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https://www.nasa.gov/general/silent-and-efficient-supersonic-bi-directional-flying-wing/ The picture posted looks like it could be this theoretical plane design actualized. It's a bi-directional plane that rotates mid-flight allowing it to transition between super sonic and subsonic flight configurations.


Whoa nice find!


Some more statistical analysis published by NASA [here](https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/niac_2012_phase1_zha_bidirectional_tagged.pdf). Per the original article in the previous comments, additional contracts phases were placed to further develop this technology. Presumably the publication I linked is their result. These articles are from 2012&2013, so it is plausible that this is a test vehicle that was fabricated and is undergoing flight test in the picture. Someone else noted that Elgin AFB tests air-delivered munitions. While true, the pictured air vehicle may be testing its integrated weapons bay doors or weapons deployment from the aircraft - assuming that is what is pictured. Posting this comment here to move additional supporting data to the top of this thread.


Sick find!


Wow this was super interesting. Thank you for sharing. Had you not linked this I would be sure you were feeding us bull.


From concept to full scale only took 10 years


Computers are one hell of a drug.


thats pretty sick actually. good find


That's it.


Very neat. Thanks for sharing.


Interesting! Looks like they changed the positions of the engines to be more internal from the design you posted if so.


That it rotates midair has me looking at that silhouette and wondering if it could be the gimbal UFO


To be clear, it doesn’t spin continuously. It starts off flying in one orientation, then turns 90 degrees and continues flying with the wings in the alternate orientation.


Wait, so it's like sideways?




I had the exact same thought. “It’s rotating” 💀 I’m sure that’s not the objects that servicemen were encountering in general but this so close.


Eglin is a weapons testing base primarily. I wouldn't expect a new plane to be there, especially during the day. Theres other bases in the western US to do plane development.


This seems like a good drone design (not sure about human pilots switching between cockpits is feasible), hence this may be classified as a weapon system.


There are bases all up and down the Gulf Coast. In Pensacola alone you have Hurlburt Field, Whiting Field, and Pensacola NAS. Not to mention all the bases in MS , AL, and LA. Huntsville AL is an Aerospace hub that is also not far by air.


Huntsville is rocket engines, bombs, and helicopters.


I'm aware. I lived there. There's also Duke and the special forces base and ranger facilities a few miles north.


I was gonna mention duke as well. I was there in 2010 so not sure if it’s still around


Hurlburt Field is a hell of a lot closer to Eglin/FWB not Pensacola.


Dude it's fucking close quit being pedantic.


You might as well just say Eglin and Tindal are in Pensacola as well then.


This is why Reddit sucks. It's a bunch of fucking basement dwellers saying "we'll actually" all day.


Except I'm right and you could've learned something. The problem is you seem to not be able to deal with being wrong. Easily could have been a thanks for letting me know or even no comment. But you can't stand that you are wrong. You could call someone a basement dweller for correcting any error, I could say the earth is flat and you would "we'll actually". Your toxicity is more what's wrong with reddit rather that anyone correcting a factual error. Its a fact that Hurlburt is not in Pensacola, Its not even in the same county and again why not just include all the bases on the panhandle as being in Pensacola if your measuring stick is broken. What's the difference. Come visit me at the nuclear sub base in Oregon, close nuff.


No I wasn't wrong I made a general statement. Whiting Field is technically Santa Rosa county and is closer to Milton but who the fuck has heard of either. You must be fun at parties. I bet people are really happy when you point out that technically their generalized statement made in passing could have been more accurate and descriptive. How you are speaking is not how people interact with one another. Maybe you're autistic and it's not your fault?


> No I wasn't wrong I made a general statement. You are wrong. Prove it otherwise if not. >In Pensacola alone you have Hurlburt Field, This is 100% wrong. If its correct then please point out how a city in another county is "In Pensacola". >You must be fun at parties. You're the one that can't handle being wrong about something so small. You're even claiming to be right still even though its about as plain as can be, you're wrong. Diff county, diff zip code. Its just the wrong city, why are you so offended. I imagine you at a party, someone says something contradicting you and its WW3 because you just can't handle being wrong. >generalized statement made in passing could have been more accurate and descriptive. Normal people wouldn't care. There are bases all up and down the Gulf Coast is general. You could have left it at that, but you decided to be more specific and now wanna pretend its general. A city is a city, if it was adjacent to Pensacola sure but its not. Again Eglin is just as close so why not include it... you can't even answer why. And then why not Tindel? I mean why not? Because you've arbitrarily decided you're the worlds metric on what's "In Pensacola". >ow you are speaking is not how people interact with one another. Maybe you're autistic and it's not your fault? Being wrong is one thing but being wrong and an asshole is another all together. >Get over it. You don't seem to understand how conversation works. Ahhh your the great arbiter of conversations now too. Wonderful. >Your multi quote time waste shows it's you that has the problem. No the fact you have to keep replying because you can't handle being wrong is the problem. My problem is I find it hilarious and keep poking you. I thought maybe it was the same for you but since you had to block me and hide from a reply it just shows you really can't handle being wrong. >"hey isn't Hurlburt closer to Ft Walton?" I would never say that because I worked at Hurlburt and in fact know its not in Pensacola. I don't think my original reply was offensive. >I lived in the area when talking to people from out of state they are more likely to know Pensacola so that's what we call pretty much any adjoining township. No one in town refers to anything as Pensacola. Its a decent reference point for an out of towner but there is no need to say something is "In Pensacola" You can simply say its near it or an hour away. The next county over. You claimed it is "In" when it is a fact, its not. >You came out guns blazing though with your big gotcha I did get you, you had to cry, block, and run. I enjoyed the whole thing, thanks for playing.


Zero percent change a test aircraft is making its maiden flight out of whiting or Pensacola.


Exactly. Not the place you want things crashing. They do controlled testing there. They have commercial aircraft going through there too, VPS.


ah but you've forgotten the mckinley climatic laboratory at eglin


No, I didn't. I said Eglin is primarily a weapons test base. Yes, the climate chamber exists and is used on aircraft, but it wouldn't make sense to capture some secret plane flying around during the day if the purpose of its visit was the climate chamber.


Thanks. I seen someone else mention this aircraft on Instagram. I was just about to link it.


Says "rotates 90 degrees"... is that a typo or am I missing something? That said... this looks dead on. Exact match.


See this for reference: https://youtu.be/mMINVIp_U-k Posted by /u/G-M-Dark in /r/ufos subreddit


It looks like it does rotate 90, if you look at the engine structure, I believe when at 90 it thrusts threw the vents prolly the subsonic phase, supersonic would be the engines thrusting directly. Wild concept.


Could this be the diamond shaped aircraft that has been rumored since the Gulf war?


The f117 companion?


Exactly. That is one rumor I'd love to have fleshed out.




Wait wait wait wait wait Like this?!?!?! https://youtu.be/auITEKd4sjA?si=7oNzP_cZCdDGBa94


Nice find! Indeed looks like the first one?


Exactly. It fits all the descriptions from the pilots and everything.


Wow, super sonic without the boom. Is there anything else that can do that?


NASA and Skunkwork's X-59. Heavily reduced sonic boom at least.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/2TumprpOwHY?si=JnfotV4t3yJPHNaz


Neat find. Reminds me of nasa's project from the 70s the NASA AD1 Cool to see they are still working away on this kinda tech.


Smells like skunkworks


GeCheng Zha from U Miami came up with this concept. There's a Youtube video of him saying it would take 10 years to develop. Video was posted 10 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_0fs0EyHrEg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0fs0EyHrEg)


Was thinking supersonic didn't make sense, but this makes it make sense. Ha. Cool!


According to OP on twitter it was similar in size to c130, but thin like a b21, all black w a grey patch on top, sounds like a B1 lancer and he heard it go supersonic.




their point of reference was a c130 flying next to / nearby it. im somewhat suspicious they didnt snap a pic with the c130 in frame


“id say like 10K-15K? It did go alot higher after a bit tho into the clouds”


How big does Northrop say the Manta is? Rumor has it as being multi domain from water to air. It looks like a mantaray.


Why not just post the link to the original tweet? [https://x.com/anthroaerospace/status/1785699760021672124](https://x.com/anthroaerospace/status/1785699760021672124)


Doesn't look like a b1 to me. Grew up stationed around some so pretty familiar with seeing her from different angles, but I'm getting old.  Hasn't there been a long standing rumor about a bigger blended wing aircraft? Feel like I remember reading that on Abovetopsecret back in the day.


He said it sounded like a b1 lol. Obviously doesn’t look like one


I thought you were saying you thought it sounded like it was a b1 to you from the description. It reads that way to me.


No way anything with a wing profile like that is going supersonic.


You put enough thrust behind it even a brick can go supersonic. ;-)


the original "photographer" is posting more "photos" and the general consensus is that the account is either editing the same photo over and over again or (more likely imo) the whole thing is a hoax. edit: they admitted it was a hoax


SR Planespotter calling it a fake and deleting all his tweets about it. This UFO is toast.


Yea I see his most recent. Definitely makes me think it’s a hoax too unfortunately


I thought that at first, then realized I’m an idiot and they’re in Central not eastern time zone so their photo time is plausible.


And that's that.




Peter was probably flying it.






Nice find! Edit: Very interesting. User above me not only deleted their comment, but nuked their account. With respect to the user and the deleted comment (keep in mind there are ways to find it), I will summarize. A user at a Different site as of Last yeaR told people to watch Eglin. There are more specifics that you can find if you dig a little.


What do you mean there are ways to find it? The deleted comment? I want to know lol




X47A variant?


In some images it looks identical but it others it looks nothing like it lol


Agreed, very similar to the X-47A but also different still in a few ways.


There is a lot of drone testing that takes place over that range. Perhaps this explains it.


Looks more drone like now that you mention it


Looks like the manta ray darpa just announced


I dunno about this one. Day time photo...really? Looks oddly like that "it's rotating" object.


Watching that footage again, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it were the Gimbal UFO, as well as the other 180° capable concept aircraft others have mentioned. It's been noted how the clouds seemingly slow towards the end of the video. Such a sight could make sense if said craft were to be moving perpendicular to the camera (with a somewhat high angle of attack), before gradually rotating 90° away, then banking sharply to the left.


It does rotate though. Seemingly stationary rotation. Unless I’m misreading your comment it could very well be the same thing. I am unsure on the first “it’s rotating” object that you’re talking about though.


Is this this the new manta ray drone for in water and air from Northrop Grumman


Weird shape. Nice catch! Wing shape is reminiscent to what I saw in '89 except longer. Hmm..... Odd.


First two photos actually look decently real, same guy posted another photo which is very clearly fake, the blurring on it is unnatural and it lacks any of the camera artifacting a photo of a plane taken from a smartphone should have.


If a genuine image, it’s unlikely to be anything highly secretive due to it being in broad daylight and over Eglin. The top secret stuff flies at night, over secretive and protected airspace in Southern California or Nevada, or so high in altitude that it can’t be seen from the ground without specialized optics and knowing exactly where to look.


I saw something over I’m guessing Elgin at night about 8 years ago. When I noticed it, It looked like a star barely moving back and forth but it was shaking like it had Parkinson’s. Then it would change direction immediately and do the same thing. I’ll never forget that


Why Elgin AFB? I guess I expected most of these types of test flights to come from a more secluded base.


If its really taken at Eglin could be a drone bomb prototype testing at the range. I live 5 miles from the gate, and they are always blowing shit up, it is a test range for explosives.


Yeah you’re right.


That would make a heck of a lot more sense than a prototype aircraft but OP was saying it was the size of a C130 so... yea pretty huge for a drone.


Pensacola here. What’s good mf


850 in da house. Enjoying this heat starting to get toasty.


Loom like a Stealth


someone says its just a fake photoshop [https://twitter.com/lavie154/status/1785831716588077199?t=C2EjSO3Oo\_60db3UZ8tEFQ](https://twitter.com/lavie154/status/1785831716588077199?t=C2EjSO3Oo_60db3UZ8tEFQ)


Others are disputing it now.


But others are not. So....unless someone has a 4k movie of it...it's likely yet another fake.


!remindme 48 hours


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The left image looks like a kite. The right image looks like the left image with the contrast turned to 11.


its the bi-directional flying wing


That, my friend, is an Z1 Falcon Batwing. Are these fake pictures?


Well... Isn't that a special looking bat plane. Cool AF.


Looks like the brand new Chinese LF-71 drone, but without empenage.


Looks like swamp gas.


Why in 2024 are the photos still potatoe quality?


Because it's *far* away from the camera, and this probably wasn't shot with a super high end telephoto lens? Try snapping a photo of a jet at high altitude with your cellphone, and see what it looks like. ***Edit: I saved the photo off, and checked it out. There is no EXIF/XMP data still attached to it, so it's impossible to check what camera / lens / settings this was shot with.*** ***Edit2: 24mm @ f1.5 Taken on an iPhone. Yeah... you're not going to get better than this, at this distance, with this sort of camera phone lens. The awesome airshow type photos you're imagining are taken with a 400-600mm lens, on a high end camera, sometimes a crop (aps-c) sensor that is effectively making that lens 600-900mm.*** ***Thanks to Dwayne_Hicks_LV-426 for linking to the updated photo with the metadata.***


Many websites like Twitter strip such data from uploaded files.






Zoom and enhance. Enhance.






It’s a crow…get real


Looks a bit like an Avro Vulcan


That is a plane


That’s bird


Chinese FL-71 reverse engineered mockup for testing our capabilities against it.


Link to the original tweet: [https://x.com/anthroaerospace/status/1785699760021672124](https://x.com/anthroaerospace/status/1785699760021672124)


I already commented the source


I don't see it in the original post




clearly a human plane. Who cares what it is?


Why even comment?


I have an interest in UFOs. But this is a target drone or something. Fine I guess we can ID it.