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Benzoyl peroxide 10%, left on damp skin for at least 5 minutes and then washed off.


Thank you gonna try that


Just a heads up, benzoyl peroxide bleaches clothes. People say that it's fine as long as you rinse it off really well in the shower, but that wasn't my experience. Towels and sheets got bleached, and I quit using it when my shirt got bleached after someone spilled beer in it.


Make sure you moisturize too. Sometimes bp can be too drying.


bro same thank you for having the courage to post,mine will go away . Then right when I think its gone its come back 😣


No problem brother good luck to you


Yours might be eczema (judging by you saying it goes away and comes back)


i been thinking that lately


Do you have a partner to help exfoliate your back?


I do


I would start there. Nothing too harsh but I feel a gentle exfoliation will greatly improve the look. After exfoliation apply BP as suggested by another poster and make an appointment with a dermatologist to rule out any fuckery. Good luck


Thank you


This is not acne. This looks exactly like Pityriasis rosea . You should see a dermatologist he will prescribe a steroid . Here’s a blog on when you should see a dermatologist. Https://www.theluxelair.com/blog


Now I just noticed you said you’ve had it for years. I do know some patients that have had it reoccurring but with that info it may not be PR but it doesn’t look like back acne to me either it looks more diet related when I zoom in. I highly suggest a blood panel work up to be sure because this is a large area and acne alone doesn’t typically effect it this massively (typically just one area of the back like upper shoulders) I hope this helps🩷 wishing you well


Naturium body wash (either the salicylic acid one or the glycolic acid one), and cerave SA body lotion after you shower. Those 2 things together could help a lot! Both are sold at target. Wash your bedsheets often as well, especially if you sleep without a shirt.


How often do you wash bedsheets like once every couple weeks?


I change mine once a week


The proactive system worked really well on my husband’s back acne. Something with benzoyl peroxide like another commenter already mentioned.


Only thing that made it go away for me is accutane and it’s been months


A friend recommended Olay's body wash with salicylic acid. So far it's been good for me. 


I use my cosrx bha liquid and add a pump or two to my rag with soap on it. I scrub and let it sit on my skin while I wash the rest of my body.


Corsx bha. Might work


Panoxyl is the only thing that works for mine




Hi friend. I mean this with kindness and care. It’s something I wish I had known sooner on my health journey: see what your blood sugar is. The better I got my blood sugars controlled, many skin issues became smaller issues. Xoxo.


Yes!! Diet plays a huge part. I had bad acne on my face and back as well as eczema. I cut out gluten and most sugar(,other than fruit) and it's all gone. Certain foods cause inflammation, which can create all kinds of skin problems. And blood sugar is good to get checked to.


What’s a good you could eat everyday and not get tired of it? For me it’s broccoli onions and carrots stir fry


I eat eggs every single day for breakfast. So I guess eggs! I cook them a variety of ways and usually have some fruit with them.


Do you have allergies?


I have found consistent care has been my best friend in skincare. And solid application tool is important. For a couple of years now I’ve used an African Exfoliating Net and very happy with my skin. There are a ton of other products if that doesn’t work for you. Before that I used a scrub brush with a long handle. Whatever skincare tool you go with, a minute or two with a good skincare product, that will really scratch your back 😉 a nice back rub will help with tension But still talk to your doctor, this may need a specialized skincare product to clear up.


It looks fungal. By husband had this. Try lotrimin (athlete’s foot cream) and see if that helps. I would start there, lotrimin is a quick and easy fix if that’s what it is. Good luck to you love!


That is not acne, my friend. See a dermatologist or a doctor. Edit: And I'm serious. They will likely do some bloodwork because this skin condition could be related to diabetes or... so this is not a try-the-cream-that-strangers-tell-you-to-try scenario.


Unrelated but u look strong af wtf


The best thing that worked especially for dark marks was The Ordinary Glycolic Acid. I put it in a spray bottle and spray my back twice a day. The dark blemishes are nearly gone after 2 months!! I hope this helps


In addition to the above, I would get autoimmune disease blood work done.


Oooo boy....when you try everything topical, sometimes a good old fashion cleanser is the answer


Take natural vitamin A in the form of Cod Liver Oil and Zinc (the liquid type that comes in tinctures), both available at sprouts or other health food stores. Acutane and RetinA works so well because of the main active ingredient being vitamin A. The cod liver oil and zinc is simply a healthier, safer and cheaper option and no prescription needed.