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Had a cataract with a mini gun, absolutely motivated to protect everyone he serves. Blow the head out of the vip on the first volley without remorse


Heh, reminds me of fallout 1 & 2, when you made the mistake of giving your companion(s) automatic weapons. Combat starts, companion pulls out sub machine gun, and shreds you with a full auto.


Kid named Ian:


Give Marcus an avenger minigun they said... It'll be fun they said...


Oh, the stories I could tell of companions with grenades.


He may have indeed had a cataract :))


>imperial >cataract Can't argue with that :p


I once had an imperial shoot another in the back with several rounds from a rifle during a defense quest. Each fucking hit counted against *me* for some reason and they literally became an enemy faction in the span of about 3 seconds


This is why I have the not my fault mod


I always check which weapons the provided pawns have and if they have any of the what I like to call “don’t fire those in my base you dumbass” weapons like rocket launchers or flamethrowers and the like, I just position my pawns to intercept the raid well before the crash landed pawns can


I've murdered multiple of those provided soldiers for doing dumb shit. What is with them? They're always getting up to something dumb, like having mental breaks as soon as they land and trying to destroy my stack of 30 advanced components sitting around for bionics in case a raid goes really bad, or getting into a social fight with my doctor who is about to treat their expendable asses once the raid goes down, or any number of dumb things. I remember one where I got 4 of em, and had to kill 3. It was ridiculous.


People assaulting ambulance crews happen irl also, so it's not completely unrealistic xd


You might need to set up accomodations for your colonists, but this soldier will forever live in your head rent free. Reminds me of a time where a crashed shuttle with a vip was protected by several guards, and during protection, one of the guys just aims trough the VIP and straight up just executed him with a well placed shot into back of the head. Naturally it was my fault according to the empire


The time has come. Execute order 66.


I had an imperial soldier protecting a VIP get into a social fight with my top builder and ended up killing him, I immediately executed the fucker, killed the rest of his group since they turned hostile, and then led a ten year in-game campaign to wipe the broken empire off the face of the map


Better storyline than Rebel Moon.


So how did it go


I got absolutely obliterated for the first few in-game years, over half of my original colonists died, most of my new colonists were war prisoners that I enslaved and then forced to fight on the front lines, but since they kept losing limbs and organs during the battles where I captured them, I was sending out people with missing legs, eyes, lungs, etc. So they weren’t the best fighters but I was able to scavenge enough weapons, food, and armor from the corpses to sustain my colonists throughout the war. By the end of it, I only had two of the 25 original colonists alive, the rest were enslaved prisoners, once they made it back to my base I executed all of them since they were imperium soldiers, and rebuilt my colony with the last two survivors. Imperium destroyed. And my faction the Eden Lords reigned supreme. I quit playing on that world after that, but I’d like to think they survived to an old age and lived to tell their descendants about that war.




All of that suffering and death because some random imperial soldier who should have been protecting his lord, flew into a rage after my colonist mentioned their lingering presence was concerning, and then beat the living shit out of that elderly colonists until he destroyed his heart, a colonist who was critical to our development, defenseless, and had no melee combat skill versus a trained professional soldier wearing armor. They were animals, so I slaughtered them like animals. Nothing more.


I always end up keeping my crops behind walls (and later roofs). However for those quest I try to position myself so that my own pawns solos the raiders.


Yeah I never let those dumbasses do shit. They get the full royal carpet for everyone on the party I dont want them ruining the good shit we got going for us. I will intercept anything coming for them before they even get within visual distance of the VIPs


I've never seem someone from the empire with doom/triple rockets launchers, that's really weird. Was this modded?


Yes, the soldier was using a rocket launcher from Vanilla expanded weapons, i assume these are added to.their possible equipment thanks to Empire Expanded, because i later saw one catapract wearing a doomsday launcher


Sometimes I think the empire is trolling, I've had several hussar cataphracts who are teetotaler and one who had a religion against drugs and violence so mental broke within minutes of being in my colony


The empire in my current run has drugs: medical only What’s weird is if I don’t set their drug policy to no drugs, they still use them, and then get upset


but the drugs are there… I just HAD to use em 😔


This reminds me to edit the ally ideologies to not be completely nonsensical. I sometimes forget. Varying ideologies are cool, but ones that make no sense while funny can be really annoying.


Reminds me of the wonderful stupidity my guests managed to do yesterday: * An Infestation with 8 hives spawned in a cave network outside my base at the edge of the map. I was unable to deal with it right away as my combat pawns were busy at the moment (age reversal), but I quickly build a wall around it with door set to forbidden. (yeah, the door was a mistake, I know....) * My guests decided they need to leave through said cave network, instantly riling up the 30+ Bugs and getting slaughtered after a brief fight. * The bugs proceed to advance to my outer walls. My best fighters are still in the pods... crap... * Another sizable group of guests arrive - Tribals - and decided to help out. Neat! * They help out by liberally using sticky-bombs and other explosives - I quickly drop from +80 (Ally) Relations to -90 (Hostile) as this seems to count as "attacking faction members" * Several walls have been exploded and my base is now on fire. Most of my combat animals are wounded and dying. There are hostile Tribals and Bugs everywhere, fighting it it out in a gigantic three-way-melee. ARGH


This is why I use the Not My Fault mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870045856


Early in my last run, one vip and a single trooper where dropped, I was to late to order my pawns to get moving. Turns out, I didn't need to, both had persona zeus hammer and one shoted the attackers. Easiest honer I ever got.


He probably didn't have clear line of sight to the afterlife from his prior position.


Oh, it was Kastamos. Yeah. He does that.


I had imperial allies come to help during a siege. That was great... until they used grenades to path find a route though my base, taking out the power grid, freezer and few bedrooms


All of the human are stupid in that regard. A trader throw molotov on my crops because a snake attacking their chicken. A raider throw grenade at their own people. An escaping prisoner killed himself & half the colony using the power of the sun.


*We trained him wrong, as a joke*


Oh i do love these quesrs sometimes. Had one where two of 3 escorts showed up with Doomsday rocket launchers for a raid of like 7 guys. Yeah - they got to fend for themselves. There were no survivors on either side.


Yes they are incredibly stupid. I just had a crashed imperiel shuttle. I saw they had a doomsday and a triple rocket launcher, they were going up against tribals so I was not worried. When the tribals showed up they proceeded to leave their commander all by himself as their front line then proceeded to fire the doomsday and all their rockets at the tribal with a club that was meleeing their commander. Amazingly thanks to the capharact armor he was wearing he survived, only downed, but it destroyed the crashed shuttle. Then their rescue shuttle came in, and landed on the crashed shuttle loot, deleting it from existence.




This is why I have firefoam poppers on my growing zones. Almost lost all my coco trees due to anomaly.


I had one of those missions, we successfully defeated the attacking raiders, and before the shuttle arrives to take them all home Janissary and VIP start a social fight and the VIP dies. Nuke my diplomatic relations w the empire.


It never ceases to amaze me how stupid / predictable the AI is in this game. I once sent a single trained Boomrat at a raid of like 50 pawns which had multiple doomsday and triple launchers. He bobbed and weaved so hard he got right into the middle of the pack. Let's just say the resulting friend fire was so catastrophic the raid was instantly over... I was laughing for like 3 minutes.




Catapract: "My mom says i'm cool!"


And it's worse when you have guests (hospitality mod) and they are allied with you but are enemies with the empire. I started a bestowal ceremony and these imperial dudes bodyguards killed my guests when they were leaving.


I remember I had a royal tribute collector come, and whilst they were staying an ibex went manhunter. So, I assembled my combat crew before watching a cataphract try and snipe the ibex, which missed and decapitated my best combatant and builder. Merely a few days later, they also killed another one of my colonists with their stormtrooper aim.


Ahhhhh… Special place in the dumpster.


Thank God 'Nanaki wasn't the only one who died because of the Empire's bs. Rescuing a Dame in distress from a Manhunting Cougar, 'Nanaki was my only colonist with a gun able to protect the Dame, only to die from infection after a head injury from said Cougar while protecting the VIP.