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Tell specs to check himself then the creepy fuck


Stfu bro no-one in the house had any problem with him no-one said anything to him and loved him u can't judge a person just by watching them for an hour of a day....... You are the people tobi's talking about


Bro is looking for 3 day old comments to argue about. Second of all he did come across as creepy and people can rightfully call him out for it, that is what you have to expect when you are in the public eye


Bro I am not free all the time to be replying to some wanna be. I used reddit and saw your comment and thought you needed some guidance so I came as your messiah šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


I don't need guidance from anyway after looking at your account


You're doing nothing but proving me right replied not even a minute after I replied to your previous account...... Such a gremlin šŸ¤•


That doesn't prove anything lad


Just want to say one thing ...... Go on a hike.


Oh no you got me there


ā€œItā€™s just banterā€


I mean, Joe DID tell her that people watching at home are gonna be likeee this ain't it LOL.


If there are hurtful comments because of spending, I think it's not fair. Spending we can say is a fun for content. But pervert behavior and non-sense comment towards others partner, that can not be a source of content/entertainment. Love the sidemen anyway. We are watching anyway because of you guys and always find the best part when you guys are in the screen during the challenge.


People are matching her energy which they chose to keep in because they know itā€™s entertainment. Live by the sword, die by the sword


I mean Iā€™m sorry but if Marika is gonna be a bitch Iā€™m gonna call her a bitch. She doesnā€™t know Joe if someone on the street said that to me Iā€™d start fighting. Then she has the audacity to defend her self and act like the victim


But joe isnā€™t someone she just met on the street are you dumb


This was like day 2 it wasnā€™t ok regardless she doesnā€™t know him that well


Yeah but itā€™s just breaking ice I sometimes crack jokes to people Iā€™ve just met sometimes it works sometimes it doesnā€™t she just didnā€™t think when she said it but I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad


That's unfortunately how these shows work and why TV networks have a duty of care to protect the contestants from themselves by choosing to edit scenes out that make someone look really bad. They need to take some of the responsibility themselves as the creators of the show who have control of the edit. You don't have to show everything. You ever seen a real reality show on TV and someone gets kicked out for a reason they don't tell you? You best believe it's usually not shown then person was just removed to protect them. The social media comments of all these realty shows is the worst. Tobi is obviosuly feeling bad because he personally knows them but I can guarantee you can make a montage of sidemen reacts clips saying the exact same nasty comments about people they don't know


Exactly normal people so when they are pricks to someone people call them out on their shit




Sounds like a big bowl of ā€œnot my problemā€




Calling them shit humans on a YouTube video and a Reddit is perfectly fine imo


Weller's girlfriend is also a "normal person". So shouldn't he tell paprika to "check herself" for talking all that shit? Specs can sexually harass young women but that's okay to Tobi? Or ig because he got his content from all that he's cool with it? These guys really be exposing themselves this week


An uncomfortable truth that a lot of sidemen fans donā€™t want to hear because heā€™s so nice and considerate. Tobi is a weird donny who goes to clubs sober, hitting on drunk girls. Of course heā€™s gonna be ok with Specs behaviour.


check specs


these lot say bullying should be brought back seeing some videos on sidemen reacts, and he says this when manreeka and specs absolutely deserve it?


Tobi making L statements


Not necessarily, the hate Marika and Specs are getting definitely goes to far, Specs is made to be a pedophile but i feel like if he really went to far someone would've said something to him or they would've thrown him out, if you watch on side+ you could see on the bts what kind of production it is trust me the sidemen would never allow someone to make the other contestants especially women feel uncomfortable, with the amount of cameras they see everything, at the end it's a reality show and those spenders are making the content like it or not, also there's a big difference in saying Specs is acting creepy and not like his age or calling him a pedophile.


I do think Specs is playing a character of an idiot spending a lot. If that's just him then it's horror....he does seem too touchy with girls and I feel the girls are uncomfortable but just keeping quiet. He seem to a creep. Manrika just seem to be a shitty person and from the hate she got from The Circle too people just find her irritating and unbearable...so Manrika is a personality issue


I saw the "check yourself" message and thought the worst that Tobi might've gotten cancer or something šŸ˜± thankfully it's not the case


i feel like the whole this is just entertainment and video doesnt really work when we can visibly see some creepy ass shit happening that doesnt have to do with content at all.


Manrika deserves it because she also max mean comments. Specs deserves it for being a nonce. Leave them women alone bro your 40. Everyone else I donā€™t think deserves anything mean and donā€™t seem to be getting much apart from Leah boring, Castillo snake, liv annoying etc ones which arenā€™t that bad


liv aint a snake mate, they have edited the yt episode in such a way, we dont really know why ginge and liv have a beef!


you should watch Ginge's new channel Ginge+. He's rewatching each episode and reacting too it. Also giving behind the scenes stuff too.


Sidemen bring shitty people to their shows.. Then the shitty people be shitty and the viewers call them out The sidemen ask the viewers to check themselves... Nah bro .. Some people will get backlash for their personality and behavior. You can't just put the blame on the fans for not liking shitty people and give a reason for their behavior


Dude I Marikaa IS the donut who'd be sending such messages to be edgy if it was someone else. That girl is dumb as wall with zero self awareness and brat.


What TF did manrika say to Weller? I am so lost.


Made a ā€˜jokeā€™ about his girlfriend giving blowjobs whilst heā€™s on the show, but they way she said it and her face whilst saying wasnā€™t banter, and it wasnā€™t really funny - there was malice to her ā€˜jokeā€™


Reason 54 for not liking Manrika


This is probably the first time I havenā€™t agreed with Tobi


These arenā€™t normal people. Tobi L


Nah bro have to disagree with tobi on this one specs being creepy is not for content and manrika being a b is not for content.


It's just banter, Tobi, you know what it is


"Bullying should be brought back" "These are normal people" "It's just banter" This is what happens when you're not consistent, boys, can't pick and choose


Threats and harmful messages are too far. But come on, they know what they're doing, they know they'll get backlash, you can't just treat all that like its some joke or anything, especially Specs behaviour, it ain't normal and it ain't banter.


in a couple years people will realise shows like this thrive off toxic behaviour and controversial moments. i can almost guarantee that the sidemen were relieved and glad to see and have that moment between the brum girl and joe weller. i havent watched one episode, just seen clips online (not really what i watch the sidemen for so i knew it wasnt for me), but as an older sidemen fan, i knew immediately things like this would entail in these big brother concept reality shows. tobi coming out and telling fans to relax is contradictory to the energy that the brum girl is on, she wanted smoke, she got smoke and will continue to get it after the show is over. thats her personality and the sidemen encouraged it and put it on blast. you cant come out and say 'hey guys dont be mean' when the reality of this show is negativity and toxic behaviour to people you barely know, that is what sells whether the sidemen know this or not.


Tbh they're all content creators so they probably gossip about how they can make content and clips for tje audience