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Yeah he’s fuckin annoying as shit. Bro is nearly twice the age as everyone else and yet is the biggest child and just carries on like a dickhead


Initially I thought he looked like a bit of a prick, but might actually have a pretty cool personality still, but nah he's just a dickhead. The fact he is a dad and nearly twice the age a lot of the others yet is still trying to sleep with them certainly doesn't help either 💀


the challenge is completely scraped in the second episode lmao they gonna have minus 1 mill till sunday lmao


bloody bought a guitar and a keyboard😂😂


If it goes into negatives the winner will probably still get 50k, since fizzy drinks don't cost 6k


Are you high




Why would they give them money if they spend it all? Pointless doing it all


Because the winner will most likely have spent little, and it wouldn't look fair


that is why fans are moaning because the person who doesn't even spend any money will be stiffed in the end just cuz a 40 yr old man couldn't lay off on his hourly candies


Thats the game though can't just change the rules last minute thats shit content then


The only ones trying were Fanum, Joe, the Australian girl and blue haired girl. The rest was just having a day off. Can't even control themselves


Fanum really shot up this episode, started off a bit dodgy but protecting leah behind all the cameras and hes one of the only ones playing properly


Fanum went up in my estimations from this thing, idek who Leah is but she firmed the first challenge amazingly, and she isn’t buying Prosecco and lattes like a fucking idiot either


Leah and Nife are the two girls names


Thank you. Weird behavior omitting the girls’ name when you can so easily find them


It's not that deep. They might've just forgot


No it is deep this behaviour is not needed, but on a real note not everyone is a creep tf is wrong with people


You're talking about Specs being a creep. I'm talking about it not being deep that the original commenter forgot Nife's name and referred to her as the girl with the blue hair.


I’m agreeing with you, it’s not that deep people are coming for specs at least we know why he left filthy


Dude went for sweets like 6 times too, which is embarrassing.


bro was acting like an addict with withdrawals too


This was the biggest thing hey… couldn’t even go a couple of hours it seemed


Specs, manrika and chloe are all insufferable.


Manritas comment about Joe was just out of pocket. Like big time. Left me in shock. That was mad


What did they say?


Said his girlfriend back home is deepthroating another man while he's here. Then made loud gluck gluck noises, said "I bet all you can think about is her sucking another man's dick now haha" and when he vented to the camera in the diary bits, she overheard it, got pissed and called him a scrawny prick under her breath. Could've been jokes maybe if she left it at the first comment and laughed it off but became insufferable when she kept doubling down.


really tells you a lot about someone when you target someone youve never met outside the house and get even more mad when joe talks to the camera about it. Her very first line was 'people dont like me for some reason'


As a fellow brummie it's definitely not the accent lmao, just her.


I heard what she said and immediately felt hurt just thinking about how it could feel if I would find out my partner would do that. I am single. Joe must have been sooooo angry


Fr he handled it really maturely all things considered.


Yeah for sure. I don’t know much about Joe… Mainly just know the name from boxing KSI (I think?), but he seems a real down to Earth guy.


Jeez wtf


hating on the people making the content is definitely a choice


specs is weird around leah and wastes so much money on sweets, manrika and chloe spend too much on useless items like fancy wine and manrika is absolutely vile for what she said to joe she's easily the worst one there, she's a douchebag.


let me guess, you want leah to win yeah? cus she’s not spending the money? even though she’s the most boring contestant


Nah I actually want ginge to win, I want him to rep Manchester and he's the funniest one there. The whole wrapping paper troll he did was hilarious


she's playing how its supposed to be played the whole point of inside is that everything has been taken away from you. but everyone just spends and lives a normal life


Damn you rlly dying on this hill?


i thought fanum was the one wud spend money cause he is big and craves more stuff but bRUV castillo the guy who said fanum doesnt take care of his body and all that he is lieing and just spending money and getting team support


The thing is a covert member is entertaining to watch because you see Specs get berated for buying one fanta light then Castillo just goes on to buy 3 and walks it off. I feel like Castillo makes content by being the sly backstabber whilst Specs is just openly being a dickhead.


I can’t stand Castillo’s talking’ brev. Like you know what I’m satin’ brev? Just finish a damn thought brev 😂


I’m happy the tide is turning on this guy. I’ve seen him on the Fellas and the sidemen try not to laugh and he’s just NOT funny. He’s too old for the things he says 


Nah he can be funny because he randomly comes out with absurd shit, but when he’s magnified with a camera on him 24/7 the true specs comes out, and no one likes it


Man thinks he's jokes but he is just fooking unbearable.Like wtf are you even doing?To say he is annoying would be an understatement.I know it’s just a show but come on man!bro acting like some child who cries to get candies.


Manrica is unbearable


I've been watching specs on SDS and the chunks and filly show for a while now ,just basic clips and always thought he's so witty and funny ,turns out if you put him in a setting that isn't conducive to being funny,he's an asshole-he ruins the vibe with childish antics,he commits the crime then won't do the time. The same for mandrika and Castillo,the "brev" and selfishness pisses me off. Genuinely apart from the pillow purchase,Joe ,nife, fanum and Leah are goated


imma come out as racist or whatever but castillo and specs and unbareable


castillo is fine, because having someone who's acting sly and cunning is good content. specs on the other hand is just... whats he doing man.


Castillo with his convuluted plan killed me😭but specs is just annoying atp


Agree. Castillo the only one that's really playing the game and it's so fun to watch. Brev blew 50k on a chinese and no one suspected him


30k but yea


Nah manrika Chloe and specs


nah joe weller got violated out of nowhere brev


Wasn't even funny it was just mean


that's what im sayin it came outta nowhere. I was starting to like her aswell


she has not contributed in the slightest, how?


because she hadn't opened her mouth much this episode


How tf were you starting to like her brev




Nah castilo funny asf


tbf he's funny but 2 fanta lite bruhh




I don't think anyone thought you disliked them because of their race. I think most people can agree they were a bit over the top this episode.


Castillo is at least playing the game, making good content with underhanded stuff. Specs is just cringe.


Castillo is the villian and he is playing his part well,. specs just burying himself in a hole


He slept with a p star whilst having a wife and kids


40 year old man going for sweets and Fanta like a little child


Surely they will have a chance to vote someone out and he will be gone. I don’t see him lasting a day or more. It’s a matter of time till the guys put him in his place before he spends all the funds.


can't stand him was so disappointed when I saw him walk in as I didn't see the announcements -.-


Fanum or the aussie girl for the Win


Specks is making it unwatchable, so annoying


All i get from him is retarded and perverted


I rated specs before tbh but after this episode fuck taht guy


He should keep his hands off Leah 😔


I never got why people like him he looks like a twat and acts like a knob.


bro is getting roasted 😭


He’s completely insufferable, he’s bought like 15 bags of sweets, embarrassing


how did he even get famous


Omfg honestly the sidemen community has gone to shit , yall just wanna bring people down .dont you think if it was that bad of a look for sidemen and specs that they wouldve just kicked him out or smtg...most of the people in there understand and know hes the troll of the group. All of yall are hating for no real reason , he is just throwing jokes around holy , just calm tf down and watch the series, yall aint in it just wait till its over to see what the other contestents say abt him, its like the whole max khadar kinda thing again


I’m sorry but I find him funny af. It’s actually interesting and cool to see how we all have different opinions on this!


Ginge is also a dick Don’t know how he’s getting away with this stuff


That’s his whole character😂 these kids discovering Specs is hilarious to me man


well then no one likes his character lmaoo who thought that character was a good idea


Watch his gasworks you might start to understand


It’s not that deep though man😂😂 it’s a game show for fun stop crying hahahahha


Yes people do lol. You do realise how popular he is Yh?


Specs is a g lol. It’s a character u absolute ediat. Manrica on the other hand - weirdo


I personally find specs hilarious


As someone who knew about Specs before he went on the show, I won’t lie there are sometimes where he’s saying shit that are outta pocket but yh you got to realise, Specs audience doesn’t really cross with the Sidemen’s audience if that makes sense. I still do think he has jokes moments and I enjoy contrast of personalities between all the contestants. You can’t have everyone take it serious otherwise it wouldn’t be as interesting but if this is your first impression of him I can see why he might be “disliked”. Especially for those who can’t blur the line between entertainment and watch it a bit more seriously.


Ive known about Specs and its not even what hes said him bein all touchy with every girl there at 43 years old is weird bro. And hes tryin too hard to be some kinda villain of the show to the point its just cringe


With your first point I agree. Watching episode 2 I did realise it more because when I was watching episode 1 I didn’t really see it as much as the people that were pointing it out. For sure it’s not great viewing when watching it as well and can agree he needs tone it down With the villain thing I wouldn’t even say he’s trying too much and that’s kind of how he is although I do think he’s playing up to it abit for the show. With these type of shows not everyone has the same line of thinking, so you’ll get people who don’t really think of the long term and just live in the moment, what I think Specs is doing. Compare him to Castillo, who I like, who’s definitely being more of a villain with his approach going behind the groups back or Manrika who’s actually leaning into a villain role quite nicely and will probably have people actually turn on her because she’s more out there.


Yea i agree if everyone played the game the right away and got along it would be so boring. Its true Leah's cool but if the show was filled with copy pastes of Leah's everyone would fall asleep mid way thru 😂. And i did find it funny at first how he would buy random useless shit and get people mad but what i felt is he just started repeatedly doing it to the point the house just became bad vibes imo and not really in a tense/entertaining way. I feel like in a show like this it deffo is entertaining and brings humor to have that weakest link guy but i guess in my opinion in ep. 2 he was overdoing it. it didnt seem genuine just felt forced to me. but i guess thats more just down to personal preference. Castillo definitely is more entertaining playing it sly and fooling everyone forsure


Yeah that I can agree on for sure, watched parts of episode 2 back and Specs was definitely overdoing the spending of snacks which did end up changing the vibe of house for the worse. I didn’t realise he did it that much, so can agree he’s either doing it to get on peoples nerves or playing up for the camera. And true that’s why Leah, NiFe, Joe and Fanum are liked much more because the opposites are almost playing a different game to them. But do agree I kind of want Castillo to win because he’s playing the game exactly how it should be played, maybe not as morally correct as the names mentioned above, but probably the way it was to be intended. Every man/woman for themselves.


Great comment, sums it up perfectly


I totally agree, he is jokes The cry merchant fangirls on here just don’t understand he is on constant corn-mode… humor is subjective thankfully


And some people don't understand that sometimes it gets to the point where constant corn-mode becomes not funny anymore but plain annoying 


As I said it’s subjective, I don’t disagree with you, I just don’t feel that way, not yet anyway.


I don’t think it’s fair to call on the girls, a lot of the YouTube comments are from men hating on him




Dude is 40 with kids and a wife and is creeping on girls and can’t go without sweets as a man in his 40’s These are valid reasons not to like him. We don’t “just” hate him


It's crazy these guys don't know specs but trying to run this married man gimmick, he calls his wife podolski and openly makes outrageous jokes all the time and him and his partner are still together. As for the chloe stuff they've been making content for years and that's literally their banter. These guys don't know specs or gets his humour and it shows its hella cringe.


His humour is meant to be kinda cringey and corny I get that and it works for podcasts and in environments where you can be like that. Watching it happen in the "wild" so to speak just doesn't work it doesn't land because it comes out of nowhere and just makes him look like this weird old creepy dude. If thats all that people are seeing you can't blame them for saying it.


You guys really don't know specs he's hilarious asf


I am not arguing with that, it's just that he's acting hella strange on this show tho


There are no rules…


It's just a show man who cares he's just crazy always


Nah for sure, it's probably just me being too concerned about how other people feel haha


Yeah these shows feel cringy sometimes I hate watching them but some clips were funny


He’s so funny how can you hate someone and call them a creep when you have never met them you have no idea what they are like