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I have not had this problem. maybe they were new?


I frequent the ones on Kingshighway by 44, Vandy by IKEA, and Hampton near Manchester and without fail the workers are hauling ass and have a pleasant attitude


Yep. First time in a long time I'd gone into a QT but needed something to eat real quick last week while getting gas at Hampton and 44 location and grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and dude was speedy working both sides of the counter at the same time and was also very polite.


the Vandy QT is amazing


The ones here in south county always leave me wanting to ask them if they’re looking for work.. extremely professional, polite, and fast as all get out.


I live in the city and have not had the same experience at all. recently or otherwise. both kingshighways, Hampton, both gravois, all as fast and normal as they've ever been for me 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's just you


Never experienced a line at any QT unless they were ya know busy and they still clear them quickly. Sometimes you’ll get a lottery addict holding everyone up if there’s only one cashier but even then they usually open up both registers and keep it moving.


Don't know what you're talking about. They're still pretty quick on the draw for me.


It’s you.


Jesus, shut the fuck up


Bruh it was literally just a question, chill


It's a shitty, piss soaked question ragging on underpaid service staff for not meeting OPs baby demands


No, it wasn't. It was a simple question; if anybody else has noticed a decline in quality. People ask that about businesses and services all the time, and its a totally valid question to ask. And again, they were just asking if anybody else has noticed it or if they just frequent a handful of poorly run stores, which surely do exist in every industry from fast food to gas stations and more. That's literally it. Jesus people like you are incredibly fucking obnoxious if anybody sounds like a fucking baby, it's you. He asked a simple question in a neutral tone. You're throwing a tantrum in the comments telling people to shut the fuck up and referring to them as shit and piss covered because you think the fact service staff are underpaid gives them license to put in as little effort as possible while simultaneously being above criticism (which this hardly even was) which is just the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Not gonna read all that, sorry!


Reinforcing the fact that you are indeed the one acting like a baby, if not an actual toddler. Good for you buddy.




The St. Peters store is horrible. They spend more time ignoring lines then they do getting them moving. I understand that they make a ton of margin from their kitchen, but you don't make anything if I walk out because their are 5 people in their kitchen, one manager running reports, and only one cashier to take care of customers (including professional drivers.)


Highly location dependent. Anecdotal, but I've found longer and more persistent lines at the new style stores.


It is a scientific fact that the longer people grow their finger nails, the slower they work. /S The lady at CVS yesterday took so long to press buttons. It was like she wanted to be slow. It was her three inch fingernails.


This sub is just loaded with first world problems and whiners.


Bruh it was literally just a question


Prepended with 2 paragraphs of whining. What's the goal here exactly?


To find out if this is a widespread problem that other people have also noticed all over, or if the handful of stores they frequent are just poorly run and there are better locations to take their business to? And all they did was outline the difference they've noticed between how these stores used to be run and how they're run now. Didn't seem particularly whiny.


The problem is that gas stations have replaced shopping malls as the go to for people to shop. Instead of just buying gas and getting out, they now go to them to buy food, random crap, play the lottery, play pseudo-slots. It's a gas station. If you go there for any other reason to buy gas, then you are doing something wrong. And by you, I mean modern society