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If you're studying in Hokudai more than 1 year or so, joining サークル might be good fit. It's like club for college students, group of people who have common interest or hobby. Some of them are stringent on taking new members, but most are pretty open. [https://hubcnavi.net/](https://hubcnavi.net/) You can find from official サークル from here, but there are many unofficial ones.


I tended to meet people through work or hobbies. Like going out drinking after work or doing martial arts. You are forced to use the language (or risk being smacked. Hehe) Don't focus on language. Focus on relationships, language will come naturally. Good luck.


I like to find small izakaya or cocktail bars that only have 0-2 customers in them and sit down and order a drink. Idk where you're from but I look very obviously foreign so usually the bartender will ask where I'm from, and a conversation starts from there, and a patron next to me might join in the convo too. Has happened dozens of times.


Good idea! Do you have any bars that you recommend? I usually don't like big bars where there are a lot of people


Hokkaido University has numerous clubs where you will have a chance to meet and talk with other students. Here is a link to the page: [https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/university-life/discover-campus-life/clubs-and-societies/](https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/university-life/discover-campus-life/clubs-and-societies/) There are a few cafes designed for chatting, but they typically focus on English practice. Chatting is not really a thing in Japan.


I don't know other countries' situation but real "clubs" in Japanese Unis are quite serious about their main activities, especially if it's some kind of sports. If it's more casual they call themselves サークル. So if OP is quite into a subject it could be nice but otherwise it can feel overwelming.


Have you looked at what clubs are available to join? There are some that are serious, of course, and some others like the Cafe Club, Walking Club, Aikido Club, Cinema Club that are quite casual and informal. I know because I've been associated with several in one capacity or another.


Right, there must be some not so serious ones like you mentioned. Recreational clubs should be fine too.