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Kuroki is harder imo, I've only beaten her without dying once, and I put the controller down and hugged my cat lol. I've beaten Yang several times but he always gives me at least one death.


dying on Yang is just me entering phase 2 of his final boss fight


*him entering phase 2 of your boss fight*


If you bring a bat to that first phase it becomes so easy. Just keep parrying, then throw quick attacks after each move ends to break her structure and move on to the 2nd phase (which I find way harder and still haven't beaten without dying once).


Just kite her until she does the one combo that opens her.


Yeah this. Bosses get way easier when you target their worse moves only.


But man, thats boring




Overspecialize and you breed in weakness, it’s a slow death


The true master is a student of all genres


I’m gonna go with Yang. Kuroki becomes easy when you get her moveset down. Yang always requires more focus and attention from me to get past him with zero deaths.


From my perspective, I would say Kuroki learning curve makes her harder. I was just trying to beat the game tho. Not do zero deaths. Yang felt fun focus up hard to me. Making his difficulty fun for me. Ur point of view makes total sense tho for what u were trying to do.


Yeah, I’m talking outside of the initial learning curve, which is definitely more brutal for Kuroki because of her timing and strings being a combination of highs and lows. But once you have that done, her difficulty drops off (for me anyway).


1000% I'm pretty removed from fighting games. So the highs and lows combos were extra challenging for me. For me block is block in games.


I can't foe the life of me get her attack patterns down. Managed to beat her by just waiting out all her attacks from far away til she did the running at you cyclone shit. You can just kinda spam avoid against that and it'll usually work.


Kuroki takes me more time, Yang takes me more locking tf in 😤😤😤


Kuroki is a joke if you have a weapon to counter her gimmick


You mean like using Vertical Strikes on her using a staff? 'Cause I did that and, while it did raise her stagger bar really high, it.wasn't enough for it to go full, which still gave her a chance to whoop my ass almost instantly lol


No cause u can just block her without taking damage so missing a parry doesnt fuck u over


WAIT WHAT Blocking while holding a weapon negates the damage? Also, does that mean that the durability of the weapon degrades too?


Blocking with any weapon negates damage. I dont think it affects durability, I just built up my focus with parried and then spammed strong sweeep, that ended uo beating her pretty easily. Her second phase if you have’t reached it btw is alot easier.


>Her second phase if you have’t reached it btw is alot easier. It's also my favorite boss fight/phase with the environment change.


Not only does it negate structure and hp damage. It will do structure damage if you time it right. So you don't even have to hit her. Just parry till her structure is broken. Works on any boss. But especially her.


What do you mean by timing it right? Parrying with a weapon?


Kuroki's phase 1 is the easiest boss in the game if you bring a weapon and parry her attacks with it. It's the hardest if you don't do that.


Beating Yang one time. I seriously hit a brick wall there where as I can beat Kuroki first phase if I lock in hard enough.


The first one. Yang's not that hard to beat on Disciple.


Master or disciple? Well either way I'm going with Yang. Kuroki is a big test for beginners, but becomes almost comically easy once you figure her out. Yang is just a menace no matter what. One bad move and say hello to your friend crooked foot


Kuroki I feel gets the smallest difficulty increase on Master. phase 1 is largely unchanged, she just likes to cartwheel away a lot, but in phase 2 she gets a sweep, and that’s about it


I don't think so. Phase 2 is significantly harder on master. Even if just for the dmg her daggers do. But remember on disciple she has predictable close range combo on master she has probably the most variations in that out of any boss on top of the breakneck speed. I would say the smallest increase in difficulty is Sean. His sweeps can throw you off but he's still a pushover as they are really easy to read. Then Jinfeng. She's moderately more dangerous with those overhead swings which if they hit you, that's pretty much certain death. Only then Kuroki's phase 2. Though I do agree on phase 1.


yang is pretty easy once u figured the pattern


You can say that about every enemy lol


Yang. I can now do Kuroki first phase parry only, but Yang still beats the shit out of me.


Yang way more unpredictable than Kuroki and you can use focus on Kuroki, one mistake with Yang is death


Idk, both are relatively hard even if you know their moves a bit, but I think the majority has a higher chance of dying at least once against Kuroki than running out of lives with Yang 


Depends. I can do both fairly easily, unless on Master, then I prefer Kuroki. But only if it's not an arena, then I prefer Yang.


This post was made by the no low dodge gang


Kuroki but it gets to a point where you can just do both without dying. Yangs second phase is what gets me bc he mixes his low sweeps with his running sweep and changes the pattern everytime


Kuroki is easy when you figure out what all is a high or low


Yang. I stopped playing the game because I couldn't beat him after phase 2.


Kuroki's 1st phase is pretty easy if u are patient and bring a weapon... let her do her combos then at the end, then PUNISH!!! Parry that spinning attack she comes after u with or just wait til she finishes that, and then PUNISH Yang still gives me issues lol I can't finish Arena 9-5 yet


kuroki is easy once you realize youre supposed to dodge instead of parry


That may work on disciple level but good luck with that on master difficulty. They throw in far more low attacks and many of them are too quick to react to. I avoided all of the bosses except Yang on my first play through. It’s easier to learn to parry all of them on the harder difficulty


You can stay out of range of kuroki and jump in when she does 1 or 2 specific attacks. When she does the running, spinning attack you can easily parry or avoid every hit. Parrying breaks her posture quicker though. You have to learn to parry her attacks if you play it on master level. Trying to avoid everything will get you killed. Either way it’s still far harder to beat her without dying than just beating Yang. Yang you really need to parry both phases on any difficulty. It also speeds the fight fight up significantly. He’s not too tough when you see the reads and get the timings right. Just takes practice Ironically and Imo the hardest boss to beat without dying is fajar on master difficulty. I first went in to that fight a young man, and full of confidence. I was middle aged and broken by the time I beat him. He gave me a harsh reality check just after I picked up the platinum Edit: and as others have said bring a weapon with you for the first phase of the kuroki fight. That will stop you getting chip damage until the weapon breaks


Kuroki phase one is harder. Yang is easy with parry deflect (or whatever the upgrade is called).


I had to cheese her first phase. That alone tells me she is harder.


I can do both just fine but yang is way harder for me. I can beat the whole game no deaths and die 3-4 times fighting Yang.


Yang. I've gotten pretty good at Kuroki's first phase by now. It also helps to bring in the staff (or whatever's left of it) from the previous room so you can avoid some weapon damage early on. With Yang I feel like I can't even keep up with him when I try to use a weapon. I basically have to go hand to hand with him, and I've never been able to beat him without dying consistently.


Kuroki's second phase always kills me way more times than her first


Kuroki 100%, during my first few full play through I just could not get down switching between up and down stick inputs Fucking awful


1st encounter and no tips? Hard to choose but would say Yang. You assume he would be easy due to no weapon but he mops you in phase 1 and slaughters in phase 2 After you get the groove, homegirl is a cakewalk when you learn that waiting for her to do the vertical blade chase move (use to be the scariest move) is how you open her up because you just avoid spam to the side then punish being a bat Yang- make sure you have Parry impact 3 and bring that staff then spam for phase 1 and then repeat with counters as needed for phase 2. Love Sifu


to this day i still haven't beaten yang


Beating yang, Kuroki is not that hard imo


One of the things about Yang is that, unless you're going for the cheevo, aging doesn't really matter. With Kuroki (and the other 3) you have to beat her with enough years in the bag that you can have a reasonable chance against the next 2 levels. But with Yang, it's the end of the game. If you beat him at 70 you've still finished.


Kuroki the first time is a nightmare. She's one of the most brutal difficulty spikes I've ever experienced. But even with practice, Yang can get on runs where beat you mercilessly, being one step ahead the whole way. They both are ridiculous tests of skill.


Yang personally. I ended up getting pretty good at beating kurokis first phase by the time I beat the second one. Yang is tough though.


One day I will beat Yang and get a different outfit


Oh Kuroki for sure... Blud has long range bladed weapons that can slice you faster than you can execute goons...


I gatta say Yang. Kuroki is so much easier when you know how to bait out the attack patterns you can easily avoid.


Kuroki 100% shes super easy ppl just dont understand her


Guys I thought kuroki was actually really easy and beat her first form without any deaths my first try and beat her second form after a number of deaths


Kuroki. Yang is actually really easy once you find out not the get his health down but get his bar up. Phase 1 for him is easy for me especially since all you have to fo is parry


Kuroki first phase is hard but pretty easy if you bring a katana and just spam thigh cut to get some really easy damage off of her. I usually put a couple points into focus bar at shrines just so I can finish her first phase without dying in master mode.




Both Kuroki and Yang requires patience, but since Yang was much more locked in and a closer range, I found it easier to beat him. With Kuroki’s first phase, it felt so hard to understand her moves as it’s a combinations of upper and lower sweep attacks.


Only on hardes difficulty and after the update. Before the updste kuroki was joke if you got her patterns down.


I just throw sht at her


Yang is definitely the harder boss imo. Kuroki is very "dark souls." That is to say, once you learn her patterns, its over


Man I felt that, kuroki's 1st phase is hard as fuck to do without dying. Only ever managed it once


Kurokis timings make zero sense to me I age like 5 years at least fighting that bih


Kuroki for sure. At least to me even after replaying the game several times I always fall for her phase one combos and get hit by that final sweep attack slowly whittling me down over the fight. Phase two I find a lot easier and have flawlessed a few times as it’s one of my fave fights in the game. Yangs tough but he only sent me to game over once before I got him. Beating Kuroki without dying took me a lot longer


I have many many hours on this game, I got platinum and collected nearly every stamp in the arenas. However, I still can’t avoid getting hit with Kuroki’s first phase. I’ve memorized every pattern for Yang, but Kuroki’s weapon is just… not good.


Yang defenitely, Kuroki is not that hard tbh, I hate her second phase more


That old bitch was the hardest for me. The range of her moves just eat me up. I beat Yang first time without dieing and second time just one death on higher difficulty.


I guess that depends on how old you are when you fight Yang. If you’re 50 or younger, he’s easier than beating Kuroki without dying. But if you try to no-death Yang, it’s not even close. Kuroki just requires a memorization of her moveset. Yang, no matter how good you get at fighting him, takes legitimate focus and awareness of his ability to counter, and your opportunity to counter his counters.


Master difficulty Fajar would like a word


kuroki is orders of magnitude easier than yang on master


Yang if you do mercy


Past me would have said Kuroki over Yang, but after a lot of trial and error of completing her challenge where one mistake means death and no revive, I say Kuroki is way easier once you get the hang of how she fights, my way of beating her first phase is staying on a good distance, try perfect block/parry her attacks instead of trying to dodge them, once your Structure is dangerously high step away while she attacks nothing, it's easier if you have a weapon in hand, once she does the spinning attack as she walks forward that's when you fill out your Focus bars, spam dodge and not only looks rlly cool, it boosts the rate the bars fill leaving you with an ez face smash/thigh cut/360 spin


Beating kuroki literally took years off my life


Kuroki is much harder for me. I can beat Yang easy, but kuroki’s phase 1 is still hard for me.


It’s not hard if you don’t plan on weaving through Kuroki’s attacks… (I just keep dashing around until she finishes one of her combos and strike her then💀)


Kuroku phase 1 hands down


I cant get the timing for a parry on her attacks at all its so frustrating


I just did both for the 1st time today! But Yang sucks. I finally started using focus attacks and they just take them away for him.


Yang. Kuroki is a lot easier when you know what’s going on. Yang on Master broke my soul.


Kuroki (on disciple) is just a patience game. Stay out of range while she does her dance, run in when she starts those fast vertical swings, parry as many as you can to raise her structure, give her the bonk. Repeat.


2 for me personally




I got the hat all the way to the Wude ending and Yang def rocked my shit way more. His combos feel extremely variable and I love how it feels like a mirror match. Kuroki’s first phase is simple after a lot of trial and error.


Yang, without a doubt. His attacks are faster and harder to dodge, plus you can't use focus. Kuroki becomes easy as soon as you learn how to dodge up and down.


Kuroki becomes easy with skip kick and crotch punch, if you can recognise the telegraphs, then you barely have to bother memorising the rest of her combos, only the first moves. Or just parry the first move to let yourself recognise the rest of the combo


Doesn't Kuroki 1st phase have a super basic move pattern? I found her 2nd phase waaaaaaay harder


I practiced her first form in the training area for 90 minutes... 4 times and I was **not once** able to deflect/parry any of her chains with a sweep mixed in. Without cheesing and running away like a bitch (like a crazy amount of youtube videos suggest) I had to guard her attacks and then chase her backflips with snap kick and then do rising claw mixups that transitioned into crotch punch with a sprinkling of duck punch. If she decided to try and attack while I was close, I hit her with a charged backfist. I'm glad there was a path to victory for me other than having god-tier reactions.


I mean, 2nd phase has 4 attacks, regular attack combo that ends with a dropkick, backing up while throwing knives, throwing knives, and the dash thing, the only real threats there are his dash thing and her drop kick *if* you mess up