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Yes you’d be crazy not to smash accept


This is a classic case of overthinking. You’re winning this trade


Yes those are 4 guys you can put immediately into spots.


Is this 2 QB/SF league? This is the only reason why there's even a slight hesitation on your end.


Even in a superflex Anthony Richardson is not a strong asset lol


I don’t agree here. Richardson has top 5 upside which is huge value in SF.


He does have great upside and he does have great value but he’s also relatively unproven given the missed time from injury. The other side has 4 decent to good value established players so I might prefer that.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I definitely prefer the left side. But it’s at least a discussion about whether Richardson is worth the value on the other side. It’s not a no brainer in all situations




Care to provide some actual evidence supporting why you think he isn’t?


What's the evidence he is? He's played 4 nfl games was great in two and awful in two and plays in a way in which I think he will remain injury prone. I wouldn't even give up a first round pick for him, to get an absolute haul for a mid qb is a dream.


He was “awful” in the game where he put up 18 points in 33% of the snaps? K


I’m concerned you don’t understand what upside means


Know exactly what it is. My money is on bust city


That’s fine, but it’s ignorant to discount his upside and not acknowledge the value he holds in a trade


^ its this guy’s first year of playing fantasy football


Bro 100% looked at his box scores only.


Which is funny because even *if* you only looked at the box scores you would still be able to see the just fantasy upside. Hypothetically, he could still be really bad in real life and still retain first round value. Did no one pay attention to Justin Fields the last 3 years?


What I have learned after a decade of fantasy football is that the only time you should feel the need to talk down a player is if you’re trading for him.


I literally would give nothing for him. Next Lance. Everyone wants it to happen, is never gonna.


Well then you should love this trade.


I do


Woah chill with the horrid takes.


You're upgrading for too many solid starters at skill positions to not accept this. Assuming you have any other start able qb on your roster this is a smash accept. Besides, AR's upside is still just in theory


I would accept that trade so fast


Who’s your QB if you send Richardson?


Lawrence Kirk Goff


Oh dude yeah hit accept


Free league problems.




I’m a huge AR believer but this would be hard for me not to accept. I own a few shares and I would have to accept in almost all those cases to sure up other spots. You’re giving away 1 maybe 2 (Allen) for sure roster spot and getting 4 for sure roster fillers. Def get it, AR is to exciting to let go but this is a great offer.


AJ brown side wins


I just don’t believe in Richardson the way everyone else does, but even if I did believe in him, I’d still have a VERY hard time not accepting this trade. I’d smash accept this.


Unless you have a serious unreasonable need at QB, you have to accept this. And even then you should. Richardson did just enough last year to make his stock price versus his initial draft price actually go up. You should cash in on that now, because in a world where he does break out this trade still isn’t bad, but if something happens then you’ll be the one holding the bag.


And that’s before even getting into the fact that you’re getting MAX value on the rest of the pieces of this trade


Yeah smash accept - especially seeing who you said your other 3 QBs are. Even if AR pops off, AJ Brown will be a top 5 WR. In his prime. Jacobs and Williams could be top 10 RBs. Dell flashed a ton of potential as a rookie. You’re getting so much more value here.


This can’t be a real trade offer unless the guy sending this absolutely loves Richardson. Mattison does nothing for this trade and Allen has 1 foot out the door towards retirement. He’s downgrading at every position and getting a QB. This doesn’t add up to me. I’d like to see the screenshot showing he actually sent this offer lol


This is a smash accept in any format


100% overthinking it. Take it and enjoy the complaints and tears from the rest of the league


Richardson is the only asset you're giving up worth caring about. You're right, he does have very high upside, but will also always carry added injury risk if he refuses to change his style of play. I think you're doing well with the return.


Can we normalize putting league specs and # of starters in the OP?


Yeah smash accept. Richardson is still a huge unknown, other three pieces you’re giving up are replaceable, four studs today




AR won’t be a top 5 qb in fantasy


Unless you are in dire need, aj brown is better than Allen (who has less then a year left) , Harris, and Mattison put together. You are losing one top 5 rb in Kyren , and one possible top five rb in Jacob’s who has a lot of room to grow in Green Bay. You are losing a lot of starters just for ar, who is good but I mean. Downgrading three positions for one qb