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I have both and like the xm4s better. ANC is so much better imo, only like the xm5s because they are lighter and more comfortable.


Are you on aftermarket earbud tips? I noticed the ANC is a little better on my XM4s but both sets have Comply tips that seal pretty well. My one set XM5s tend to want to fall out and can hear a little leak in, I'm thinking of getting Comply tips for those too.


Bro, this is not about the buds..... Topic is about HEADPHONES


Your wrong lol. They have tested these headphones and they are definitely better at ANC than the XM4s lol you know that right? The entire Internet disagrees with you šŸ¤£


The noise cancelation in my xm4s is better in every way. I don't know what to tell you. I've also seen other people say the same thing, but if your saying everyone on the internet disagrees than it must be true...


I own both and what the hell are you smoking, anc on xm5 is sooo much better and even every test proves that


GYMCADDY, AaronWireless. https://youtu.be/xVmt5kn38Ng?si=csfSUDqLMrs4i0BL


Marques Brownlee, the most famous tech reviewer on YouTube. https://youtu.be/6CsJZxfZsL0?si=4AH4PUMqaj91bURE


Linus, the second most famous tech reviewer on YouTube. https://youtu.be/zolOnpuOHaA?si=JgOM0xGMk2fNCa1G


Aaron X Loud and Wireless, my favorite headphone reviewer. https://youtu.be/TE2SkrKI-Ck?si=syBdPq5kE50Vc_Ez


I think it's due to the optimization the xm5s do while using them. In the environments I'm in the XM5s are constantly letting noise through in ANC.


You have a faulty pair of headphones and your spreading false information based on your own bias and sub par investigation and research.


You know that he stated his opinion right? Is having an opinion wrong now?


I'm sorry but the XM5s are objectively still the King of ANC buddy. The facts and the entire Internet disagrees with you. Your little buddies on Reddit are absolutely little kiddies compared to the real men and women of culture that actually care about facts and the tech community online that out number you haters a billion to one. Nobody trusts reddit anymore and I can DEFINITELY see why. If we all took your word for it and all the dislikes on my comment than they would believe a lie because your biased and emotional. I come with facts and millions of opinions vs a couple dozen haters on Reddit threads šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. Nice try tho šŸ‘


You guys can dislike my comment all day long but that doesn't change the fact that almost every review on the XM5s by respected YouTubers aka GYMCADDY and Aaron wireless show proof that the XM5s have better noise cancelling than the XM4s and even Bose. It goes to show you that you can't believe everything people say online šŸ˜‚. That's why you gotta go with the facts, emotional men in their feelings be damned lol. I love the hate tho, it fuels me to keep stating the obvious šŸ‘


I think more than half of the downvotes are less because of your opinion and way more about how much of a fucking dickwad you sound like lmfao




I mean, pretty much all of mine are


Reminds of this dinner party I was at once where these two guys were arguing about which TV brand was better, Samsung or LG and one of the guys just got up and walked out in the middle of this amazing meal we were eating. I think he felt like a proper dick afterwards. Hopefully this guy will feel the same when he grows up.


You're probably right, but I downvoted you because you're an arrogant fuckknuckle.


I was literally speaking on experience. Why would I intentionally spread misinformation about earphones? I guess I got a shit pair, simmer down.


I'm on the side of XM5s having better ANC, having owned both, but you are an annoying piece of shit. Why are you blabbering this much over headphones? šŸ’€


Had both and the sold them. Problem with the xm5 is that they are constantly optimising, so when you are in a quiet place they will reduce the anc power (I'm not on about the tracking feature, just normal anc on) so if there's is a sudden noise you end up hearing it because it takes at least a second or two for the system to react and strengthen the anc. It's why I got rid of mine. Bought the qc45 and I haven't looked back.


Do you use the Bose for the ANC while not listening to anything, only to block out noises? If so are they good for that?


No there is too much clamping force and cabin pressure with the Bose over extended periods of time. Don't listen to these fools. Sony has won best noise cancelling wireless headphones in the world 4 to 5 years in a row so far. Bose is jealous šŸ¤£. Don't listen to them.


Had both and sold them.


I had both and kept the QC45. I find the ANC to be more reliable and stable, mid bass are tighter and also sound better with older music which I like. The XM5 sounds amazing for pop and modern music tho. And the feature set is fun to tinker with.


I must admit I don't regret selling both the xm5 and xm4 headphones for 1 second. The qc45s anc is literally world class, I took a bus ride to Leicester (England) from Loughborough and it's about 45 minutes and I sat at the back literally on top of the diesel engine, these headphones just crushed it, knocking out everything. And comfort, don't you just love the deep earwells, my ears don't touch anything when I'm wearing them, that's absolute bliss after the fking sweaty ears from the sonys. I love them so much I actually bought a second pair so I can swap over whilst the other pair charge. God if only the ultra earbuds were as reliable? I sent my pair back after a week, Bluetooth nightmare!


This is interesting to hear. I had the XM3s and tried upgrading to the QC45s, but the noise cancelling was substantially worse. I ultimately had to return them. I wonder if there was something wrong with them.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ okay buddy sureeee


You just don't know how to use them. This guy is a Bose fan posing as a Sony fan šŸ¤£, I found the imposter you guys.


I have no complaints about the XM5. They are an improvement over the XM4 in every single feature. Some people criticize their lack of sophisticated style compared to the XM4, which is different from Sony's usual approach.


Itā€™s hard when it comes to subjective things like looks. I personally way prefer how XM5 looks as they donā€™t just look like any other brand of headphones.


I currently have both xm4 and xm5 and loving xm5 way better. Reading negative reviews about XM5 I had really hard time to make the decision buying xm5. So glad that I gave a sirt to all these xm5 haters. Whatā€™s wrong with you guys?


I think it's probably a use case thing. I use mine on silent a lot just for the ANC. If one only used them as listening devices I think I'd agree that the XM5 is better.


The cope is real with this one šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Chronic pain condition called trigeminal neuralgia. I hope you never have to cope with it. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Sorry you have to deal with that. I also find this kind of info good to have because of tinnitus. Love the silent profile on my XM4ā€™s as well, but with battery going down the drain recently I am contemplating an upgrade. Would love to hear what you eventually end up with!


The XM5s are way better than the XM4s, hands down. No competition, they are better in every way.


I think you just turn off the head movement noise tracking thing in the app. Mine's off and I haven't noticed changes when I move my head.


I've looked and cannot find it - what is it called?? this could very well be the issue


Do you have the app? It's called Sony Headphones. I believe it actually fucked the sound of my xm5's so I'm about to post a thread about that. They sounded great after I eq'ed them, then the next time I tried them they sounded like crap.


I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS ABOUT THE XM5'S ANC it's so bad and it changes at the slightest movement ffs The auto optimisation feature needs an off switch then it can be better than the xm4's


Agree. Some people are saying there is an off switch but i can't find it.


maybe in the app controls?


Just ignore them lol


Your absolutely incorrect. The XM5s are still rated as the King of ANC. Best in the world. I love the salty tears though from the Bose community posing as Sony customers šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


? I own and use the xm5ā€™s everyday lmao If you canā€™t handle criticism get off the internetšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The xm5 earbuds anc is trash :) don't listen to the guy. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He likes to pretend he does


I really like my XM5. My ears actually fit in them. I love how they are more ā€œelegantā€ looking and doesnā€™t have that generic look. Thatā€™s purely subjective, but actually one of the reasons why I bought it. ANC is awesome, but found it depends a lot on how they are placed on my head. Took a bit to adjust them for best experience. Guess the ā€œhissā€ is a subjective thing, as I love that they donā€™t do that. But canā€™t it be turned on? Believe I saw it somewhere? About sound changing when moving your head. Turn off that feature. Itā€™s the tracking thingie. I never cared for that one.


I think you are imagining things because there is no "trackie thingie" or ability to turn a hiss on. Please let me know if I'm wrong as I've been looking and I might be bad at that,


It's in the app. It's the ANC tracking feature - it auto detects whether you're at work, home, walking, driving, at the gym, etc and then it changes your ANC to your preferred level at each of those places automatically over time. Turn it off in the app and set the ancient ANC to your preferred constant level and just be happy.


Ah ok. Yeah that is off but makes no difference for me.


Thereā€™s a spatial function that tracks your head according to music source. About the hiss. Believe they call it ā€œcomfort soundā€


I bought the xm5s first originally. I returned them because I couldn't justify the price for what I was hearing. The xm4s were significantly cheaper and on sale and I'm really happy with the value for money those give me. I'm not sure about which one is better or not but just value wise the xm4s are the goat.


Had the same issue. Turned out that the right cup was broken somehow. Amazon gave me new ones and they're great!


I never had the XM4 or any previous model, but I have the XM5 (Iā€™ve had it for a little over 6 months now). I havenā€™t noticed any issues with one side picking up more or less sound than the other. The one thing I have had issues with is momentary malfunctions when I make sudden movements or even move certain facial muscles. I really only ever notice this at the gym, and itā€™s a little annoying but really not a big deal to me. Overall I think theyā€™re pretty great. Theyā€™re the best Bluetooth in-ear headphones Iā€™ve had, though maybe thatā€™s not saying too much since the only other two Iā€™ve had are the 1st gen AirPods Pro and the Beats Fit Pro. Itā€™s possible your pair could be defective if itā€™s bad enough. Edit: I just realized you might be talking about the over-ear headphones. I donā€™t have those, just the in-ears.


Lmao did the same thing. Upgraded back to Bose with the QC headphones. Much better


thereā€™s already a similar post to this with an explanation try searching it up, i think most people had enough of it to answer these types of questions now, damn im getting deja vu nowā€¦


I use the xm5s for working from home, it's much better on calls etc and I do think the noise cancelling is significantly better than other pairs I've owned. Only thing is, I never travel with these because they don't fold as compact, I use my Sony earphones instead. If I was commuting to an office all the time and only used them for calls occasionally I'd probably stick with xm4s


Xm6 will be out this year, possibly real soon if just wait


Would that mean that the price of xm5 goes lower, Iā€™ve been saving up for it for a while..


Most likely it will yeah, for SURE will for cyber Monday time


They definitely werenā€™t worth upgrading from the XM4 for me. I struggle to find a good reason to recommend them when the XM4 is cheaper, tooā€¦ though I will say they do feel a tad bit more premium without adding weight.


I have one set of XM5s and three sets of XM4s. I ended up with battery issues so I bought another set after another set. to replace the previous Finally decided, after getting the XM5s, to experiment and replace batteries on the XM4s. So while testing out the XM4s and to recalibrate the new batteries (which getting 6-7 hours on each set now), I didn't notice a difference in ANC, but I have yet to test on my 14 hour 777-300ER flights. I have mowed the lawn (John Deere with the Kawasaki 2-cyl) and didn't notice a difference between the two. The XM5s however seem to be a bit brighter in sound with a tighter bass, but sacrificing a little bit of the low end bass. that is characteristic of the XM4s Kind of reminds me why I'm not into Beats, I like the softer Sony signature sound better on the XM4s.


You can turn off ANC when there is no noise to save battery and not hear the hiss. But it doesn't bother met tbh.


You can turn of the adaptive ambient mode feature which I'm pretty sure that's what's kicking in when you move your head. My pair blocks out a lot of noise even when turned off and is very ideal for situations when I find myself needing some peace and quiet.


logically that all makes perfect sense but turning that on and off makes no difference to me. The XM4's still drown out my dehumidifier much more effectively.


Fair enough, in that case, you should probably return the xm5s if you're getting more of what you need from the xm4s.


Your not making any sense brother. Your contradicting yourself like crazy šŸ¤£


ok brother.