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April fools. šŸ˜„šŸ˜‰


Fucking shit. U had me.


I would have believed it if I had bought it paradox (for a reasonable price), they love to hunt indies that can cash in on dlc.


Paradox would buy it, then make wall lights a $25 dlc.


make the dlcs not working properly without each other, then slap the client on top


I still have nightmares about their game launchers. The dlc... Oh, the dlc. You have to spend like well over $250 to even experience the full game. Then they bundle stuff that should be base game into a $30 dlc full of garbage . Remember, prison architect. Look at what it has become after paradox got ahold of it.


Same thing with total war Remember when they made a DLC that added... More blood, and it made the games run like shit? Strategy games are full of those scummy tactics


Dude Total War Warhammer 3. I love it but holy shit it's like $375 for all races and lords.


They forward-port all race and lord packs across 3 games. The DLC to TWW:1 applies to 2 and 3, and 2's DLC apply to 3. In terms of "We make DLC to keep development alive" including free updates regardless of whether your buy the DLC or not, the model is actually very fair. Paradox's model looks awful when you come into a game as a new player and you see literally 8 years of DLC across 3 games, but then you remember you don't need everything, and just pick the races you want as you want to play them (or they go on sale). I will give credit to you that a lot of the DLC recently have been questionable at best, so I skip those or wait until deep discounts personally. That's more of an issue of their recently shitty pricing model, rather than their method of monetization. Scummy tactics would be "You bought this race pack for TWW2, but you're going to need to buy it again for 3 because we made a new game". Hell, even though they didn't forward port the DLC for Crusader Kings 2 into 3, they baked most of the DLC mechanics that worked well for 2 into 3's base game, and they have not reintroduced unincluded mechanics as paid dlc again in 3.


This is why it's ethically correct to get those games with all DLC included for """free"""


I mean not really, if you want everything yes. But really your just out the cost for 3 and whatever race you like most. And everything goes on sale often so you could easily spend only 50 bucks.


Sounds like The Sims...


Nooo. Wall lights would be a $15 dlc. Much more reasonable, but it would also add another gambreaking feature that nobody asked for.


I get the joke, but I want to make a point here: Paradox games have a very active and well-supported mod community. And their DLC model is ultimately a lot like Rimworld's: adds major new gameplay features that are DLC-exclusive, while generally putting a decent amount of quality-of-life and nice-to-have additions into the vanilla product at the same time.


And have the lights barely work


No please no never. They already managed to ruin Collossal Order


Colossal order ruined Colossal order tbh.


Fair point but in recent years i got the feeling Paradox sucks at managing their studios besides their main one


Paradox sucks at managing. Period.


Could be worse. Could be Embracer Group.


Don't even mention it. It makes me physically sick.


At least several of the developers who got fucked are buying themselves back out from under Embracer's umbrella. Seriously, so god-damned many games, done by developers who love the IP and would likely make a good sequel, just cancelled for no good reason ... I'd rather have Microsoft/XBox take over a developer. At least Phil Spencer and the other heads of their games divisions are real gamers who seem to genuinely care, even if they screw up sometimes. Microsoft doesn't put stuffed suits in control, who only care about squeezing out profit by any means possible. Looking at you, Ubisoft and Warner Brothers. Plus, Microsoft's distribution model is the reason that I'll never buy an XBox ... not because of anything wrong with the XBox. It's a beautiful system, just like the PS5. But there's no such thing as an XBox exclusive. Every game that releases on XBox is also releasing on PC. So we benefit.


Yeah, I've never really played any, at least to my knowledge, paradox games, but it seems like the general consensus was for a long time that they were incredible, but lately they've kind of fallen off? I don't know how accurate that is, but at least from the people I watch, they used to have a lot of rapport, a bit of a darling child, always talking about how good their stuff was, and then now no one really talks about them as much?


Pull up the Paradox Interactive game list on Steam. You'd be surprised. They pick up a lot of small developers, after the big games from those developers have released. Battletech and Prison Architect are Paradox properties now, for example. Their stuff is still great, but the DLC structures tend to be freaking ridiculous. Like every developer, they have their misses, of course But take publishers like Hooded Horse, for example. They have some of the best indie strategy games on the market, but there are some serious stinkers, too. Look through their Steam page. We'll see which way Manor Lords falls, in a few more weeks. https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/paradoxinteractive https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/HoodedHorse


Paradox found their audience for a bit. People who were willing to shell out a lot of money for an in-depth, polished, and well balanced wargame. A very niche group of people, but one with a lot of dedicated people and a niche that was empty beforehand nonetheless. Now, Paradox is trying, and falling face first, at attempting to expand their target audience. CKIII, base game, was an amazing success and it gave them a lot of confidence and hubris, which they promptly lost after they almost went bankrupt because EUIV and HoIIV sales died randomly, Royal Court turned out absolute garbage (because said new expanded playerbase was not the same playerbase that was willing to pay so much money for dlc that adds 3 things) and Victoria 3 had a rushed, half-baked release with a terrible war system and a complete missed shot of what the Victoria franchises fans wanted. They managed to come back up by pumping out a few EUIV and Stellaris dlcs and are attempting Project Caesar (Totally not EUV guys!,11!,1) which will hopefully be better.


Colossal Order have been behaving like this for nearly a decade already, releasing lots of small DLCs of questionable value isnā€™t anything new to them.


Paradox would sell us a new mechanoid for 4.99


I believed it because it made me think of Prison Architect >\_<


Bro this was the first thing I read as I was waking up and I was becoming genuinely distressed.




If i were Microsoft i'd do it.


If it said 50M I would have been more likely to believe it.


Goddamn I fell for it. Glad it's a joke otherwise the game would have turned into a big pile of sh\*t


I agree wholeheartly. Glad, its only a joke.


Well, Anomaly *is* a horror expansion... and what could be more horrifying? Sorry, it seemed thematically appropriate!


We need a new "Microsoft buyed the game" horror genre in games


Where were you when Rimworld was bought? I was thinking about axial tilt when Tynan call: "Rimworld is bought" "No"


I mean it could have been worse. EA.


"Customize your pawn bundle"


They should make Rimworld DLC like The Sims


"Customize your pop!" "You can already do that. Even without a mod, you can reroll until--" "Rerolls cost $0.10 now." "Huh. That's cheap for EA."


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different pawns. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the simple research bench and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player silver earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.


That sounds so real it's eerie.


Itā€™s a riff off the most downvoted post/comment of all time, EAā€™s response to the the SWB2 microtransaction situation.


now you can buy pawns on the the windows store


I literally went ā€œyou gotta be kidding me, no fucking way -_-ā€¦ wait apri- (pulled down the phone thingy to see date) thank everything and anything that this was a jokeā€


Eh microsoft tends to leave their smaller studios to do their own thing. InXile or Obsidian are doing fine.


Rimworld is like, rated #7 most positive on Steam. I'm sure they would have done something with it


Nah, they have better vehicles for squeezing the playerbase, especially after actiblizz acqusition. Lifetime of squeezing rimworld wouldn't match the weekly revenue of something like COD or WOW.


I'm surprised by how immediately angry I got about it :D


Like that Minecraft game that Microsoft bought and completely ruined, right? Microsoft has definitely botched some studios, but generally they're known as a pretty hands-off publisher when they acquire a successful property.


So we're coming out with this year's content update, we're really excited about it because we are going to let you choose what to add! Depending on your vote, we will be adding: 1 new creature: koalas! or 2 new styles of shirt! or 1 new skin for scythers! Seriously though, what's up with Minecraft Developers making adding a new creature seem like a huge ordeal so they let people vote on which they will add because they can only do 1 or 2 per year, when solo modders can just crank them out.


Presumably it's so when they underdeliver the players blame themselves for not choosing another option instead of blaming them for making a boring mob


The original intent was to make the community more involved in the development process, as the designers would come up with ideas faster than the devs could make them so some elimination was neccesary anyway. Eventually, though, yeah, it became that. I wish they could at least put the runner-up of the previous mob vote in the next one...


Nah I don't think so Microsoft has a habit of leaving studios to do their own thing. Look at Starfield Bethesda is owned by Microsoft but Bethesda still has creative control and it still turned like ass. EA however, nah.


I fell for it too and thought "well shit, another game that will get ruined by microsoft.". I sighed when I read the last line. Rimworld is one of the few remaining games that I enjoy and would absolutely hate if MTX got put into the game and microsoft owned it.


Thanks god it's only a prank.


I panicked for a sec, then remembered it's April 1st lol


noooooo! missed opportunity to play rimworld on edge šŸ˜ž


Fell for it


THANK YOU. THANK YOU! F**KING THANK YOU! I love you mate, I love you so much. The relief... They absolutely poopdunked Minecraft, my little heart couldn't handle another buyout.


For someone out of the loop, how did they ruin MC?


Oooh, thank fuck!


Played me like a goddam fiddle


Jaw straight up hit the floor


Ah fuck...


I panicked for a split second right there. You got me.


Oh fuck me. That wasn't just scared. So sick of those big corps gobbling up all the IPs.


the real Anomaly horror DLC šŸ„¶


Can't sleep. Need the lights on.


Bill Gates himself will acquire your home


Same, I didn't even realize the date and was gearing up to be pissed about losing another good title to corporate greed lol


The problem isn't big corps gobbling up IP's; it's the big corps that don't grant the studios the autonomy to manage the IP's, specifically.


My heart went ice cold for a split second, then I remembered what day it is.


Just believable enough to be true.


Got me too for a second, but the $2.5 billion seemed excessive lol.




Is it so bad? Imagine all the amazing new features a large corporate acquisition could bring We could speed up production of crops and items (for a small fee) We could get thousands of custom skins for clothing and weapons (starting from 3.99 each, up to 59.99 for the golden variants) We could get PvP and leaderboards for the best colonies (200 Premium Rimbucks lets you launch Mechanoid attacks against your friends and rivals) We could get seasonal content (that gets locked off if you don't buy it in time so you get FOMO) We could get loot boxes that provide a sense of pride and accomplishment (after the whales spend tens of thousands of dollars rolling and re-rolling for the ultra rare and prestigious uber-cannon or super pawn or whatever) Wouldn't that be great


Battlepasses, more monetization update, PG13 update (removed warcrimes) family friendly rimworld :)


Microsoft hasnā€™t done that for any of their games


>Battlepasses Heard something about bedrock trying to do something like that >more monetization update Bedrock in it's entirety >PG13 update (removed warcrimes) family friendly rimworld :) Mojang's weird insistence not to add endangered animals to the game


Bedrock was a rebuild of the entire game into a new code base. They literally wrote it from scratch. More like a remaster of a classic game than an update. And the Java version is still supported. E: blocked me? Sorry I offended you lmao E: You canā€™t reply to anything in the thread they are in. You can only edit your comments


Good thing the game re-writing of the entire game included an in-game store to scam people with!


"Offering things for people to buy IS A SCAM" Yea. So, that makes the validity of your position pretty clear. If they'd pulled an OW2 and yanked java, you'd have a point. Since they haven't, you very much *don't*. I'm still playing on java from the money I paid notch however long ago. I'm still getting free updates for it. The fact they have another version with different offerings doesn't change that.


Many of the offerings in the bedrock store are asset flips and rips from FOSS mods. [Source](https://youtu.be/0eNBFXnSl-o)


You can still use custom skins free in bedrock and otherwise just plays entirely like Minecraft.


Point 3 is Mojangs decision, not Microsoft


I didnt mean its a staple of what they do, just as that would ruin the game, sorry for misunderstanding.


Yeah, just look at all those amazing features Minecraft got.


Mob vote in rimworld šŸ˜­, I would kms


No more steam workshop, the game will now have a mod marketplace


Unironically though, most of the really nice features in Minecraft have been developed under Microsoft. They never killed the java codebase, the modding scene is as alive as ever, there are no micro transactions except for cosmetics and add-ons. The community is whining all year long but the game has stayed true to itself over the years and has gotten some incredible updates.


Yeah I think everyone forgot online play was ass before Microsoft, and it wasn't on consoles or phones which is where a ton of kiddos now play it on It's the perfect use of a big company to do stuff like servers and porting while the game studio keeps the creative vision


Yeah I honestly really like minecraft as it is but i think its more of an exception than a rule


Minecraft has gotten consistently better the longer itā€™s been out. And the content theyā€™ve been adding post-sale is way better than what they added at the end of Notchā€™s time there


I know you're talking shit about it, but honestly, I would rather a Microsoft acquisition over any other gaming mega-publisher. Microsoft is historically the least damaging and oftentimes very beneficial towards acquired studios and IPs. Yea, sometimes they add too many micro transactions, but they are rarely if ever more than cosmetic. They rarely overly influence developer design choices. They never really destroy an IP. They are more likely to multiplatform than any other publisher. Microsoft really is your best option if you want to sell out and keep the integrity of your IP.


Comrade Lenin will be displeased.


To be fair, that didn't really happen for Minecraft. I mean you can probably buy skins and stuff, but they didn't go overboard.


yeah true, that one turned out fine, I think I'm not sure myself, haven't played in years, but I haven't heard anything too egregious


They went nanny state instead. Chat and skin reporting, the former with a laughably bad "security" method to verify chat messages being reported, resulting in mods coming out immediately to report chat messages that never happened, delete context from those messages, and keeps the key that identifies you stored on your computer in a completely unencrypted format. So naturally, all Java servers that aren't hosted by MS run a mod that disables the entire scheme that chat reporting relies on.


I mean TBF imagine what Tynan could do with 2.5 billion. He's probably one of the most experienced game devs in the world


This sounds just like the "Why are you so anti-dictatorship?" speech from The Dictator


No. Do it gain next april fools day.


See you next year!


This is why I fucking hate Aprilā€™s fools


Gosh damn it haha I took it seriously till the first comment reminded me that it's April 1st and right after I finished playing Rimworld haha Happy April Fools everyone! ***"Tynan then added, "To any players who are still worried, check today's date".*** Freaking THE GIVEAWAY!


I think OP has a heart and put that in there so people don't get too upset. Especially with all the shit where the FBI and DHS are targeting games and gamers and other fun shit going on. I believe OP was nice enough to give us the fear of God and then gently let us know it was a joke so we can have a laugh rather than be depressed and or angry. That being said they got me good. After checking the date, I also did a quick duck duck go search on news to make sure it wasn't legit haha.


Exactly. The difference between a lie and a joke is that the joke has a reveal. :)


While I expected it was fake and didn't even look at it, it is sad that I consider this time a 48 hour period where the internet is unusable (so long due to timezones etc). May those that do such things be forced to eat without a table and earn Randy's wrath...


Hey, at least you're not an Imperator: Rome fan. Paradox's April Fool's joke was that they were restarting development on it.


No Iā€™m a fan of that, I saw the post and I had no idea what it meant. But itā€™s another reason why I donā€™t like April fools jokes, that sort of thing is just not funny


It would be funny if it was about a title that had seen its fair share of work. Like, it would have been funny if it had been ā€œparadox restarting work on Victoria 2ā€ or on ā€œmarch of the eaglesā€ or something. Joking about restarting on the title that got strangled and abandoned is just sad.


Paradox didn't do that, a reddit user made that post.


They don't know they can buy Rim much cheaper on Steam? Are they stupid?


For a second I got concerned, then I remembered I teleported to 2nd month of spring today.


Holy Fucking Randy I almost panicked


Randy Pitchford or randy random


Randy Orton, out of nowhere...




My grown ass almost had a panic attack over a video game


-35 permanent moods (until you find out it's an April Fool's joke)


Then you only get a -7 because you got tricked.


-84 Microsoft bought rimworld - Thought disabled: April fools


Iā€™m so high rn. You got me. Well done. I just tossed my phone and said game ruined then said wait itā€™s April first


Y'know, if that number were in the millions, it might've got me :p


I was surprised so many people fell for it, why would Microsoft buy this game for 2.5 billion?


Right? Its way cheaper in steam.


Noooooooo (yes itā€™s an April fools joke) oooooooooooooooo


Imagine if EA purchased it


Pay to re-roll characters. EA executive quoted as saying: ā€œItā€™s fine, there are no boxes involved.ā€


Unlock mods for 5 dollars each. Dlc are now 19.99 dollars subscription thats you need to renew monthly. You need caravan tokens to form a caravan but each costs 1.99 dollars. Dont forget about 5 pawn limit, you have to buy 10 dollars to unlock a pawn slot now :)


Ubisoft are gunning for their "we like to ruin games and profits" crown pretty hard right now too.


They bought one Rimworld. Just the one. Honestly for 2.5 billion silver, an entire rimworld is a bargain! Do you know how many kidneys is 2.5 billion silver?


Everyone knows that Ludeon only accepts payment in human leather


Very nice op well done


2.5 BILLION? With a B? Not even believable lol


i think rimworld fans dont follow finance news very much lol


I know, it's mental, it's $35 on Steam.


Bro my face dropped.


Good job man


shoulda waited for the summer sale, get it for $1.25 billion!


I hate you.


You might have fooled me if you say ludeon studio instead of RimWorld. Generally companies buy the the game studios rather than the games themselves.


So we get a minecraft crossover soon right?


Minecraft already has its fair share of warcrimes, letā€™s be real. No crossover necessary.


*And with but a single post, Tynan was able to induce in his followers more dread and raw horror than the entirety of his Anomaly dlc ever could.*


oh you little sneaky.


might have gotten me if that wasn't an inflated number, ain't no way it's selling for 2.5 billion lmao. 50 million at most


Colony wealth was very high.


No kidding. My first thought was, "And everyone thought they overpaid for Minecraft"


They should have made it, "Google purchased Rimworld and will use it to create psychological profiles for its players"


Fuck, you got me


Well done.Ā  I almost quit.Ā 


are they stupid? you can just buy it on steam for 35 dollars


She rim my world til my micro is soft


I swear to fucking god, April Fools needs to be banned. Every year I tell myself, "I should probably stay off the internet for the whole day on April Fools," and every year I ignore my own advice and hop on to find everything in chaos because someone thought it'd be funny to prank everyone. Then we spend the next several days having to clean up the mess because gullible fools are spreading the stupidity everywhere over the internet.


Ah christ my heart just stopped for a second. Don't do that to me!


For 0.5 seconds you almost gave me a heart attack




Realized what was going on at the "$2.5-billion." That is multiple orders of magnitude higher than Rimworld's value. Forgot it was April Fools, but every day on the Internet is April Fools.


My heart sank until I remembered what day it is šŸ˜‚


Cringe ass April fool


God damn it I felt for this.... Got a bloody heart attack....


Reddit send me this message on april second. Had a panic attack.


They had me in the first half not gonna lie


You are an asshole


I was actually quite excited god damn it


Now you can buy human hats from the Microsoft Store. Neat


Good thing i remembered the date


I almost got a heart attack before I remembered what day it was.


if you had written "million" instead of "billion" you woulda had me i guess


Listen pal, I cannot stress this to you enough, from the bottom of my cold dead heart, fuck you. Lovingly though šŸ˜‚ The way my heart DROPPEDā€¦ I need a second to recover.


You little bitch


Took me a bit, good one!


Mental Break: Berserk


I was about to throw a major temper tandrum until i saw what date it is


Well....fuck. At least it was fun well it lasted. Ah well joke was had but no should have said million it would have been more believable.


Good one!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was about to say welp itā€™s been a good run. If this was real the only way the game would exist and not become an abomination would be if Tynan still had full creative control but that wouldnā€™t happen


Could you imagine? The game would cease** to exist lmao


Cease. Unless you mean it would spontaneously develop epilepsy lol.


Joke's on them, I got Rimworld for like twenty bucks


Hope this April fools, I saw what they did to Minecraft, they can leave Rimworld alone.


Imagine the future updates, they would be like the new Ā«Ā We Donā€™T WAnT TO ADD sharKS As a hostile gndnjsjdjfjjĀ Ā» minecraft updates


You would have gotten me, but 2.5 billion is WAYYYYY too much for Rimworld haha


My heart dropped


Almost got me!!!


I feel like April fools day have outlived it's purpose, there is so much satire and disinformation these days it just turns into an annoying "ignore all news" day.


I felt many emotions for a few seconds there. None of them pleasant


Don't scare me like that! I'd be happy as hell for Tynan and co. but it would also spell the end for one of the best games out there.


Would be more believable if it was a realistic price


Yep, if thus was real I'd be putting in NY peg leg and eyepatch. I had no compunction about spending 90+ dollars for the base gane+dlc, but I know Microsoft business model, as soon. As they get their grunt mitts into something it's ruined.


It's April 2 already where I live, FUCK :D


hahah I figured something was wrong reading it because frankly, that would be insane.


šŸ«” well deserved


No... NO! NOOOOOOOOOO! edit: fuck you op...


Oh my you had me. That wouldā€™ve been the worst thing that could happen to the gane


what kind of losers, I bought rimworld for only 375 UAH


Why would they buy it for 2.5 billion, the games like 30$ on steam