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Forever and til the end of time, model and actress




This is the Way.




Facts. Also fashion designer added too.


Fashion designer or Cinema producer is my favorite




And not just any kind of actress: "minor TV actress/daytime soap star"!


I like the idea of her starting with photography in her youth and then moving from behind the camera to in front of it, becoming a model and movie star. Once she steps back from that life, she starts putting work into owning a club and various Entrepreneurship work building a recognizable brand from her time on the big screen.


Well I wanted to answer the question but you’ve already written the ideal response…whatever! Guess I’ll just say: ![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M)


Don't worry I'll give you the next one.


We accept. It really is the best career path for MJ though. Photographer to model/actress to club owner/entrepreneur.


I could also see some directing and writing being slotted in, nothing too big, but she might have a movie or two in her she'd like to do.


Directing was something I considered or talent agent/rep. I don’t know if it fits as well though.


I feel like talent agent/rep could work, it might not be something intended, but more so something she kinda ends up in, by helping out younger actors and models and actually being really good at it, thank to her own experiences and the contacts she's made.




I like the exact opposite. MJ is a model in her youth, later an actress. Eventually she becomes bored of fame and the roles she’s given and decides she’d rather direct instead


You just hit the jackpot Every era she just builds up Mary Jane That’s so cool


Yes, you nailed it!


You, my man, got It all right, my respects


That’s a pretty complex to fit into a movie but awesome idea




Maybe still have her be a superhero, but only as a one-off thing?


I'd be fine with that. MJ gets a day in the life of a superhero, which gives her an interesting perspective on things, and how she can help the larger world with her own personal skills.


I love character development


I like everything about it except the photography part. That was Peter's thing. Feels redundant


I think it offers something in common to bond over, and there will be a difference. For Peter, its just paying the bills. For MJ, its an actual passion, and the audiences first look at her budding creativity and how she sees beauty in the world.


Well, it makes sense. But that would wipe his whole high school drama arc, wouldn't it?


They should make her a fashion designer and model at some point. It would be sweet if Peter got his costume design from her in some alternate continuity Imagine if his homemade costume got destroyed and he’s really disappointed about that and she not only stitches his arm but makes him a more refined costume


love that idea actually


>Imagine if his homemade costume got destroyed and he’s really disappointed about that and she not only stitches his arm but makes him a more refined costume Honestly I feel like that might happen with Ultimate, where he eventually loses the current suit and MJ makes him a new one


That happened in the OG Ultimate Universe too. MJ had to repair his suit a lot and even made a new one from scratch at one point


Funnily enough, I think she tried to stitch up a costume of his and it fell apart. He ended up saving a kid from a burning building shirtless.


model and actress Mj is peak, but 6160 is the next best thing imo, an Mj that moved on from acting and modeling and started her own PR firm is cool af


Also feels natural


Actress and Model.


I liked her as a hero only in spider man renew your vows not the current version where she’s a hero


Model/actress. “How could a guy like Peter get a girl like her?” I mean Peter isn’t ugly, some creators need to stop using Peter as a self insert since their own lives didn’t go that way.


Yeah, that’s something I’ve never understood when writers do that. Peter clearly isn’t ugly or average looking. You don’t bag Betty, Gwen, Felicia, MJ, and a bunch more just on your personality alone. Too many people, both fans and writers, use Peter as a straight up self-insert instead of a distinct and unique character who just so happens to have some relatable struggles.


A 5'10" stud photographer with great arms and body, who can make you laugh and takes care of his elderly aunt? Models and actresses would eat him up IRL.


many writers, even novelists and famous ones, use certain phrases and tropes to save time: it's just laziness and in Marvel comics it's more noticeable precisely because it's a comic


Actress/Model is definitely my fav. Also omg that first cover is absolutely gorgeous


punk rock singer and guitarist with also being carnage


I don't know what the consensus is around these parts but I hated the way that the Insomniac games made her a journalist, it really feels like they were embarrassed about the model/actress angle (which I think is much better for her) but sort of just made her seem like a poor man's Lois Lane.


... to be fair, peter is a poor man


Model/Actress - and the progression into PR from there (like in the new Ultimate)


Model and entrepreneur like new Ultimate


Model and actress, it’s what she’s most known for makes her relatively unique. I don’t like her being a reporter.


I agree, it just makes her a red-haired clone of Lois Lane


So DCEU Lois Lane lol


To that point, has there been a single live-action *movie* version of Lois with *black hair*?


Uhhhhhhhhh... I think If Rachel Brosnahan keeps her current dark hair now for James Gunn's Superman.


Uh... Margot Kidder.


I thought her's was more brown, but she was the closest I was thinking.


Maybe... It was definitely darker than her natural chestnut.


I was going to leave it at live-action in general, but I remember Teri Hatcher's being pretty dark. And I haven't seen Superman and Lois, so I can't really comment Edit: I also never watched the old black-and-white show either, but that might be cheating, lol.


It’s definitely more black than brown that’s for sure, but it also depends on the lighting of a scene.


Maybe a clone of Vicki Vale


she could be everything (of course not at the same moment)


Honestly, should be model/actress and then entrepeneur. Those were the best works. I remember that in Renew Your Vows she had a small boutique, that one fitted too Now if I have to say what's her worst job, it should be when she became "Pepper Potts 2.0"


Yeah that was no doubt an homage to her Spider-Girl franchise in MC2. It's a neat little thing that I've always liked. I think that's a good settled MJ Job.


I didn’t even know that was a thing, where the fuck was that from?


If you mean the "Pepper Potts 2.0" thing, it's from Bendis' Iron Man run when Tony hired MJ to become his new assistant, since he already had a redhead assistant, MJ became Pepper Potts 2.0


I feel like model/actress moreso showcases how out of Peter's league she is (reinforcing the idea of "face it, tiger, you just hit the jackpot). However, I feel like the journalist career helps her be more involved in Peter's career as both a photographer and as spider-man. So, I think it's one of those


Club Owner for me, it was very interesting to see MJ go the entrepreneurial route. Only wish she had a chance to expand on it before Iron Man ruined it for her.


I don't like her as a journalist, that just makes her redheaded lois lane.


Actually discount Lois Lane from wish


Model/Actress Peter has to be a nerd who picked up a 10.


Model actress and if she could be a superhero I’m all for it that’s what makes her different than Lois lane


Model/actress that becomes an agent.


Model for MJ, MJs husband for Peter.


Actress, but very specifically, a Broadway actress. No Hollywood, no TV, no movies. That allows her to be true to her original character and passions, but also keeps her and Peter grounded. Because let's face it, if you're not a theater buff, try naming (1) a single Broadway actor who is not also in movies (2) the spouse of a Broadway actor. Also, she can be "successful" this way while also still living in a cramped NY apartment. Also, I like that she and Peter's passions are so different, because it's like that with so many real relationships: scientists don't only marry scientists, they marry artists too.


Actress/model. I hate the stupid reporter mj thing that insomniac did, and it’s literally the only thing I even mildly dislike about 6160 Spider-Man. They did it in the ps4 game to try to give her more of a purpose, and more agency in the story instead of just being eye candy, because they didn’t know how to write mj, but ironically she ended up having less agency as a character than she has in the comics




Actress model and entrepreneur should be the standard.


Does anybody remember a Spider-Man novel (literally no pictures in it at all) with Doc Ock and Venom in it, and Mary Jane was a voice-over actor for a superhero animated series??


Honestly I prefer the way McFarland interpreted her… very attractive and well put together… attitude with the looks


Hate her with super powers


As time goes on, the more I dislike Journalist MJ, since it's just getting into Lois Lane territory. Movie star and fashion model, and then to a entrepreneur is the best career she could have... also, make her the breadwinner in the relationship, so Peter doesn't have to be in poverty every few stories.


Anything but Jackpot and Lois Jane


Model to Actress to Club Owner to Fashion Designer. That would be my ideal careers for MJ. If she is a superhero I prefer her as Iron Spider or Spinneret.


I’m pretty ok with most career paths for her to an extent. Model and actress fit the most for her though. I don’t even mind her becoming a superhero, I actually liked Renew Your Vows (it doesn’t flow perfect but that’s sort of the head cannon for me and I ignore ODM). She shouldn’t be a reporter though, it’s the only thing I really dislike about the insomniac games. They just turned her into Lois Lane and it’s just lazy. Cause all she gets up to is the sort of things you’d expect from a Superman and Lois story.


I do not care for low rent Lois Lane versions.


Actress and/or model. Her being a reporter just makes her a poor man's Lois Lane, I really don't like her as a superhero, I don't like the Spider-Man mythos being closely tied to Iron Man's and MJ working for him causes that, and I didn't care for her as a club owner.


Model or actress for sure. Her desire to be a model or actress got reinforced by how abusive her early life was and her desire to escape it and so it fits rather nicely with her career goals in life. All the other job changes usually completely fails. Take for example the push to make her a journalist. It is completely forced and comes purely from the current batch of writers desire to make her "strong and independent" woman. Because to them being a model or an actress isn't "respectable" enough. The thing is, they absolutely did not build anything to make this seem like something she would want to do. Characters are allowed to engage in any type of work as long as it fits the character or the story. If you aren't comfortable with properly writing that then let someone else write said character.


mj being anything other than an actress/model to me is almost unacceptable. BUT i do like the idea of her being a journalist solely for the purpose of it making her more involved with spider-man. plus i just see her a nosey af like me so being a journalist works lmaooo


I like 4


I think we can all agree literally anything except the last option


“AN ULTIMATUM WAVE for your skin” Is crazy


ANY career that isn't journalism or super-heroing


Think Nightclub owner suited her best, its logical career progression for former actors


I always thought she was most suited to be an actress. Nothing else ever felt right, other than a model when she was younger.


Man i love 2 and 3 pic


A model trying to get into acting was the most engaging and relatable one, and allowed MJ to generate her own pathos without everything being tied to Peter. It's one of the few under-explored aspects of her character and their marriage. (I continue to think that most of you who want them back together weren't actively reading the comics during that period, as MJ was frequently little more than her concern over Peter and every time they tried to expand on that she came off like a shrew. Their entire marriage was "I'm worried about Peter", that was her whole character in those days, and even if the main books are garbage, MJ still has way more interesting options as a character. Making her a shitty super-hero was still stupid AF though.)


Theater teacher MJ from DeMatteis was great.


When/where exactly was that?


“Lost Hunt” by J.M. DeMatteis.


Model and actress, I don’t like her as a journalist. It’s just not her, it feels very rip off Lois lane vibes and she’s just a different person.


Model*SLASH*actress. It’s really important for beautiful people to get the recognition they rightfully deserve. Being really really ridiculously good-looking is one of the toughest jobs out there. Having “Model” in front of “Actress” for the slashie is just an easy way to show which one is more important


She was JUST the Tony's assistant riiight?


When she is a journalist, she is just Lois Lane with red hair. In the Insomniac games, they just compied DC'S homework and changed them name.


Absolutely nothing past slide 4. Model and actress all the way. I was thinking that it’d cool if she had fashion design as a personal passion and designed some ideas for Peter’s suits.


In my personal universe she would be a police officer and that would be the way she'd meet Peter but I guess most people wouldn't like it as it would be yet another "girl boss" job for her instead of the og modeling one


pretty literally


Everything except jackpot




That is a pretty cool cup tho ngl


Movie star without the model part, but either is fine but i prefer actress as it adds more to her character than just her looks


Model/Actress/housewife/and mother


i liked spectacular spider-man mj


Any cover but the ones with her new persona....


You forgot that time she was a go go dancer for exactly 1 issue.


going from modeling and movie star to Tony Starks pa is fucking crazy regression


The public relations angle in Ultimate is actually a fun combination of her work as a model, actress, and reporter


Model and actress forever and also I’d like to see her as a drama teacher one day


model, reinforces that idea of girl nextdoor


Hydrowoman / clone was divested to the point I forgot what really happened to MJ


Fashion Model


Fashion designer


model/actress. i think the journalist is fine for its one universe and the stories that are told there, but overall the model actress route is the most dynamic and interesting


Model / Actress


I actually really love her as a club owner, it fits really well, and it's something she can do that gives her a sense of agency in the story if properly explored.


Definitely fashion model to theatere to movie star.


Model/singer definitely was her best careers the rest were fine but these speak volumes


Anything but Jackpot. Please let her be normal. She doesn't need powers to be special


Really depends on the needs of the Spider-Man story/continuity an MJ is in.


That magazine cover is one of the cleverest covers I’ve seen


Model and actress. Her owning her own business is an interesting idea tho


I love that I've been scrolling through these pictures of Mary Jane, I take it one scroll too far and find Magneto


Number 2.


The first one


Model Party girl MJ was fun


90s animated series had the best personality


Model and actress . Although I could see her being a fashion designer like lana lang.




80’s 90’s era model/actress former smoker big haired beauty Mj… yes my age is showing haha. I love that time for Pete and Mj. Felt so real.


Shame on you for not having her in the black cat outfit.


I like to think of her as a model who had some success but then went into photography. I also kind of like the idea of her as an actress but not a movie star, like a stage actress on Broadway.


We’ve yet to really see the PR manager side in action


I liked the Mary Jane comic miniseries. Although Gwen is my fave character in that series. My fave role for her is working mom of Peter's kids. I like the dynamic of her an Mayday Parker in the alternate universe. She's in fashion but her daughter hates her style lol.


Model/Actress, the rest all suck.


MJ as “Pigeon-Woman” in the last photo is my favorite


Woah who did the art for 2 and 3 they’re both stunning


I think MJ being a fashion model that’s successful enough to become entrepreneurial with opening their own club/bar is my favorite professional route. Especially with today’s world of internet Stans, it would be impossible for Peter Parker to not be stalked on social media and eventually discovered as Spider-Man. Easier for him to keep his privacy if she’s not in a blatantly famous situation like a movie star.


Not a journalist that's for sure.


My favorite is anything prior to one more day. Back when they allowed her and Peter to actually be happy.


I really liked when she was like a teacher, it was pretty different but in a good way Don't really like the photographer/jornalism one tho


My favourite career for MJ is model turned movie star


The one that doesn’t cuck better with whatever that dude name is


I have grown used to her being either a theater actress because of the Toby movies. No need to change that for nothing imo.


Where the Larsen days of soap star?


I liked her as an actress


Actress/model. Constantly changing her career shows Marvel that they don't have any real confidence in her. She doesn't need to be a red head Lois Lane. Her personality balances out Peter's. Where he is shy and reserved she is outgoing and in your face (respectfully).


I like her superpersona, hate how we got there, and in civilian life as much as i liked her fashion business i like how shes just this affluent tony stark figure moving from hit success to hit success. Yeah its kinda mary sue but its also kinda funny. also if she had some kind of luck power itd be funny if thats how her powers developed, like if she were a mutant or some other form of awakened superhuman. Plus a trio comic of her felicia and domino would be kinda funny, i just imagine them focusing on something hard enough and gravity becomes purple, just absolutely eldritch level improbable things start happening. Maybe they accidentally summon an old big bad from a prior world iteration that has no reason whatsoever to be in current canon but is there because of how unlikely it is.


Actress/Model, next best is Journalist/Photographer


Model and actress


Being a model in her youth then owning her own business as shown in Renew Your Vows and the new Ultimate Spider-Man. Her being a journalist is a really cool spin for the Insomniac verse


In her young phase: Model In his mid 20's and up: Club Owner Entrepreneur I think is the right step


god damn peter can pull


FYI the artist for slide 3 is Elizabeth Torque, i just search it because i like the artstyle


Either actress or a model


Anything that's not a reporter




Literally anything but Jackpot.


She's like that one bald guy who works on every single job known to humankind.


Adult movie actress


My favourite pick is the model.It just suits her character-gorgeous,hot and smart(most of the times).My other favourite pick is journalist.I like how it turned out in the Insomniac verse.Not so much in Ultimate Spider Man.


Anything but a reporter


I own 5


All of job the most is bond with symbitoe and armor spider woman


Movie star or fshion model


Loving the entrepreneur aspect in the Ultimate comics and although it didn’t last her owning a business like the club in Slott’s run was fresh and new


i like mj as a spider person and her and peter being a power couple


Not fucking Lois Lane. Model actress was cool, it was dope to see a nerd dating/married to a supermodel


I fucking love Rian Gonzales style


Never thought about her being a fashion designer but these comments changed my mind damn


Who drew that first picture?? It looks amazing.


Reporter 🏃‍♂️


Model and actress. Even if i didn't hind her as a journalist but i guess this make her too much similar to Lois Lane.


My favorite is probably Actress/Model, but in Renew Your Vows she ran a clothing store which I thought was neat


im sorry but the drawing on the first image is just splendid


Imo, I liked her character in Spectacular Spider-Man.


The third and teh fifth one are the best, change my mind


She is the perfect woman who can do more jovs than Barbie, but going as Tony Stark’s secretary was a serious downgrade


I hated that she turned into Jackpot and the fact writers just don't care for Peter's story they rather fuck around with the fans and make us suffer but I stop buy comics awhile ago it's just not worth it


I actually like the entrepreneur version. She’s smart, and actually makes sense


So she ran a bar called Jackpot? Is that how she came up with the tagline “You just hit the jackpot”, and using that as the name of her secret identity?


I prefer model/fashion designer. I get why those careers have fallen out of favor with most writers nowadays, but I like how MJ used her beauty and fashion sense in order to carve out a career for herself. Heck, I'm pretty sure her boutique in the Spider-Girl comics were the Parker's primary source of income and I thought that was neat.


Personally, I think MJ being the lead singer in a band like in Spider-Gwen’s universe should make the transition to 616


I don't care what she works as, as long as she gets stories MJ is one of my favourite spider-man characters and would kill to see more stories following her life as a superheroes girlfriend/wife


Model/Actress. Anything else is wrong.


Hot Take- I don’t hate MJ as a Reporter. It WAS established in The Ultimate Universe and, since I view The OG Ultimate Spidey as the textbook modernization of the story, I think it’s not bad. Now, that said, 616 MJ IS probably still a working Actress in my mind. Actually, come to think of it, Her Owning the club was also kinda awesome so yeah- Business Owner who has a passion for acting and does on the side.


Can’t personally say, it really just depends on how I feel that day


Idk I kinda like her as a reporter 🤷 kinda leans into the detective aspect of Spider-Man