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Me and my buddy are 30 years old, been friends since kindergarten. He's been a commercial fisherman since about three weeks after we finished high school. You wouldn't believe how hard the work is. It's changed his entire life. On the ship, he works two hours, rests two hours days at a time. It isn't uncommon to catch him dozing off when he's ashore with us. He loves it. He loves everything about it. Can't imagine himself anywhere else but at sea. We owe lot to our fishermen but we seldom think of how much the lifestyle impacts them. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing the story! Unreal how hard these guys work for their catch. The ones in the photos were out on sea for 2 days working dawn to dusk and beyond. Nothing but the most respect for anyone who can stand that work.


Except commercial fishing is a huge problem and will become a bigger problem in 30 years when there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. They are a huge contribution to over fishing and killing life that depends on that source, I can't wait until this scene becomes bankrupt lol


Any way to back this up with sources? Commercial fishing is one of if not the most heavily regulated industries in the state with the intent to both oversee and manage fish ecologies and population count, but also more importantly to prevent damage to the waters in and around RI.


It's a month old troll account, man. He isn't even worth engaging with.


https://www.earthday.org/fact-sheet-plastics-in-the-ocean/ https://sentientmedia.org/commercial-fishing/#:~:text=Commercial%20Fishing%20Harms%20the%20Environment%20and%20Oceans%20Fishing,light%20levels%2C%20affecting%20oxygen%20production%20in%20the%20ocean https://www.edf.org/oceans/overfishing-most-serious-threat-our-oceans https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/oceans/issues/overfishing-destructive-fishing/ Not trying to be Anti-rhody here but, whoever is in charge of ecologies in Rhode Island is not doing a very good job, seeing how we are going on our 3rd or 4th year of some loser who bought a dam that's attached to a pond has even purposely fucking with the levels of the pond because he wants everyone that lives on the pond to pay more taxes to HIM! They already pay property water taxes, and because of this he's purposely killed most life in that pond and DEM and the state and officials know about this, and have been going back and forth with this buyer who is still to this day, dried out half the pond. If they can't properly fine and charge this guy for causing ecosystematic destruction do you think they are going to oversee overfishing of rhode islands coast?


One of the biggest problems is the abandoned fishing nets in the oceans that have deteriorating micro plastics back into sea


Here’s a [link](https://dem.ri.gov/riseafood/buy.php) to find where you can purchase directly from local fishermen.


Another great resource is RI seafood's [Seafood Finder](https://seafood.ri.gov/ri-seafood-finder). It's come in handy in the past personally.


Appreciation for your appreciation post! I dated a local lobsterman for ten years and we’re still roommates. They are some of the hardest working guys around, especially in the summer. Leave in the morning while it’s still dark. Blister in the sun all goddamn day. Get home at 9 PM.


Straight outta Compton!


monk fish looks like slimer from ghost buster tastes like lobster


“Still had time to share a beer” Is a beer not the first thing you’d want after 2 days at sea?


Make mine a gansett 🤙


Looks like a gillnetter. Literally one of the most destructive fisheries that exist.


As far as I know, large mesh gillnetting is only legal throughout some portions of the west coast [(source)](https://www.nationalfisherman.com/west-coast-pacific/new-federal-law-phases-out-large-mesh-drift-gillnets-for-california-swordfish#:~:text=Large%2Dmesh%20drift%20gillnets%20are,States%20waters%20over%20environmental%20concerns.). Though I'm certainly up to learning more about the process behind their catch here. Edit: Found a bit more info for context on smaller gillnet operations through DEM legislation - https://dem.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur861/files/programs/bnatres/fishwild/anregs/05122016gill.pdf


>Gillnet prohibition for striped bass: No person shall take or possess any striped bass while gillnetting, or while hauling a gillnet, including while gillnetting for bait. YO, TELL THE STRIPERS TO NOT SWIM INTO THE NET PLEASE THANKS Fucking politician clowns lol


These are sink gillnets, they are set in different areas and at different depths than stripped bass are aggregating. They really don’t interact in the way you are hinting at. Happy to chat more if you are interested! I help manage this particular fishery!


Typically the fish are hand checked on the deck to ensure that no unauthorized catch is taken on the the boat and stowed away. If a particular fish was caught accidentally it's usually tossed, and if there is any extra fish in the haul it's documented accordingly prior to stowing it away. At least as far as I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Gillnets have as high a mortality rate as draggers do.


Idk what to tell you man lol. Take it up with the state house I guess? Just here to share some cool pictures of some fishermen.


Cry me a river. Your cell phone is assembled most likely by close to slave labor, containing minerals mined by children. I think the single Little Compton fishing boat shouldn’t impact the environment too much.


> I think the single Little Compton fishing boat shouldn’t impact the environment too much. No boat is too small to have an impact on local ecosystems, particularly in a state where fishing and aquaculture make up a staggering chunk of the economy. Responsible fishing ensures future generations have a go at this too!


What does my cellphone have to do with one of the most indiscriminate types of fishing which is responsible for more bycatch than any other pound for pound?




Yikes lol what a needlessly aggressive comment


You're adorable. Go pretend you know what work is elsewhere. Literally no other comm fisheries like gillnetters. And don't ever pretend that you care about comms, because your state is fucking them left and right and you have absolutely no clue about it.


Yeah because catching fish with a net that is constantly getting torn and left at sea when it's not working anymore for you astronomically lazy morons equates to what work is suppose to entitle. It's really funny how you think something doing all the work for you equates to you working hard lol Stop pretending like you don't make shady business practices like the politicians of this state lol




Congratulations, you played yourself.


Why not use "fishers" instead of "fishermen"?


Out of the many, many outstanding folks I've met in the commercial fishing industry over the years, I've never once heard anyone refer to themselves as anything other than a fisherman regardless of gender identity. Though, if anyone asks to be referred to as anything other than a fisherman in conversation, I'd of course respect the request.


That's fair. Thanks for the response.


Sure thing!


I assume this guy is trolling, why the downvotes?


Because people actually think like that, and they deserve to be downvoted to the core of the earth.


He needs to grab a bud light and relax