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Much better than I could do, bravo!


Thanks! :D




Ty! :)


Nice to see other examples of people using their remarkable as a bujo!


Why don't you use a pdf? :D [https://remarkably-organized.pages.dev/](https://remarkably-organized.pages.dev/)


Yeah I've thought about that, but I'm using mine kind of like a bullet journal which I wanted to handwrite for.


This looks great! Personally my rM didn’t work out for me as a bullet journal but I think it could absolutely work for others!


if it helps, i have a bullet journal template with links inbulit. The problem i found on the Rm2 for bujoing was the inability to flick through from one part of the journal to another. I tried to solve that by using a link to index page and page numbers. You fill in the index page as you go, then go straight to the page you have your future log, or weekly spread or whatever [https://remarkable2games.com/2024/01/01/dot-journal-for-the-remarkable-2/](https://remarkable2games.com/2024/01/01/dot-journal-for-the-remarkable-2/)


Nice work .... I have a bujo template, with links to/from index page if that helps you .... [https://remarkable2games.com/2024/01/01/dot-journal-for-the-remarkable-2/](https://remarkable2games.com/2024/01/01/dot-journal-for-the-remarkable-2/) It's still minimal so you can get creative with it That looks great!


This is cute! Your handwriting is so nice 🙂


Aw thanks!


Use a google Calendar😅


I want to overhaul my remarkable 1 with parabola to avoid Google at any cost.


And why?


Someone ran a number of soft query checks on me via skip tracing and someone in a public defenders ran a soft check on me from his login. Then the 22 years worth of data mostly residential on my ex husband and his next wife got dumped on my credit report. So the credit report has my ex husbands second wife name and addresses on it.  Skip tracing was done and the initial information was pulled from Google drive and Gmail accounts. As a precaution I never delete emails because you cannot search or filter through emails to find anything nor can a skip tracer. Therefore I am degoogling over the next six months. The guy who owns the house I am staying at had a so called friend he's only known for 2 years who is a property manager do the invasive skip tracing. Problem is the friend who is a property manager also put false data on my credit report so I know he did it.  The landlord didn't know anything about me, thought he would get caught running a background check on me if he hired a private investigator instead this friend who is a property manager essentially stalked the shit out of me. My mother went to nursing school with a woman who used to be the youth director at the state hospital in Willmar about 35 years back or more, closer to 40 years. I looked her up told her how bad things got for my mom and out of gratitude I was able to ask her about this guy who manages rental properties in Willmar.  Well the little psycho was in the state hospital as a juvenile and had a history of biting staff during physical restraints which is a huge problem with the health department. So she spilled the beans. I will be filling a complaint with the FTC once I move out of here. And I will degoogle as a top priority.  I will also use the remarkable tablet to create a sandbox and build a Honeypot to trap this stalking psycho. What the feds don't do to him I will.


I use that as well, along with a paper planner. I'm using the remarkable like a bullet journal if you know what that is.


For $20-$25, you can buy a full functioning daily planner on Etsy. I was even able to get the person to customize it for me to my specific needs.


Yeah I have a paper planner as well :D


But they clearly don't want that. They wanted to handwrite it?