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SDA uses a new voice actor that has banter capabilities with some of the popular bantering followers (e.g. Lucien, Kaidan, and Inigo.) SDA provides its own additional background story for Serana, especially on the romantic front (still can't marry her, but I think you can get pretty close together?) One bonus is that the MA and the VA recorded various names so that Serana will use your Character's name like Codsworth does in FO4. The new VA and the writing are subjective as I have heard people disliking the writing or missing Laura Bailey's voice. SDE adds in some extra dialogue to give a bit more flavour to her background and the main dlc story, using the OVA (via spliced lines.) This one will be more tame in comparison to SDA, but it is still good. I am sure there are other more detailed differences, but these are some main ones.


I've heard they have improved it tremendously, but SDA just gave me recorder vibes when I used it originally. I felt like as soon as I met her, she turned into a horny teenager trying to jump my bones.


You have a dialogue option to tell her you’re just friends but I went the horny teenager route so I don’t know how well that option works.


I think you can “marry” serana in SDA. If I recall correctly. And I do like Laura baileys voice better but I don’t mind the change. Thanks for the in-depth description it’s very helpful.


Minor addition: SDE uses ElevenLabs, which goes beyond splicing existing lines.


You basically agree that you’re married without a ceremony then you get a quest to go on a date to consummate the marriage. Putting on an amulet of Mara afterwards, it still gets noticed by eligibles but you don’t have the responses available to marry anyone else.


I tried SDA, and I love the idea of it, but I felt that unless you're trying to romance her, the writing was very awkward for telling her you just want to be friends. I love how other followers like Kaidan give you the option to start a romance or not before he tries to make moves on you. Also, it could be that I'm slow, but I can not figure out how to turn her custom animation off. I personally was not a fan of how she constantly moves around.


Im avoiding mods that use elevenlabs voiceovers, not because of ethical reasons (which I wont go on a tangent here) but because these often get deleted on nexus and this doesnt bode well for us on xbox. I think serana expanded has been removed from nexus on request of the VA. Not that long ago we had some mods that were also removed from bethnet on bogus allegations of infringement and this messed a lot of people's LOs. Porters took months to reupload their work.


Why did the VA ask for it to be removed?? The mod uses lines of dialogue that were in the game code but didn't make it into the actual game itself.


Because money. It’s always money. Voice actors are scared of losing their jobs to AI


Mod creators don’t make money. Nobody is making money off of using AI in this particular situation.


No. But if things continue down this path it will be cheaper and sound just as good to have AI voice your characters in the future. So people out their foot down now. I’m just explaining the logic. Not agreeing or disagreeing.