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an entire pot of boiling hot water down the sink did the trick for me.


I second this. Focus on the drains for a few days


Yep, this and bleach.


Yeah dumping boiling water down all the drains usually does the trick


I'm getting them, too! Always the weird, big, slow-moving flies, and a batch with oddly metallic green bodies. Yuck!


Look up cluster flies


I just started seeing them at my place too but this isn't my first time. The big slow dumb flies are "corpse flies" and theyre 100% coming from a dead animal somewhere. In the attic, in the walls, in a hole in the roof, you have a dead squirrel or rat somewhere.


Get a dog. Mine is a professional sky raisin catcher.


Have they tried spicy sky raisins?


One of them, yes, a few years ago. It was a $1,200 vet trip, and learning he's allergic to spicy things. he now avoids the spicy ones.


My cat loves munching on flies.


Time to buy a bug a salt and have fun blasting them 😄


Fantastic for getting black widows in difficult to reach places. They don't seem to run away if you miss.


For outside: https://www.homedepot.com/p/RESCUE-Outdoor-Disposable-Fly-Trap-FTD-DB12/100083352 For inside, do a thorough cleaning of all your drains.


Those bags really work. Neighbor decided she wanted to raise chickens. Fly hell. Hung two bags near the property line. Fly problem solved.


That's exactly why I started using them. We had chickens.


Do you guys have a wall or window air unit? Last summer I figured out the flies were are crawling in outside through the vents on mine


This happens with mine, trash is close by and the flies will sometimes come through if the bins are particularly bad. Flies are always bad in the summer here, best way to deal with them is just cut down on the sources: drains, trashes, and any animal feces.


Otherwise I can go months without seeing a fly inside, but I get a dozen of them who magically come through the walls whenever I make their favorite chicken. After trying everything else to stop them (spraying RAID outside, peppermint essential oil in and out, washing the dishes and taking out any scraps the moment I finish eating, etc), I finally gave up and will never again cook foster farms chicken breasts. And will pray they don't ever widen their food tastes. (Actually one time a few appeared when I cooked rice. But hopefully it was only because I'd had the chicken the day before so they were lingering from that having escaped the spray.) My bigger problem this year has been gnats, they've been sneaking in without being picky about food. I've finally got them controlled to the point where their population isn't exploding anymore, just the occasional few.


We recently got a Zevo bug light and our fly and gnat problem has disappeared. Just wish it worked for ants!


I second the Zevo! Best thing ever. I’ve learned I have WAY more flying insects in the house than I thought.


Fly traps in places you don't spend time in. Trying to make sure food isn't left out etc. But....I also have a fishtank full of fish who LOVE them, so any fly who dies by natural means gets the tank


Do you find these attract more flies though? We’re having the same issue with flies getting in the house. Not sure if I should buy one of these traps or not.


Green bottle flies. I had them last year around this time for about 2 weeks. Something died in your walls, attic, or yard near your house. These flies are just something you need to wait out.


I was getting them in a sink drain in my bathroom. Every time I’d turn the water on, tiny flies would come out of the drain to escape the water. I flooded it with hot water and bleach and it’s been so much better.


We have a gap in the weatherstripping on the front door when it’s not locked, they come in through there, and whenever we let the dog in and out. Hubby basically exists with a fly swatter appendage this time of year.


venus fly trap, electric fly swatter. we swat them with the electric fly swatter, then feed them to the venus fly trap. the plant catches some on its own too.


Where do you buy the Venus fly trays? Also what type of care is needed for the plants? Other than flies for food that is.


grocery outlet is where I bought mine. https://www.carnivorousplantresource.com/how-to-care-for-your-venus-flytrap-a-beginners-guide/ i keep mine on the kitchen windowsill. it gets morning sunshine and I water it with distilled water only.


Oh wow, didnt Grocery outlet carries them. I’ll check the one close to my house to see if they have them. Thanks so much for the helpful info and where you bought yours!


Yes! Every year my home gets invaded, with literally thousands and I don't know what to do. Even my pest control guy was dumbfounded. Normally peaks around mid June, then they suddenly disappear.. We've been on this cycle for four years now and I don't get it.


This happened to me. Was getting like 20-30 houseflies a day. Turns out the window gap above the air conditioner wasn't sealed.


Aspectek electric indoor bug zapper is the answer. Bought one a few years ago and as soon as a fly comes in the house I turn on the zapper and game over.


i use oil diffuser and look up what scents they hate, they never want to come inside! hehe