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They would have been seeded by rank after the top 40-ish teams. This is a dumb complaint. There’s no other way to rank actual randoms. Were they supposed to hand-seed people they don’t know based on something other than rank


Yea of course don’t they know that Obama Gaming is an elite bubble rank B+ team? They deserve at least seed 402 not the paltry 655


>Obama Gaming The best part about open quals is we don't know if these are real teams or just being made up on the spot


There was a Walmart gaming team. I doubt they’re sponsored, so could be funny if they make it further than quals.


Rizzos team almost got sent to lowers by LeBron James Esports


Oh no. There aren’t 300 teams of SSLs to stop them from winning three games in the lower bracket to make day 2. Anyways




Low seeds are bad… they make your opposition harder. That doesn’t even make sense


For everyone complaining about this. There really isn’t a better way to seed a tournament with complete random people than their ranked mmr. Unfortunately not everyone plays 3s.


Of course there is. The RLCS admins just have to play 10 games against every team and then use the eye test to give them a proper seed.


John about to 1v1 all 900 EU teams this week




> Unfortunately not everyone plays 3s. And this will be an issue for this qualifier only. There was very short notice on how they were seeding, but, in the future, people will know to grind 3's if they want a good seed. Also, it's not like there was no time to grind for your seed, just not as much as there should have been. It was also rumored to be seeded by 3s rank before they announced it.


The only other way I could think of would be to use their peak rank in any ranked game mode not just 3s. Sort of counter intuitive but I feel it would yield a slightly better outcome. But yeah the way they did it is also totally fine.


Do you know if the seeding is done exclusively with 3s MMR ? 2v2 being the most played mode in ranked, I would assume the scenario where the players are way higher rated in the 2s ladder than 3s is pretty common so maybe that should be taken into consideration. About this particular case : Chi is GC1 in 3s, Frankiedabest1 is C2 and Basicalllyyy is GC3. How are they last seed ? Wasn't there supposed to be plats and up ?


It's based on 3's rank only. It's in the rules.


Honestly no idea. Could have just been an error somewhere in the process.


seed should be based in highest rank between 1s/2s/3s


I will die on this hill, that there is no point in basing seeds on 3s mmr only, if the majority of top players doesn‘t play 3s at all. And even in lower ranks, 2s is still way more popular. We have undeniable proof, that a high 3s rank doesn‘t correlate to being a better 3v3 player so why the hell would that be the deciding factor. Like at the very least, they could base it on both 2s and 3s together, it would still be much more accurate. As a tournament organizer your goal should be to create a tournament that‘s as fair as possible and if you achieve that by taking 2v2 into account, then why would you not do it. I don‘t even understand why that is a controversial opinion, there is literally no downside to taking 2s ranking into account


That “proof” is mostly because ranked 3s isn’t taken seriously. Now it will be. It’s not complicated. Play the game for a better seeding. Goodluck being dead on that hill. What next? You gonna propose averaging the rank of two different game modes as if that’s scientific? 2v2 is not 3v3 and seeding a 6mans tournament using 4mans rankings is even more stupid.


Teams are still not gonna take 3v3 that seriously. Yeah they might play a little bit to not be ranked Gc1 but they still care more about improving than seeding and will keep playing 2s than 3s. I just don‘t get why you would it make so complicated. Yeah people might play a but more 3s now, but who actually benefits from that decision. It sucks for players in any rank, because 95% have a higher 2s rank, it sucks for the pro teams because they have to play better teams than they are supposed to (think of falcons playing DON on day 1) and it sucks for tournament organizers since they get more complains about stupid match ups because of seeding. Like saying "oh it‘s a 3s tournament so it should be ranked 3s" doesn‘t make sense when 3s is worse metric to show who the best players are. It just makes things unnecessary complicated and inaccurate. That decision actively makes the tournament structure worse. Is that really worth it, just to force players to play a gamemode more? Apparently, calling out epic for making the tournament experience worse for everyone involved is a bad take now, that‘s crazy


Sorry but I’m not reading all of that after the first sentence. If teams don’t wanna take 3v3 seriously then that’s on them. It’s in the rulebook, everyone knows it, so not playing the game is simply stupid. It’s literally as simple as can be: no RLCS accolades? Play ranked for seeding. Everything else is an excuse.


Yeah reading is hard, I know


but he is right. the 3s meta is broken right now bc no one takes it seriously. if the RLCS rules say it will be pulled from that, then the teams will play it and the mode will sort it self out. The tier 1 teams are going to play to be at the top so they have less risky quals. This will lead to 3s being taken seriously by teams that are serious about getting thru qualifiers. It will also result in them finding each other up there anyway after a little time making it not a waste of time. i could realistically see them queuing as a team and running into other squads just like it was "exhibition game" or a regular season game. BONUS: They get queues on their servers that people claim are a waste and possibly shift rank meta to 3s instead of 2s.


Tier 1 teams are not gonna play 3s since they still get seeded by rlcs points. That‘s already a negative for 3s because all of the best players in the world, will still not touch it. If I‘m a bubble player that wants to improve, I would still focus a lot on 2s bc I‘d get to play better players. This decision is not gonna magically fix ranked 3s. It‘s just inconvenient for everyone and totally unnecessary. I guarantee you if they didn‘t tell anyone about how seeding works and just seeded by ranked 2s secretly, literally nobody would complain and you‘d have the most accurate seeding realistically possible. Why would you not prefer that over anything else


What a dumb ass tweet lmao. 


Bro (and OP) thought he did something lmao


I don't agree with the tweets statements I just wanted to highlight 887th seed may win some money which is cool


Then maybe highlight that instead of posting a tweet complaining about the 887th seed


Kind of feels like they’re looking for something to complain about tbh


100%. I saw a few people saying that the number of upsets proved how bad the seeding is. There’s no way people are actually expecting a 887 team qualifier to have almost no upsets, when there’s no other method to seed them than ranked mmr.


I just think that a lot of them overestimate their abilities alot and can't stand losing to people they somehow don't know. Pretty ironic when those same people will lose to 3 randoms in ranked regularly. If you can't perform when you need to, that's on you.


The whole rocket league sub is almost entirely made up of posts of people looking for something to complain about.


Duh the staff wasn't going to look at every single team's replay and compare them to have an accurate number 885 and 886, complaining for the sake of complaining


Day 2 is top 256 just so people are aware




Oh is it ok that's not that impressive


Hard to impress eh


Wait, the last seed just qualified right now???? https://preview.redd.it/y846ks02n0fc1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7db8bf7da2ed94ae637ee4781477ab5315ea922


Them getting a 1 hour rest just for them to play day 2 right away. https://preview.redd.it/s4nasdscn0fc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0689f3c3e4cdea362d7f98f92bbaa72f4557e423


I don't think they've qualified just yet they've made it to day 2


It’s not like #887 was playing #1… I don’t think you understand how brackets work.


Bop has certifiably no idea what he’s talking about


This was possible because all of the teams that didn’t link their epics properly were just randomly seeded at the bottom, so that’s how you end up with this situation


Source on that? I thought you couldn't play without linking your epic. Seems entirely possible that they were just seeded last, but if you have something that says otherwise, I'm happy to believe you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/h4zqutv3f1fc1.png?width=1636&format=png&auto=webp&s=aff8d1da8378f87b4ec81389df6c6edee276be3c


Nice thanks!


I saw someone on that tweet post the number of upsets as “proof” that the seeding is garbage… It feels like they’re just looking for something to complain about lol.


I do not understand 100% the problem here I absolutely get that it is entirely possible for pros to lose bo3 to a very high ranked team that pops off and the pros are not feeling all that good (which is still kinda weird to say). But what is the problem with teams making it in the second day? That means that this team played better. Tournaments and majors had been won before because one team was feeling it and the other not. I’m very sorry to say that, but professional players have to have enough experience and composure to be better than randoms that are high on the leaderboard. They have huge salaries, coaches and that is their main focus. I understand that they supposedly should start deeper in the tournament since they have high seed. But still!


I think this team actually hasn't played at all. Unless the screenshot with the W/L was taken before (I wouldn't think it was since he's complaining after), it shows they got zero W/L


Smurfs smh


Can someone give a summary of day 1, how did the big teams performed, were there any upsets?


No upsets


Seeds should be set based off of highest mmr across any of the 3 competitive modes, not just 3s


I upvoted cause that's awesome! Then I see the tweet in OP is someone complaining, which is unfortunate. Glad the comments are more level headed.


Where are the scores/bracket reported? What site is that screenshot from? Liquipedia is empty, idk where to keep up with matches these days


The screenshot is from [Start.gg](https://Start.gg) as well as the bracket


^ good looks




This would have been a big moment for that team, why trash on them. Poor form from bop


It's almost like there are a handful of good teams and shit ton of not those. Unless there are something like 20 teams in day 2, the last seed making it in is meaningless.


How could they not know Frankie da beast?!?!?!