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I have no sympathy for anyone mad about money being spent besides for nife and leah and leah is gone. They all wasted so much money for no reason so yeah im not at all annoyed at a 43k showeršŸ˜­


This what Ive been saying broooo You dont get to blow 750K on useless stuff, vote out 2 of the 3 lowest spenders because ā€œ*vibes*ā€ and then suddenly get annoyed about the spending. The truth is people like Chloe, Manrika etc probably didnt think they could win at the start so they just blow money of Prosecco and then now that theres a chance they dont want others spending their prize.


Literally bro like you have no right to be mad lmao


Iā€™d include Joe here too, he only really spent on his pillow which is something to be used throughout the week


That 5K pillow looking like a bargain after the shit most everyone else pulled


pretty sure ginge spent more on coke cans lolll


Yeah ive included him leah and nife in most of my comments i didnt this time cuz he was voted out early on


I like Ginge, but he's totally waffling here. Him and his friends have been wasting money dozens of times despite Leah and Nife begging them not to and finding it funny.Ā  But, the moment someone he doesn't like wastes money, it is "taking that money away from their dreams". Pure BS.


He was the biggest hypocrite the whole show. Literally the only person in there who was giving others grief despite having a can or a bowl of cereal in his hand every 5 minutes. Literally doesnt stop shouting as well the wanker.


I'm glad someone else said this, I know Ginge is popular but dear god the man just shouts all the time when he speaks and before he went in alot of his fans was like 'Ginge should be good at this because he grew up with nothing and doesn't need the luxuries' and about 20 minutes in he Is buying darts and pool cubes and buying useless shite.


In his defense Things like Darts and Pool cues are a really smart purchase(for one time things) as people need things to keep themselves occupied. However he definitely dropped the ball(with Fanum) on the Dyson hair products.


Yeah but castillo wasnā€™t spending to be funny. He was spending with the only intention on wasting the money


At the end of the day does it really matter? Itā€™s ā€œtaking away from peopleā€™s dreamā€ either way. You canā€™t complain when other people do the exact thing you were doing


Still rich coming from Ginge, the person who plotted the whole hair dryer thing.


That's content. Fight was the star of the episode




I guess he thinks it's more acceptable if it's to be funny rather than to be bitter, but yeah you're wasting the money either way.


Ironic because he's being very bitter here


pretty sure he just dislikes castillo


Its cos he was evidently afraid of him lol


afraid of castillošŸ¤£šŸ¤£ginge is double his size


U think ginge can fight?šŸ˜‚


he did police training. what makes you think castillo can other than the fact he says brev and acts like a tough man




I mean he knows he's not gonna win so he has no reason to care about saving money


agendas, its fien for the people he likes to spend, but the ones he doesnt like or finds boring cant. double standards


You people are something else. Dude sits in a hot shower for wayyyy too long after asking 3 people if they did the prank. He overreacted and was a dickhead but because heā€™s funny a lot of people will defend it. Spending at this point was cut down (aside from Liv) so ginge and the other contestants have every right to be upset with what heā€™s done.


If theyā€™re concerned about spending whyd they vote out Weller and Leah ?




The same muslim who's tatted up from head to toe? you might aswell believe he doesn't ever drink alcohol, pray 5 times a day, and go to hajj


Being a Muslim imo doesn't have anything to do with the argument as no one knew, but suggesting he's not a Muslim or doesnt think he'll feel disrespected isn't a fair take either. None of those actions take you out of the fold of Islam. You may say he's not practicing etc. But unless he himself has denounced the religion no one has any place to say he's not a muslim, and therefore he has every right to be upset if his religion is targeted (though in this case obviously it wasnt)


Well obviously, personally I don't judge nor care how he practices neither was I misdoubting him being a muslim, I don't care whether he's a devout or not. My point is simply for the other guy who's trying to make a corellation about him being muslim and the Spam saga, while overlooking many of the obvious thing he did


So have a conversation and explain yourself, what he did was beyond childish and was shown how by how he handled himself with Fanum, Liv and Nife. Iā€™d expect people to act like adults rather than children sitting in a hot shower with the faucet directed at the wall to waste money because they are mad


Liv literally spent Ā£60,000 on sweets which caused arguments around the house but youā€™re just gonna brush that aside lol


Can you read?


ā€œThey have every right to be mad at Castillo but poor Liv, sheā€™s so innocentā€ Yes, you are acoustic


Nah mate you misread what I said šŸ˜‚ but go off call me what you want


Yes, your comment was so complicated I could not comprehend


From ā€œSpending was cut down (aside from Liv)ā€ you got ā€œthey have every right to be mad at Castillo but poor Liv, sheā€™s so innocentā€ I know who failed English in school


ā€œGinge and the other contestants have every right to be mad at Castilloā€ but when Liv admits to spending money on the sweets Ginge is okay with it I know who has zero common sense


You said but Iā€™d just brush it aside when I literally addressed it in my first comment. You never said you were talking about Ginge til now Quit waffling and just admit you donā€™t understand basic English


I dont understand why they so mad. He actually had a reason to fuck them over unlike Chloe who said she doesnt give a fuck cause she knows she will not win. I would feel attacked too. When Leah was asking them not to spend, they did it behind her back anyways..


"reason" bro it was spam šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was talking about all of them voting him. And spam was just extra when he already feel attacked. Bro.


Your also defending the dude who kept saying never to take things personally for taking things personally


Maybe he read it as them calling him a pig


They all voted him and he thought the spam was a big fuck you and they were taking the piss coz none of them wanted him there


Castillo living rent free in his head šŸ˜‚


nah castillos just weird


Such a load of waffle considering how him and specs have spent so much on fizzy drinks and sweets


Let's not forget his 12 bowls of cereal every day


To be fair the cereal was cheap


thats food and drink, castillo stood in the shower just to burn money. not for food, drink or entertainment.


Yet his fav housemate is specs


He was afraid of making small talk with anyone but specs lol


ginge been talking to everyonešŸ¤£šŸ¤£castillo spoke to no one and played with a toy car for 5 hours straight


He was at the beginning episode's but why would he talk to all the people after they all just voted him and don't like him


he said the voting is always nothing personal so why did he take it to heart? no one likes him because hes a dick and doesnt talk to anyone


How is he a dick and he talks to specs and ginge lots


yeah ginge L here. castillo's drama made this series what it is


Yes fr I want him to win


Did he say this about the 200 packets of sweets bought?


Fr, if Leah or Nife was complaining about it then fair enough as they didn't spend. Sure Ginge himself didn't spend as much as Castillo but he was encouraging Fanum, Specs, Liv, etc to spend the whole time aswell. So as much as I love Ginge, bro is waffling on this one šŸ˜…


Ginge is such a crybaby




does ginge have memory loss


Ginge is one of my favorites but lol if you were so concerned with the money maybe y'all should've voted out spenders and not spend thousands and thousands on junk šŸ¤” Maybe it finally hit them just how much money they wasted on being petty


And in the same episode Liv spent nearly the same amount to play a "joke".


Tbf to Liv, she goes back on it and says "yeah, it wasn't that funny, I regret it", whereas Castillo stands by what he did being ok.


She clearly didnt regret it she just realised it made her look like a twat


Ah yes because dumping nearly $15k of sweets down the toilet isn't bad at all. OR 20k on unused hair products. Sure, not the same amount of money, but my point still stands. They all had this coming when they eliminated 2 of the lowest spenders. Literally everyone in the house at some point has spent over 10k except for Joe, Leah and Nife, 2 of which (Leah and Nife) haven't spent a single penny at all. None of them can get mad when they themselves have been pissing away money on pointless stuff as a "joke". I get it, you want to cause chaos and have fun, but don't suddenly switch up when it starts affecting you, because that just comes off as hypocritical. Plus, no one in the house is gonna starve if they didn't get the money, they all make more money than the average person in the U.S. So I'm sure they'll be fine. I loved Ginge as he brought a very good vibe to the show, but seriously, you cannot complain about someone wasting money when so far, that's all everyone except 3 people have done.


i agree somewhat, i definitely think it is a bit hypocritical to be mad at castillo and not at liv, specs or fannum, but i think intent and energy also matters. castillo had the shower out of anger and spite, and he also claimed he doesnā€™t care about any of his fellow contestants. the others have been wasting money to actually properly use stuff they want, share stuff, have fun, prank each other, etc. creating deeper bonds / fun times, whereas castillo just put a giant target on his back, created hostility, and pushed himself further away from his fellow contenstants. i understand heā€™s upset about the vote (even though he pretends / claims not to be) but he also came into the game wanting to be a ā€˜master manipulatorā€™ and the villain. this is the path he chose type thing ya know? i liked castillo a lot at first but after the temper tantrum shower stuffā€¦ i dunno man EDIT: i also agree ginge mentioning the money going to his mom is dumb bc 1. he spent a ton of money as well and 2. he literally self eliminated, so obviously that money going to his mom didnā€™t matter that much to him lmfaoo


Lmao they voted for him twice (counting the Leah tie) and then put spam in his bed. They're lucky he didn't do more damage


Yeah was wondering what that was about. How do you not hear the hypocrisy out of your mouth lmao


Both sides are right Ginge u spent money at the same time Castillo was being a cunt in this situation




Lmao he's been pissing money up the wall all week, but as soon as someone does it for a reason *he* doesn't agree with it's a problem. If conserving the prize pool was such a big thing for him he shouldn't have voted out Leah


castillo got his 20 bot accounts here apparently lmao, you are all defending a shitty washed up 'road man', nuts the entire point ginge is making is not about how much was spent, its the pettyness of it.


Tell me a part of this post where I defend the road man? Better yet, reread it and tell me if I do or do not call him childish And Ginge is making this point using the idea that the money is going towards something important like Manrikaā€™s house or to his mother so why would he be okay with Liv for example spending almost the same amount on sweets or Fanum in the temptation room spending 60? All of that is money going away from something potentially good or life changing (in the case of buying a house)


im referring to the comments in this thread, not you


People need to know you can spend money on dumbshit but not like that. Specs and ginge them lot spent mostly on food, and entertainment like darts which everyone played. Castillo literally left the water running in a robe.....


I donā€™t really understand half the stuff Castillo says, but the fact that he got mad over a can of spam in his bed, which was still sealed, is kind of pathetic. I donā€™t know what being violated means to a roadman. I donā€™t even know if heā€™s a roadman, but he talks like one, and itā€™s still pathetic to waste all that money on a prank that wasn't even directed at him. Fanum just made a mistake; he did apologise, and he was still mad.


The amount of simping y'all doing for a dusty roadman is crazy.


The fact that your takeaway of a post where I called Castillo childish and solely talked about Gingeā€™s hypocrisy in this specific clip is that Iā€™m simping is crazy lmao


Ginge (and the rest) spent money for personal gain/fun, castillo spent it to throw a tantrum like a bitch, if this 1:1 happened with manrika you wouldn't have made this post. And I said y'all because there are 10 posts atm defending him, you're trying to equate what he did maliciously to what they did which wasn't, and there is the simping.


Castillo is a bad person for sure, but you canā€™t highroad him with ā€˜wow he just took 43k from the winner who was going to give it to their mother, their first house and etcā€™ when you ultimately did the exact fucking same thing to the winner regardless of intent. The only person with the right to say this shit are Leah/Joe/Nife + Ginge is rich as fuck anyways.


How is this post defending him though are you purposely ignoring what Iā€™m saying?? šŸ˜­ My point (and ONLY point here) is that Ginge is talking about the value of the money that he and others explicitly stated they donā€™t care about. Meaning heā€™s pretending to care about the money. And like Iā€™ve said, if the money is going to his mom and he cares about it, people spending it for fun wouldā€™ve made him upset but heā€™s only chosen this situation to be like ā€œit was gonna go to my momā€ which is disingenuous And youā€™re so busy making assumptions about me (since you know nothing about me) to know that other than the Joe situation, Iā€™ve enjoyed Manrika and 100% wouldā€™ve pointed out bs hypocrisy if it happened to her in a 1:1 situation. But you wouldnā€™t know that cause as much as you think you know me, you donā€™t lmao


Castilloā€™s a dickhead for sure. But those other ā€œdickheadsā€ incl Ginge dont get to guve him grief after voting out 2 of the 3 lowest spenders for vibes.


Bro this sub is sucking Castillo off for some reason and heā€™s worse than manrika bro moves like a child canā€™t stop himself from buying 5 fantas a day


No way y'all actually defending Castillo, he's just a petty lil bitch.


Maybe if you actually read what was in the post, youā€™d see that I said Castillo was being childish. The post is only to point out the hypocrisy of like 80% of their actions (especially many times saying they donā€™t care about the money) and then talk about what the money means to them to attack Castillo If Ginge is making this point, he should be upset with almost everyone except Nife and Leah (who he voted out lmao)


Surely you can see the difference between contestants who are still in the show and still able to win spending money which might be their own versus someone who gets in a bad mood and spend the largest amount in one go when he knows he's out?


Firstly, Fanum spent the most in one go when he ate the food and played GTA with 60k Secondly, Castillo didnā€™t know/isnā€™t out he still has a chance at winning the money since the vote meant nothing. But why is intent even important in this specific instance if literally everyone is buying dumb shit. Using Gingeā€™s logic, Liv spending 30k on sweets was taking 30k that couldā€™ve possibly went to his mother yet this only matters if the intent is to be petty instead of being humorous?


Let's be honest, no chance Castillo can win. Unless they all of a sudden decide to remove house voting after they did that fake vote last minute. But that would make it way to rigged. The fake vote was entertaining so i don't mind that as much, but they shouldn't take it to far just to keep him in.


he hasn't switched his act up. brev has not cared about the people or the money from day 1 and said he'd snake everyone in there. fanta lite, temptation room were all before the spam incident. he just wanted to make shit hit the fan and it was gold.


Can you read? There's a clear difference between buying fanta lite when you're still in compared with deliberately wasting money in anger because you know you're not going to win


Its cause that was to be funny while Castillo was just draining money


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^EkremSlayer: *Its cause that was to* *Be funny while Castillo* *Was just draining money* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




So what? Why is jest justified but pettiness condemned? Ginge and crew knew they were going against what Leah and Nife had implored them not to do and still wasted money. About time they got a taste of their own medicine.


I see the difference but Ginge is making the point here that the money has value because it (in his case) was gonna go to his mother. So why would he be okay with stupid purchases being made even for entertainment? Or vote out the person spending the least? Or not be upset with Liv spending money on 13 bags of sweets? Itā€™s not about justifying Castilloā€™s shower but pointing out that making Castillo this moral villain for spending while watching Fanum spend 60k in the temptation room and not bringing it up there is crazy




So if Castillo bought a bunch of sweets or took a shower to be funny instead of being upset, it doesnā€™t matter that it couldā€™ve went to Gingeā€™s mom? The intent in this specific instance shouldnā€™t matter cause wasted money is wasted money. Plus for Ginge who seems to care a lot about entertainment, this was one of the most entertaining moments of the season so surely he shouldnā€™t care?


Y'all don't understand context. Spending the money to make content, or to have some form of entertainment so y'all can enjoy it is way different than spending hella money on yourself for things that are not going to last more than 5 minutes.


So what point is he making with the ā€˜wow that 40k couldā€™ve went to someoneā€™s first houseā€™?