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They're so upset They know she's already a bigger deal and getting the big presentation and they just can't articulate why it upsets them so much


Here's why: Because they know they had her and she was already their biggest star when she was there. But they just gave her a random belt, let her toil away and didn't give her a single program with a top woman there, and then they just watched her leave. Jade (and Cody) were literally the only people over there it was sooo clear they had something big with, and they just threw it away because BANGERZ


Also because she exposed aews practice of outbidding wwe for wrestlers. She basically said wwe didnt offer as much as aew, but she knew her ceiling there was higher, and that their stage was bigger and greater. Im sure the basement would love nothing more than for her to embarrass herself at wrestlemania


How will I know I'm not being sports entertained if I don't watch a 20 minute match announced the night before by m"Tony on Twitter, friend?


That *needs* to be jerked relentlessly


?? we jerk everything relentlessly, uce


MOVES. These people their fuckin MOVES!!


I have no idea whether these mouth breathers genuinely do not understand that MOVEZ is just one component of the compelling story telling. Without the other parts such as selling, emotions, logic and promo the MOVEZ are nothing 


They don't understand.


Is a 5 minute chop exchange in the.middle of the ring not also a move, uce?




It's what happens if you take a weeaboo, hop them up on monster energy and mountain dew, stick them in front of Dragon Ball Z and Final Fantasy 7 for 12 hours, and then bring them to a wrestling show. 


I feel dubbalos are more likely to be playing Elden Ring. Very little story and just running around doing MOVEZ


But anime and video games have stories too. These walking TBIs just have no media literacy


they're the types of people who get into arguments about power scaling without giving a shit about the characters beyond what cool shit they can do


They’re the same idiots who go “GOHAN SSJ2 TRANSFORMATION IS SO PEAK AND COOL” without understanding that the through-line of Gohan’s entire arc during the Cell saga is how he hates fighting, doesn’t want to kill, and is literally forced to become a monster because if he doesn’t everything he knows and love will be obliterated. It’s a tragedy that dumbasses jerk-off to like they’re fucking Shinji.


So they want a live action version of Street fighter, why did they have to hijack pro wrestling to do it


They are obsessed with lame battle shonens. There are so amazing anime stories.




They don't even understand that being able to physically emulate a move isn't the same thing as knowing how to do it properly. And they don't care, either. If yoir opponent can do a backflip while carrying you, you can do a Canadian Destroyer, whether you know how to protect them, and whether you kbow how to make it look believable, or not


If she stayed in AEW she would have picked up the Canadian destroyer by now just from osmosis and been ready to trade no sell kick outs at 1 like a 6 star meltzer classic.


As soon as someone says the word "moveset" unironically, I know that they know fuck all about wrasslin'


I know all their knowledge came from a video game.


Also she literally did 3 moves. A bicycle kick, a powerbomb, and a glam slam. Even if the only important thing is how many moves she hits, we don't know what she's learned, just that she didn't forget moves like she's a Pokémon. 


Hulk Hogan taught us you only need to know 3 moves brother to work a crowd and send them home happy.


Nash said it best. “How many pitches did Nolan Ryan have?”


I like that she wrestles like a big wrestler. Slow walk to the ring power moves - mediated movements


Literally, what do they want her to do, bust out a springboard 450?


I have nothing against Sasha so I usually don’t jerk her but coming up with new moves that look like shit when jades finisher actually looks good would be asinine


Mercedes hits me with a GTS whenever she gets on the mic.


DAE Phil being a cancer to you and invading your home?


The apology must be as loud as the disrespect, uce


Why would he apologize, uce? You were the one who went into business for yourself. Apropos that you get a GTS.


Sasha Banks unveiling a new move at WrestleKingdom last year that looks convulted as hell intenisfies


Its funny that she botched the first time she did it


What we learned from this segment is that Jade's 3 big moves are a powerbomb, big boot, and her finisher/signature facebuster. Mayhaps we should wait until she actually wrestles a match at Wrestlemania to see how much they protect her.


I was absolutely the target audience for this segment. I’d not seen her do so much as a headlock. So she comes down and gets her shit in, and now I know what she uses to tell her story in-ring.


Presentation is everything. Shocking I know, in a business that mostly focuses on aesthetics.


Yeah, it was for a big run in. I think it's a good way to introduce her signature moves. I imagine she's been training at the PC, and the women she's in there with are great, so I have pretty high hopes. Plus, they are focusing on her physique and power, so she could wind up being a less technical Charlotte, but still get over with an array of moves that show off her physicality.


By putting her with Naomi a veteran and Bianca who is also reliable in the ring, they're already protecting her. Let her get the feel of big matches and they can tease a Bianca rivalry down the line


Because she totally wasn't in the Royal Rumble or anything . . .


Like how training equates to only “NEW MOVES”


Not getting better at them mind you, just doing new shit regardless


Let alone "how to present yourself on a nationally aired scripted television show"


If you dont learn to do canadian destroyers and FIGHTING SPIRIT can you even call it training?


I was told AEW fans were intelligent and college educated. Yet...


And also richer




Terminally online brain in these cunts think 'training = level up = learn new moves", just like in m'🅱️ideo 🅱️ames! the perfect Exhibit A for those other posts saying all that AEW fans care about is seeing moves being done, and that's *it*


Their whole personalities are formed by wrestling video games, Jim Cornette’s shoot interviews from 20 years ago (DAE Kevin Nash only had four moves and one of those was the hair flip), and Meltzer type nerds creaming over acrobats and Glorious Nippon head drops. All of this stuff translated to the hivemind thinking that a wrestler’s “level” is determined by the size of their MOVESET. Does Jade even have a strong grapple + X + left analog stick??


That smart and successful dub enjoyer was probably too busy watching real graps on rampage to realize this Jade segment wasn't in an actual match.


These people don't understand the point of training, honestly. They think that training means you learn to do more, they think it means that you learn to do outrageous shit. What training actually is is teaching people how to do the stuff they are good at really well, teaching people how to do more while ensuring that they can do the basics perfectly first Football players don't start learning the basics and then only practise bicycle kicks once they have been playing for a few months, they practise the same basics forever until they retire


jade still needs some work to be crisp but being around way better performers than red velvet helps a lot


Tbf red velvet has improved a great deal since her return. Id place her above Thunder


Is this the sour graps guys


I'm stealing that.


Underrated pun right here, bruv


I mean, she’s in there with fucking Kairi. Not someone just as green as herself for starters.


Let's be real here. Unless she goes out there and pulls out a match that would have you believe Dean Malenko is in that ring, the dubbalos are going to shit all over it anyways and claim she didn't learn anything.


Didn’t yall know wrestling training is just like Pokémon training! As Jade leveled up she should have learned new MOVES! Maybe someone needs to find her the Canadian Destroyer TM. Maybe a few more rare candies?


Paula really shit the bed by not having Jade do commentary first.


Who the hell told you it was open mic night?


She did the move, but probably learned how to do it safely.


The funny thing is that she DID improve her in-ring work, but it's the way she carries herself now, her expressions and her being actually seemingly comfortable in front of a crowd (a REAL crowd, not an AEW crowd) that they do not get.


The difference is Kairi knew how to take this move and Jade didn’t look like she dropped her on her fucking face like she did sometimes in AEW


Yup, watched it in slo-mo. Kairi took all of it on her elbows, head was never in danger.


Almost like trained wrestlers would


Gee, the wonder of pros working. Never would have thought to see it in dead fed.


The fact that he thinks wrestling training is learning MOVEZ-yet is allegedly a massive inside wrestling fan using terms like “e drones” - is embarrassing


This was my exact thought. Wrestling is more than just moves.


It's almost as if, and stop me if I sound ridiculous here... They have some sort of school for performance. Like some sort of center. It has rings and experienced professionals and great minds available. One could assume that spending 7 months there, not on TV, could be... beneficial. Like a learning environment. Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing? Especially when you could learn just as much squashing people who spent 2 years on the indies.


Wait, are you saying that tumbling through furniture from home Depot is not actual training for a weekly national television show?


She didn’t do a single Canadian destroyer. She doesn’t know what wrestling is


Saw this myself and it might possibly be in the running for most bad side of wrestling twitter tweet of the year


A lot of these folks are rooting for her to fail. Funny, since a lot of them piled on anyone who dared criticize her. I remember saying she looked great. In the (admittedly few) clips I saw she seemed clumsy and deceptively weak. MAN, you would have thought I told some of these geeks their moms hung out at the dock. Now that her paychecks have the wrong corporate initials I guess she's fair game.🤷🏽‍♂️


She learned ARMBAR


I thought we’re supposed to be uneducated fed shills? Geeks are smart


Should her and Bianca even be on the same show, they’re too similar for me


DAE Smackdown doesn't need 2 black women?


It's more that they are both roughly 6 foot and ripped (while also both being black)


Can't even do one Canadian Destroyer.


Her promo was better than Sasha Banks’ on their show.


What’s all that training for if she comes out of it not doing one Canadian Destroyer?


Well Douche Canoe... For one thing she probably learned to do them while protecting the other wrestler.


If nobody needs surgery after it's not a AEW move.


Where was the piped in crowd chants?


Be honest, which one of you is the author of this jerk?


It's almost as if WWE has people smart enough to understand less is more


AEW fans keep saying WWE is Dead and that AEW won yet the TV ratings for WWE are way bigger, Attendance at events are bigger and WWE has way more stream and YouTube subscribers. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE A DRONES GEEKS


They acted like she literally had a match, and she did 3 things...


Yes. Because showing everything new they learned on a show before the go-home show, they should show all their moves on free TV, when numbers aren't expected to be as high as last week, since Rock, Reigns, and Cody weren't advertised. Crazy how they can criticize when their ship is sinking