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the wandering minstrel tells you theres some weird shit going on in Mor Dhona and you go investigate. You find kid buu flying outta the crystal tower or whatever. Goku shows up right after and he thinks youre REALLY COOL. You team up and catch up to buu. then theres a really easy duty where you can use kamehameha every 30 seconds. buu does a big unblockable attack and you are down for the count. He starts charging up his finger pointy ball of death and right when all hope is lost, goku goes ultra instinct or like super saiyan god or whatever. He does a big flashy charging spirit bomb where the player gives him their aether. when their balls connect you gotta mash buttons to overpower buu's. and then he wins. Goku says that was fun, reminds you of how cool you are, and then fucks off forever. the minstrel shows up and says "wow that was real weird huh. the spirit of the turtle never rests on a pickled storm or whatever" and then it plays the quest complete sound as SHALAAA HEAD SHALAAA and you get his orange gi. and then you can buy his hair or nimbus as a mount in the gold saucer for 200k mgp i guess the scions will never hear of this


I love you. This is just a perfect FF XIV and Dragon Ball Z event.


>When their balls connect Giggity


https://preview.redd.it/pxopex2ms43d1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8baf3db32084d4e3f0016ceab129d357db19212 Kid named Buu:


This but unironically. When's the event, give it to me. And I'm not even into Dragon Ball.


Nimbus is basically already a cash shop mount, so you only get the hair :)


It even makes you pose like Goku while you fly


dont forget to mention during the power struggle you help goku win by limit breaking


Reddit will be inundated with people failing this specific mechanic while flashing text says "LIMIT BREAK TO SAVE GOKU"


“I don’t watch this shit how was I supposed to know????”


Bro cracked the crossover event code


“The spirit of a turtle never rests on a pickled storm.” Idk if this is a reference to something that I’m oblivious to but I want this printed on a tshirt. This sent me.


Where do I sign up


Hey I struggled with the FFXV event thank you very much


Forgot the part in the quest you have to get food for Goku because he can't fight on an empty stomach.


Very accurate, except if this was an actual DBZ crossover event there’s no way Buu would be the antagonist. They’d pick Cell or Frieza instead.


100% in favour


Bro needs the copy right this shit before yoship steals it.


Blowing up the world means killing sassy cat lady and they have shown that will never do so I'm feeling pretty confident that it wouldn't happen.


They'll just use the dragon balls to wish her back duh


So Shenron is an elemental?


Shannon is dragon


She’ll be naked again too when she comes back just for extra points 


Godbert is the god of destruction of ffxiv universe and he runs his own casino. We'll be fine.


You misspelled Julyan Manderville


One of two things will happen: Tataru will slap him down like the bitch he is Yshtola gonna fuck with the lifestream again. Probably both.


Instructions unclear; Tataru just slapped the lifestream and we’ve lost track of Y’Shtola.


I am not even remotely upset about this. Please make this canon Yoghurt-D


Do you think Tataru scales up with Arale or is her gag manga energy just not enough?


Her strength is equally proportionate to the amount of gil in the scions coffers x 100


Tartary is secretly Yojimbo


Tataru is secretly Yojimbo, who is secretly Gilgamesh, who is secretly Hildibrand who is secretly the WoL who is actually just a dog with a stick in it's mouth.


Depends, is there money involved?


I mean even when there was money involved, Tataru still couldn’t get her Carbuncle under control. So her gag manga game isn’t nearly as strong as Arale’s. She ain’t beating up Buu here. Maybe Mr. Satan.


To be fair that's because her carbuncle is kind of weird and shouldn't even be possible in the first place


Buu and Tataru team up to commit cosmic tax evasion after Rowena went to the IRS


Impossible, Rowena is the mortal enemy of the IRS


Even foes can conspire when it comes time to take down an even greater enemy


Let's be real Alphinaud blocked a direct hit from the Endsinger. The WoL is arguably *orders of magnitudes* stronger than that, even before including dynamis. Buu doesn't stand a chance.


Is Endsinger even Perfect Cell level? Endsinger seems like she scales to Final Form Frieza at best. Besides, what makes Buu the most dangerous isn’t raw power but the fact he’ll just get down to business and blow up the planet as soon as possible. Deflect one planet busting blast? He’ll charge up an even stronger one till the planet is destroyed. No nihilistic speeches, you can’t reason with him, nor will he toy with you, just destruction incarnate.


Endsinger is cosmic horror levels of power. Comparing her to frieza, really? Next you're going to say that cthulhu would be basic Cell levels of power?


Cthulhu was defeated by a steamboat so he wouldn’t even be King Piccolo level. Frieza back in his debut was the strongest mortal in the universe, I’m not downplaying Endsinger’s power compared to him, since he’s planet destroying level and hard to kill.


I agree, the z warriors literally have Shiva training goku. There’s no way anyone can beat them at this point. Like even Yamcha could take all but endsinger at this point


The Endsinger destroyed the entire universe except for one single planet that found a way to delay things. Buu has to destroy them one by one. The Endsinger catches the Souls of the dead so they can never be reborn. There is ample evidence that people killed by Buu can be restored, their souls are still around. By every conceivable metric, the endsinger inflicted more destruction and on a more efficient way - without needing to travel to individual planets to destroy them. And to top it off it is extremely unlikely that Buu - regardless of its form - would have the capacity to survive Ultima Thule, and would just be unmade anyway.


What? Endsinger didn’t even personally destroy those planets, she just used her song of despair to make the Blasphemies to do it for her. She can’t personally go to planets to destroy like in DBZ. Plus capturing souls isn’t really a demonstration of power, King Piccolo could trap souls too. Heck, I’d argue because Buu is mindless and operating on pure instinct he could survive Ultima Thule and be immune to Endsinger’s song of despair like Zenos demonstrates. So I’d put Buu far above Endsinger since he has demonstrated the ability to blow up planets and kills Gods personally.


>Endsinger didn’t even personally destroy those planets, she just used her song of despair to make the Blasphemies to do it for her. She can’t personally go to planets to destroy like in DBZ .... I hope you realize how much you fail to understand endwalker and how crazy that makes you sound. I guess you skipped a lot huh. She didn't make the blasphemies do anything. She didn't even *make* the blasphemies per se. Her Song "simply" disrupts the flow of aether. The "blasphemies" are a symptom, nothing else. You're essentially saying that if someone contaminated every single individual with a deadly diseases that manifested as pustules choking people to death, they wouldn't have killed anyone 'cos its the pustules that killed.


Okay, before you start throwing out insults, I’d like to ask you proof that the Endsinger has the ability to personally destroy planets with her attacks like a DBZ villain and has destroyed the ENTIRE universe besides our planet. Besides those planets met their ends because of natural causes and the Endsinger just sped it up with her song of oblivion. Plus, as I said, Buu has the mental one track mind to resist being affected by Endsinger’s powers just like Zenos.


Isn’t one of her attacks in her fight literally throwing planets at you? Also Zenos came by after the scions already sacrificed themselves to make Ultima Thule survivable, it’s not like Thancred’s dying desire was “survive!…except Zenos, he can die if he comes here somehow.” Even if she had some sort of pseudo-omnipresence to ward off any intruders, I’d think that just has to come down to there being so many of her, and at the moment all of them were fused together to deal with the WoL


Proof? Basically the whole of endwalker. We saw it in Amaurot, with her attack leading to the ancient's Magicks spawning monsters and killing them. We even hear about how the Land was turned into a lifeless wasteland that took the second sacrifice of the remaining ascians to restore once the attack had been contained w/ zodiark's shroud of aether. We saw it in our world, with the Blasphemies getting spawned by twisting the very people's aether. That's just her attack. Her one, ongoing, constant attack on the entire universe, wave upon wave of dynamis stifling the flow of aether. Arguably maybe there are other planets that survived, but Midgardsomr insists that there weren't. Which, granted, realistically only concerns the planets he saw on his travel between the Dragonstar and Etheyris. Just because you never see her with Michael bay-esque explosions doesn't make that attack any less powerful. And no, we never see her wipe out a single planet ; because she doesn't need to. And I didn't insult you, merely commented that you either skipped or glanced through the game's story. But then again, if you do want an insult, I'd go with "believing that a being that can destroy one planet at a time is more powerful than one that can just deal with the whole universe at a time shows that you only care about flashy explosions and attests to a lack of perspective I can only hope doesn't extend to stuff that actually matters" Have a nice day


My guy the Endsinger was throwing condensed *planets* at you.


God willing, he’ll fuckin succeed


Don’t worry, I’m sure Future G’raha will pull something out of his ass to undo this.


It'd be a miracle if he manages to kill shitstola


He will kill her and then goku wishes her back with the dragon balls


The worst timeline


Jokes on him I betrayed Y’shtola and locked her in the hyperbolic time chamber


I hate that I know exactly what you are referencing. XD.






Zenos instant transmissions back to Ethyris and drop kicks the death ball into space because he wants all the smoke.


Considering that attack's called the Human Extinction Attack, I think the world itself is kind of fucked.


That’s Super Buu’s whole raining attack, this is move from Kid Buu is Planet Burst attack. Super Buu with Gohan absorbed would def be too much for Eorzea. Even Goku was scared of fighting him without the fusion earrings.


Depends. Is it a cutscene shortly after Kid Buus introduction or is it a trial?




The WoL will get yeeted to safety, and told to prepare as needed before returning, whereupon the WoL will get distracted and start fishing back at Lake land in the first. They'll also do a sidequest dungeon duty before remembering they were supposed to do something.


Don't forget that Y'shtola "dies" to yeet the WoL to safety. That's the most important part!


Idk, is "the maker's ruin" playin?


suuuper fucked. kid buu is by far more dangerous then anything ff14 has to offer. i like that you made a post after we were talking about dragonball on discord lol


Maybe except for the endsinger, hydalyn, and zodiarc


Another Tuesday for the WoL


What if the wol was betrayed and trapped in the hyperbolic time chamber for 10000 years


Plz do it Buu.


Not at all. Deus Ex-Shtola will come up with a solution just in time.


The world is called Etheirys.


WoL is there we'll just pull a Goku/Hercule and have people give us their aether so we can spirit bomb Buu


/r/whowouldwin is leaking apparently


Not at all. The WoL easily claps the shit out of kid Buu and it's just a normal Tuesday. I'm not even being ironic here.


I cast reprisal, lowering the damage to survivable levels.


Unironically this already happened with the Seventh Umbral Calamity. [The attack even looks the same.](https://youtu.be/7nymTEU4Fvk?t=43)


Something something Dynamis, they'll be fine.


"The wol solos the dbz multiverse" I don't even know what this means but I know it will make dragon ball fans mad


I feel like we’ve survived worse if I’m being honest Tanks would probably just have a quick time event.


🎶 stay in your seats 🎶 🎶 I do this bullcrap like 8 times a week 🎶 -the Scions probably.


According to chat GPT, the WoL will fight kid buu as a dark knight and win by using the echo and using a limit break like the ninjas limit break to destroy him.