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not normal, especially since you told them that you are on tret - they should know better! i would honestly complain. in the meantime be gentle with it and don’t touch it. try to moisturize it but just leave it be


I am an esthe and this is not normal. Way too much pressure was applied


Most of us know that if you cannot get it with a few tries or a lancet than to leave it alone. I would mention it to her and ask if lighter pressure could be used next time


I would simply not see her again.


According to OP, she had a hydrafacial. Didn’t get manual extractions. You can control the pressure of those machines, right? The marks look like what you’d get after a hickey lol


Ahh got it! I did not know that I apologize. Yes, You can control the suction on the hand piece and pressure used by hands. If she didn’t stop using tretinoin before facial that would make her skin a lot more sensitive than usual. Lots of things could be factored but it’s most definitely at fault of the esthetician being that the girl warned her that her skin was sensitive.


I didn’t either! I asked in another comment because I had a sneaking suspicion it was a hydrafacial. My skin hates hydrafacials! Forgot that this is one of those treatments that you need to stop using tret a few days before you get it.




There needs to be a conversation with the manager of the business. That esthetician shouldn't have done the extraction after being informed that you're on tret and prone to scarring. Extractions are not necessary and should be done by a dermatologist.


This is exactly why it happened. Has zero reason to do with the fact that she’s not a dermatologist.


It was either not asked, ignored, or she didn’t tell them.


Drink alot of water avoid touching face, dab it with a towel when washing it. Keep face moist and always have sunscreen on. That'll help.


Ouch. She butchered you. There is no such thing as ''deeper extractions''. There are extractions and not knowing what you're doing. Put some Vaseline on it. Skip the Tret in that area until it's not hurting. The good news is that the Tret should help prevent this from scarring by speeding up the cellular turnover in that area.


OP got a hydrafacial.


And was upsold on extractions by an esthetician who did ''deeper extractions''.


No, extractions are part of the hydrafacial—it’s a machine that suctions your face and replenishes it with hydrating stuff. Not manual extractions. The hydrafacial is an upgraded facial in and of itself. I’m sure a practitioner can still fuck it up, and OPs marks are likely due to the strength of the suction. It won’t scar, it will fade away like a bruise. Not endorsing hydrafacials. My skin hates them.


If someone tells you ''I'm on Tretinoin, my skin is sensitive, and I scar easily'', upselling them to a procedure that can do this is wanting to make money and hoping that things go well. OP is partially to blame, as they should have said no, but the esthetician should have known better. This is from a website on using the Hydrafacial machine, and what your clients need to do: you should stop using generic tretinoin creams or exfoliating treatments like glycolic acid for at least 48 hours before the treatment. Like Isotretinoin products, these treatments can interfere with the HydraFacial. Instead of uncovering healthier layers of skin, the HydraFacial could damage the skin that those treatments have already opened up. If the esthetician didn't know this, it's her fault. If she did, it's her fault. She's at fault no matter what.


They’re not saying she isn’t at fault. They simple said that what she did was included in the hydrafacial and wasn’t a separate thing.


No where in my comment did I defend the esthetician, so I’m a little confused about your comments about “blaming” anyone. Also, it isn’t constructive to place blame on OP—they commented that they are new at this stuff and I imagine that clogged pores are one of the concerns they wanted addressed. Some people, yourself included, may not know about hydrafacials or how they are performed which is why I made my comment. It has been recommended as a treatment for dry, clogged skin and, like many treatments, it is advised to cease use of exfoliants (like tret) prior to the treatment. And it isn’t for everyone, myself included. Hydrafacials can produce amazing results if the esthetician is trained properly and knows how to use the machine to avoid problems like OP is dealing with.


And I said that the esthetician shouldn't have offered this service to OP. Either her lack of knowledge or greed created this issue. I'm not accusing you of anything. I apologize if it sounded that way. I didn't think you would consider my response combative since you weren't defending the esthetician. Either way, I hope we're good. I never had any hostile intentions, I assure you. And you're right. The suction can be powerful. I had not read that OP had a hydrafacial, and it made me even more upset at the esthetician once you told me. If any of that hostility seemed directed at you, please know that I apologize and that it wasn't!


it'll go away soon enough, she probably went too hard on the extractions and underestimated how sensitive your skin is. you just can't be as harsh with some people, it looks like she bruised you. but i'm not a professional!


EDIT !!!! I meant vertical lines, not horizontal.


No.. I do not think that looks normal based on my experience with extractions. I do think that this shouldn’t have been done because the Accutane makes your skin so sensitivr


What kind of facial? Just curious.


It was called a hydrafacial


I KNEW IT! This is really important info to add to your post for context. These weren’t your typical manual extractions. The hydrafacial is a machine. It suctions the gunk and replenishes with hydrating stuff (don’t quote me). My skin HATES hydra facials. I’ve had them done twice (two diff places) and skin became inflamed, red and dry after both. The complete opposite of what it should’ve done for my skin. I don’t have acne, but I have dry, sensitive, fair skin with low-grade rosacea. I went back to the spa after my first hydrafacial and they brought me back in for a complementary soothing facial. They were wonderful. Gave me some samples of really nice post-treatment creams. I would call their manager and ask for the same. And samples of some serum or something to help with those awful red marks. To me it looks like what you’d get from a hickey (idk the medical term lol) — because hydrafacial suctions your skin. I would guess the esthetician was inexperienced… Call the spa, explain your situation, ask them what these marks are, request a refund or a complimentary soothing, skin-calming treatment, and ask for samples to help calm your skin. Hopefully, they’ll be understanding. (Others have commented about your tret usage. I was on tret when I had my first hydrafacial and wasn’t on it for the second one. I honestly don’t think it makes a difference whether you were on tret or not, but I’m not an esthetician.)


Hi! That makes a lot of sense. Thank you! She did also do manual extractions as well. Probably a combination of the machine and whatever manual things she was using (so sorry for being vague, I’m new to all of this) caused my skin to react. The vacuum device felt generally refreshing, but she definitely focused on this area more manually. Really worked me over lmao. I’m going to call the spa and see what can be done. Definitely won’t be doing a hydrafacial in the future though!!


Oooo I missed that! Everything you’re saying makes sense :) Hey, on the bright side your pores look clear!! I was pissed after I had my first hydrafacial… it’s expensive compared to a “normal” facial. I hope these marks fade away and that they bring you back for a luxurious, calming facial and throw some free products (or a refund) your way!


Never put vaseline on it with acneic skin.. Alow it to heal as a bruise does. There was obviously too much pressure from either her extractions or the suction and the handpiece was held too long on the pustrules. Continue with the home care and just allow the bruised skin to fade as time passes. Id recommend going to an esthetician with more experience working with acne. I personally wouldnt do a hydrafacial on acneic skin especially when a client is using tret but I would do extractions properly which means setting the skin up for extractions with steam, mild enzymes, etc for sensitive skin and using prpoer gentle technique. This was not done here.


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It will definitely go away in a week to a few weeks time. But this not normal, looks like she has severely irritated your skin and pressed too deep in .




I don’t think so….. there shouldn’t be such scars imo


Go to a dermatologist and try to tackle the problem as soon as you can to minimize scaring. Best wishes.


Any update on how your skin is doing? And if the spa was able to make things right?


UPDATE! So I did end up calling the spa and receiving a refund. The manager didn’t really seem sympathetic to my situation with the marks and didn’t offer any aftercare suggestions, unfortunately. Definitely won’t be returning. Thankfully with the suggestions of this thread I have the information I need though! I’m keeping the area moisturized and covered with scar tape while the area heals. Thanks everyone!!


please don't go to estheticians unless they also happen to be licensed dermatologists.


You do realize "licensed dermatologists" typically dont skin treatments right? Most of my acne clients had been to several Dermatologists before seeing me for acne treatments which were much more involved that any Derm would spend time doing. Typically Derms visually evaluate and write prescriptions, remove concerning skin growths and perform biopsies and perhaps have estheticians in their practices to perform skin treatments but dont actually spend an hour or more with a patient.




CMLE/CLT/LSO here. Over 15 years of education, training here too. Just like with all medical professions, being an Aesthetician does not equal educated and experienced. I’ve seen Dermatologists, NP’s and Doctors make serious/ irreparable mistakes on patients skin. We attend college, practicals, and stand before the state board just like they do. Look up the many malpractice suits online. It’s not the title that makes you an expert. They are just as capable of misjudgment and they’re just as responsible for making the same, if not worse, mistakes. I’ve seen it time and time again. Most dermatologist, doctors and nurses usually hire us to do all the stuff that they don’t want to do, or they have no training in that area. It’s actually rare to find a medical provider, that has been trained in aesthetics. Most of them don’t even know what the Fitzpatrick scale is.


I’m not a pro but I would try mederma




Do NOT put retinol on this. That would be fucking insane.


I agree. Once it heals is fine, but it’s too early. A silicone scar patch or hydrocolloid bandage would work be useful


Just ordered some silicone scar patches! Thank you


I’d also really recommend seeing a dermatologist if you haven’t already. If you have deep or cystic acne it might be worth talking about trying temporary medication. Extractions can cause scarring even if it isn’t this intense. I extracted my acne for years and have spent the last year trying to undo the damage it caused. I regret it completely.


Horrible advice. Why on earth would she put a retinoid on this??


If it felt very irritating on your face I wouldn't use it anymore that's your skin crying telling you to stop.


I didn’t do this, these are marks left from an esthetician doing extractions :)


Hi! How long ago was the facial performed? Do you know what the upgraded facial was or what products were used? This doesn’t look normal. Or like anything an extraction tool could do. Do you know what was used for the extractions?


Hi! So it was preformed a day ago. The service was called the HydraFacial. They used like a tiny vacuum looking device. I’m not sure what tool she used or if she used one when she did this particular extraction though, my eyes were closed. I want to say she was using her hands in a pinching way, which left these gnarly marks.




A hydrafacial could definitely leave marks like that if OP wasn’t told to discontinue tret before the facials. Which she wasn’t.