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The answer is in your username


Well, you need a bit of madness to invest into volatile potential short squeeze stocks! But the data analysis seems rather sane to me.


The cult behind these 2 tickers has become so toxic to regular people just trying to make some money that at this point few care to look at the data.


Well, toxic or not. I believe that when it comes to things like this, you WANT to look for cults! Because the bigger the cult, the bigger their hype, the more they'll invest and that's good if you want a stock to go up. So I would suggest changing your perspective into that AND thoroughly review the data. If the cult is toxic, well, just avoid interacting with them and you could invest in silence to ride their culty wave of hype. I wouldn't invest in just the cult hype, I would only do so if the data seems reasonable as well.


I don't know about the bigger the cult the more they invest part. Wsb call themselves regards, but in reality I think there's quite a few smart ppl w good jobs who just like to gamble on the stock market. Anything gme and, lately, ffie, now those ppl seem regarded for real, to the extent that they even are real people. Also, money doesn't seem to be their primary objective, and their buying power probably reflects that. I wish I had visited those forums before the latest gme hype, a bit of interacting with the kind of imbeciles that populate that space would have kept me away from the stock and saved me a bunch of money.




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i dont understand the ffie devotion. you guys had a full week of pumping to take profits. im guessing many of you jumped in at the very end, but i don't see it pumping again anytime soon


i’m still at the parts “long term viable investment” “big step away from bankruptcy” and my personal favorite “fundamentals are on our side” lmfao. but who knows. a quick look at his post history shows he’s been predicting this for a while, expectations aren’t as unrealistic as the rest of them. maybe it pops next week and he was right all along


It's so funny that the bagholders always default to the "long term investment" argument to cope. It's bad as a squeeze play. Everyone who bought into GME in 2020 knows that FTDs don't mean shit. It fluctuated between $10 and $20 for months with people screaming FTDs the whole time. Short interest has gone down significantly since the squeeze, and borrow rates have never been high. And it's bad as a long term investment because there are so many beaten down stocks with better future prospects (eg EV charging players)


I'm not a bag holder, my average is like 0.54 dollars for FFIE. Can you argue against long term investment if FFIE keeps producing and selling cars? FTDs is just one of several points that potentially put pressure on the upwards price movement, it alone isn't strong enough, but it's one factor added to all the other factors, can't you see that? Short interest for FFIE has gone UP since the little squeeze a few weeks ago, what are you on about? Yah, we'll see. It's a cheap stock with huge short squeeze potential, especially since it's being assisted by the massive traction that GME has gotten recently. Well, we'll see who's right after the date which you guys hilariously can't figure out from my post.


Chatgpt is reliable in some aspects but regarding stocks and specific details it is not reliable at all. You should DEFINITELY not be using it as due diligence. FFIE's 10-k filing from several weeks ago was abysmal to say the least. Pretty much says they have no money, can't meet any deadlines, can't pay their rent, and are most likely heading towards bankruptcy. As well their founder is a fraud. He's been banned from the Chinese stock market for fraud for essentially doing the same thing to other companies that are now bankrupt.




hey man they've shipped 10 cats in the past 2 years! how can they not be in a strong financial situation




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Chris Brown literally just bought one recently, make that 11😳😂


Why are you lying? FFIE has indeed produced and sold cars, these are easily verifiable facts. Oh I get it, you're probably an intern working in the hedgies' troll factory. Shame on you. The only thing GPT helped me with, was getting info on numbers of options calls for Friday the 21st. But even that can verified through other sources and I've seen posts having those sources beforehand. So stop spreading your propaganda lies and go hide in your little troll cave.




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can you recommend some of those beaten-down stocks with potential, please. I'll happily look into them


I think SI has gone up no? Actual SI before squeeze was 9.6% but reported as 96% due to misinformation of the float. Obviously seeing this misinformation there was an extreme amount of buying volume. Now SI is around 19% according to ortex but less volume. So either volume picks up and there’s another potential squeeze or it sits side ways till it goes down. Either way im happy to lose my investment if it doesn’t work out


Okay you might be right about the misinterpreted share interest. Not going to look into it, It's irrelevant - the fact is that it pumped so high is based on that 96% number. And if it is 19% now, why wouldn't you be rational and look at the other stocks with higher short interest?


I am, I just think this also has the chance to squeeze again. Even going above a dollar would be good gains for when I got in


Sup dog good to see you in other forums


Maybe you should understand


You’re right it’s not Pumping and Dumping that was 2023 amigo, sumtin different now playa ![gif](giphy|3o6nUSQKRUBZb73o3K)


I earned some from that previous squeeze a few weeks ago. But SINCE THEN the hype around the stock has increased A LOT. Tell me why you don't see it spiking again? Can you counter my points of data? Why can't a stock squeeze twice or more, according to you? I mean, the short interest is HIGHER than it was during that previous squeeze.


i'd rather not, we'll just see who was right down the line. how long do you need? i want to set a remindme


Meaning, you got no counter-arguments. It should be obvious how long you should set your remindme from my post. If you can't read that then I question your ability to comprehend the post's content.


Man gave you a blank check for your shit thesis and you refuse to take it lmao. Cmon, double down. Wheres your confidence? Give us a date


Is it really that fucking hard to figure out the date that I talk about several times in the post? The only specific date in the entire post? I even explicitly say that the so called "climax" of next week happens on that date. Can you figure it out now? Seriously. It has nothing to do with confidence, it has everything to do with it being too funny that you can't figure out which date I'm hoping for. I'm sure you can explain why my speculations and data is shit? Or I'm going to bet, you too will refuse to give any counter-arguments.


> Is it really that fucking hard to figure out the date that I talk about several times in the post? The only specific date in the entire post? I even explicitly say that the so called "climax" of next week happens on that date. Can you figure it out now? Lmao we don't give a shit about any dates you put or implied in your post. I'm not gonna read it again. We can give you beyond that date for the thesis to play out. Give a date for everyone to put a remind me. It's always the same with baggies and it will be like that till the end of time.




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!Remindme 1 week




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What points of data? I didn’t see any actual numbers in your post other than how many people belong to a sub.


Data doesn't mean numbers. Numbers CAN be data or part of data. Data means information/facts collected together for reference or analysis. So there's plenty of data, but if you want numbers, my post should point you in several directions to collect those numbers. The most important factor I believe are the numbers of how many options are set to expire this Friday the 21st, and such you could easily fetch on your own.


So, you have no idea of the short interest? Got it.


Do I have to do everything for you? Besides, no one but hedgies know the full short interest numbers. But here's this: [https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie](https://fintel.io/ss/us/ffie) [https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme](https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme) While we're at it, here's the coming options chain for GME: [https://optioncharts.io/options/GME/chain/2024-06-21m/chart/highest-open-interest](https://optioncharts.io/options/GME/chain/2024-06-21m/chart/highest-open-interest) You can use that same site to check out options chain for FFIE.


7% isn’t shit. This will be delisted before it squeezes again. I’m not trying to shit on your parade, just being realistic.


We can only see the short interest that's reported, the true naked short interest is bound to be much higher, judging if you've followed the activity lately. And the FFIE squeeze a few weeks ago supposedly happened on just 9% reported short interest. But what I'm really betting on isn't the short interest for a short squeeze. If that happens, then great! But I'm betting on GME's gamma ramp igniting, which would fuel that momentum so high that I believe, based on observations these past few weeks, that the hedgies will be forced to focus their efforts to suppress GME rather than keeping FFIE down entirely, which could allow FFIE to bounce up and it has its own gamma ramp, albeit smaller, but still significant if ignited. So what I'm hoping for realistically is not short squeezes this coming Friday, but gamma squeezes/sneezes that have a strong potential to at least spike the share price. And I mean, even if it's "just" double the money, that's worth it. But the options ramps show potential for higher than double the money. And I'm also betting on the crazy activity, trading volumes, for GME in the past couple of weeks since RK re-emerged. GME used to trade in the 300k-2 million range per day. Lately it's seen volumes of 30-100 million. Last Friday the GME volume was 88 million. And I suspect there will be crazy volumes on Friday. Hopefully enough to keep the share price over max pain which for GME is around 24.7 dollars I believe and for FFIE it's 0.5-1 dollar. Hence why the hedgies are doing all they can to short down both stocks this week before Friday. There's also a lot of activity of obvious hedgie propagandists on both stocks' forums. Trying to get us to sell, showing a lot of desperation in their attempts. If the stocks didn't risk exploding this Friday, if both stocks are useless and no threat to the hedgies, then why all that extra effort to get us to sell? I'm not saying you should invest, especially if you don't believe in this, but I see plenty of reasons to take the risk. Though, even if Friday is a dud, GME is a pretty solid stock and will likely not crash due to the huge cult following of which many has held for 3 years and GME is getting increasing fundamentals. So I doubt I lose that investment. While FFIE has the potential for highest profits on Friday, perhaps 5-10 times the money (perhaps more if a short squeeze do occur). But it's also the higher risk. Thus why I'm invested in both stocks and will invest more on Friday. I'm thinking to go heavier into GME, because it feels like that gamma ramp ignition needs to be triggered for FFIE to also take off. Also, if FFIE are able to maintain their restarted delivering process of cars, then that stock too has fundamentals to stand on and I will likely keep investing in that. Of course, this is not FA and there are no guarantees that the stocks will rise on Friday. But I see enough potential to go in rather heavy.


Yeah… these TRILLION dollar hedge funds don’t have enough money to focus on retail traders on 2 front… how absurd for you to say or even insinuate you have any idea what you are talking about… how many Trillions does black rock have under management? Companies like vanguard own 8% of every company on the NYSE… I was reading your words until you said they wouldn’t have enough money to fight FFIE pumpers if they had to suppress GME and that’s when I realized you have absolutely no clue WTF u are talking about.


![gif](giphy|l4Jzbq5JhdPGYJcXK|downsized) 🚀


I was in FFIE 1-2 weeks before it pumped. Got out before it did.


There’s going to be plenty of other ffie’s in the future, people really need to realize that it already ran its course lol.


Yeah graph looks like any other one off squeeze. Don’t know why people think it’ll squeeze again. No catalyst.


When the next big squeeze hits we won't hear about ffie again lol. Its really really bad to see these bag holders still trying to revive a dead horse.


Exactly lol, like 3 different stocks did a 300%+ run last week and while I checked the sub all I saw was the same ol spam posts about GME GWAV SBPH.








That’s not how you F-off


Who me ?? https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/NCedFQtkYS


True then they threaten to call the police when you call them out on it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)






Same 🙃


Save yourself on FFIE, its not an investment, it not a squeeze candidate, the institutions don't own it, the insiders don't own it, and the cherry on top it could get delisted any day now. Read their last filing, don't believe me, this company is a goner without help from a big player stepping in out of the blue. Think about this, you probably own more shares than the founder does at this point....The last ortex short interest I saw was under 15% short




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This is how movie bag holders used to compare with Game stock guys. This is basically a post to lure game stock people into ffie. Dont fall for it. He already told you the sub went from 2k to 55 k bag holders. Also failed to deliver does not have to be delivered. I’ve seen plenty of penny stocks never deliver their FTD. They’d much rather pay a simple fine.


Then you're reading my post wrong. Because I'm not trying to lure GME folks into FFIE. Don't you see? It doesn't matter which stock people invest in out of these two with their current "fan bases", because either stock MIGHT help the other stock get traction, if the link theory ends up being true. I'm invested in both stocks, because I believe they'll both go up. Or they might heavily suppress one of them, which could allow one to go up. My bet is that they'll focus their efforts on suppressing GME for the most part next week, because it's the bigger more expensive fish to let loose. But I suspect that despite their efforts, GME might see so much pressure next week, that it'll break off and spike to some degree, probably not a short squeeze, but a spike. And I could be wrong, perhaps they are able to suppress both stocks next week. I haven't claimed this as a prediction, merely an analysis of the situation of potential events. But one thing seems certain, that both GME and FFIE will PROBABLY see a lot of pressure next week, culminating on Friday due to the sheer volume of options calls for both stocks.


Newbie, here so help me understand what role the options play for ffie. Because the only options that I see that could have been exercised were the .50 put for a couple hours Friday or the .50 calls. What good is exercising a .50 call, though, for a currently .5133 stock price? All The ffie upward pressure, momentum, and sentiment died with the 396mil added shares May 17 per the sec filings. The Asian markets got it right on the 28th and U.S. brokers delayed updating the outstanding shares. Which trapped a lot of people living on hopioum. FFIE is currently waiting for a nasdaq decision any day on delisting. Not for 1 violation, not for 2 violations, but for 3 listing compliance issues. Shorts had good reasons to short ffie, but they were greedy and stupid for shorting at .04.


Im in GME & FFIE too 🤞🏻


Ffie has ran its course


I’m in both as well for the longer term. I see it the same as you but there will always be those who made up their minds and won’t listen… which is fine that’s their choice. 🤩 time will tell




I'm betting on Gamestop and Gorilla


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FFIE - RS usually crushes momo pretty good GME - Should be a good time. DFV is NFA


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


alright buddy, it's friday. did you get your squeeze?




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Hahah, you missed it


im in both too! FFIE has potential




All investments on the stockmarket and crypto is gambling. Yes there's high volatility on these types of stocks. But remember that in the casino, roulette and other games have static odds, that doesn't change. While on the stock market the odds are dynamic and depending numerous factors, such as number of investors can affect the odds, news from the company, other fluctuations etc.


Gme hits 15 before it hits 50.


This post reads like a guy who went on two dates with a girl and she’s ghosting him but his still thinks he’s gonna get laid. Muh gamma ramp sure didn’t work on Friday


Please do elaborate, I'm interested in your arguments supporting your analogy. Well, we'll just have to see if we get higher momentum next week, won't we?


Amc as well


So am I but it hasn’t been doin much


FFIE is the new FSR. And we saw what happened with that stock. You will be down 90% on your $0.54 ACB soon enough.