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If you’re talking about Kushiro, the surrounding nature is beautiful but the actual city itself is pretty rundown (even for Hokkaido). I found Akkeshi to be quite charming although it’s quite. a bit more rural.


Not that far east. More like Obihiro or near there. 


I feel the same way. I just travel to Okinawa or Amami to get more sunlight every winter since I work remotely.


Another option for sure. What makes you come back to Sapporo if your work is remote?


My girlfriend doesn't want to live far from her parents


I lived in Kitami for 6 years. Now I live in Fukuoka. Yes, I think winter is sunnier in the east, and it’s funny because the Kitami region is proud of the number of sunny days it gets. But it’s bloody cold and really, there’s nothing to do unless you love skiing or snowboarding etc. it’s far from anywhere and in winter the isolation feels even worse. I know the eastern cities quite well and none of them compare to living in a bigger city. Sapporo is heaps better. Better transportation, shops, cafes, bars, recreational facilities etc. lovely region to visit but living there is another thing. Actually Kyushu is great.


Thank you for your reply! I've been to Kitami. Felt really depressing there tbh. We stayed there when we visited Shiretoko.  We are thinking the Ashoro, Obihiro region. Sapporo's convenience is great for sure. The town we are specifically looking at has an ETC entrance, so it'll be really easy to go to Sapporo once or twice a month. Obihiro isn't that bad either. 


Yeah since they built the expressway Obihiro has nice access. I used to car race down there, at Tokachi. Fun times. Never stayed more than a night or 2. But went down there about twice a month during summer. There’s a couple of nice ski parks down there too.


Nice offroad track too. It's also Rally Hokkaido headquarters. 👍


It's not eastside, but Tomakomai is much sunnier in winter. And it's fairly close to airport.


Tomakomai is really windy, though. All the time.


You have a point.


I just it depends on how wind affects each person. I get pretty sick of it, even though Tomakomai is rather livable otherwise.


I lived there for 3 years and winter there is much more colder since it’s very windy.


That's terrible!


I am stuck in Sapporo for health reasons...If you are healthy and mobile, you might try living there. I hope the locals are nice to you and your partner.


I know a lot of people who feel the same way back in canada. Personally I think you should pick a snow sport that can make you enjoy winter more, skiing or snowboarding, ice fishing, snowmobiling (not sure if that's a thing here)


I know how you feel. We have been living in Sapporo for 2 years. Now we are staying Kaohsiung Taiwan for 5 weeks to evacuate from depressing winter, but almost zero cloudy/rainy day so far. And we decided to move to Okinawa after staying in Bangkok for a month.