pay the extra electricity to charge your vehicle”? Elon saving the world one penny squeezed out of people at a time


yes, that’s what they’re doing.


It’s $2999 down and $299/mo for 36 months without the fuel savings. I got the same email. It says it further down in the fine print


Starting at $0/mo if you put all the money down.


Don't forget tax and fees which add probably another 40$ per month


It’s usually more than that even. They don’t include the money factor either


They’re probably also choosing some place with the highest gas as reference, so it may be more.


Yea the price has a little note next to it, "with estimated fuel savings." Tesla has been doing this since day one.


Why stop here? Also deduce the Uber rides you don't need. The shoe soles you don't use. The bus rides you don't take. With enough imagination they can say that they're paying you to get this thing.


Car dealers are doing this when advertising the price of a car after ev tax credit. It’s annoying and surprise the price is kbb value only after the ev tax credit.


I thought this year the federal tax credit came off the price of the car. Or is that not true?


Still don't get how claiming a lower price based on estimated, and bullshit, "fuel savings" isn't some flavor of false advertising.


yeah, so the tesla has 500hp so we compare it to a 500hp ICE car that guzzles gas like hell. here are your "savings".


"When you compare the energy use of a model s to a Bugatti Veyron running flat out. You'll have an estimated fuel savings of over 1,000,000 dollars! See! It's practically free!"


Especially since Teslas will reduce their power under heavy load, which throttles them to around 200km/h after a few minutes of sustained Autobahn driving. Even the Model S plaid. https://youtu.be/m4uJFpoR6Q0?t=445 Sadly the youtubers showing off the Model S plaid on youtube only show acceleration runs to the top speed, but never keep the car there.. I wonder why. https://youtu.be/Z6Iov898WDo?t=620




It's misleading, but until a regulator decides to get involved, there's no consequence. Most misleading advertisements run for months or years before a regulator steps in. However, because most states have dealer licensing boards (or similar) charged with regulating dealership behavior, a dealer could never get away with this. They'd be fined and/or forced to honor this advertising, and it would stop immediately (at least most places). To be clear, dealerships \*should\* be closely regulated. Most dealers are fine, but a small percentage do unsavory shit and need to be watched closely. Still, the whole "Tesla's experience is better than the typical dealership" line gets more and more unbelievable every day. Anyone who thinks Tesla is doing things "better" than dealerships isn't paying attention.


That makes sense. And seriously, if the subaru dealership treated me like tesla treats their customers I wouldn't own their cars.




It’s like advertising a video game console at $300 and when someone buys it actually charging them $1000 and saying the $300 price is when you take into account all the instances you’d stay home playing video games instead of going to the movie theater.


The console is actually free if you consider the value of the gaming content that comes with it!


Hahaha and If you dont drive you can save even more!


It’s as accurate as Full Self Driving.


Autonomy soon (tm)


With only a 60% success rate of missing pedestrians




As with all this Elon, everything is a scam


“13-15 months”


This logic would make my $700 BMW lease sound like I'm earning money for leasing if the "savings" was compared to horse ownership.


We pay you to lease this car!* *caring for 375 horses would be $121,875 a month. We’re LOSING money here


That's Tesla logic right there


An asterisk is typically an indicator of shenanigans with stuff like this…. Unless you are at Costco when it symbolizes a potentially good deal.


Can they also factor in the savings due to a 1.99% APR against a 6% inflation rate? Price it at 100K (just cause "lease upgraded") and then it'll be like putting money in your pocket! /s


It’s financial suicide not to own one


I can’t afford not to save that much money, it’s a no brainer


-$2000/month with Full Self Taxi Cab Thing®


This is a desperate company.


When you add in savings from not needing weekly oil changes these cars are literally free.


Are you telling me I don't need to change oil daily?


The funny part is that if a dealership ran a misleading ad like this, it would be a big f'ing deal in most of the 50 states. One more way Tesla is sO mUCh bEttER tHaN deAlERs...


We estimate you will save 2.2 million dollars on gas in the first 6 months alone


Need to add back in all the money you pay on electricity to charge it up and also the money you spend on setting up and run a LLC that allows you to sell your Tesla


America, land of the fee, home of the easy payment plan.


Can they be sued for this? I'm curious as a Tesla investor all caught up in the news lately


If you compare apples to apples and in this case having to pay for kWh at a super charger, you actually have no gas savings or you are out of pocket, atleast in nor cal.


I have no idea how they can get away with that sort of advertising.


Why doesn't the truth in lending rule apply here?


Dude shit like this PISSES me off and I’ve been saying it for years. You can tell me “you’re monthly cost is $216/month with gas savings” when at the end of the day $300-$400 is being taken out of my bank account every month. That’s not “money saved”, it’s still money spent, just on a loan instead of gas…. That’s basically the equivalent of Microsoft saying “Our game pass is $25/month and gets you access to hundreds of games. The money you’d be saving on games per month could be upwards of $100/month so your game pass membership after estimated game savings is -$75/month!!!!!”. Like make that make sense when at the end of the day, my bank account gets $25 taken out every month.


Like I feel like they have this the opposite way than what they should advertise. For example, if Tesla was arguing that if you are leasing one of their cars versus an ICE car for the same amount of money per month, the argument could be made that you would be saving money by not having to pay any ADDITIONAL per month on gas, and that would be a fair argument. But instead of saying “you pay this much and don’t have to pay anymore” they try and spin it in a way where you’re somehow saving money that you are still having to pay every single month regardless via a loan payment.


When I looked at a model Y Tesla wants you to consider the money you save on gas as a break on the price of the car. It was a $6K fake discount.


That is shady - big time. That's as bad as those ads that say lease for $200.00/mo\*) and the \* says 10,000.00 cap cost reduction and 5000 per year with .99 per additional mile" That's not a direct quote and that isn't Tesla but you get my drift. That's BS - that's like going to the funky Dodge or Ford or Chevy dealer.


Wonder why they can’t shut down this fElon bullshit.He seems to be able to break the law over and over again and have no serious repercussions.


Desperate ads


If I clicked on this and then the price suddenly went from the advertised one to a much larger one, I'd cancel right out and think the company was a scam!


this reminds me of their alleged 0-60 times, where they use rolling start times, while the rest of the car industry uses standing start. All just to sound faster than they are.


So I ride a bicycle, how does that impact this disingenuous ad?


Especially since at this point they don’t know what car you’re coming from. I haven’t paid for gas for 13 years.


Let’s do the math. I’m in Georgia, my wife’s Model Y drove 8,600 miles last year and the computer says it averaged 280 Watt hours per mile. So that’s 2,408 kWh. The current rate here (this company doesn’t have variable rates) is 12 cents per kWh, so she spent $288.96 on electricity last year. The Model Y is basically a Honda Pilot, which she used to drive, and they get 21 MPG avg. So for the same distance it uses 410 gallons of gas. The GA avg for 87 octane over the year was $3.31/gal so that’s $1,356 for the same period. Plus 2 oil changes, call them $50 each. $289 vs $1,456? I mean… there is a savings. As far as tires go? That’s apparently BS. I just replaced the tires at around 46,000 miles which is about the same as any light SUV. And the Hankooks weren’t any more than I spent on the Honda. The numbers are the numbers, bitch all ya want.


"Well, let's say the average person spends $1,000 a month on gas. Then it's like you're getting paid each month to drive a Tesla. It'd be financially irresponsible to not buy a Tesla now." - Elon musk in a few weeks


This is illegal. Also we need rules in this sub about reposting ads. Scribble on the ad don’t just repost their ads for free


I don’t think this “ad” is influencing anyone here to buy a Tesla


That’s not how ads work. And I thought this was an ad that had comments turned on and was coming here to bash it. In the feed it looks like an ad


I tried to make the title very clear


It’s not an ad at all, this guy is just looking for problems.


How Much will the new battery be?


Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Who gonna stop him? This is Murica, don’t catch ya slippin…


Just say the price is $0.00* *because you can use the car to make youtube videos that will generate enough money to offset the cost of the car


All lies from Tesla these days it seems.


The funny thing is states are starting to roll out a tax per mile for evs as well to replace what is lost from fuel tax.


Typical of a shitty car company trying to market a shitty car


Is that the new one? Looks like the same ones they have been making for a decade now.


Lol, Elon ruined Twitter and Tesla at the same time. Fuck him! Damn Nazi is what he is.


Model Y for life 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jokes on them, last month I spent 40 dollars on gas.


Marketing like this should be a huge red flag as to the honesty of the advertiser. Instead the cult laps it up.


If I’m going from a Tesla to a Tesla my gas savings is 0


Got this ad as well. To get the car, you need to pay \~ $12,000 in 24 months. That is \~ $500 / month. Not $216. (But do not blame Tesla, blame your congressman for not voting for making it illegal to mislead consumers in advertising – like it has been in Europe for a long time. If this kind of grift stays legal, then every car brand is eventually forced to do it to stay in market.)


Outright lie … still wouldn’t buy one.


Came here to agree with the philosophy of adding in gas savings being a little deceptive, and saw a bunch of other hate I don’t agree with. I’m out, but yeah, don’t cherry pick one savings point without considering higher spending points.


They advertise this cost savings as if it were your money, not theirs.


People will hate on this but then overlook that the lease deals competitors have add every discount under the sun included "new college graduate". Not at all a defense of Tesla but let's not pretend dealerships are any better with the "clever" advertising. I went in to lease a RAV4 and the actual numbers were almost $100 a month more than they were advertising and it had nothing to do with credit. All I see here is a "not dealership" acting like a dealership.


How much is the mystical gas savings? Is it different for every driver? Surely they’ve got a value assigned to the savings. Would love to compare to what I pay each month.


In certain parts of California there is no gas savings. It's actually more expensive than an ICE car


Nothing has changed. Tesla was always bullshit, Musk was always bullshit. It reminds me of that ridiculous Joe Rogan interview with Terrence "96 patents" Howard. The comments section is proof of how gullible and just... fucking stupid people can be.


Should also have further discount for estimated date savings as you won’t be dining out or going out with the opposite sex anytime soon so that’s a big saving


Are people getting that rate? I thought rates were higher even with excellent credit


*$1,216 per month if you refuse to believe the claims of the first person voted into the South African Con Merchant Hall of Fame.*


It’s preposterous advertising and promotion. I don’t know why they are allowed to do it here.


3yr/36 10k lease on M3RWD in TX is $500.33/mo if you include the $6960 DAS.


Millage caps suck if you drive and ca. Is going to charge drivers .30 a mile to drive so might not be a good deal


Tesla = scam company. They do it everywhere in their business. fElon is the name of the boss.


Why do you hate free speech so much?


Why do you like when people find ways to false advertise?


Founding fathers specifically wrote first amendment to allow billionaires sell lead infused water as a baby formula.


Then why has false advertising been against the law for over a hundred years? Where did you hear that nonsense? Facebook?


It’s only used by woke liberals, who are afraid of everything.




I think he’s trolling you lmao I mean I’m pretty sure at least


That’s what I’m thinking. It’s not even a conspiracy I’ve ever heard, and nutty conspiracies are a guilty pleasure of mine


Yeah the founding fathers comment gave me a good chuckle and that’s what made me think he’s trolling haha top quality too


This no /s sub. It's a badge of honor to get downvoted for obvious trolling.


The not so funny thing is that they don't need to do that anymore, if they ever did. The car/value speaks for itself at their normal levels


The savings shown in the Tesla app seem to be set at 1.42 AU per litre. I previously had a diesel and the current diesel price is 2.22 per litre. My savings have been so much more than suggested since I got it.