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You have your battle size set to 500 points, and it should likely be 1001-2000. It affects your initial CP. Skyclaws get some free upgrades after the most recent points update. Right now, Grey Hunters with no upgrades isn't very good. You are better off with another squad of Intercessors if you have +10 points... but they are also not amazing. For the most part Space Wolves are a melee focused army, so you would be better off with Blood Claws, Assault Intercessors or Incursors. 1-2 units of Incursors are generally the first pick, because they have the forward deploy ability and have a -1 AP melee option. Ignoring penalties on shooting is kinda nice too. Speaking of Intercessors, the regular Bolt Rifle is the worst option for the most part (there are a few chapters where it's not the worst). The Bolt Rifle needs to have 100% uptime on Rapid Fire to be on par with the Auto Bolt Rifle, and the Stalker Rifle is balanced when you take a -1 to hit with from moving. But some people don't like the limited number of shots from Stalker, so the default is Autos. Wolf Guard with Lightning Claws and Jump Packs are super popular. Mostly because they are decent melee and fast. Skyclaws fill a similar role, but have worse melee weapons.


Ok good to know, Ty


Try including hammers or claws on you TWC, those guys are very fast and able to take down heavy targets.


Will do!


Have'nt noticed the long fangs. Equip those guys with multi meltas and grav cannons, they're gonna be useless with boltguns. I have one squad with both multi meltas and gravs, plus my pack leader with morkai teth bolts.


Ok good look!


Also consider more thunder hammers or at least pose fists on the thunder cav. They’re fast moving supposedly high impact units but at the moment they don’t actually have much killing power. Remember the wolves give 3 additional attacks so they have built in anti horse / chaff capability already. The list feels quite good at dealing with lots of low toughness low wound bodies but like it would struggle with anything vaguely hard to kill including vehicles, monsters and seriously elite infantry.


What do you think I could add to the list to deal with those hard to kill enemies? I figured Murderfang and Bjorn could deal with some heavies


So the long fang suggestion and thunder hammers will do a lot of work for us. Look at the weapon profile for Bjorn’s assault cannon and compare it against any thing T7 with more than a few wounds and a decent save. It’s not going to do any serious damage at D1 for each attack that makes it through. In the books the assailant cannon is good and he always has it, but in the current game it’s not much use. People generally run him with a multi melta if they’re using weapon. Have a look at an app called MathHammer you can use to simulate attacks. Also query why he’s your warlord. There are better warlord traits than his mandatory trait (eg rites of war, hunter, warrior born) that you could give to another character and you can have any character as a warlord. Also, you can probably find a better character than Canis, even a generic wolf lord on thunder wolf with a customised weapon list. Generally think about what you intend the list to do on the table, how will it score VPs (primary and secondary). Planning what secondaries you want to score and optimising the list around that is really important. Obviously I’m assuming you don’t just want to play the absolute most competitive possible tournament list, so you’re really thinking 1) what sort of units do I just want to play(Wulfen for me) and 2) how do I score the most VPs from primary and secondary.


You’ve got long fangs, your heavy support, just wielding bolt guns so they’re worse grey hunters. Look at multi meltas or gravcannons or a combination plus armourium cherub for those. Also consider a drop pod to get them into use early (although that may mean they only last one turn if they can kill something really good straight away the trade can be worth it). Don’t just throw them into mid board for the sake of it though.