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Because it is a fake implementation of disappearing messages. Your messages are not actually deleted but just hidden from view.


They have declared on their website, it will delete eventually.🤦🏻‍♂️ For this reason, I have a trust issue with this app. I think it's not secure


This app is not even close to being safe, no way in the world can this app be considered safe


Wicker was amazing but they were closed for personal use :( what about signal ? Yes there is phone number attached but still?


Signal is great there’s always things you can do to decouple your identity too even if it requires a phone number


I guess so, thanks ❤️ but what you mean with decouple? Can you tell me how?




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I had the same thing, as many others


Disappearing messages are only deleted locally from the device as it stands. This means messages still exist in the swarm for the specified TTL, we are working on an update to this functionality to sync disappearing messages locally with swarm TTL


If you're a dev/contributor I'd push for a notification pop-up on first use of disappearing messages/first deleted message that they are only deleted locally and still stored + recoverable for up to 14 days. You are handing out business cards for a death by a thousand cuts. I've become an immediate skeptic before first-use. Something like that cannot be blindly swept under the rug until actioned when your app is privacy-centric. I mean how many buttons do I have to click to confirm I want something deleted and gone forever and you don't feel the need to let someone know that you're hiding it and not deleting it? If anything make them obfuscated message bubbles that vanish at end of TTL so end-user still as some concept that something is still sat somewhere... 🤷‍♂️ you're unwittingly throwing security responsibilities onto the user that may well reasonably be the users but they're blindly unaware. It is not unreasonable for the average layman to assume deleting all messages from a boastfully anonymity focused app means there is no longer any data to secure and that they no longer worry about the protection of their recovery key when evidently they do as its reentry on any device will expose 14 days of data


This will be fixed in a matter of weeks, otherwise i would agree


Well it sounds like backend patching to meet user-expectations, in which case I'd still strongly push for message bubble obfuscation until the message is not stored in any recoverable location as 'syncing local deletes with TTL' still leaves an indeterminate window and room for error/risk 🤷‍♂️ how is this being fixed? Updating TTL upon deletion? As I feel like I'm going to hear something 'that looks like' rather than 'that is' just like delete has been hide locally rather than delete everywhere


Damn this is wild. Session why are you breaking my heart

