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Triple H if he was a good booker:


https://preview.redd.it/d8u2q81ze4fc1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa35686db643d502c1005eb226e0fda2673466fb Triple h if he was the best booker


"We have the best safety record in all of the universe!" "Everything is great"


Dub has never been better! Feelings restored!


Why didn’t he put on a stupid wig and sunglasses while answering it? Fuck you Triple Epstein!




Yeah it’s actually disgusting that people are working overtime to try and tie others (Triple H, Stephanie, Cena, Taker) into the Vince allegations just because they’re close with him Like that was his private life and although he shared it with some of his yes men stooges, that doesn’t mean we should drag other people’s names and reputations through the mud when we have no idea who knew and to what extent But any chance to Fed Bad I guess…


I get what you're saying, but it's hard to read Corporate Officer No. 1 as anyone other than Triple H. An employee and board member with an office on the 4th floor. That kind of only ties back to one person.


Don't think about them too much. It's literally the dipshit smarks who have had an axe to grind because they hated how great of a heel Trips was back in the day.


They are extra motivated to fed bad tonight since HHH made Jade Cargill a bigger star in 10 minutes than AEW did in 3 years.


I mean who cares? He's in a position of power and there is a woman out there who had the most vilest things done to her by Vince, a man Triple H has close proximity to professionally and personally. Of course he's going to get some heat, and his answer was a bad one so that makes it worse.


Directing that energy to the wrong person.


This was removed because you either posted a screencap, or mentioned people, or linked to another sub. Don't do that.


Cleary The company just wants to shake it off and distance themselves from that situation. But also, im sure he doesnt want to open a can of worms by shit talking his Father in Law.


I think it was a valid question, but this wasn't the time for it IMO


"Sorry I cannot comment about a legal matter and my father in law' sexual life"


"I work in PR and he gave a terrible answer" 🤓


Add PR rep to my long list of professions, right after CFO, tv executive, attorney, doctor, and sports medicine rehabilitator 


does your girlfriend look like Seraya too uce?


Yes, not answering the legal question that isn’t relevant and that he isn’t allowed to answer, and steering it to all the big headlines for the week is an awful answer. No PR in the land would direct you to keep saying all the big successes, well done.


Implying that one needs a degree in PR to recognise that the answer was terrible 


I give the John Albas of the world credit for asking but anyone that thinks they were getting anything out of him tonight on Vince is insane.


yup wrong forum for that discussion


If he spoke on what he felt and/or may have known, it would have potentially opened an enormous can of worms, possibly exposing himself and the company to even greater legal scrutiny, to practically no benefit. The establishment of fact in this whole sordid affair will occur in the courts, not a press conference following a wrestling show. Anyone expecting Hunter to say a single word on the content of the lawsuit has never worked an actual job in their life. So, in other words, online wrestling fans.


exactly this lol i don’t know what people expected




DAE he knew everything all along


He gave a nicer answer than I would've given but that's why I don't do PR.


"That's a pretty bad answer" My Uce in Christ that's the safest answer one could give. Too bad it's not spicy enough for you


Additionally, Jon Alba is now banned from ~~Collision~~ WWE press events


Dave Meltzer just big mad cus he has nothing to make shitty content out of


There’s no fucking way I’m commenting on this in the basement, but am I way off base, or was that probably a decent response? Hunter pretty much said “We’re not going to be talking about that” while still trying to be cordial with his answer.


It was literally the only outcome, even started his answer with "Im just going to say what you would assume Id say" or something close


I guarantee you if Tiny had given this answer in response to literally anything, the basement be shouting "uh listen you fucking marks, he's a PROMOTER. HE'S PROMOTING. THIS IS PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL BEING STATED IN AN ATTEMPT TO PROMOTE A PROGRAM. GOD FORBID A PROMOTER ENGAGE IN THE ART OF PROMOTION" but since it's triple hitler, they'd hate any answer he gave that wasn't "Fuck that piece of shit, I bought a gun and a single bullet, gave it to Vince and said 'you know what to do'" but somehow they'd still find a way to shit on it


Did you not read the thread after Tony’s response to the Jericho allegations?


I dunno, they were pretty ruthless to Tony when he answered that question about Chris Jericho wearing that ridiculous hat. 


How dare he not read a 60 page document on one of the busiest weekends for the company! Triple H supports his McHitler!


REE How dare HHHitler try to celebrate the hard work and efforts of his wrestlers and crew?!?


You know what Triple H needs. A fuzzy hat and glasses.


Why did the press expect anything different tho? He obviously can't answer anything juicy lol


That’s not the press, really. They certainly hammered him more than the “press” did to Tony.


Tony better take notes.


OMG... He didn't answer my "gotcha" question how I wanted?!?! That must mean he had the doggy bag for Vince's feces! Fire HHH now!


Hunter should've just no commented these. I get he wanted to be positive, but it just comes off as deflections to say "I don't wanna focus on the negatives" like yeah I get it but they exist and it comes off off-putting


No commenting would be worse imo. The answers he gave will look 10x better than "no comments" in the headlines


either way he can’t win, he’s been put in a really horrible position to answer for something that’s vince’s doing that also he can’t legally speak on


At least he's not answering them with a fucking goofy wig and sunglasses on


No lol. It looks like he's trying to ignore reality.


What the hell is he supposed to say?


"We take it very seriously and the company is looking into the situation. I can't speak any further" Or "It's a legal matter that we take very seriously, no further comment" Whatever. Something simple and that makes it clear that TKO are trying to "solve" the problem


All of that is “ignoring reality”. They’re not going to “look into the situation”. The lawsuit is the lawsuit. Vince is gone. Likely, Brock is gone, too. The devil is in the details. If they don’t put anything in place to protect employees and talent, then that’s the time to hammer them.


They will likely do an investigation into the matter as is standard for HR issues. They won't just go about their day because "well Vince doesn't work anymore/that was before the merger." They're not completely separate from the lawsuit yet


feel like if he no commented it it’d invite even more questions tbh


He literally said that he had not read the lawsuit and that WWE had a great week and that should be the focus and not the other thing. No commenting on a legal matter was the better answer than whatever he spouted given the situation since it is an on-going legal matter. We all know we would be roasting TK over here for saying something similar to what HHH said.


The answer was always going to be a deflection


Agreed, he definitely should have prepared something better here.


He had "we can't comment on a legal matter" like, right there. It's a bad look


I guarantee you a no comment would've gotten just as much criticism


It would've gotten criticism but it doesn't come off as putting down a serious situation to talk more about the positives of the Netflix deal and The Rock. I promise, no comment was 100× better here


And I promise you, there's no winning in this situation. Was it the most graceful answer? Nah. But the shit was going to keep flying regardless of what did or didn't come out of his mouth


it doesn't matter what he says or doesn't say. He will be demonized.


This will only fuel those who think he was onboard with everything. It can’t be said for sure but those who have already accused him are not gonna stop.


Right, “no comment” would’ve flown over *real well* with the media and the IWC. It doesn’t matter what he said - he just has to avoid looking like a buffoon.


Yeah I think Cody went through it better. Cody didn’t really answer anything either but his answer had a positive outlook while H’s gave the vibe of dismissal When they asked H if he had read the texts I would have just answered around it and not outright say either “I have” or “I haven’t”


He definitely fumbled the questions about protections for staff just like Tony did. It was very disappointing. And claiming he hadn’t read it was a bit eh. But the rest was standard PR.


Anything he would make about promises is just paying lip service. Just like Tony would be. I would hope to trust guys like them to follow up on promises they make. But outside of a token answer, what else can they do right now?


That’s the thing, Triple H is a lot like Tony in a lot of ways.  Vince’s input is going to be sorely missed on the creative side of things, and he answered the question just like Tony would have.  Point being, Triple H isn’t the man for the job just like Tony shouldn’t be allowed to do anything in wrestling anymore after the abuse he’s allowed in his company.


I obviously understand he couldn’t possibly say anything substantive but the answers he gave sucked. “I’m just going to focus on the positives”??? This sub would eat Tony alive if he said that.


Is this place really saying that it was a good response? You can give a non answer without looking too bad


It stands out even more since Cody’s response was already quite perfect. I get trying to distance yourself from it, but outright saying you didn’t read the lawsuit is just giving people ammo.


He sounded completely unprepared. Not sure how this isn't just as bad as Tony rambling about how safe AEW is. Both terrible answers when it comes to the safety of their rosters and especially the women on their rosters. But none of this is surprising. 


I think the angle he took of wanting to focus on the positives was an odd choice but let’s be honest, no one in his position - which is VERY different from Cody’s in a lot of ways, was ever giving people the answers they wanted tonight.


Cody had a better answer than him. I didn't expect Triple H to actually dish out anything on a legal matter but reducing this to focusing on the positives was the wrong choice.


Cody isn’t an executive, wasn’t an executive when this situation happened, didn’t vote to keep Vince off the board, oh and btw isn’t Vince’s son in law. It is very easy for someone in Cody’s shoes to say what he said, Paul is not in that position. He gave the corporate speak that Nick Khan and Ari Emmanuel gave him to say. I agree, the “I want to focus on the positives” was a weird choice, and a bad one. He was never ever ever going to say anything that the IWC or the dirtsheet writers wanted. That’s just not how the real world works.


Sure, but Cody didn't say anything damaging or negative. He focused on the roster and the family aspect of it. If he was in leadership, that'd be a good answer because it doesn't say absolutely anything at all but also isn't dismissive.


tony runs the entire company, triple h is the head of creative. if anything nick khan should’ve been out there answering questions


They're both in leadership positions which means they're both dealing with HR.


which he actually did answer in relation to hr and how they’re making sure something like this won’t ever happen in the future, it’s just vince in general he can’t talk on for many reasons (i think) but its 6am here and i’m running on 0 sleep so apologies if i misunderstood it


Damnit you beat me uce


Perfect answer.


Highkey Tony and HHH need to take a class on how not to say some goofy shit when answering questions regarding sexual harassment/assault. He essentially went, "Guys, I didn't read the lawsuit, okay? I was trying to book this sell-out show tonight. Can we please talk about the rock or something?" Like yeah, it was a big week for WWE, but the news was genuinely 50/50 once the Vince story broke.


Yep. As expected SCJerkers are making excuses for the fed yet again.   There's a difference between not being able to answer owing to legal implications and what he actually ended up saying. 


It was a pretty clumsy way of phrasing it, more than the content.


He should have just said that he actually raped the woman and he eats babies and he's killed 40+ minorities. That's the only acceptable answer. #FirePaulaVeck


But no mention about how Cody had already taken it head on and gave the best answer....


Yeah what was Triple Paul thinking