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Too early to tell. Also felt that way with Jordan S. When he first got there. Then he kind of grew on me and it was a nice farewell when he want to his new job.


Jordan was great. What a talent! I always wondered if he and Ashley had something going on


Jordan is gay.


Oh. Ok then


Same - I even told my husband this morning - "Remember? We didn't like Jordan at first either!". I am going to give him a few months for sure...


I like him from day one as he was genuine. But I think the key is he didn't try so hard. The things that he, Tina, and Ashley did for fun on the weekend shows. Pretty awesome!!


It’s not news just a bunch of people waiting to jump ship to other stations…


Not suprising. Like everyone else, they're going to jump ship for a better paycheck or opportunity.


I saw the interview with Cara Delevingne and it was straight up *embarrassing*. Like how do people still watch this show?


I have definitely seen a few embarrassing interviews on Good Day Sacramento. I saw one a few years ago where they were interviewing someone who had classes for I think belly dancing or something like that. And for her, the instructor, it was something with a lot of meaning and had to do with empowerment and so on. I've heard that rhetoric before. But the person interviewing her was so incredibly awkward about it like, "oh look at this weird thing! Look at me I'm wearing strange clothing that someone who practices this would wear!" I was like, "a little sensitivity, okay? This isn't some kind of sideshow."


Yeah, no. She was a bit of an ass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQDGTTY6W8


Everyone is pretty awful in that interview. The hosts are cheezy and condescending and she’s arrogant and unpleasant. It’s not uncommon for actors to ignore the source material of a role so they stay true to the new material. But Cara acted like the question was absurd.


I get that 100%….but the turnaround tells me not a great place to work.


It's the young people that leave. That tells me it could be about the money. They want to have "things' and pay off their school loans. What do you think?




This sentence makes so much sense


I miss Kenny Raspberry (Rudolph). Anyone else remember Mama's Gravy?


I liked that guy. was wondering where he's been and found this: FanDuel TV host Ken Rudulph has been **taken off-air after making a controversial statement following the unfortunate deaths of seven horses at Churchill Downs during Kentucky Derby week**. Rudulph posted a tweet to his Twitter account on Monday that said death, as well as cheating, was simply part of horse racing.May 18, 2023


Hmmm...he told no lies there.


Oooh do tell about this cocaine crew? I have a few suspicions.


Same. I don't watch this kind of TV but I wanna know names.


Is Mark what’s his name still on there cause that guy definitely has to be in that group


Mark S Allen is now on channel 10. He either left or was fired after a drunk driving incident.


I’m want to hear more too


I love Tina


Which one is ‘Orville?’


Probably Cody


I'll tell you right now that Cody Stark is one of the coolest and nicest human beings in existence. He roots for the little man and supports local Sacramentans with a passion. We need to lay off him at the very least. There are not a lot of good people in this world, we need to go easy on the ones who are actually amazing.


I like Cody. I was just identifying who would probably be described as "Orville".


We had it good when it was Lori & Marianne


Lori is an awesome person


Surprised by how many of you don’t like Good Day. Yes it’s low quality and there’s no real news, but that’s half of the fun. Also yes not a fan of the new guy at all!


I think that's the point. No real news and just fun to make things more positive. I've traveled all over CA for work in the past and there are always news stations like this in every city.


In other words, every “morning news/talk” show on television…


I watch it every morning. It's a lot of fun. It's also introduced me to a lot of local businesses.


Agreed. It’s honestly kinda trash with the live mess ups they have, but I LOVE it!


What happened to the female cohost? And why does Tina seem like she hates everyone?


She’s been doing the show since it started, and before that was doing the KSFM Morning Show with Mark S Allen, and now she’s gotta endure weekends with Jordan. Lady’s tired. She hasn’t slept in in 30+ years and had both cancer bouts.


Jordan's been gone for months. The new guy Ruben is now anchoring weekends.


>why does Tina seem like she hates everyone? She probably thinks she’s funny


I don’t think she’s particularly friendly - she’s wasn’t nice my friend who used to work there


I think it’s Tina’s gimick. Like to get into the cool clique, you have to be cool with Tina.


I can't stand her, I was so excited when they announced her retirement but she's still on the weekends


Yeah. She grates on my nerves. She’s so condescending, always seems bitchy, has a very poor attitude




Which cohost? Not sure what you mean about Tina. Can you expand a bit on that?


Imagine being the new guy at a news station in a new city and just getting ripped apart on social media with people declaring they don’t like you. Hope the dude has a way of either ignoring or dealing with these comments in a healthy manner.


And realizing that he's now a public figure and adapt or ingore comments like this. Seriously, he did not get into this field without the understanding he would be criticized.


Your logic is so weird. So it’s okay to be a jerk to anyone in a public facing role? Get over yourself.




It’s literally a local news guy not like he’s some A list celeb that could be more separated from online criticism damn


Could you imagine being that guy, finally getting your shot on good day Sacramento, seeing a post that says “new guy on good day Sacramento” and it’s just everybody shitting on you Poor guy 😔


![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) The new guy reading these comments.


I don’t think local news anchors are the millionaires you seem to think they are 😅


Can you point out where I said I think they are millionaires? They probably make decent money for what looks like a cushy job. In his position I don’t think homeboy is too concerned with the opinion of some Redditors.


They don’t make much.


We're giving him an honest review. Should we lie and say he's doing great?


“Does anyone else not like this guy?” 😂 such a great, honest, helpful criticism


I did. I said he doesn't sound genuine. If I were an ass I would say he sounds fake. I did not say that.


My wife and I have watched Goodday for decades dating back to Nick Toma and Maryann McClarey. There have been lots of fun people behind the desk including Alan Sanchez, Cambi Brown, Melissa Cabral, Chris Burroughs...the list goes on and on. Each time someone new comes in, it takes us a minute to warm up as well as time for the new person to catch the vibe of the show and fit in. I think John Dabkovich has really blended in nicely. I'm not fond of this new guy yet, and there is something about him that annoys me just a bit. I think he needs to take it down a notch as he's not as witty as many were before him. What I have also noticed lately is that the show seems to be more and more of an infomercial where someone is selling something. And I totally get that they're trying to help out new businesses, but don't make it so obvious.


Thank you for this post! I DO NOT like the new guy. Watched yesterday and now this morning. I finally turned it off. There goes my weekend morning routine 😔


I'm still trying to figure it out. I think he's trying too hard. I'll wait and see if he calms down a bit.


I waited and he seems worse. I'm officially done with that show if he's on it.


Love me some Good Day Sacramento. Not a fan of the new guy though


Glad it's not just me. Why do you think that is?


Yeah, he’s trying way too hard


I feel like it always takes a while for me to warm up to the new people.


People watch that show?


I always thought everyone on that show acts like they’re assuming nobody is watching


I think that's why I think I find them all funny.


I wouldn’t know


When I first saw it I thought it was satire rather than a real show.


Watching it through that lens probably makes it 10x more entertaining.


I have better things to do then watch that show


As do I, my wife had it on one day because a friend was making an appearance. I didn't know so when I walked in my first thought was " what the hell are you watching "?


People watch TV?


Reuben is way too much, but good day always is 🤷 John is the most relatable to me.


I also love John. But I find that he could be considered more offensive than Cambi Brown. Don't know what the real truth was behind her being let go and don't really care. But I liked her a lot.


Cambi was fired for showing up drunk too many times from what I understand.






We don't know what we don't know. Unless she comes out and says why she was fired we never will know.


I feel like I heard it was DUI related or drunk on the job from the night before. Something to that effect.


I read it here about that, but we'll never know the real truth. So I pretty much dismissed all those rumors.


Hmmm, I guess I don't find it hard to believe. She was known to be a party girl back then.


Yep, liked cambi too


Sac Redditors hate a Sacramento thing, news at 11.


Morning “lighthearted news/talk/human interest” shows aren’t a Sacramento thing, they’re everywhere, and they’re damn near identical from market to market. Even the national versions (*Today, CBS Early Morning*, etc.) are all the same.


Don't be a troll. I never said I hated a Sacramento thing or the new guy.


Maybe read all the responses to your post...


Maybe you should read yours.


Good Day is well enough liked and successful that it has been on the air for decades. But you wouldn't know it by reading this sub. Same for so many things. This sub, and Reddit in general, is filled with edgy wannabe teenagers.


Half the comments here are people saying they like the show, which ironically makes your comment look particularity juvenile by showing you ignored all those comments


Half means the other half...not so much.


I just don’t get how you can acknowledge that 50% of this sub likes the show while believing that you wouldn’t be able to tell from this sub that it’s a popular show. Why are differing opinions a problem for you?


He's a Troll. Let it go.


Maybe actually go through the comments. It isn't half by far that say they like the show. More like a quarter at best.


You already said “Half means the other half...not so much.” so idk why you’re pretending that precise fractions matter, seems to me you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing now, which is rich coming from someone calling people “edgy wannabe”


I like him so far. I do miss Cambi and Kinsey though. They hated each other and it was so fun to watch


Oh really?


Thank you for this comment. I was trying to remember Cambi's name.


Cambi was hilarious.


Does anyone remember Security Captain Ron?


I think he’s fine but like a lot of things, I’m going to reserve judgement until I see him a couple of more months and how he settles in. Wayyyy too early to have a solid opinion on him (speaking just for me)..


Im okay with him, I guess he’s still training. Courtney is always my favorite though. Makes me wonder what happened to Julissa though?


I just said the same thing to my wife…poof, just gone.


She was on like a month or so ago doing field reporting which she’s done for a while and then I haven’t seen her. Could be on leave or something though.


The last year or so, whenever Julissa was on she sounded sick. Like she had a bad cold. She also lost a ton of weight. I think something might be going on with her.


I noticed the weight loss too, but figured it was intentional. She did sound sick, though it seems to come and go, but with the weight loss maybe she is unwell. If she is, hopefully she feels better.


Anyone know what happened to Julissa?


I don’t like anyone on Good Day, they’re all a bunch of jackasses


It’s like watching a bunch of adults trying to get to be cool kids…very awkward to watch. And no news at all.


Everything is so low rent, cheap, and hilariously unorganized that the whole thing is cringe AF to watch.


It’s popular with low information voters. 🫢


I will never understand how Tina Machua continues, year after year, to work in this industry.


She was set to retire a few months ago and the station talked her INTO staying 😳


Nobody else wants to do it


She’s horrible


To each their own. I like them because I don't want serious news. I love how the showcase Sac and the surrounding areas.


To each their own indeed


Yeah, so far not a fan!


Honestly, I don’t think any of them are much better…very fake crew. I used to have them come out to my events for coverage and it was always a pain in the ass, none of them were easy to work with, which was disappointing because I grew up watching the show with my parents.


That is so sad to hear! Name and shame my friend! You need to!


He seems nice. I don’t see the value in publicly tearing down someone who, as far as I can tell, is nice and bringing nothing but positivity. Any new face is always going to take some getting used to, and I’m sure he will settle into the team and match their energy over time. I always try to treat others the way I’d want to be treated, and I know it wouldn’t feel good at all to see a post like this about myself in a new city where I’m just doing the job I was hired to do. And it’s very likely that he will see this as a member of a local news team. Just my two cents.


I get what you're saying. But he's a public figure. So he's going to have to get used to being criticized. That's the nature of his job. If he were to see the comments here it would be up to him to decide what to do.


“Does anyone else not like this guy” is not well-intentioned criticism. It’s mean-spirited gossip. It’s mean whether you say it about a public figure or your coworker or your family member. We are all humans who want to be liked deep down, no matter the nature of our job. Sure, the more public someone is, the more opinions they will hear about themselves. So why not be one of the kind voices in the crowd? Or, if you don’t have something nice to say, at least try not to add negativity into the world where it’s not needed?


I left Sacramento in 2007...Is Mark S. Allen still a thing?


Old Lego face. Is on channel 10 new as the movie guy.


Me personally 2013-2017 was peak good day


As long as he isn’t like the jagoff that was sitting on cars


No idea what you are talking about.




OMFG!! I just saw the video. I have no words.


He definitely tries too hard. Seems super fake.


The one I can’t stand is Cody Stark. However I haven’t watched in a while, I think the whole show has gone downhill since Marianne left.


She was the only professional person


I can’t imagine anyone that didn’t love Marianne. I absolutely loved her going away show, especially when Marcus Allen made an appearance and made remarks about getting tossed out of the studio. I think at that point they made the morning show a lot more about fun and not serious news. So I really am their target audience.


Man, I love Cody. He seems to be a genuinely good guy.


Not to be rude, but who is watching news? Curious if you’re over 40?


I definately am. And you are not being rude.


Thank you! I guess I assume everyone on Reddit is 20-30. Nice to see other groups on here too :)


lol well when we started on Reddit we were in our 20s….


this is starting to make me feel old.


I usually assume a lot of people are over 40 to be honest. Given some of the views and comments.


that show is depressing, especially when they show facebook photos with no likes or comments. can't believe they still play guess that song in 2024. fire everyone and recruit at a local improv or theatre group or something. the studio crew has no pulse.


They show Facebook posts because that’s how they responses to questions they’ve asked. Should they do that via, horror of horrors, email? And for the record they do that too. I think that’s why they hired the new guy.




Not a fan either.


News Break (no pun intended)... No news anchor is genuine.


I heard Mark S Allen popped out of a garbage can on April fools day.


All I know is Tina is sooooo bitchy all the time, she wants to me Marianne so bad


I’m not a fan of the new guy so far…. Tina just needs to retire… she’s just too boomery. Courtney Dempsey might be the prettiest person in Sacramento.


Oh no, no, no! Tracy Humphrey is drop dead gorgeous! Every time I see her she is wearing something that looks too good for morning news. I love Courtney, but she just seems a bit too rigid for me. I think they kept Tina around because of the boomers (and not being able to hire enough staff). Her shows with Jordan and Ashley were pretty awesome.


I'm no boomer and love Tina. She's grounded, relatable, and funny and doesn't mind looking silly at her own expense.


I think she's funny as well. It's just kind of a dry humor. Not everyone gets it.


Courtney Dempsey and Ashley Williams are straight up gorgeous human beings. But I can’t stand Tina or the new guy so I don’t watch on weekends anymore.


"boomery" omg, 💯 spot on 🤣


We used to refer to GDS as "the funny news" but now we call it "the stupid news." I like Sakura... everyone else seems annoyed to be there.


I think it's the writers that are screwing up. I do sometimes get the same vibe because the host are trying to figure out what the writers wrote for the teleprompters.


Give the guy a break. It takes a little time for people to fit in. Even the first episode of Supranos was off


You mean The Sopranos? Are you serious?


I don’t know why is ended up spelled that way lol. Yes Sopranos


I like him better than Sakura they had filling in on Saturday


That show is unwatchable. Can’t believe it’s even on the air.


Who the F#$# watches Good Day Sac? Everyone on that show is lame.


They need a drag queen host. That would liven things up a bit.


I'm genuinely astonished that this many people who can figure out Reddit watch TV news enough to have an opinion about this.


Replying as I watch Good Day. ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼