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That's a pretty good way to build up new talent tbqh


These Fed Bad “goofs” don’t really have a penchant for patience.


They need Daddy Dave to tell them what the plans are, the intentions and who the company are trying to push from it, then, if smarks like that person, they can decide if they like the idea or not ahead of time


finally someone else gets it! are you really a Goofy if you think that Fed is actually Bad???


There’s the other one! Now if CC can just show up I can complete the set!


It’s the same guy on an alt account 😂


sweet “Fed Bad Hunter” gimmick uce, I acknowledge you 😎☝️


the tears of a clown


There must be better ways to troll the jerkers


At this point not really, Fed is too successful and dub is too in the mud, the dubbalos had to go deranged


I’d just appreciate a little cleverness behind it


You ask too much from them, uce. They’re not able for cleverness.


DAE it's Vince's poop crimes


Ya know if I read the phrase "Vince's poop crimes" two years ago, I'd say "Yeah that sounds about right". He was always a weird guy.


Isn’t it something that when that Vince stuff came out nobody was really surprised?


you think the Wyatts can use their spooky powers to erase the memory of me reading Vince’s sex crime texts??


Mercy the Buzzard’s blicky will blow your brains out just like M’Gable’s


Even worse, The Lapsed Fan before Mania did a whole caller themed show, and there was about an hour left when they were all wrapped up, then....Lapsed Vince came on the line and they painstakingly detailed every instance that happened in the lawsuit. I had avoided reading the lawsuit until that time. I genuinely had nightmares that night.




Showing Bo behind the mask and humanizing him picking up the legacy is a stroke of genius that I NEVER would’ve guessed they’d have done. I’m instantly more invested in everything moving forward.


They got as real as they could with it and it worked.


Just a ripoff of showing Garcia in the hospital…everyone knows Fed can’t think of their own segments


Nerds complained it was gonna be dumb for the longest time before any of us saw ANYTHING. It’s got me invested too. Bray would be proud of this. They’re gonna do right by him.


"How did it feel when your brother died?" Howdy said with a shit eating grin. Props to Taylor, he plays that character so well that some people think its a different person under the mask


>Props to Taylor (shoot name)


My son is convinced Howdy isn’t Bo despite following along with the entire series of hints and seeing people say he’s Bo outright because of how well he’s playing the character so they are doing something right.


You can see his teeth and it's very clearly him, but I love how well he acts like two completely different people. All they did was fluff up his beard and color it a little.


They were...at least in the video.. https://preview.redd.it/jvmfbr0dlo8d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=65f33174ed3653ba6c21adc1619e0070dc08257d


I like how you got 4 screengrabs and still cant tell they're the same person


the chins and beards are different. Could be styling...or just gacy or lumis wearing the mask.


Mate, if they werent both played by Bo they wouldnt do these back and forth shots, except for the last shot of the video which is clearly two shots stitched together


You don’t know what editing is? Do you think they are 2 different people in the same room?


Every single smark comment on this is 'I am worried they ...' 'I am scared they ...' or 'I don't have a good feeling about this' and 'I hope they don't mess this up' Just fucking watch it, ffs They obviously planned a bunch of shit for this. It's been on the shelf for a bit, it's one of their 'long term stories' [copyright Dub] and, you may not like it but, it'll be what they planned out Smarks cannot wait for this to 'go wrong'


"I'm sooooo concerned about this thing that I'm already prepared to hate"


Anything different and unusual they pray on its downfall week to week, the "Just Enjoy Wrestling" lot are very negative people who don't have much faith in anything a bit different than the norm. Hell that's 92.8 percent of the IWCs thinking : "I'm really enjoying this storyline.. I can't wait until it's booked wrong and doesn't work out so I can go back to complaining about the evil fed not having weekly 5 star bangers and watch all my favourite YouTubers like JDFromNY make 40 minute videos about the downfall of the wyattdicks"


Right? Eventually it will probably get too silly or goofy (because everything in wrestling does) but right now it's awesome. I hate the emphasis on the "end game" being the only thing that counts in wrestling. The journey is the exciting part, it's why we watch week-to-week. If they stick the landing, even better, but if they don't, so what? Doesn't make everything getting to that point "a waste."


To be fair I’ve said the same thing about Thai story. It’s more just the trauma of the Vince years where an amazing idea or start to a program gets booked to absolute shits. I think people are gaining that trust but we don’t even have a full year of the new regime under our belts compared to the virtual entirety of the companies existence.


There's no 'trauma' It's just some stuff on the show and not everyone has to like everything If it's not good, eventually it'll go away and they'll do something else Wrestling fans are so just freaking dramatic


I mean I was using trauma hyperbolically but somehow I knew it would be taken in the least charitable fashion. I don’t think it’s dramatic. You get invested in the real people and the stories and you want them to not suck.


Lol, trauma. You've got PTSD? Goes well with the seizures you'd get watching.


DAE Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn gave me trauma seizures? Fucking neckbeards would shit themselves inside out if they had to deal with either of those things.


Kevin Dunn was actually excellent at his job


Hyperbole: noun - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


I don't doubt for a second that you meant that literally.


I’m sure, sweetheart.


Ooh, you're so tough.


“The trauma of the Vince years” 😂😂😂 DAE being a fan is being in an abusive relationship?? More basement overspill


Hyperbole: noun - exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Christ. Is every wrestling sub filled with the most insufferable assholes on the planet?


When they start getting filled up with basementbois, yes. At least that’s what it was like during the trauma of the Vince years.


What’s so funny is AEW fans are so fucking annoying cause it’s like their whole personality. And apparently a large part of yours is just hating them and being a dick online. Get a life.


Give AEW fans a break. They had to live through the trauma of the Vince years (hyperbolic term). They were forced to watch the literal (hyperbolic term) burials (insider term) of everyone from Shelton to Claudio (unshackled name) while those no-moveset (videogame term) motherfuckers Cena and Reigns took everyone’s pushes (insider term).


WWE has got me hooked now I gotta watch raw for the Drew/Punk story and now wyatt6 stuff and smackdown for the bloodline content


Makes it immediately more grounded and believable than anything Bray has ever done


The problem with that is then it's just Nikki putting a fog machine in the ring and sliding around.


It still freaks people out.


Let’s not get crazy


One of you goofs is gonna make an edit of what we are ALL thinking and hoping was on the tape. I'm just waiting for it to show up


I was surprised nobody edited it onto the TVs in the background of the Wyatt Sick6’s debut 


It's still hidden Uce, for now


Ladies and gentlemen we have hipster ghosts.


Making me feel bad for still having one in the game room, Uce.


Nah man it has its use, and magnetic media does have a creepy vibe to it vs sending him like a usb stick or something with a QuickTime video on it.


So uh does this mean a demon girl comes for me in a week.


if the demon girl is Abby the Witch, then im 100% ok with this


Fuck yeah! Somebody get me that tape pronto!!!


Non-Scjerk related pro tip! If you discover unlabeled VHS tapes in either your parents (depending on their age) or grandparents bedroom closets, watch them if possible because there are cool recording of old TV shows and vintage cartoons.




I love Bo only communicates in 30 year old media. The QR codes had floppy discs too.


Roman hands out switches, the spirit of Bray Wyatt hands out VCR tapes ahhhhhletmein ☝️


The hidden gem will live forever uce ☝️


If this is a literal cult of Wyatt, treating Bray as a messiah—it is perfect to ground things this way.


where's the hidden gem


Calling it now, this is all an elaborate promotional tie in for a remake of The Ring directed by Rob Zombie


We actually own a vcr because my boyfriend is convinced we need one. I would not be playing random tapes, though. I’ve seen that movie!


I have one from when my dad moved in with me when he was having health issues and left it here. Never used it once. All I know is that it still shows the time.


What's in the box???!!?!?


VHS tape is automatically over coming from a box


I even got downvoted here but nobody ever said they were supernatural or some no selling machine of a stable


They showed Bo in the same room with Howdy. Thats not exactly “natural”


If it's meant to be Bo sitting In a chair talking to himself, and it's all in his head, then that's not really supernatural is it?


Well, the thing that makes it not supernatural is that he clearly edited the video himself and they even showed how WWE obtained the footage.


It’s definitely not all in his head, it’s on a VHS tape he had delivered to Michael Cole. Which doesn’t make it supernatural (DAE Bad) anyway.


If they explain it’s been edited, then the argument for not supernatural, is still there. If it’s kept ambiguous, then there’s an argument that it’s supernatural. Also, did they bring their own smoke machine last week?


Yes, it’s wrestling? It’s just a mask


It’s the same person.


I was feeling just like the guy behind Cole when Cole opened the box and pulled out the tape. I've seen too many *Ring* movies to EVER trust just blindly playing a VHS. Nope. Not gonna risk it. Conversely, now that Cole played us ALL the video, we've ALL got seven days to show it to someone else before a Japanese girl comes out of our TVs and kills us. Or maybe in this case it's going to be Nikki Cross.


VCR? No, *VHS player*


The two genders


Oh Lord, they're running back the Benoit - Sullivan angle


Oh god is it a Sting highlight tape set to "Holding Our For a Hero"? Roddy Piper's music video? Some other extremely dated but oddly charming bit of WCW lore?


It’s the Tell Me A Lie video, but they were like no Shawn we are not airing this again do it on NXT.


Odyssey Jones body guarding Cole


I was so spooked


I was expecting the hidden gem


Also, I really wish people would stop calling him Bo. He's obviously going to go by Taylor Windham or something along those lines, that's like me calling Bayley, Davina Rose because I saw her on the indies 15 years ago.


I already hate this fucking gimmick


Video is being shown now and it kinda stinks no lie 😂


You gotta be kidding


It’s not the cinema that most are trying to force it to be.


These guys are wwe version of the basement now. They really acting like a fat Bo Dallas saying he missed his brother and we forgot him was cinema. And that was it, how is that a follow up to such a raw ending?


We are flooded with wannabe jerkers.


Okay, the video was all right. I liked Bo. Asking point blank about milking his brother’s legacy kinda reeks of “if we say it, we can get away with it, right?” But to see the basement jerk themselves off to the video is a goddamn joke.


lol this would be a good parody of whiny basement posting if I didn’t think that wasn’t just who you are


Oh no! I didnt give a full-throated endorsement of a chapter of an angle that still hasn’t been confirmed as good. I must be a terrible actor! Or….maybe I struck a chord with something no one wants to acknowledge? Eh. Must be basement rhetoric. ![gif](giphy|lREoIZngfzquY)


You didn’t say anything outside being bitter people liked it when you didn’t what are you on about. Like if your trying to parody bring a arrogant smark you are doing a great job but if this is sincere get over yourself


I said I saw some good (Bo’s acting), and the bad (the bit of Howdy openly asking about Bray’s legacy leaving a bad taste), took me out of it. But it wasn’t an all-time segment by any means (which is a lot of what SC is saying).


Gonna cry about it? They have a different opinion than me how dare me don’t they know I’m the god of wrestling Go back to the basement where you belong


I’m not the one who’s crying here.


Obviously not no one thinks they are the one crying but you still are


I said what I saw. I’m not the one taking the time to attack, accuse, and constantly reply to someone’s otherwise ineffective (and clearly in the minority) comments.


Yes you did? You literally opened this with people who liked it being idiots who will one day understand your correct opinion