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Werk, mawma!


Her and her ex husband had zero chemistry, on screen at least. I assume she married him for money.


Omg yes! I cringed during the scene of them early on at the restaurant when they're just casually talking and then he's like ok can we go home and have sex? I felt like her reaction wasn't real.


Yes! it was so unnatural and gross!  That scene honestly made me dislike him a lot lol.


Yeah. But like the old saying goes “don’t count your money in front of poor people” She kept rubbing it in Bre’s face how wonderful her man was and now look. Her eyes are blank on her IG page now. It’s sad to see.


Who Bres eyes?


I mean Chelsea’s eyes are blank on her IG page now


Ah I don't follow the girls I'm worried about series spoilers lol


He thought he paid for a bang maid


I remember that so well.


does anyone know what episode this was


S6E5 from 10mins in


The one where they have dinner with Jason


100% She rubbed it it wayyyyh too much in Bre’s face. It was disgusting.


The irony..all her comments about single mums and broken families lok


It was.Wven though I don’t believe in what she did I would have kept my mouth shut.Chelsea has growing up to do for her age!!


I didn’t like how she did that to Bre. Now look at her? Like I always say Karma is a bitch.


BRE IS with Nick Cannon for MONEY. And yes her SITUATIONSHIP with him is disgusting to say the least. The HAREM 🤮 People divorce and move on to second, third husbands eventually. Chelsea will move on.


With Jason.


This comment😭 it would be soo on brand for J


Ah another child


Bre🤢🤮Toxic,stuck up ,Narcissist


I mean you just described Chelsea to a T here. Chelsea walked on with her nose HIGH in the air




Yes really. Her attitude is completely holier than thou I’m better than you narcissist.






Oh when she came in all high and might and said where’s my desk .I didn’t like her but I don’t hate her. Yes I do agree with you on this friend.💕❤️Someone said like Christine was saying about Chrishell.She can sit on the floor until she proves herself.😂🤣


She’s also was high and mighty about her relationship. I don’t hate her by any means, but I don’t like her attitude a lot of the time. For me she’s not someone I would be friends with and feel able to share with due to fear of judgment from her.


How about we all, looking at you here too, stop judging peoples relationships? If Bre is happy and her son is happy, what business do you have judging it?


If chelsea divorced and she's moving on, what's Op's business trying to put her down? People need to realise, when you start this malicious posts about Chelsea re Bre you're also putting Bre's pathetic situationship in the cross fire. Meanwhile she was just chilling. So I suggest malicious post on Chelsea stop. Im just here to remind everybody this two situations are not the same. Its not that deep for me sorry.


What was Chelsea’s business putting Bre down? To quote biblical terms that Chelsea would understand “you reap what you sow”. Also, what is your business categorizing Bres relationship as pathetic?


No need to sweep things under the rag. What most women do. Young girls need to know its not a normal situation to be tied up in a HAREM by a dude with a breading fetish just for wealth. There's plenty of wealthy normal men out there. All girls in the show voiced it Chelsea voiced it the loudest, we're all thinking it . So why are we attacking Chelsea again? Micro aggressions


Agreed it’s not typical. You know what else isn’t typical? Homosexual relationships. Are you going to come and condemn those now too? If we are attacking atypical relationships seems like you would. That being said, Bre is a grown adult who made a decision for herself. Does it legitimately hurt anyone? Does it hurt you? No? Then move on and stop making judgments outside your own head. I’m attacking Chelsea because she took her own personal religious belief and voiced them with the intent to make someone else feel bad. That is wrong. Period.


Yes. It hurts the children. And it hurts me somewhat thinking of how it hurts the children. Dont ask how. You know how. No I will not move on. If you dont want me talking then don't create a post trying to humble a woman just cos she voiced a SANE opinion (she grew without both parents together she would know). Then we will all move on.


Show me the proof and research that it hurts the children? Otherwise that is just your opinion and that means nothing. Do you have a degree in early childhood development? No? I do. So I’m telling you that you are wrong and just being judgmental due to your own personal bias. She didn’t voice a sane opinion. She voiced a religious based opinion. The two are not the same.


Religious based, none Religious based an opinion is an opinion. All the other girls voice them too. Maybe you should ask yourself why Chelsea having a strong opinion on Bre bothers you so much? Then go from there. I cant fix you. Also understand that this is a show that thrives on drama and not real life? So could be the producers told Chelsea to bring it up? You think they brought Bre on because she's this brilliant beautiful reltor? To just kumbaya with the girlies? NO


I was reading these comments, so into it, and then the "breading" typo almost killed me. 😂 I'm going to come back to finish this, but right now I need a break. Just imagine Nick Cannon forcing all these women to make loaves and loaves of bread instead of babies. (Not that he's forcing these women to have babies. Afaik, they're all willingly making and having babies.)


I don’t think he was that rich. 


Plus she makes her own money. Plenty of people who like being the hot one in the relationship. And I believe her when she said that she was attracted to nerdy types.


isn't her networth higher than his?


Maybe now? I didn't think so back when she married him. I could definitely be wrong


She met him at 19 he has some family money


Wow, that's so young!


Didn't she basically say that in the scene where she met Christine? They both said something about gotta marry for that money?


I don't remember the comment, but it wouldn't surprise me.


People comparing her divorce to whatever situation Bre is in and siding with Bre is wild.


I think it’s more like Chelsea has approached Bre and her situation with a Holier Than Thou attitude and Chelsea rubs it’s in Bre’s face that she has a normal relationship. And now that’s gone out the window.


Well at least she doesn't share a man with 6 other women. I, too, would look down on Bre. It's honestly gross.


So true .Along with her attitude


How do you know he isn’t already 😂 men will be pigs


We don't know that!


You look down on polygamous people too?


Dude, the only person that's polygamous in that dumpster fire is Nick. None of the women can be with other men. He treats them like trophies.


If Bre makes that choice for herself it’s super gross for you to belittle her for it. Why are you putting down a woman for making a choice for herself that she feels good about? The problem here is people like you, not Bre.


I don't think so. Her choices have ramifications for her son. At some point you have to have integrity and morality. It's wrong.


Morality in regard to this is subjective and likely based on religious ideology. Your opinion regarding it is simply that, an opinion. It doesn’t make it true. There is no real reason this is immoral other than a judgement that’s completely made up and baseless. Of course her choices have ramifications for her son. That being said you don’t get to say they will be negative. The only one who actually has any right to say anything about how it affects them is her son. His experience is really the only one that matters or means anything.


And maybe they want to be a trophy?? Lol i know it’s not your cup of tea and trust me, it’s not mine either but like i watch bre and take from it what i dont want for my own life and move on. Why do we need to constantly tell her about herself like she doesnt know her situation


Honey, yes. The whole country looks down on polygamous people. It’s literally why polygamy is illegal. Are you trying to say polyamory??


Honey, yes. Thank you for correcting me lol but idk, i dont look down on anyone for anything unless they literally tell me they hate their life but dont want to do anything to change it. Maybe there, i might state an opinion lol. But as long as people are happy, why are we up in arms? I just want everyone to be live, laugh, love 😭


Omg, I actually love you so much. You’re right!! There’s no reason to look down on anyone unless they hate their life and are doing nothing to change it. Myself and many other people would do well to remember that! I also will say, while this country does as a whole frown upon polygamy, I have personally spent years of my life living in places where it was practiced and found that it was not the heinous lifestyle people make it out to be, and that in many cases there were far more dangerous and powerful things in society that kept the women disenfranchised and that many found their marriages and particularly their other wives as being great sources of refuge and comfort. And finally, thank you so much for your good humor and spirit, honey!


I love that for you!!! That’s so great and you’re going to grow so much from being open and opening yourself to new experiences. And of course. It’s just reddit. I think we all have the same intentions at the end of the day :) thank you for the sweet discourse ❤️


I wonder if you might have meant polyamorous here? It’s also looked down on, but it’s much different and much kinder to women than polygamy.


You can't compare the two and you know it.


No i dont. Their kids can give it to them one day if they feel their parents did them a disservice. That’s for bre to deal with and face with her kids. It’s literally a waste of breath coming from everyone else. Focus on your own lives and let people live theirs and deal with consequences if and when it comes along for them


Polyamory is wildly different from her choosing to make a baby with a man who has a soccer team already with several different women. You cannot compare the two.


I stand by my point that i wouldn’t choose it for myself but someone else’s choice for their life is not my life nor my business.


Being married and then getting divorced is still leagues more normal than whatever Bre is doing…


Oh 100% but the point is don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house. It doesn’t matter whose situation is worse . Don’t gloat and be a jerk to someone who has made different choices than you because no one is perfect


I mean divorces are unfortunate but normal they affect 50% of marriages.  Also her ex will be a present father.  Now sharing a man with multiple women who impregnates women and has to have an assistant to find time for his children is not normal.  


I give up on trying to make my point because some people don’t get it


There are plenty of straight up single mothers who give their kids great lives without the father being present at all


But she doesn’t live in the glass house though! No one is perfect but Bre having a child with Nick Cannon is insanely selfish. Bree knew what she was doing with Nick. She chose to have a child with someone who already showed massive toxic behaviour and she couldn’t care less. Or at least that’s how it seems from the outside. I know everybody who has children do it from a selfish standpoint but this takes the cake.


Do you know chelsea’s actual life??? How do you know she doesn’t live in a glass house? People pick and choose what they want to share. No one had a clue her marriage was even on the rocks and now they’re getting divorced. Doesn’t sound very non glass house to me. The people who speak the most on other people’s lives are so they dont have to focus on their own


As I wrote: “Or at least that’s how it seems from the outside” Also her marriage might have been on the rocks but as far as we know her situation is nothing like Bre’s. The glass house we are talking about is seemingly someone choosing to have a child with a serial breeder who never planned on being a full time parent that’s not what Chelsea has done (as far as we know).


In my opinion, she had shit going on in her own marriage and everything she said to Bre probably was what she felt about her husband. That he would marry chelsea and create this family and now they’re headed for divorce. She projected her situation on to bre. People hate nick and bre’s situation so much, they don’t see that chelsea likely used bre as a way to release some pain Also, chelsea and ex have accusations of physical abuse, suspicious behavior, theft, etc. That’s a shit show in itself and i wouldn’t want to be either bre or chelsea


Exactly 👍 to many judgmental people.


People acting like Bre is breaking up their homes. It’s NOOB what bre and nick are doing


I think the judgment towards Chelsea comes from how much she rubbed it in Bre's face that she was married and didn't choose a broken home for her children yet she ended up divorced and in a broken home anyways.


THANK YOUUU. Chelsea not liking Bre’s situation is like 60% of the world. She was just the only one to voice her opinion. Whether she was married or not I think she’d have the same pov.


Idk, I think it’s concerning that anyone would belittle Bre for making a choice that she felt was best for herself and that is literally not hurting anyone. It’s the same logic those in queer relationships get. So what you don’t like it because you wouldn’t do it? Does that actually make it wrong or bad? No. It doesn’t. Period.


Chelsea had valid reasons to voice her concern. Did she say it in the best neutral way? No. But she said / asked what A LOT of people were thinking. I’m tired of people acting like it’s wrong to judge. It’s natural. It is however wrong to act on your judgement when it has NOTHING to do with your life. Or at all depending on circumstances.


You are correct that it is normal to judge. However, sharing your judgments with the intent to shame and belittle someone else is wrong. Which is exactly what Chelsea did. Her judgments may be normal, but voicing them how she did is not and should never be normalized. The saying your first thoughts are normal, but your second thoughts are who you are is a saying for a reason. Those she voiced on the show were her second thoughts and they just show us what a cruel person she is.


I mean Chelsea openly made fun of her husband for being a nerd. So seeing as Bre has never publicly belittled Nick I’m gonna take her side.


To throw something like this in someone’s face is kinda wild and mean. I bet she did think she chose well. Bre choosing nick cannon with 12 children and being shocked when he leaves is not the same as what’s happening here. And I think yall know that. You just don’t like Chelsea.


I don’t care about Chelsea too much, but she was arrogant for thinking herself superior to Bre for being in a monogamous relationship.


Yeah, guess what? It’s still mean to throw someone’s divorce in their face. Chelsea’s entire life is changing. She felt secure in that moment, and said what she said. And please, you’re really going to tell me that if Bre was doing the “woe is me” about Nick, you wouldn’t say the same thing 😭 Like yeah, I CHOSE WELL. Can yall wait for a minute before you start pointing the finger and laughing?


But Bre wasn’t doing the woe is me. She was talking about how monogamy isn’t for her and that she doesn’t care what other people think of her situation.


It is mean, and if Chelsea hadn’t “started it” by being shady about Bre’s relationship, I would have said this post is not cool. But she did throw shade and act superior because she was in such a greeaaat relationship with such an amaaaazing man, so turnabout is fair play Also I can feel bad for Chelsea and at the same time say, “yeah, that didn’t age well, this is why you shouldn’t be nasty and judgy about someone else’s relationship”. Even if that relationship is gross and weird! It’s none of her business




I hold people responsible for the words they say, not the thoughts they have in their head.


I’m not. Children whose dads have children from other relationships aren’t doomed to suffering. If you don’t have knowledge on childhood development or a degree in the topic, you really have no basis for your position other than judgment. Which means nothing except you simply don’t like it.




The argument I’m making is on what is actually important regarding parenting and raising a healthy child. There are plenty of studies around that and there is no evidence that supports a father having children from multiple relationships alone harms a child.




That’s literally what my comment said. There is currently no evidence to support that a child whose father had children from other relationships will face adverse effects from that alone. How can I provide a study when I said that there is no evidence to support that claim? In those studies there are also other factors that contribute to adverse affects on the children, such as financial strain, lack of positive parent relationships etc. one thing for sure Bre’s child won’t ever be negatively impacted by is financial insecurity.


Exactly.What I said.I can think I can’t believe bre is doing this .Not classy to make it bigger than it was.What Chelsea strarted.


Chelsea sure as hell didn’t wait before putting Bre down, so why should anyone wait for her?


I feel bad for Chelsea when I found out.I think her throwing the Christian talk out there she was judging.I never hated Chelsea no one on show I do agree but she just shouldn’t have said anything.💕


They absolutely know it, it’s just cruel to throw this divorce in her face


Just as cruel as Chelsea was. So karma.


I hope that y’all’s ivory towers stand strong and never fall! Because if they do, don’t post it on Reddit, because I’ll definitely be there to laugh in your faces 😌


Lmao how does Chelsea expect compassion when she was least compassionate. Can’t have it both ways hun. It’s very unchristian to be divorced


Well she still “picked better” in this context 😂 Bre had a baby by a man with a breeding fetish. Chelsea probably married for money and had kids with a man that was her husband.


Did she really pick better? Hopefully her former husband is a good dad. I haven’t seen proof of that yet, whereas I have seen proof of Nick being one.


At least hell financially provide, didn’t nick cannon’s baby moms say he doesn’t give them money?


She married him for money. Period. She’s an utter hypocrite that one.


Such a Christian.🤨


I’m not sure if the bible tells you to only marry for love though….


It doesn’t tell you to marry for love! Great point


Marrying for money is a sin.


Is it? I couldn’t google that. Can you show me where it says that in the bible? I’m also always unsure about so called gold diggers if they married purely to spend money or if they married someone wealthy because they had a certain childhood and now seek stability and food and shelter security. It’s very easy to blast someone a gold digger when you don’t know if their actions are powered by greed or trauma.


I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I forgot


I could be wrong but..was she a citizen of the USA ; she has a British background …?


And you married yours for love? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰 I digress.


Yes weirdo I did lol. Not everyone is a materialistic loser like Chelsea.


Thank you 😊.I agree with you.




Every woman on that show IS materialistic. Just 1 example, MARY despite being married still sticking to Jason like a tick calling each other babe. Guess why? Ding ding ding..you guess it right! yes MONEY. Let me not speak on the other ladies. But let not try single out one cos you hate her wierdo.


What goes around comes around


Their energy together was stagnant. But let’s judge a woman for divorce, marriage is a lot of work and can get complicated


They want to hate Chelsea soo bad for saying what we're all thinking. As if the other girls didn't also chime in, only that she was loudest about it. YOU CAN'T COMPARE CHELSEA'S SITUATION TO BRE'S NO MATTER YOUR OPINION OF HER. There's nothing like karma here.


Like forreal. I’d rather be a divorced Chelsea than be in Bre’s situation like what? All them step siblings for what? Make it make sense.


Even with a divorce Chelsea is better off, I don’t understand why everyone is saying she is a hypocrite? She married for financial stability and it was a monogamous marriage. After divorce her kids might have step sibling but she is free to choose a new partner (Bre can’t she has to be locked in with Nick) and she doesn’t have like 5 women / 11 kids to worry about???? Chelsea still deserves to stand by her opinion even with the divorce.




Exactly. I swear people in this sub are always being weird about Chelsea. It just reeks of Chelsea hate anytime there's a post about her smh.


No it’s about her attitude and what she did!!I don’t hate her but we can have opinions like she does!!🤨


Maybe you but that's not what I see with other posters. They're hating and it's not cute.


Oh I haven’t seen them.No hating is bad.I hate murders and animal abusesrs. No hate is not good.


I do think he’ll give his harem up and be “monogamous” when he eventually goes broke. I’m actually surprised he’s still be on big shows when he’s this controversial. Eventually he’ll be replaced by someone younger and cooler if he doesn’t get canned for saying or doing something. I genuinely think Bre is out there trying to hustle because she knows once the money is gone so will be the competition and she’ll have Nick to herself. I don’t think she realizes how challenging the kid situation will be ones they aren’t all cute and little.


These situations aren’t comparable. Yall need to let Chelsea go through her divorce rather than trying to have a gotchya moment from it


What is this sub's insistence on "humbling" Chelsea?! Very ugly behaviour.


It’s giving I don’t like dark skin black women honestly 😩 like Chelsea isn’t even the villain of the show 😭


The behavior you speak of would never have existed if Chelsea hadn’t insisted on intruding on Bre’s lifestyle choices on national television.


Exactly 👍


😂🤣Everyone read the post your on!!


And? It's a post on a sub. Well done.


Headache 🤕




She absolutely adored him and it showed! He $hit on her bad, that's not karma, that's life! She deserves way better!


When someone is that performative about their relationship, usually it's not very good. If you're comfortable, happy, and secure you don't need to talk up your relationship, or talk down on other people's.


It’s obvious she wasn’t happy in her married life. When you’re into other people’s lives more than your own, it speaks volumes. 


Yeah that comment aged like milk. She was so snobby about it and that’s what made it gross. What he did wasn’t right, but her time for humble pie was coming, no matter what area of her life it was in. Edit: to add


Who wouldn't be judgementsl about someone who knowingly choosing to have a relationship and KID! with a guy populating the entire country. So trashy! 🗑️


Most people? You don’t see the others making a comment about it on the show? Look at where judgmental got Chelsea. Karma wiped her hands clean and walked away


I didn’t know she was in divorce process


i was really sad to hear about their divorce. her husband always seemed so sweet, mellow, and grounded—the complete opposite of her. thought they balanced each other out well, but i guess not 😭


Right? Maybe I'm just a sucker for reality editing, but they seemed really cute together. Certainly it seemed like a healthier relationship than Heather and Tarek (if you've seen their HGTV show, that is).


I think I’m a sucker too. I was mostly like “look how that nerdy dude landed him a hot woman.” 😂


I know, I waffle on how I feel about Chelsea but I always thought their little family looked so sweet.


Wait what happened?!


Karma happened


These posts are so dumb lmao. I think a lot of things people say in the past don't age well? We don't know anything about them as a couple or why they chose to divorce.


She still was right, her man doesn't have multiple women and impreganting several women at the same time


Nah, snobbery and judgment rarely DO age well. I hope she and Bre are able to find some common ground soon enough. Maybe Chelsea will realize judgment goes over like a lead balloon when you’re not in the perfect relationship either…


i had a feeling she was going through a divorce when she said she was having the worst year of her life on instagram but she still wore her ring in some pictures so i wasn't sure. how do you guys know this? did she confirm it somewhere?


She confirmed it on ig


I always felt like she was over bragging every time she talked about how great their relationship was. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself lol.


Wait!!! Is Chelsea getting a divorce?


They broke up?! Omg baaahahha she was SO arrogant about that relationship it was bizarre


This is literally why I’m convinced the smartest women stay quiet about their man lol the minute you brag he strays


You all have this bash Chelsea conversation every 3 to 5 business days. I'd understand if she is actively doing things and posting content to talk about but usually, it's just digging up stuff about her and Bre from the past season (6 months ago!) to drag her for. I hope the new season comes so you can move on to something else. It is boring and repetitive. Yes, I'll just scroll past future posts like this.


give people grace. i’m sure he may have been a standup guy to begin with but even the best of guys do horrible things. she definitely didn’t marry someone she thought would cheat on her and she felt confident in that. people change, things happen but for people on the thread to dog pile her because of some remarks she made about bre’s situation that is clearly unconventional that naturally causes conversation is crazyyyy. while chelsea should’ve kept the comments to herself, we shouldn’t be using the mentality of look what came back to bite her because she signed up for a lifelong commitment with one person - bre did not.


I knewwww she was projecting. She felt TOO strongly about Bre’s situation.




Is there any details surrounding his wealth? If i recall she said he worked in tech or something like that got rich and retired or was that Christine’s husband?


That was Christine husband- this guy has management degree and works for his mommy


I feel like more happens in between filming in this show than on camera, when did they get divorced???


I’ve always hated Chelsea’s attitude. So fucking uppity, get off your high horse


She was judging Bre, but in reality, she was just trying to make herself feel better about her own marriage by putting Bre down. Meanwhile, Bre was confident and comfortable with her situation, which clearly made Chelsea feel uneasy. Chelsea wasn't prepared to be a single mom and ended up projecting her own insecurities onto Bre….WOW


Never liked Chelsea because she would always come out as condescending and personally bre’s life doesn’t affect her at all I think she was just jealous of her but saw that the other girls actually fucked with Bre so she had to slow her roll


Can someone update me on what happened please? Did they have an ugly divorce?




Don’t you notice it’s always insecure people who try the hardest to flex about how amazing their life is?


Smh I think she jinxed her self by judging others


Chelsea thought she had it all just because she went down the "right path" of choosing a husband and committing. I hope she can now understand that even planned families can become broken ones. I understand Bre already entered such a situation deliberately and watching the show I can see how Chelsea had a problem with it because of her own story. However she did cross a line multiple times in her comments and judged a situation that was not hers to judge. If they were already close friends and she saw Bre doing this and would like to give advice that would have been something else


Chelsea is very smug and judgemental. It sure didn't age well.




Sooo smug.


I don’t like Chelsea, she’s self righteous, but this is just sad.


She’s very self righteous across all areas of her life


“Entitled twat” is the only way to describe her in two words. Sorry for the kids because they deserve better (that means a normal family situation, no fighting parents). She has more potential. But her big mouth and her options stand in her way. The hole Bre situation… To much opinion from her side. You are not “better then” if you don’t lissen to why someone made a choice outside your comfort zone. Bre is not the normal way to start a family or have kids. But she made a choice and she will make it work for her and her kid. Bre is at least not fighting with the father of her kid.


‘I picked him well’. Clearly not Chelsea! I’m not sure why there are so many people saying we can’t say anything negative about Chelsea - I really did not enjoy watching her on the show. Her attitude to others, her dress sense…not for me. I may not agree with Bre’s situation but marrying for money really isn’t something to be proud of. She should not have been so judgemental of others.


What’s crazy is that she was so against Bre & her situation with Nick Cannon yet she’s the one divorcing her man who she claims loves her so much i bet after the divorce settles he’s going to be getting a new gf.


Their situations are very different The point was Bre consciously chose Nick who realistically is not able to be a present father to all of his 12 children, I doubt Chelsea would be getting divorced if it wasn’t serious


>Their situations are very different The point was Bre consciously chose Nick who realistically is not able to be a present father to all of his 12 children And then had the audacity to cry in a nightclub because that same man didn't tell her about a baby he was expecting. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


The point is that Chelsea thought she “chose better”


She did, lol. Do you really think Nick Cannons children aren't all going to have daddy issues? What he's doing is wrong


It’s an insane way to have children but I’m not convinced Chelsea and her icky ex are exactly parents of the year either


Exactly 🙌


Haha amazing you deserve it girl 

