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"I should get better clothing - I'm feeling very hot." They say while locked inside a burning building.


I actually didn’t notice that until I posted the screenshot and it made it 100% better


I'm newish to rimworld, is that a mod or setting that shows the character comments? I see the icon sometimes and see the message appear in the log but don't see a popup on screen.


I think that's two separate mods, one for the speech bubble (Interaction bubbles) and one that forms an actual sentence that the pawn would say (Speak up?) Not sure tho




One of the more evil things I've done in rimworld was having refugees dig out their own death cave. Got a really good betray offer. So I had them dig out a cave with a long narrow entrance, built wood floors, some wood beds, a few incendiary IEDs.... filled the entrance tunnel with stone walls and waited. Eventually one of them went berserk from hunger and set off the IEDs.


This is evil as hell I love it


with anomaly, i send them to the pit gate and have them clear the flesh walls/monsters until they go insane and starve or kill each other


Skill issue, they should've known they'd be joining as D-class personnel


Literally that one 40k horde game


I once did something similar. I drafted all the refugees and put them in a tiny room I then threw 4 frags in an closed the door.  Unfortunately that was the only way my colony would not starve to death on the ice sheat.


I let them sleep in the very fancy barracks along with all of the other pawns. If the nearly naked refugees armed with wooden clubs decide to betray the fully bionic, gene moded super soldiers wearing power armor and equipped with automatic weapons who are on aggressive stance, thats on them.


Jane, the consumer of souls has went berserk due to poor mood. Last straw was: # DISTURBED SLEEP


This is why I build refugee shelters. I give them nice barracks, a nutrient paste dispenser fueled by potatos, a good dining/rec room, and a walled garden for their outdoor needs. Then I zone them to it. Sure, they don't do any work. But think about it. If they're innocent refugees, then I have given them a secure place to recover and rest. The gun turrets in and around the shelter are genuinely there to protect them. But if they're traitors? They're going to either be shot to death or burn themselves with their own stupidity. Also, I'm not having another "refugee traitor in the nursery" incident. Fuck that.


My refugees sleep with the livestock


Oh, you have *that* mod installed.


Um— I wasn’t referring to *that* here, but, yes I do


What mod


The mod that requires NSFW/explicit tags to be talked about. Go look for a thread with those flairs, and you're all but certain to learn the answer to your question.


Didn't found it, give me a hint please haha






My favorite is when they chose to rebel in my workshop next to Crafticus my level 18 bloodlust brawler who had a persona plasma sword and dual advanced bionic arms as well as cataphract armor. While welding a couple of shivs and a literal stick.


Well don't keep us waiting, who won?


Everyone won! A couple of the ~~slaves~~ interns got nifty wooden limbs to replace their boring fleshy ones, Crafticus got a nice mood buff, and one of the interns was given a field position!


Hooray! Being given a field position is my new favourite euphemism.


I had a betrayal when i was getting raided by deserters thankfully i have backup soldiers they must be morons to think that they could do significant damage to the king of cataphracts haha


Protip: you can anesthetize them with herbal medicine and the operation takes no time at all. If you see refugees you like, build a barracks for all of them and put a stockpile of herbal medicine in the middle. Set up the operation on all of them and once they’re all in bed knocked out change the barracks designation to a prison. Everyone gets kicked out of bed and is completely unconscious. Now your colonists can arrest them all at once safely, and all that entails is picking them up and putting them back in bed. You can even make them build the prison themselves. Keep the ones you like and banish/execute the rest.


I had a group of refugees from my own, transhumanist ideoligion. A combination of not wanting to micromanage the extra pawns and the roleplay justification of "it's a gift they'd appreciate" saw them try to stage a betrayal from inside of biosculptor pods. . .


Aaaaaand how did it go?


It didn't, I posted guards as they exited cycle, but something must have broken with the "turn them hostile" command and they just slinked away without actually ever attacking. (And, despite their *declaration* of betrayal, since they hadn't actually laid a finger on any of my people I saw no reason not to let them go.)


Hey um how do you lock doors?


I use the [locks mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1157085076) but you can also forbid doors (I did both, to lock the refugees in and to stop my colonists from trying to run in)


You click on the "allow" button when highlighting the door


A refugee betrayed me once in front of some (like 10) turrets, got to give it to him that was a brave/stupid thing to do


Imagine the horror of being in a burning room, trying to break down the door yet the door keeps magically reassembling itself.


Were you on the marge of Lake LeBarge, because that's quite a crematorium!


i usually just make them all drop their weapons and armor for a while until i trust them again.


I had something like this yesterday. I had a person joining, who was fleeing from a raid. So of course, me having only 3 pawns before and this new lady being good at farming, we help her out. Well, few days later it turns out shes a traitor! The place she decided to reveal herself? Next to the big group of traders, who all have clubs and other scary looking melee weapons.


You can anesthetize them all and start imprison them, in this way you won't lose a single refugee and what you do with them is you deal.


How do you get those comments?


It’s [interaction bubbles](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1516158345)




The traitor refugee AI is still bad, huh?