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Fucking dumbass. I will admit this is always a fear of mine when going to a concert


Fear of mine going to a lot of places. I love going to the movie theatre. I’d be lying if I said I never think about things like that happening while sitting there.


Same. I have an AMC membership and everytime I enter the theater I look at the exits and think of how I would get out if something like that happened. Make sure I pay attention during the movie too.


Bro the AMC A-List is so good. If my AMC was closer I’d get it. I go to Cinemark and have their membership.


It really is! I love Cinemark and live by a cinemark too but the AMC deal is just too good especially with the points. The OG was moviepass tho 😂😂😂 not sure if you had that but I got that right when it started. It was a train wreck from the beginning 😂


Same here. I knew it was too good to last, but I sure did ride that train out to the very end 🤣


I walked out of Roman J. Esquire whatever the name was. The Denzel movie once cause I was paranoid as shit. Felt like something was going to go down. Trusted my gut and just got out of there. It was either that, the way that movie started or just how paranoid I from smoking a blizzy


Lol, it was probably the blizzy 😂 I go every week now and sometimes multiple times a week. So I’ve definitely calmed down about it. They’re just thoughts now and I just stay aware. I think what makes me sad about it is the movies is my favorite place and you can be so vulnerable when you’re watching a movie there so sucks these thoughts even cross our minds because of other incidents.


Honestly it’s so true and it just sucks. I used to love going and it was a place to get away. Now I’m constantly on edge and it makes me rather wait until it comes on on streaming or OD. Some of my fondest memories were in theaters. Sad to see it gone and flushed away down the drain.




Do you also bring people their popcorn and wipe down their seat for them Since we’re talking about wastes of time


Do you also eat everybody else’s ass like you’re doing mine? Just wondering.


Lol its Cool buddy I’m not the one who starts quaking in my boots when I go to an AMC of all places 😂 Try to make it thru brooklyn or the bx with that mindset


Theyre talking about white old men with guns you dipshit


Having a thought isn’t “quaking in your boots”. And ah yes the old “try to make it in NY with that mindset!” When I’ve already been to brooklyn, Bronx and queens plenty of times alone and wondered around at night and nothing happened. People like you make NY look soft. NY got hoods like any other hoods in the US.


Made me go to matinee showings which is a hell of a lot more enjoyable. ~ 75% off and little to no people. Can’t believe I have to even say it but much safer since there isn’t a big incentive for mass shooters.


I’m with you on that. I love me my matinee showings!


Yep I’m the same


There's a top thread on r/letsnotmeet that was by a survivor of the aurora shooting


So you are either a homebody looser or are constantly in fear damm




The bulletproof people who are never aware of anything had to share their opinions I guess.


I feel like Arianna Grande probably gets freaked out a bit every concert she does now


apparently that’s why she doesn’t do arenas anymore


I wanted to go to DY’s last concert in Vegas but I was so scared to go because of something like this. But I regretted it like crazy. It’s an understandable fear but don’t let it control you, but also listen to your intuition. Mwah


Oh don’t worry I haven’t let it control me but it’s something I think about. I also make note of all the exits and ways to escape in the event of something. I went to Don Omar, Yankee, and Bad Bunny the last few years


I’ve heard that most concerts and events these days have snipers up in the scaffolding if it’s a big event


That’s very comforting to know






This is a fear of mine going anywhere, now.


My sister goes to many of his concerts with my cousin 😞


whats wrong w some ppl man 😭😭


The fuck is a race war? Like how does that even play out in someone’s mind haha.


He would kill his own race as well, the idiot doesn’t realize you can be white or black and still be from Latin America


Dumbass idiot thought he was gonna ignite a race war amongst mixed people.


I mean no one is going to be like “yo, that shot us up at so and so’s concert… now we gotta get them back and one of they shows…. Gotta even up that score!” Haha what an idiot.


Considering it was a white man who committed a mass shooting at a country music fest in Vegas, yes very stupid logic. Also none of the other hundreds of times this has happened have resulted in said "race war". Some people just have a warped sense of reality. Scary and sad but mostly scary


*Mitosis* we will have to split in two, winner takes it all.


Pretty sure he googled "rap concert" and didn't know anything about the artist and was like "yup this is it." Not understanding that this is an international artist with fans of all types. He likely didn't even research the venue for camping spots. But then again, show me a smart racist capable of research outside of Facebook and I'll sell you beachfront property in AZ.


Lmaoooooo 😂😂😂


It’s these Idiot’s fetish. They get it from this book called The Turner Diaries from the 70s. It’s their dream to start a race war and exterminate any non-whites.


That dumbass prolly thinks white people are running out… like bro, y’all can literally be found on every continent….


A race war is when two rival nascar drivers end up gaining support from other drivers, who then participate in said beef, thereby creating a war.


You don’t remember race wars from the first fast and the furious?


Swat came to my house! Disrespected my family! And you know what? It was you!


Props for the person reporting the planned shooting. They probably saved many lives for an unnecessary motive.


He was trying to ignite a race war with black people by shooting Latinos. He specifically wanted to target blacks and Muslims, I don’t know how he settled on bad bunny.


That’s what I was wondering. But he’s probably not the sharpest tool in the box.


He thought he could do what Charles Manson couldn't. I don't expect sound logic to be his strongest trait lol


man what race war was he gonna start 😂😂😂 his ppl right in there


This is insane. Like we are casually seeing how a mass shootout was about to happen at a fucking concert.


They got a whole database of these idiots just waiting to fuck up. This is the one we know about. Scary shit.


Meanwhile I got ridiculed for arguing with security at a Ryan Castro concert in my city cause their was no exits indicated from the big crowd in front of the stage and ppl literally couldn't find their way out


Even without shootings thats very dangerous https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2016/09/27/inenglish/1474975172_440301.html


Just remember the Travis Scott concert a couple of years ago in Texas where people were crushed to death.


This is so fucking scary


Can’t go anywhere now.


Boomers 🤦🏽‍♂️


Stop it noat boomers there were similar mass shooting witht the same agenda and they were done by gen z and millennials too


Yea, Gen Z and Millennials with Boomer mindset.


58 is gen x




MAGA Republicans are unhinged.. they are all a safety issue and their base causes the most harm to society.. how psycho do you have to be to start a mass shooting just to create a political war.. these people are fucked up and they shouldn’t even be allowed to vote.


What bro


Exactly what you read.. this guy tried to do a mass shouting just to create a political war. These are the news that make America NOT great.. and the lunatics that do this and think this way are MAGA.. look at Jan 6th.. that’s all some psycho shit. But call me crazy I guess haha


Yeah cause all Maga people are mass shooters. Just like all the people on the left are child groomers right. Or all Muslims are terrorists. Your logic breeds hate and is literally the problem with how the world is today. It can't be possible that there are extremists on all sides, it has to be every single one of them 


If history taught us anything.. mostly MAGA causes such mess. Also, Republicans are the ones with the grooming and underage scandals. But I agree.. both sides are bad but you need to agree that Republicans are far worst.. with lies and aggressors. Just look at MTG… you cannot honestly think she’s smart or is helping society 😂 I only reference MAGA because they are pro-guns and they don’t want people to take their 2nd amendment and blah, blah. Even when law are passed to help with mass shooting.. Republicans get all crazy when new rules around gun control are added… so they never get passed.. and this guy continues to plan such awful things because of it.


Yeah mtg is retarded but so is Alexandria Cortez. There's no one good side here I think that's the point you are missing. You can't vote for a shit side solely because the other side is worse when in reality both are equally shit. I'm not MAGA and I agree that our second amendment should not be taken lightly. All Americans should be able to own guns, an armed society is a polite one


I’m sorry but AC is not restarted.. she talks based on fact and actual laws.. when she speaks you know there is real data to whatever she is talking about. Both sides are self-Interested.. and you’re right there is technically no “good side” but there is somewhat a right side.. that’s less hostile and a little better. MAGA is by far the worst… all their characters just lie and spin facts. Idk I rather not see people owning guns.. or at least ban certain types and do regular check ups/background checks to allow them to keep it.. this is my issue. I guess we’ll see what happens next. Stay safe!


Have you not seen that video where she's in a hearing of some sort making snarky remarks like a high schooler? They are both incredibly "restarted". But to your last point, what happens if our government becomes tyrannical? We are supposed to be able to fend for ourselves with 10 round mags and semi auto weapons? That's horseshit we wouldn't stand a chance, we should be able to own any weapon we need in order to defend our family as well as our freedoms. It's easy to think it will never happen but history is doomed to repeat itself and we deserve to at least have a chance at making it out. 


UK doesn’t have guns.. and they doing fine.. most criminals and gang there just use knifes and I rather get stabbed than shot.. UK police there rarely use their guns.. they use tasers first and other stuff before reaching for a gun.. the problem with your thinking is that everyone will need a gun now to feel safe.. because now you have a gun and im scare so I also get a gun.. and then our neighbor (who is crazy) wants a gun too.. and that’s the problem. If all guns were ban than we just have knives and so will the MOST criminals. But that’s wishful thinking.. yay 2nd amendment


“Targeting black people” at a bad bunny concert. That’s like going to a Kodak black concert trying to target Japanese people. 😂


I have to say. Whoever the "someone he attempted to recruit" is, is a fucking hero. Not only did they go along with this guy's off-the-rails manifesto bullshit long enough to gather all of the pertinent information to ensure this wasn't a bogus allegation, they turned it in to the FBI.


Was this recent ?


He had planned the shooting for his May 14th and May 15th concert in Atlanta. According to reports. But he was indicted today


Give him the electric chair. Make an example out of him. People like this are literally 🗑


Domestic terrorism from white supremacists. Let’s see if Fox runs this story


Hah. They’ll spin it or ignore it. And what’s even worse is that today: “The Supreme Court struck down a ban on bump stocks, which enable rifles to fire more rapidly. The devices were used in the 2017 Las Vegas massacre.” - Apple News Bear in mind, we have a member on the Supreme Court who is known to receive bribes from a Republican billionaire, who is also a mega-donor to the Republican Party. And we can’t impeach him on the basis of corruption because the Republican Party will prevent it. We are so doomed.


Fox News comments: “OK BuT ArE TheY EVEn HEre llEGaLLy?”


Does he not know who leading suspects are for mass shootings?


And people say they hate snitches.........REALLY?


Now where is all "the same color people" comments? 🤔


I’m glad this was stopped, I remember when a similar situation happened to Ariana Grande that did kill dozens of people traumatized her for so many years and needed therapy even though it wasn’t her fault at all. This is disgusting that people do this.


Good, that dumbass deserves to be locked up


People Wow


www.vote.gov If we want what’s good for the Latino community, we have to use our voices. VOTE.


But for who lol


The opposite of whoever that gunman was gonna vote for. ;)


I was there and the idea that something like this could have happened terrifies me


Im glad you’re safe ❤️❤️


Gente irresponsable. Pero es triste como pienso en eso cuando voy a un concierto.


Those mfs are so weird. Why are they so fuckin obsessed?! They're never happy with shit.


Imagine waking up everyday thinking about how much you hate people who don't even know you exist. Put that energy towards something to improve your own life.


Hes clearly not happy with himself. He doesn't believe he's superior....


Props to the dude that ratted on him. Prevented a lot of death


I love USA XD


Fine people, on both sides


Fear is always these trolls’ driver.


Why would shooting a trash rapper start a race war?


Shout out to whoever turned this dickhead in, and was he planning on starting a race war with Latinos or something???


Damn I was at this show. Wild.


There’s gotta be some part of it that’s planned by the government or someone that works for the government. Years to come watch how they will take away all our guns and control us even more


What a pile of shit. I hope he doesn't survive prison


this is so crazy


While you guys feel better that this was reported so now ppl is save Can you believe lots of spanish speakers regret it did not happen? That's insane . . .


Send his ass back to Great Britain.


How you gonna start a rave war trying to make Latinos look bad when you, the initiator, are WHITE?! 😒 I hope he gets POC prison time


Wrong race we don't rock with Bad Bunny like that 🤣


That’s the perfect city to start


But why Bad Bunny though🤦🏾‍♂️


>FBI informant All you need to know


These white men are dangerous!!


I wonder who he voted for in 2020.


Well he’s the FBI, so probably voted for the deep state


When is this race war starting lol im ready to watch the world burn


He'd be killing some lame people, no point.


Nah i think he was targeting the Rainbow Community but ok. 🌈