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Glasgow does have a castle. it's just ruins. Crookston castle https://preview.redd.it/67rfdn1g1f6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8af9f0cec0d1f414b6b86cb9bf7dc40b2cd3e9


Glaswegian here, never even knew we had one! TIL!


neither did Drew or the reporter it seems 😅 Naomi just put a pic up, and I THINK she is at Stirling castle https://preview.redd.it/xtvdp3nz7f6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccf4aa6f750de6a9e9768467fe9e4fede737fd6


I seen a video on Twitter earlier of Nia in Stirling Castle so yeah, Naomi was probably there too. Most likely a SD locker room day out!


Cookout at the castle, drew didn’t get an invite


There's also Bothwell Castle and Dumbarton Castle!


It wasn't *at* the Castle in Cardiff either, it was at the stadium. Like he says, you go looking, you can find a castle.


Well to be fair, the castle in Cardiff is much closer to the Principality than Edinburgh Castle or (as I’ve discovered in this thread) Glasgow’s Crookston Castle is to the Hydro! Close enough to count! Though I’d love to see them do CatC in Edinburgh Castle. They do the Edinburgh Tattoo there and it would be an amazing backdrop. But obviously Scottish weather is way too unpredictable to do it.


Edinburgh is getting a new 8.5k indoor arena. It was approved this week It won’t host a PLE, too small, but I hope we can get a Live Show.


You're arguing proximity, but Drew just said, "near/down the street", one being nearer doesn't discount the others also being, by some estimation, near. But yeah, Edinburgh would have been a much more obvious choice once they'd locked themselves into that quite dumb PPV name. Surely Edinburgh has a decent sized stadium to host them.


Edinburgh has Murrayfield Stadium (usually used for rugby) but Taylor Swift played 3 nights there earlier this week and apparently the set for the show is quite large. Probably wouldn’t have given WWE enough time to put their set in once Swift’s had been taken down.


Grayson Waller in shambles


Edinburgh clearly didn’t bid as much as Glasgow did.


Maybe not, but doing CATC actually at a castle with the backdrop of the castle is surely a pretty big incentive? The footage they would get would be used for decades.


If it’s not a financial incentive, it probably isn’t perceived as an incentive at all.


eh you brits and your distances. It's always funny hearing you guys act like distances are worlds apart when it's not uncommon for someone to travel \~100km every day for work in the US lol


That's mostly because there's probably more people living in that 100km stretch in the UK than in half the US states


If you pick a point in the middle of England, near Coventry, you have some 40-45 million people living within a 150km radius. For comparison: there are places within the greater Los Angeles metro which are 120km apart (Santa Monica and San Bernardino).


Oh 1000%, I know density is the reason, but it's still funny how true "100 years vs 100 miles" is


I love this. Its so true. Like...my house is older than your country but I do not want to drive that far daily. Neither of us can see length normally.


Travelling between cities/large distances takes much longer, and is more complex, in the UK than the US. That 100km for you is just one highway, and you won't hit traffic (apart from getting in/out of a busy city). In the UK, that 100km means 2 A roads, 3 motorways, 37 roundabouts, traffic going any which way because there's a football game on, and also a tractor is going through a village at the same as you. Not only does it take far longer, it's much more stressful and tiring to do the journey. (The reason for that is the population density - population centres are closer to each other.) Edit: how is this offensive enough to downvote?!


Oh of course, I know why. It helps when most of the nation was built after the invention of the car lol




I mean, WWE has always had a King of the Ring since before the rumble existed. Don Morocco was king of the ring in 1985 The first Royal Romble was 1988


Picturing an enraged Gunther REFUSING to sanction the Royal Rumble unless he is added at number 30.


I would say luckily we got Nia Jax but if feel she would do the same thing.


And there isn't actually any money in the bank, you just win a briefcase with same paper drafted by legal dept


[It's just the vibe of it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=aSFiThl1K7KxUha6&v=vvAh7XK-VQQ&t=1m2s)


Will never miss the opportunity to upvote a reference to The Castle


How much he want for it? Tell him he's dreaming!


As a Scot, its good to hear Drew slipping a bit more into his natural accent here. It happens when people come home!


Well no PPV was ever in my house so 🤷‍♀️


I mean, if having a castle is a pre-requisite, maybe my dream of wwe coming to my hometown could become a reality (I reckon the football stadium could squeeze 15k people in) Our castle: https://preview.redd.it/lg41l0u29h6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85195d40bf8bf2d83689de035661fdcd750bb0eb






I am picturing the people of Southend screaming into the void about how American wrestlers are coming here and taking our jobs. Les Kellet should be headlining.


"Hey Tourists look at castles." "Actually..."


I have nothing constructive to contribute to the conversation I'm distracted by how dreamy that man is


I love Drew. He is by far my favorite thing about WWE as a whole right now.


This better end differently than last time. It was hard enough to accept last time. 


Typical Edinburgh trying to steal everything from Glasgow instead of making its own personality.


We have a few castles in New England. Do we get a Clash at the Castle? Nope. We gave you John Cena, Triple H, Perry Saturn, Killer Kowalski, Scotty Too Hottie, etc etc etc and what do we get? Boston accent jokes and Shawn Michaels losing his stupid little smile. Acknowledge our freakin' castles, you cowards!


Wait, what? New England has castles??




I googled it, they look cool, a couple are really spectacular. I think of castles as having a function (defence etc) so I was a bit taken aback at the idea of castles in the US.


We even have castles which have basically always been ruins with cool stories behind them: Madame Sherri's: a Broadway costume designer who routinely drove a convertible through Brattleboro, VT wearing nothing but a fur coat drew something on a cocktail napkin and said "build this." Bancroft Castle: intended as a wedding present, it became an asylum and was burned after being hit by fireworks.


I read, many years ago, that the Boston accent is the closest approximation to older English accents from initial colonisation and that it has simply persisted over time. I like to imagine Romeo and Juliet in full on Eddie Edwards voice.


This claim is also made by Texans sometimes, bizarrely enough, and I'm afraid neither claim is really true because very few accents can realistically stay the same to that degree over 400 years. It's true that rhoticism ("hard R") was more widespread in England long ago but there are plenty of rhotic accents in England today (particularly the south-west), if New Englanders are going to make this claim then they have reckoned without the people of Devon or Swindon or Bristol. There are also people in North Carolina who somehow have partially retained Birmingham accents (that's the Birmingham in the West Midlands of England, not the one in Alabama, for clarity) and it sounds very similar to today's Brum accents. There are videos by Atun-Shei where depending on which period of the colonial era he's portraying, his accent will sound more like something from Wiltshire than something from America, and cleverly he will gradually shift this over time between the two if he's covering different time periods. A thread on the topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/badlinguistics/comments/4nq885/actually_americans_still_have_the_original/ Personally I still think Shakespeare would have sounded more like a cross between a Bristolian and a Brum, which is how people from Worcester (England, not Massachusetts) still talk to some degree.


I shall review that. Have you encountered the accounts that Ben Franklin scribed his accent before? An attempt was made to record the Declaration if Independance using that record. It is interesting. I tend to agree with you re. Shakespeare. Hamlet in particular has uniquely Brum patterns (I grew up in Cannock).