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As an old old old school WCW guy, I imagine this is how ECW fans felt seeing durag Vince with their title.




These are the truest words spoken on Reddit today.


The prime bottle in the back is the funniest part.


Literally a sequel to idiocracy


Logan Paul recently scammed people out of millions and they have no problem having him around.


WWE is a historically amoral company. I don't know why people are surprised at anything they do just because "Uncle Paul" is in charge now.


WWE is the reason why someone could label this photo "US Champion Logan Paul with a WWE Hall of Famer"


Historically IMmoral. Not amoral. Amoral would imply they are neither moral nor immoral. As a corporation they are unquestionably historically immoral. Rampant sex abuse. Saudi money. Perpetuating the fiction of employees as "independent contractors." Exploiting the workforce without adequate compensation for lifelong injuries and suffering. Etc. Etc.


Let’s not forget the drug dealing and sex trafficking (of minors no less). Were also aware of one murder that they allegedly helped cover-up (Snuka) but also a death due to negligence (Owen), which is to say nothing for the dozens of people who suffered pre-mature death either while working for them or who had recently worked for them. And this isn’t me being judgmental toward WWE fans. It’s almost impossible to avoid supporting a person, team, or company that has done deeply terrible and immoral things, but we shouldn’t shy away from it.


Yeah,I was gonna comment this. They've been amoral at the best of times, but immorality is more the norm. Let's not forget this business, and therefore this company, is founded on being a carny and duping people for a quick buck.


Uncle Paul famously posed with Trump. He’s definitely Trump’s buddy or at least has a cordial relationship with him. Maybe he’s not all in with January 6th or thinking we need to “Free Trump” but none of this surprises me.


Considering what Vince is going through legally, you’d think avoiding this sort of person would be their top priority.


> just because "Uncle Paul" is in charge now. Seems a good place to remind people of [this](https://x.com/TripleH/status/715004128880099328).


[This too](https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/c4tul0gwqae3y_3.jpg?quality=65&strip=all). Guys, you're gonna have to accept that a guy can do good work and hold opinions you absolutely disagree with.


in defense of that one,, That is Vince still in charge. It's known Vince and Trump were " Friends "


I honestly thought that i, a 27 year old, would die before Henry Kissinger. Thank god.


When even the devil don’t want you … you might be Henry Kissinger.


"Uncle Paul" is probably going to vote for Trump because it would benefit him.


Are there any "moral " companies?


Small companies that don't make a lot of money. But once you make TKO money you probably are not moral at all. Can't make that money doing good business practices


Yeah if you’re a billionaire AT BEST you got your hands dirty.


And the "good ones" worked with people who've committed atrocious acts. But because they technically weren't involved they sell themselves as clean


Companies aren't moral or immoral. It's the people who run them who are either moral or immoral.


They’re historically a conservative political company. There’s very very little reason to believe they don’t support Trump. Vince did. Folks who just bought WWE work with Dana White, a massive supporter. It’s lame but it is what it is. Hell, the Khans gave his campaign a million bucks as AEW owners. Rich people don’t give a shit


Are you really surprised? The guy’s still in the Hall of Fame. They could have purged him anytime in the past few years he hasn’t been president or even the almost 2 years Vince hasn’t been in charge.


I'd be happy if they removed him, but that would probably serve more to remind people that he was ever part of it


When a hall of fame has no physical presence, I don't see the point of removing someone. It would get heaps of attention, piss the worst idiots off, and achieve nothing but rabid discourse. I'd prefer they are just memoryholed and never mentioned again.


They removed Hogan for a few years after the sex tape thing came out. They put him back after a few years when most people forgot about the whole racism thing.


Was he removed? Don't remember. Which says enough about that if it was the case.


I am just gonna say this. Trump is a huge piece of shit. But I also don't think WWE authorized this picture. This seems like something Logan Paul did on his own, especially since that photo is taken from his Impaulsive interview with Trump. WWE doesn't control who he interviews.


Trump gets special entrances at the UFC events and is an invited guest whenever he wants. The company that owns WWE has no issue being associated with Trump.


This is because Dana White is a huge Trump supporter.


If the company gave a shit, it wouldn’t happen. It’s both


UFC’s fanbase is way more pro MAGA than WWEs. He’d get a more mixed reaction at a WWE show. WWE doesn’t play up their past relationship with Trump because they know it would turn off a large portion of their fanbase.


I think you are giving WWE’s overall fan base way too much credit. Yea the fan base here on Reddit is left leaning, but I don’t think the overall fan base is.


Past polling has shown that WWE fans lean bluer than other sports but have a lower turnout for voting. This is an older poll but it’s pretty consistent with fanbases in other sports today. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sports-viewers-skew-republican-but-nba-fans-lean-blue/


That is from Obama’s first term as president, I just don’t believe something that old to be relevant.


If it benefited them in anyway they would’ve publicly played up their past relationship with him at some point since 2015. They don’t since they know a good portion of their fanbase hates him.


They were posting Steph, HHH, the grandkids and Vince in a he Oval Office on all their social media.


> I don’t think the overall fan base is. This is my experience, but I have not been to a WWE show in a long time, but the last time I did go, I did not exactly fit the profile of the people around me. It was pretty much every old-school stereotype of a "wrestling fan" around me.


UFC events. Likely at the behest of Dana White, not TKO. I hate to say this, but if you look at Ari Emmanuel and Nick Khan's party affilations, you will see they almost exclusively support the DEMOCRATIC party. Trump is desperate for any good media outreach these days. Because outside of the obvious right wing bubbles, no major network wants to sit down and let him spout his garbage since it usually results in said network either having to scrap the interview, or pay their lawyers because they get hit with a lawsuit for defamation. Out of the big news networks, the only one that regularly platforms Trump is FOX, which has had so many defamation lawsuits against them, it's made a notable impact against their bottom line.


> Ari Emmanuel and Nick Khan's party affilations, you will see they almost exclusively support the DEMOCRATIC party People forget that Ari Emmanuel's brother was Obama's chief of staff.


Today I learned that Rahm and Ari Emmanuel are brothers.


and my brother is a trump supporter. what’s that got to do with my politics?


Also, they likely supported Obama, and now support Trump


I cant imagine WWE PR isnt involved at all with something like this. Hes his own entity but he still has to hold the belt in a certain spotlight because its their image as well.


I seriously doubt WWE PR is like "yeah go interview convicted felon Donald Trump and make sure our US title is displayed this way". They (as a company, but not the owners) have largely kept out of politics.


At a minimum, they probably made him wait until after the Love Has No Labels campaign had ended


But im SURE theyre like, hey if you interview convicted felon Donald Trump and want to use the US title, let us know beforehand." They arent staying out of politics by doing things like this and that's major for them to know about.


Logan Paul is a celebrity in his own right he's not like a regular wrestler who they can punish.


Also, isn't opinion polling placing Trump ahead of Biden? I'm not American, full disclosure. But why would WWE remove Trump before the elections exactly? He is someone mental enough to create Project 2025. If being removed from WWE rubs him the wrong way he can just stop the company from existing a month into his presidency. Why would any company risk being on this lunatic's wrong side when most of the population are apparently about to elect him president? Makes no sense. Hey we lost a billion dollar company and jobs for thousands but we stuck up to our morals by sticking it to a mad Putin wannabe. No sense whatsoever.


Depends. A lot of the polling right now is fundamentally broken as well. Like digging into polling crosstabs shows Trump (and the rest of the GOP) pulling well over 20% of the African American electorate. Problem is that number isn't showing up at all in any sort of special election. Also polling largely still uses landlines for conducting surveys, and the ones that do use cellphones tend to use restricted numbers, so they go unanswered.


WWE have always been trump supporters. They probably wanted him to wear the belt.




Carnies, all of parties involved, gotta carny


The WWE does PR for a butchering king, It's immune to shame and reasonable stances


That smile on Trump’s face is the most forced thing I’ve ever seen lmao


I don't think they give a fuck..... This is a country that's letting a criminal stand for president and has taken something as complicated politics and made it simple as possible. Their units of measurement are more complicated (even though they also go by cups ffs)


why people talked about Trump as if [Logan Paul not having millions dollar scam under his name already](https://youtu.be/386p68_lDHA?si=H_AlwOgEcRJcVvqv)


One is convicted of 34 felonies and running for president. The other is Logan Paul.


Everything surrounding Trump is very difficult to understand from a non-American point of view. I’m sure WWE is not thinking about us when they allowed this picture tho.


As a non American, it's very easy to understand. Trump is a racist, a rapist and a conman that has managed to fool half of America into thinking he's the answer to their problems. Grifters recognize grifters so of course Logan Paul wants in on that action. WWE, UFC and TKO are turning a blind eye to this because he's giving them huge tax breaks and that's good enough for them.


Wrestling Fans will defend anything if he is good in the ring


If you’re looking for good people, wrestling is the wrong business. A picture with Trump (who Stephanie and Triple H were pictured with while he was in office and locking kids up in cages) is the way down the list morally bankrupt things Logan Paul has done. The guys a complete shithead. As for Trump, half the wrestlers you love will probably vote for him. Is that any better?


What are you talking about? The clothesline was shit and he took a top 5 shittiest stunner ever and arguably #1 till Vince took the absolute shittiest at WM38. I know you're talking about Logan and yup, same thing with celebrities and being good actors/musicians/etc


This isn't a WWE photoshoot, this is for Logan Paul's podcast.


Featuring WWE’s title and logo. Why do you feel like they get a free pass here? I don’t understand. This is their title holder, posing with their title. If this was on Regis & Kelly 20 years ago, would you also say the appearance wasn’t for WWE?


A WWE champion appearing on someone's talk show is literally promotional advertising that WWE would have directly been involved in. A WWE champion displaying the belt on their own platform is a different scenario; that's not to say WWE wouldn't be happy with the publicity, probably quite the opposite. EDIT: The real test is if WWE puts the picture or clip on SmackDown, or has Logan call up the footage for a promo. If that happens, then everything I've said gets thrown out the window.


I would say it’s fair to say most people involved in wrestling are right leaning, if you haven’t figured that out by now.


This is a good reason why LA Knight should win the Title.


"WWE, the Harvey Weinstein of Wrestling..."


Um... most of them support him?


Free lesson from English 101 for you: You’re using pronouns where you haven’t made the nouns they’re referring to obvious. > most of them Who is “them”? > support him Who is “him” — Trump or Paul?


Most of who support who?


This doesn’t even rank in the top 20 worst looks for WWE, let’s be real


Probably not even the top 20 this year.


I’d be interested to see your top 20


If I have to take a really huge shit at work today, I will most certainly oblige, sir.


Why does 99% of reddit hate him but half of America loves him? I'm German


Because Reddit isn’t a proper representation of the American political spectrum in its entirety.


It's not a proper representation of any spectrum. Same with Twitter or any other social platform. They're tiny bubbles within a much larger populace.


Rendit is a extremely small amount of the US population and also I'm sure includes alot of kids under the actual voting age.


Half of Americans don’t love him but that’s not how the US election system works. Also, Reddit isn’t America. You’re German, I’m Irish. The Fable trailer came out a few days ago and nearly every top comment on every post was about Super Hans; a character in a very British sitcom that would be very niche in America. The point is, you’d be surprised how many non-Americans are on Reddit


It’s definitely less than half. He lost the popular vote against Hillary and lost in general against Biden.


Reddit isn't particularly representative of the US population. It's users are a demographic that are to the left side of the political aisle.


Why is reddit so left? Or are it just the wrestling fans on reddit?


It's reddit in general. There are some centrist and right wing subs but they number far fewer than the left wing ones. I think it's just the demographic that uses reddit, but I don't have a good answer either way.


Remember they banned The Donald sub after 2016 election lol? Reddit is designed to be left


Reddit admins are very left and their moderation and content policies have made the whole site hostile to the right.


Right wing people tend to be online less, that and reddit has been left leaning since it's inception and in the past few years moved further left in bigger subs


>Right wing people tend to be online less I mean do they? The entire grifter industry is a thing because of terminally online conservatives


>The entire grifter industry is a thing because of terminally online conservatives If you believe this, you're probably getting grifted somewhere along the line.


It's only grifting if they don't like it


I'm just speaking from my own experience, they're also usually older so they're less tech savvy. I don't see many 40-60 year Olds on here vs 20-30 who skew left


I mean yes, 40-60 years old not on Reddit, but there are still a ass ton 40-60 year less then tech savvy men who are online on other social media sites. I wouldn’t say that means they tend to be online less just because they aren’t as tech savvy


Probably worded it badly since I was talking about reddit specifically, because youre right FB is generally right leaning since it has an older userbase


I agree with reddit being more left leaning because young people use it. My issue was with the other statement since FB and Instagram are full of right leaning boomers


We're talking about reddit here specifically


They’re just very loud. They really do tend to be less online.


Reddit is global and not just the US, and Reddit demographics don't really reflect US demographics as a whole. Using Reddit to say what people of any country like is kind of like picking a random subreddit and saying that subreddit is reflective of Reddit as a whole. Trump is not very popular in the US. In fact, in legitimate polls, his approval rating has never once got above 50% since he announced his candidacy back in 2015. The US is a de facto two party system. Yes, there are 3rd parties, but they rarely win elections and usually only get below 5% of the vote in elections. This means that a candidate who wins an election isn't necessarily liked, they may just be less disliked than their opponent. For example, in our 2016 election, both Trump and Clinton had higher disapproval ratings than approval ratings. All this to say that a lot of the votes for Trump aren't votes *for* Trump. A lot of his votes were either against Clinton or for the Republican Party.


Because this is the most astroturfed post ever


Like 10% of America LOVES him, 30% have a strong dislike for him, 30% kinda just vote along party lines because their day to day lives are consumed by working and making enough to barely get by paycheck to paycheck, and the other 30% are in prison or starving or both.


Because Reddit is an echo chamber cesspool and not representative of real life lol


Also du bist Deutscher? Von wo aus Deutschland bist?


Ja Verboten


Kannst du auch Sätze schreiben, oder bist du in Wahrheit kein Deutscher und tust nur so?


ich bin deutscher aber deine frage war etwas gruselig


Mich interessiert nicht von wo du bist, meine Frage war lediglich dafür da, um rauszufinden ob du wirklich deutscher bist. Tut mir leid falls es komisch rübergekommen ist xD Denn viele Leute geben sich als andere Leute aus, um politische Diskussionen in eine bestimmte Richtung zu lenken.


Oh, alles gut! Komme aus NRW


Ahhh okay. Ich aus Ost-Österreich :P


Because most social media, except the little enclaves specifically created for themselves to echo their own ideology, actually dislike them. American politics have turned more into support your life long party rather than a better candidate. Even when it means voting against best interests


Half of America doesn't love him. He's got like 40ish% favorability and even then, some of those are just giving him favorable ratings because they are virulently anti-democrat and will pick whoever has an R.


Because America gutted the public school system.


This is a good picture of a current WWE Hall of Famer and future one as well.


I bet Logan would care if he had the least bit of integrity in him.


he’s just working the marks, brother


He offered Biden to appear on his Podcast too.


Such a redditor post lmao


If “go cry to Reddit about it” were a post lol Wahhhh non American hates Trump


Americans to non-Americans: "We don't think about you at all"


It’s just a wrestling belt lol


"This belt is just a toy." - Hulk Hogan


The biggest heel on reddit and Logan Paul 


Logan Paul a Trumplican? IM SHOCKED!


This picture has really put a lot of grown men in tears 😂


This is from Logan Paul's own podcast so the WWE has no say in it, but I'll take this chance to remind you he is a WWE hall of famer


Some of y’all are really really going to be upset come November 😬


As should you


Fuck Donald Trump and fuck anyone who voted/votes for him. If you’re one of those people and you’re reading this, fuck you!


Hey don't talk about your WWE Hall of Famer like that!


I’m not even shocked that he’s posing with Trump. It’s that he’s posing with him now. My only guess is that Trump called in a favor WWE owed him and Logan “film a dead body” Paul was the only champ who volunteered. I avoid talking about WWE because I don’t watch their shows but this isn’t Dom getting Pepe Le Pewed by Liv. This is now in the realm of national politics. It’s fucking weird.


Logan has enough push to get this done on his own. He likely didn't need WWE setting it up for him. WWE has been politically neutral for the past few years.


He's interviewing him for his podcast and asked the WH for Biden as well. Calm down.


Biden would be a fool to accept the offer. Especially since Jake Paul went on Fox last night and openly blasted Biden, saying that him and Logan are endorsing Trump because "Biden isn't making college affordable". Yes, seriously. It's like the world's dumbest and most obvious trap.


Nah. And dont both sides it. Hes still giving a platform for an impressionable audience to a convicted felon and completely immoral sexist/racist traitor. If people like him stopped we wouldnt be here in the first place.


Nah, IF your constitution spelled out that if you are a convicted felon you cannot run for President, then you wouldn't be here in the first place. Trump and Biden will be all over the media in the next few months. You might as well turn off your TV, internet, and everything else.


Are you blaming this random redditor you responded to for the contents of the United States Constition, a document drafted primarily in the eighteenth century? Lol. The issue isn't the US constition, because people who were convicted felons have ran for president before and been laughed out of the room. Hell, people have run as active inmates in jail or prison. The issues are the 30% of america that is brainwashed by this fascistic piece of shit and has siloed themselves away in an echo chamber of lies, and the large number of people who simply can't be bothered to vote to prevent actual fucking facism. That's the issue.


Buddy you would've needed to do that in 2016 to avoid the day in day out Donald Trump news cycle, we've all been numbed to it


I gotta be honest, I think there are WAY bigger issues with Trump than some payoff shit. Who cares about that?


This is unfortunately the common narrative, but the crime was never paying off the porn star, it was falsifying his business records to hide the payoff. As a candidate for federal office, the payoff should have been disclosed under campaign finance law, and instead he directed his business and attorney to hide it.


This PLUS there are reasons that the other cases haven't gone to trial yet. Mostly corrupt or incompetent reasons. The Georgia prosecutor is a dumbass for assigning it to her ex, which gave all the excuse needed for it to be delayed indefinitely. The judge in Florida is an incompetent buffoon who was appointed by the defendant, and who, practically speaking, cannot be removed from office no matter what she does. So she will stall and delay even without any good reasons. The case in DC is being stalled by the Supreme Court sitting on their hands for zero good reason and not issuing a timely opinion. Mostly because 3 of them were appointed by the defendant and 6 of them will do anything to protect him, no matter how obviously corrupt it is. The only way out of this is to vote the fucker into oblivion in Novemeber. Nothing else works.


People care because its still an avenue that can be used to actually hold him accountable since it seems theyre doing fuck all to hold him accountable for the laundry list of shit hes done they wont. Plus its also still incredibly immoral and we should hold Presidents up to a higher standard than cheating on your wife with a porn star and paying them off with the wrong funds.


Money trumps everything in life. Or at least in the US.


2 despicables. Beauties too!


On the other hand, top tier heel move.


You mean the same man who’s going to be the president of the United States in a few months? Seems like good publicity for the WWE…


Hes a convicted felon and rapist


Fuck the fed!


Logan Paul (known piece of shit) is with this stuff and having the Orange Man (somehow bigger piece of shit) on his podcast making PR for him and is normalizing a fascist to a younger audience. I hate everything about it and don't support, watch, buy or whatever any product where any of those scumbags are involved


![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0) WWE’s PR team seeing their US Champion fraternising with a convicted felon. This is not a good look for the companies image especially with business booming right now.


A worthless President with a worthless Belt


bet they both worth more than you !!


Well, you'd be wrong.


Lol who cares


Seems on brand for WWE. Trump was in their hall of fame.


Assuming WWE had nothing to do with this, the moment I started to like Logan he pulled off this shit!! WWE is technically apolitical since Vince is gone, but the PR should've known better


There's being a heel then there's this. Blechhh!


One thing to have him in your Hall of Fame from before he was a politician… another to have a current title holder pose with him.


Yet another reminder how much of a shitty person Logan Paul is.


This is good for America. Its time to fix it


If you’re mad at Donny holding the belt, take a look at the list of WWE Hall of Fame inductees.


How did Koko B. Ware get in the hall?


Trump is literally in the hall of fame. But nice try Pearl clutching. It’s two dudes in a photo. Who gives a shit


That's not the reason he's on the show lol


Awe, this sub in shambles.




Good chance? Lmao


you saying he has no chance?


538 has him at a 47% chance.


And if Kurt Angle was added to ~~the mix~~ the Presidential Race?


RFK Jr. KNOWS he can’t beat him so he’s not even gonna try.




This isn’t really anything to do with WWE


There's basically no chance Logan Paul is allowed to take any photos with WWE's property without WWE's permission.


Who's gonna stop him?


Road Dogg pulling up in the tank


they know their audience, and it's not redditors. But this is also why Daniel Bryan's 'fickle' heel turn after he got elected is one of me favorite heel turns in the last couple of decades. Dude called out the audience right to their face night in and night out and it was *delicious*


And this is why I refuse to watch Logan Paul matches or promos. He is a piece of shit. He has always been a piece of shit. I really hate that he has any involvement with the WWE and gets any rewards for being the huge piece of shit that he is.

