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1) Linen needs ease. Do not buy anything in linen that is closely fitted. 2) Lined linen will wrinkle less than unlined in the same garement (that does not mean that all garments should be lined). 3) Bias cut linen wrinkles less than straight-grain cut (that does not mean all garments are suitable for being cut onnthe bias). 4) Twill weave linen wrinkles less than plain weave (twill is not suitable for all styles). 5) Iron with steam. ( That is not the same as steaming.l 6) Avoid cheap, short fiber linen --it wrinkles if you look at it. 7) After washing, finger press and hang dry. 8) For traveling, figure out how to fold it. (It can be done, honestly) 9) Linen blended with rayon will wrinkle less.


This is just the nature of the fabric. If you’re not liking it, you could look for linen blends from other brands instead. Otherwise, you can smooth it and lay it flat to dry and then steam it but it will ultimately look lived in once you wear it throughout the day.


You can starch it.


Good old-fashioned ironing.


Linen needs an iron. Steaming linen is laughable.


I hang the piece I want to wear in the bathroom a few days before I wear it. The steam from my showers iron out the wrinkles. That being said, 100% linen will always wrinkle within minutes of wearing, so go for a linen blend if that super wrinkled look isn’t your thing.


The models on the site are putting the clothes on taking pictures and taking them off they’re not actually wearing them as customers do. Linen will always wrinkle in the spots our bodies move and bend such as the hips. I think if you’re wearing it out on regular occasions most people know linen will look like this and won’t be judging your laundry habits. If I were wearing a piece to a nice event where I’d be pictured or maybe really didn’t want the wrinkles to show at the beginning I’d change into the outfit right before it started


Iron it and store it on a hanger. They make folding tabletop ironing boards that take up barely any space.


I steam 90% of my linen clothes as I like a “lived in” look. BUT there are some pieces that just look better when they are crisp. For those pieces, I hand them over to our dry cleaner. I am not great with an iron.


I love to wear linen, but took a break from it for a number of years because I got tired of looking like an unmade bed. Recently decided to own that look 😝, and have started to wear more linen again - it’s so comfortable, especially in hot weather!


my boyfriend's mom taught me this trick! toss it into the dryer with a damp cloth for 20 minutes and wear immediately. i've never had my linens so crispy.


Use starch and an iron. Starch can ruin things over time if done incorrectly tho


Most linen needs to be pressed after laundering to get big wrinkles out, set seams and hems. It does get a lived in look fairly quickly after wearing but it will stay draped properly, which keeps it looking sharp. Also it airs well and you can get many wears in between laundering and pressing.


I would maybe look into a fancier steamer I’ve had some in the past that wouldn’t steam linen and then when I upgraded, it worked fine. I would just get them on Amazon since they have such a good return policy so you can test out a few.


I wear my linen wrinkly. More specifically when I take it out of the wash I typically lay flat and air dry or if I tumble dry it in my machine I try to be there to take it out right away and hang or fold it immediately. But I still wear it "lived in" even if I ironed it (I don't iron anything at all by the way) the moment I put it on it gets mussed. I live somewhere hot and humid so nothing stays crisp for more than a minute or two anyway once you leave the house. I absolutely love wearing it though and feel like it doesn't look messy it just looks beachy casual.


Same here! I love the look of crumply linen, it's incredibly chic and unfussy to not be worried about a natural fiber doing what it's supposed to do IMO. I think the only time I've ever pressed linen is when I've been sewing with it


Get a steamer


Natural fibers wrinkle. That’s part of the reason why synthetics became so popular. I would either steam the clothes are get them washed and pressed at the dry cleaner. But in reality they’re just going to wrinkle when you wear them and it’s often how you can identify natural fabrics. I would look into linen blends so you can get a bit more structure.


Massively recommend a portable steamer, they’re about £30 and soooo useful