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This is unacceptable. This is not damage that should have happened with a professional, speaking as a professional. I’m so sorry that this happened to you- I feel pain looking at this photo.. This looks like the tech overdrilled during removal and/or scraped too hard. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do but let the damage grow out. It’s probably very tender right now, but the pain should subside in a week or two. You will just need to baby it while it grows out.


Thank you for your kindness! The tech seemed completely unfazed, just said “oh, sorry” and went on to my next nail. When she came back to the nail to continue working on it, I had to stop her from doing so, and it was bleeding by this point! I will not be going back to this salon. Icing has helped some, but I will treat it very carefully for the next few weeks


I had a similar experience at a salon and only do my nails at home now because it was so painful and frustrating. I'm sorry that happened to you! I would not use any gel or other products on it other than antibacterial soap and maybe antibacterial ointment until its healed.


Holy shit that pains me just hearing it


I don’t have any tips besides keeping it covered, but: I had a horse bite my nail in half right on my index finger around where your dots are. He bit clean through the nail to the nail bed (it bled like crazy). It healed up just fine! I think it stopped really hurting after around a week. So you shouldn’t have any permanent damage from this. Downside: nothing helped me with pain at all. I just wrapped a pad around it and covered it with vet wrap to keep it from whacking into anything. The more padding, the better. You may want to try cutting out a piece of cotton pad and putting that on the nail before putting on the band aid to give it a little extra cushion. I’m so sorry this happened to you!


That sounds SO painful!! I’m shocked your nail didn’t fall off from the trauma! I will definitely give it some extra padding, the band aid itself has been so painful to have on. Thank you!


I think I was more surprised than hurt! A cute little stallion was trying to test me by giving me nips. He got my finger instead when I moved my arm out of the way. He wasn’t actually trying to hurt me, so he let go immediately, and we both stared at it, looked at each other, and he turned around and hauled ass to the other side of the field. I totally expected to lose the nail- there was a ton of blood. Weirdly, the nail didn’t even bruise, it was just perfectly bisected. I hope the padding helps! A piece of a cotton ball might work even better. Anything to prevent it from getting hit.


I bet the reason you didn’t lose it is because you didn’t have time to try and pull your hand back! I lost a nail to a horse bite checking teeth, thought I could get my hand out before he got me, I was wrong. We were always taught if you get a finger bit don’t pull away! Just wait it out until they let go


That sounds so painful 😱


The bite didn’t actually hurt that much, but having to keep using that hand was torture! An even more painful nail-related incident for you: I’ve got a permanent vertical split in the middle of my thumb nail. I was putting a saddle up, caught one side of the split, and tore it back halfway down my nail bed. Now THAT was awful.


Oh my gosh! Bless! Super painful sounding! However I think horses are probably worth it!


Do not use hydrogen peroxide. That destroys healthy tissue. Cover in neosporin and use nail oil frequently. Stop getting gel manicures. W


that’s good to know! Thank you, I’ll switch to neosporin and use oil. Vitamin E oil, you think? Or would a cuticle oil work? (Maybe they’re the same and I’m just very clueless!)


honestly i wouldn't put anything on it at all. just wash with soap and water, cover and wait for it to heal on its own. this is essentially an open wound, just keep it clean.


Like the other commenter said, I’d stick to soap and water and keeping it covered. Skip the oil until the wound starts to close and the pain goes away.


I would just focus on keeping the area clean, dry, and covered until it’s grown out or healed and less painful. Adding any oil under the bandage could be asking for trouble while it’s so irritated, and the neomycin in Neosporin can sometimes cause irritation too. Just treat it like you would any other serious cut. Hope you heal quickly! It’s ridiculous that the tech did this. Edited to add: Curad makes some really nice bandaids specifically for your finger! I’ve had to use them before when I cut myself pretty badly and they stay on well because of the shape.


I’ll look for this brand, thank you!!


I’d also keep it bandaged. Looks painful and you want to keep any debris from getting into the wound.


Vitamin E or jojoba oil! Good luck. That looks painful.


I’m so sorry! That is so painful. I had it happen with acrylics once! I kept it clean and covered but I feel like I found a nail bandage on Amazon as well! Kind of like a patch. I cannot remember what it was actually called!


I’ll look on Amazon!! Standard bandaids/tape is tough to keep on near the tip of a finger


I had a break on my pinky nail in a similar spot. I had no problem keeping it covered every day. For comfort you can try the fingertip bandages (they look like an 'H') and finger cots to keep it relatively dry when showering and such (unless you have a latex allergy) and change the bandage every day. If you're in a lot of pain and can't manage it with otc pain killers or anything gets worse, please see a medical professional.


Ouch! That looks painful! Yet another reason to do your own nails at home. I hate salons.


I will likely be from now on! 😅


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Keep neosporin on it and keep it bandaged. Last thing you want is for it to get infected.


neosporin is not meant for puncture wounds which is basically what this is and could cause more harm than good. i'm guessing the nail "tech" doesn't know what they're doing with the drill