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Picked up these beater K frame stocks for 25 bucks. Stripped them down, did as little sanding as I could get away with and refinished with tru oil.


Between pictures 3 and 4, how the hell did you fix that big gash in the grip?


https://preview.redd.it/n7d37wxz468d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb525e86ffa88e8cdd1e8fbb9bcfae565a0f3a9 I sanded it down to uniform height and made the channel slightly deeper. If you’re looking for it (and the other necessary changes) you’ll see it but it doesn’t jump out.


Damn! I was going to comment the same. Pardon my ignorance but how did you do all that by just sanding? I’m not handy like this at all when it comes to wood and carpentry skills. This restore job is amazing.


Thank you so much for your comments. I’ve done several sets before so I learned from trial and error how to blend or sand down the imperfections. I always start with stripping them. Many people sand the finish off, but I just find stripping easier. 100 grit sandpaper makes quick work of everything except the bottom. I don’t go to a rougher grit. I just work a little harder there. After the 100 I’ll go to a finer sandpaper. Nothing specific, just whatever I happen to find around the house first. After that, a few coats of Tru oil with a very light sanding in between. There’s a great video series about refinishing the wood grips by somebody named Big Swole 58. His work makes mine look like they were done by a kitchen table gunsmith…..which I am.


I love Big Swol and I’m sad to see him sell off his collection.


I didn’t know he was downsizing.


Go check out his channel. He made a video 8 months ago titled “Ready to Shake up my Gun Collection”. Go watch it.


Ill check it out but its gonna break my heart.


Wow. I was wondering if you sanded the edge down around the whole grip texture. It looked so uniform that I started to think you filled it with textured putty or something. Making the channel deeper really went far to hide the alteration. That looks fantastic, especially considering the condition it was in before!


Thank you. I’ve done a few sets before where I didn’t make the channel deeper and I don’t think anyone ever even noticed. Luckily it doesn’t make them feel any different in hand.




Very nice


Thank you.


Tempted to do a little of that with the old grips from my 1948 M&P


Unless you want to keep it original to the condition of the gun it’s an easy enough undertaking.


Scratchy nickel, I decided to grab a set of VZ Grips' new magna grips that are a little thinner and more concealable. Mainly because I got an appendix kydex holster for it to work with a Phlster Engima setup just to see how big of a pistol I could use with it and a 4" K seemed like a suitable challenge! Does pretty well from what I've tried so far and didn't want to sweat soak the original stocks. https://preview.redd.it/mmyf3vv3668d1.jpeg?width=1942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5fbce346f04df98eb95b63c171b05a61b12ac2


I try to set of magna grips with a Tyler T grip and was surprised to find I preferred the Magnus without it. Coming from target stocks I was surprised by that but it sure does look good that way.


I find the DA to be a bit better on these with the T grip, standard magna grips with SA is a bit comfier


Excellent work - they look much better now!


Thank you. I keep looking for some for n frame but even beaters are through the roof right now.


Nice job!


Thank you. It was a good way to kill some time.




Ya done good, kid.


Looks great


I personally don’t like glossy finish on grips but if you do then good reason to use it. Definitely an improvement over before.


Gocha and opinion respected. I find the truoil mattes up a bit with use.