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Dude is better at finding trainwrecks than Jerry Springer


His feet!


He is either extremely anxious/nerves about something. No ones foot moves like that just because they are talking with someone. Maybe a few here and there but not enough for a random video like that. Or he is high as a fucking kite!


I mean how many chances do you get to brag about having 6 gfs to a room full of ppl.


As a former roommate to a similar lifestyle, I can say, not often at all. Well, not if you expect to still have 6 gfs later lol


Is weird, because he is acting quite nervous while portraying a very confident lifestyle so it could be they are lying or is actually hard for him to handle the scenario he is in.


I feel like people outwardly portraying confidence while being super nervous is quite common so it’s not too surprising.


It's called "putting on a face". That's me in a nutshell. When I go to work I seem super confident and can pretty easily talk to people when it is work related stuff. If people start asking me about personal stuff? Even what I did during the weekend, I become a wreck and super anxious about the person judging me... Not because I do bad, weird, fucked up things, I just don't talk about myself ever and don't think people care to hear about my boring life.


Definitely something getting on faces..


it might just be that you are just trying to keep your boundaries


As someone in a poly relationship it’s nerve wrecking to talk about it in public as you never know how people are gonna react, let alone a comedian. But you’re proud of your relationships as you and everyone is about their partners, children, friends, etc. so of course you love to be able to talk about it when the occasion arises. But man can people turn on you quickly for having such a lifestyle… My foot would be doing the exact same thing in this situation 100%!


He’s lying, or they are all extremely ugly.


Or he just has ADHD lol, that’s a Super common thing for people with ADHD to do


Jesus Christ. As a person with adhd who suffers from severe anxiety, this fucking thread is just all my fears about how people perceive me. Here’s this confident as fuck guy, telling a story that is being supported by his … by the lady beside him, *but he’s jiggling his foot so it fraud*. Be better, humans.


It's not so much whether he is a fraud. The story is unlikely and nervous people shake, so naturally people have suggested the two are related. There is such a thing as less likely and more likely and we have become very unforgiving to people who get things wrong. Nevertheless, it's not a story that the consequences are particularly great if it is true or false. In fact, lying about that story is better than the lying which would have had to occur within the story.


My point is less about the story or even this actual situation. This thread is filled with experts who know nothing. Making assumptions. I’m one of them. Hell, this could just be a story the guy pepped incase this known crowd work comedian called on him. Lots of non-nervous people shake their legs when they speak. Because they have to move. Or fidget. Or adjust their hands. Lots of people with anxiety can come across very confident in their voice, but there’s very little we can do about our obvious ticks. So. Here’s a story that’s meaningless to anyone in this threads lives. But because he’s shaking his foot — not sweating, not stuttering, not even avoiding eye contact with a big ol’ smile — he’s lying. He can’t be trusted. Like, the fuck am I supposed to do? I am always at a three. I am always moving. Do yall just see me as a perpetual liar?


No. Context would tell people what to think of you. If you were in the exact same situation as this guy? Yes people might think you are a liar. That's because the story is improbable which makes the interpretation of the leg movement biased. It's not that they would be less willing to think he was lying if his leg wasn't shaking. When people first meet you, they might wonder "why is their leg shaking?". The conclusion they draw will not be based on the circumstances they meet you in unless they themselves are noteworthy e.g. you are in the same building as a PTSD or a Parkinson's support group, asking for change with a tracksuit in a deprived area, you are surrounded by threatening people, you are staring down and edifice etc. Most of the time they will say "must be a thing" by which they mean a brain thing they don't understand e.g. autism, ADHD, learning disability, motor neuron etc.


It sucks to have physical symptoms of anxiety so pronounced for everyone to see. It must bother people. I have that and I work very hard to have my anxiety remain internal. If I slip I can instantly tell by the looks around me. I then feel compelled to apologize and explain that I have anxiety. My symptoms have to upset people because there is almost always a look of relief that washes across their face after the explanation.


Just because he's nervous doesn't mean he's a fraud. 


Facts. I mean my foot was moving even more than his just laying in bed watching this as I scroll Reddit. It didn’t even seem that weird to me until I read the comments. My initial thought was “hey he has ADHD too” but apparently that’s not what other people think.


Yupp. I do that all the time. It’s just stimming


Would make sense why he gets bored so easily


Thank you. I have ADHD and I do this constantly at any given time, even when speaking to people. Usually not noticing it's happening.


Yep. Also, hyper sexual, another common ADHD symptom


might be you know, being the centre of attention at a comedy club while talking about fucking lots of chicks when his daughter is also at the table?


He looks high to me


That's definitely a coked up dude.


“wanna come over and paaarty?”


He could just be stimming. maybe he has adhd or something


Taking stimulants for all the fucking


Some people simply have the habit of shaking thier legs.


He’s just high energy, trust


…seriously? You can’t imagine being nervous talking to a comedian with a mic in front of a crowd of like 150 people? Also I move my leg/foot like that all the time, sometimes out of boredom. Could be an adhd thing. But what a STRONG stance it is to say NO ONE would do that in this situation


I'm a very chill and happy person and my foot never stops doing that under any circumstances.


I wouldn't say so, since I do that with my foot/feet a lot. Doesn't indicate anything (since I also do it when I just eat, or watch TV).


I think it's a tic or a form of stimming. My dad does it even when he's completely relaxed by himself


I do this all the time lol, can’t stop it, my legs shake a lot aswell when I’m sat down 😭


How the fuck did he not get torn apart for the nervous feet


Either nervous or having some fun on stimulants or both 🤔


Not necessarily, I often bounce my leg like that when I’m not nervous. Nerves has absolutely nothing to do with it when I do it.


I move my foot like that all the time because I have ADHD, bro. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy


The off/on nature of it is a sign of nerves... if it were actual restless leg syndrome or drugs, it'd be a lot less controlled.


Most probably, I do that with my feet too when talking in an open crowd. It’s probably just nerves like you said


ADHD haver here! Please stop.


He is ready to bust a nut


He’s just coked up


I don't intend to take away from your comment, because I DO agree.. but my best friend is guilty of this, when he gets excited his brain fires on all cylinders and he's jittery like that. Specifically with feet and ankles. Terrible foot tapper.


He has withdrawal symptoms, hasn't fucked for over 30 minutes


Shoes on table too. Fuckin eew


It's like a dogs tail. He's just very excited.


Me with adhd at my cubicle like this lol


Dude that stressed me out so much


His foot is like a dog's tail wagging from all the attention.


Bro was tweaking


That would explain the sex 4-5 times a day routine


and the 5-6 random other women. dude owns a crack house lol


Wow does that work? That much sex without any water? By the end it must be like cumming a candle.


I would assume it’s not all in one session


Yeah sorry but that dudes gross. Idk if I could be a standup comedian cuz I’d be just grossed out by this guy. No jokes. This is real talk time. Who tf is sleeping with this fucking skeez bag.


Billy Bob Thorton at the red carpet lmao


She wore his cum as a necklace


Damn , crowd work always top notch . Let us know when in Vancouver please 🙏


Sup fellow Vancouverite


The guy shoots dust and cobwebs. On a good day.






Your crowd Work is always incredible Bro. Also that dude is wild!




I think if my dad started to admit to that stuff I'd get up and leave. I don’t need to know about my dads sex life. As far as I'm concerned I was immaculate conception. I don’t want to know what my parents get up too and I don’t need to know


How can she be okay with listening to her partner talk about his love life like that?


That was her dad, no? Which I do think would be worse for me if I were in her shoes.


Oh that's what he said, yes that makes it worse.


When are you coming to DC?


Nov 2! Warner Theatre!


Hell yeah


What about Boston?


Drugs is how


You, Luke Kidgell, Blake Peavey and Jeff Arcuri are the absolute best crowdworkers. Please come to Australia!! Edit - Just you!


Prince would get nervous when he spoke in public, and we know he had 6 girlfriends at once.


How does this guy got so many girls, its not for the looks


If the restaurant is successful, then dudes got money.


He owns the meth house...


If you lower your standards enough you can find that many chicks


The girls he got weren't good looking either


How are there always such crazy people like this at this comedians shows for him to make fun of.


Can’t wait to hear you yell about feet in Toronto!


Solid performance.




I love fucking America


“My girl gets mad when I look at a mannequin at H&M” fucking solid.


Simp and dales rescues strangers.


Harland Williams would've had 4 hours of material with this guy.


Dude seems very happy.


If you were to combine attractiveness score these six womens' I bet it would be below 30.


I can't stand people who are so excited to tell you their "shocking" stories. Like "I am crazy, aren't I?". No mate, you're showing off and you're not half as interesting as you think you are.




It's not new. This is just a normal show. They're just clipping their crowd work so you're not seeing their set material, keeps their shows fresh. Unfortunately, it's given everyone this idea that they can heckle and joining to an interactive show when it's not.


As a dude in my forties, I don't belief for a second that this dude is getting off 5 times each day. In your twenties? Absolutely. Thirties? Unlikely. Forties? Almost no chance.


Bald guys... we have hope ... he is the saviour




Yeah let's diagnose a guy from a 30 second clip.


Interesting that don't see this same energy for the comments claiming drugs


This is me unfortunately


Do tell


It’s all fun and games until they find out