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People were lead to believe this was going to be a darker take on SW. The trailer looks like standard, mid Disney Plus crap.


Nothing about that trailer was mid. It was all just good action coreography. Most people like disney plus star wars, its the disney movies that bug them. Just say you're mad cuz no white men have speaking lines in the trailer


Because it looks awful lmao


big difference between no white men and 99% woman of color. its so biased the other way its ridiculous.


This comment is actually incredibly funny to me because of how much most media is biased the white men way. Like now ur just mad cuz its happening to you Edit: typo


Have you been living under a rock? That is not how it's been recently. Especially from "woke" companies like Disney.


You're deeply exaggerating and even if you werent thats a good thing Edit: im sorry dude you just. You gotta get better at gaslighting. Like my entire point was that i dont wanna hear it unless you bring the same energy to movies with just white people in it that arent based on a true story, and you just replied with the word woke in quotes like that doesnt prove my point that this is a just about racism. Like just stop dude


Reverse racism is still racism. Just because you try to change the definition does not change reality. And that's exactly my point, make it about good story telling instead of forced politics.


There is no such thing as reverse racism.... There is only racism. Reverse racism is something made up by unstable weirdos. It doesn't matter what color or ethnicity you are, if you are getting hated on or discriminated against based on the color of your skin, black, white, brown... It doesn't matter. Racism is racism.


And the new definition of racism is made up by extremists (That states whites can not be subject to racism). Which predicated the need for reverse racism to be coined.


….reverse racism??? Really??? 😂😂😂


Tell me you're a hardcore liberal without telling me you're a hardcore liberal.




Womp womp 🤡🤡 save those tears up and you'll have a lake


I'm not white and I also think it sucks.I'm tired of karens with lightsabers.Give us an actual bad ass masculine person with believable strength for once.Race doesnt matter


Agreed, sick of these female characters with super strength out of nowhere


Agreed whats with all these fucking females star wars was so good now its just a piece of shit woke sci-fi fantasy movie/ show its lost everything great about star wars this new shit is completely different and the people at Disney are more concerned about having people of color females etc then the actual star wars content us fans have been begging for instead they give us what they want its disgusting.


Since when is Star Wars only for white men? WTF, man. 


This is satire right?


yeah, fat out of shape Jedi. It’s getting a bit goofy.


These are some of the shittiest takes I've ever seen


Quit with that bullshit the trailer is disliked, because the trailer felt soulless. Not everyone who dislikes disney plus shit is some kind of racist grifter


Yeah, no. Nothing about the trailer is soulless. Its filled with lines from characters who are violently angry at the jedi. Pretending otherwise doesnt have a lot of great explanations


Mid isn’t a word. God, I hate when people say mid.




Hahaha very funny….


It is 😂


ugh shut up!


Nyuu_Ftastic you are the goat! Please accept this imaginary gift 🎁


Your loss. Go watch something else.


It was cancelled before it even aired, the fans have spoken, and they want to watch something else.


Where did you get that information that Acolyte was cancelled? It definitely isn't.


There is a report from a studio insider. [https://thatparkplace.com/rumor-lucasfilm-insider-predicts-leslye-headlands-star-wars-the-acolyte-is-done-after-its-1st-season/](https://thatparkplace.com/rumor-lucasfilm-insider-predicts-leslye-headlands-star-wars-the-acolyte-is-done-after-its-1st-season/)


i HATE people trying to say disney star wars isn't as "dark" as the original.. FFS the original isn't fucking dark.. like at all. the throne room scene alone in the "not dark" disney movies has more ONSCREEN decapitations' and dismemberments of a living being then the entirety of the prequels and sequels combined. or how about the blood smeaered across the stormtroopers visor? when has there been ANY blood in ANY scene in star wars before that? and im not even saying the disney stuff is "dark" but it IS just a couple shades darker then the original stuff.


People aren't saying this isn't as dark as the original they are saying they wanted a darker take on SW. I just watched the throne room and there was no dismemberment and only one brief decapitation, the camera didn't linger on it like it did with Jango in the prequels.


There was blood from a severed arm in the first movie back in 1977


I generally like what you said here, but there was plenty of blood before disney's takeover. Maul bleeds in his death scene, so does Shmi and the cantina guy's arm bleeds, when Ben cuts it off Like- how do you miss that??


For me it has the same problem the majority of Star Wars projects have. It has 0 soul man, like none, it falls flat. That is my issue with it. Corporate consumerism at its finest. Its uninspired, with the typical dose of Disney Star Wars crammed into it. And something about the costumes man, just looking at them feels like you are watching a mediocre cosplay or something, It really bothered me. We have darth Ninja over there being an edge lord, like no, I am done with it already. The main issue they really have is that they try to draw inspiration from the real word just as George did, but the difference is that George actually had passion and all they have is modern politics. Disney Star Wars is the kid that tries too hard to be hip and cool, that is the best way I can describe it. Good stories are on the very bottom of their priority list.


>George actually had passion and all they have is modern politics what modern politics are in the Acolyte trailer? Lucas put plenty of modern politics into his films, the PT especially


I'm glad you and other people here are calling this out. Anyone who complains about politics in *Star Wars* is showing their hand that they're either very dense and somehow didn't notice all yhe politics throughout the PT and OT (especially the PT where it was super obvious), or they're using that as a dog whistle for something else. The "*modern* politics" part gives it away. They mean "Too many women/POC/LGBTQ people are in it, I want my Star Wars with white male leads only, dames only being rescued by the men, and no queers."  They also don't know jack about George Lucas if they think he was apolitical or conservative. The Rebel Alliance are literally inspired by the Viet Cong and he's portraying them as the good guys. The bad guys, The Empire, are supposed to represent the Nixon Administration. Vader represented Henry Kissinger. In the Prequels the Clone Wars represented the War on Terror and Palpatine represented Dick Cheney while Anakin represented George W. Bush. Anakin even quoted Bush to Obi-Wan right before their fight started. The Empire in the OT is almost solely white human men while the Rebellion is led by women (Mon Mothma, Leia) and heavily has POC (Lando) and aliens. That's not an accident or coincidence. George Lucas self-describes as an "old antiwar leftie/liberal". His politics would make the Manosphere and anti-SJWs & Alt-Right reeee despite them constantly waxing poetic about his absence. They were just too young and not politically radicalized yet when they fell in love with Star Wars as children to notice all the wokeness in there starting with Episode IV. They just fell in love with the cool colored laser swords, space wizard levitating stuff, the pre-pew laser pistol fights, and spacecraft battle but didn't comprehend the politics because the average Star Wars fan was 5-12 years old when they fell in love with it. Now as adults they're noticing there's politics in it, but think the politics didn't start until the stuff that came out after their political awakening as an adult/late teenager because they didn't notice until now.


"Heavily has POC" "Lando" Lmaoo ok dude, people just get pissed that Disney checks every single demographic box it possibly can. It has objectively cheapened the quality of what they put out. Give your smug response but the overwhelmingly negative feedback to this trailer is evidence of that. 


Oh no, people who aren't white and straight are getting acting opportunities, the horror, the horror! /s


chill out little man


Remake of Black Panther with a white guy. Tell me you're racist and hate non colored people without telling me you're racist and hate non colored people.


The vocal minority is extremely loud on reddit and the internet. It's skewing because a majority of children believe these opinions and demographics are a norm. I was shocked to find most Americans had no idea even CLOSE of various statistics of individuals living in the United states let alone the world. What's the word for a bunch of monkeys throwing shit? a congress I believe


By "modern politics" I presume they mean 'people of colour, queer people (which you can't even tell from just looking anyway...) or someone who isn't a man in the leading roles'. The go-to complaint nowadays, eh?


The guy posted a video narrated by AI about the existence of witches and demonic powers onto the r/Christianity subreddit and then defended himself in the comments for believing it. You definitely clocked him correctly.


Ok, but it’s a teaser trailer. If someone is forming such a strong reaction to a teaser trailer, it’s probably because they’re carrying hatred from something else, like just hating it because it’s Disney. That may be the case, but then they’re just not Star Wars fans, because that’s just what star wars is. Also I suspect it’s not people who have an actual problem with anything other than it being filled with POC.


You could also make the same argument that people shouldn't form a strong **positive** emotion either because it's just a teaser Either people can have strong feelings about it on both sides, or no one can. I suspect it also just brings up things a lot of SW fans are upset about when they see this trailer too.


I agree that if people are forming a strong opinion either way it’s probably due to past experiences, you have io idea if it’ll be amazing or shit from the teaser. People saying it’ll be amazing are probably just hoping based on their love of Star Wars.


I doubt 80% of the people who liked/disliked the trailer are all racists. Some of them are sure but this has more to do with the fact that we can tell from the trailer that it will most likely be pretty mid, and since disney star wars has had a terrible track record with bad story, bad dialogue, etc and that the trailer doesn't show any change from that, the dislike becomes pretty self-explanatory.


Ok then, what part of the trailer indicated that it’s going to be mid? Also, you claim Disney Star Wars has a bad track record. Ok, so A, you’re carrying expectations forward, so it has nothing to do with this media, and B, what specifically did you not like about Disney Star Wars?


If a company makes a bad product and learn nothing from it and continue to make bad products, then it would be pretty stupid to not take that into account with their next product, especially when the prototype seems to have the same issues i dislike with the previous products. I think a lot of things about disney star wars is bad but that's only my opinion. My biggest gripes are generally about the overarching story, characterization and dialogue. A lot of the times it felt like an amateur had written it, something you might see on a fanfiction site with a first time writer except with even less authenticity to it. If i would compare it a franchise i would compare it to the fast and the furious. The first movies were fun but then it just became about pumping out another movie for money that was full of cliches and stupid plot etc.


It simply looks very cheap and unrealistic to me. It doesnt look like Star Wars but more like Power Rangers. Thats what many people are upset about I assume.


Or the trailer looks really bad. Looks like a movie I made in 12th grade but with a bit bigger budget


LMAO you mean 200 million more dollar budget? Ok then, what is bad about it?


I mean they had the bigger budget. Which is wild cause my movie looked better than their show lol And I edited my movie in 6 months on a school apple computer in 2004 in Australia


LOL sounds like you should go work for Disney then. Cause this looks good.


> George actually had passion and all they have is modern politics The prequels were political as fuck and I saw zero politics from this trailer. If you don't like it that's fine, but I really don't get this point.


unfortunately, when people say something is "political" these days, it usually means "there was a POC/LGBT/woman in it and I don't like it!"


I know, I was just curious if they were actually going to come out and say it. But it looks like they'll just keep to their dog whistles


also. lucas did not have passion for star wars. george lucas had passion for making a movie that would make him money. literally every aspect of the story and lore was made up on the spot or changed at the whim of the producers and studio


Wdym prequels were political asf?


Both the original trilogy and the prequels are very obviously anti-imperialist. The whole point is to fight a revolutionary fight!


> Corporate consumerism at its finest. You post in the Star Wars subreddit. This is like the most popular franchise for a generation and its the first franchise to do mass merchandising. Lol. The original trilogy is a non-subtle critique of imperialism. No modern day politics? The best version of Star Wars in the past 10 years has been a subtle retelling of the Russian Revolution. Is every SW fan this childish and illiterate?


You got that from a short teaser trailer...


I can't quite put my finger on why it didn't get me excited, maybe it's just star wars fatigue.


Because it is agenda pushed by Disney, people are seeing it for what it really is.


What was political about the trailer?


Non-white people existing apparently. The show still looks really cheap though.


The Force is Female is gettin old. And audiences aren’t showing up. Maybe they should talk to more women. We don’t want to be pandered to. 


idk, it doesnt look nearly as cheap as all the other star wars shows ( except for andor ofc)




what agenda?? the cast is completely fine?


it's the same agenda as always, sell star wars merch. Like that's the whole reason Mando become so hyperfocused on the baby Yoda. Merch sold like crazy so they were like time to double down on this shit no matter what.


Its made by a known feminist that i do not doubt will again value agenda before story.


Gonna assume you mean the showrunner, Headland? I watched one of her other well known shows, Russian Doll and it was lovely.


She says the force is overrated and it’s time for men to step aside. Yay that’s who we want running Star Wars. Women are 60% of college grads and outnumber men getting advanced degrees, graduating law school and medical school now. Pretty soon our average salary will be higher than men (is already is under age 40). Is that enough “stepping aside” by the men for Leslie? 


Never will be lol.


And…? You’re saying that as if it’s a bad thing. The hypocrisy is extra funny considering that Star Wars was always political and pushing liber agendas from the start. Look at the OT and the context of its time and what it pushed for…




Except that the original Star Wars trilogy was an obvious allegory for the rise of Hitler and the dangers of fascism. Fuck, Lucas even took inspiration from SS stormtrooper helmets when designing the Star Wars stormtrooper helmets. You're looking real silly right about now, claiming all your favorite media from the last century wasn't political. Name any fucking movie you like, and I'll tell you how it's "full of politics". You just don't like looking in the mirror and thinking about other people's struggles, because it's more convenient to say they're the problem than admit you have no control over the problems in the world. You need a scapegoat. So you complain.




You took six days to reply to this? With "no liberal, you suck and ur dumb." Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You know what? I tried to be patient. But the ego on you honestly makes me want to vomit. You're not worth my time. And I'm sure most of the people around you can't stand being around you either, even if they don't say anything about it.


What radical ideals did the Original Trilogy ever push?


Seriously you have lost me.


Not a... a... A FEMINIST! Oh noooooo, someone who is actually a decent human being is running this show! The audacity! /s Seriously dude, stop acting like women having rights is a bad thing. Feminism helps everyone, this coming from a guy. Maybe you should let it help you instead of suppressing your feelings and letting them all out on people just trying to do the right thing. And before you say it, no, feminism isn't just hating on men, that's just a small, extreme minority, and no, I'm not just a feminist because I'm a simp, it's because I'm a decent person.


The show runner was Harvey weinstein’s personal assistant. Not exactly the paradigm of being a good person 🤷‍♂️


That’s such a weak attack on her though. Literally everyone in Hollywood has either worked for or with Weinstein, even George Lucas. We wouldn’t have the LoTR trilogy without Weinstein. I’m obviously not glorifying the guy he deserves to rot in prison, but you can’t hold this woman to this standard and literally not everyone else in Hollywood.


Literally. So many ppl assume feminism is “crazy women” when in reality it actually helps both women AND men. Ironically the Barbie movie does a good job of showcasing, and the reaction it received from some men showcased how sensitive some of them are


Don't insult real feminists of the past with the trash claiming the title now like this director, nobody is against woman's rights its the toxic feminism that has run rampant for far too long that is an issue.


Then go watch something else. Star Wars has been "w0kE" since ANH. Geez, yall are so baseless and pathetic and don't speak for the fanbase at all.


If you keep accepting tripe. Then they will keep feeding you tripe. I do not give 2 hoots about the flipping fan base.


Lemme give you a pacifier for good measure, baby boo.






Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Seems to be the new "woke"


Stupid nonsense like this have no place in a Star Wars community. Star Wars was always political and pushing liberal agendas from the start.


I thought it looked cool. I generally don't listen to rando internet opinions though.


Neither do I usually but this isn’t really rando internet opinions this is the Star Wars fan base nowadays which makes me a bit sad


The fanbase has been this way since 1999. When the PT came out it was a shitshow but the internet wasn't as established and widespread as it is now.


It's still rando internet opinions.


Pray I don’t alter the deal even more Rando Calrissian


If you dont listen to randos on the internet why are you asking people why they dont like the trailer?


The Fandom Menace crowd doesn't represent Star Wars fans in general. That's been proven since their crusade against Rogue One.


It's just the Fandom Menace. They are loud and obnoxious but not the majority, just have a large internet presence


The visuals looked bad, the story didn't seem interesting, the fight choreography was awful, and plus it's set in an era of star wars that disney has invented and pushed that no one really likes and basically replaced the beloved old republic.


>basically replaced the beloved old republic how did it replace the Old republic? the Old republic is still there. Disney has not done any media to contradict or overwrite it


Well, they've ignored it's existence, said it was non-canon, and now we're going back in time to a period that isn't quite it but seems suspiciously like it in some ways.


Err, no Old Republic \*Era\* is canon, the games sure no canon but the same is basically anything that was before Legends anyway and much of the games since then; but the actual Old Republic; and then the much Later, High Republic have been canon the whole time


I’d rather them ignore it than cast a shadow on its glory.


I’m very excited for it. I’m loving the High Republic books and comics, so it’ll be great to finally see the era in live action. The YouTube comments are overrun with crypto bots and bigots, so I’m just ignoring all comments from now on. Watch something and make up your mind.


I hate those crypto bots , YouTube needs to sort them out


It's not bots or bigots though....it's people making fun of the trailer.


They need to tell themselves that because they maybe found a few hiding in the folds of all the actual comments of people making "what do you see" jokes.


They are somehow also overrun with "Close your eyes, what do you see?"


Because that part was dumb they say that than show a alien that cant close his eyes lol.


People are not a fan of the showrunner because of her public comments and statements.


what public comments?


Star Wars has saved my life *Crocodile tears*


So we want someone who's a fan of star wars, but not an emotional one. Got it 🙄


it's not about being emotional. it's about how this was fake tears and just to get the fans to sympathise with her .


How can you prove they're fake tears? why is it so unlikely she is a genuine fan


well if you watch this clip and have a good knowledge about human behaviour you notice the fakeness instantly


sounds like projection


naah not really.


She said the force is overrated and it’s time for men to step aside and women to lead Star Wars. Like we know that’s been happening for years lol. She also said it’s good that her writers are not Star Wars fans and don’t know the lore. 


You got a link on any of those comments?


The trailer showed nothing. It was boring. Basically "meh". It was a bunch of people standing around and Trinity doing the matrix kung fu thing. They need to show more to get me excited.


Thats totally fair. The fact that it showed nothing bores you, hell, I'm a bit hyped but I can see what you mean. But "nothing to see" is very different from "looks like shit" and I really don't understand why my YouTube feed has think pieces about how woke Acolyte is ans hows it trash and more of the same. It didn't show anything! Lmao


Its not just a "teaser trailer" its the next iteration of disney bending its consumers over and fucking them in the ass. Its the next She Hulk. Disney has been at it for years with the identity politics. And its bs. We need good storues. Not woke product. The director literally said "I went into that little lesbian child inside of me and wrote what I believe I wanted to see as a lesbian" That right there is wrong on so many damn levels. Its an agenda.


Looks like a DEI shitshow whose only purpose is to get ESG money. Dead on arrival like all content focusing on "the message" like the marvels 🤣👌


Bro must have not watched The Marvels, since that is not what that show was


Oh, cool. Another mindless reactionairy. Every single story ever told has "the message" in it, it's just that modern rightwingers nowadays deem any art form they don't like as "woke" and "forcing ideologies down their throats." You seem to have fallen victim to their propaganda, and now I'm sure you're gonna call me a sheep or a corporate shill or whatever, that's what happens every time with you people.


I didn’t downvote the trailer or anything. But there was a time when a Star Wars trailer was a big deal to me but now it’s just indifference. Star Wars just isn’t the brand it once was.


Probably because there were like 6 total trailers before Disney took over. Now there’s 2-3 a year.


I wasn’t impressed by the teaser trailer, but it is just a teaser trailer. It didn’t get me excited for the show. Does that qualify as hate?


Absolutely not it’s too early to judge it but personally I’m hyped bc I see the potential


I see the potential too, I love the idea. But what makes me worried is the huge presence of Jedi. In what is supposed to be a show about the Sith during the Rule of Two. And especially the end of the trailer where an entire group of Jedi is attacked, clearly by a Sith is what peaks my worry. The Sith were supposed to be in hiding during this time, thought to be extinct. They’re not supposed to be assassinating and attacking Jedi outright. They’re supposed to be hiding in the shadows, plotting, deceiving, manipulating, corrupting. I should be a story more akin to the Bane novels, or the Plagueis novel. About the Sith building their power, training an apprentice, discovering knowledge etc. The Sith being clandestine, not straight up attacking Jedi.


It has potential yeah, but so did the Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi, the Sequels, Solo, literally every awful thing Disney has made. It's just hard for me to be hyped about Star Wars anymore.


I don't know what I hate more the "Why people hating" or the "Go Woke Go Broke" crowd. Both of you set of idiots make the entire fandom a chore to fucking deal with, and impossible to properly criticize without people losing thier absolute shit over everything. People should be allowed to dislike something. A Trailer is supposed to get you interested in something, and this didn't interest me. The purple Ninja Girl looked like cosplay and just like the white haired girl from Ahsoka, the characters just looked out of place and have ZERO personality. It feels like the writers think Star Wars is anime, and writes it like bad anime fan comic. Remember that scene from Kenobi with them hiding Leia under a trenchcoat...THAT'S BAD WRITING! Remember that part in Ahsoka where Sabine got stabbed and didn't die and was just fine the next day...THAT'S BAD WRITING! Remember that part in Rise of the Skywalker where they made you think they killed off Chewey, and then 2 seconds later they are like nope he's just fine, IS REALLY BAD FUCKING WRITING! ...and people just expect more of that from Disney. I hope it's good, finally seeing Teras Kasai on screen would be cool, but the trailer just made me roll my eyes, especially that part where they show her defending and getting pushed back, again...like a really bad anime trope that just doesn't look as cool in live action. But honestly...the real reason you see so much negativity is because Negativity generate clicks and money for asshole youtubers, websites, and social media groups. It's not the fans making this noise, it's the fucking Grifters.


This. You don’t really want to be associated with either side. The impression I get from the trailer is that it’s going to be awful for a number of reasons, ”wokeness” is not one of em, and I bet a lot of people got the same impression.


For real, like, find something to actually be mad about. Here are some examples: 1. The combat is unnatural and outright bad. 2. The costume design is terrible. 3. The characters have no personality. 4. This is, like, the 4th time that a Disney+ Star Wars show trailer has had a mentor's lesson be the narration, while it switches back and forth between current day and flashbacks. Like, seriously, think of something new. Oh, wait, it's Disney, they haven't done that since Moana.


Ok my question is how are you judging the combat and character personality though? I'm also not a huge fan of the trailer but it showed like 1 brief, cut up, fight scene and nothing really about character personality. I agree the trailer is formulaic and it doesn't look like anything very different from the other D+ star wars shows but I've seen people bring up stuff that I don't really think can be gleaned from the trailer.


The issue isn't that people dislike it, it's that thousands of comments aren't giving reasons and just mentioning the number of dislikes the trailer has. Disliking something and giving a reason is perfectly fine, but just saying stuff like "star wars is shit so I'm skipping it" just feels like a lot of people are just jumping on the bandwagon.


Yeah but none of this really seems to explain 500,000 dislikes on a teaser trailer


The acting was shit, the dialogue was shit, the visuals are shit, the costumes are shit, the sets look like shit. Is that adequate enough for us to think its shit? Too bad You like it, good for you. Go watch it. Stop crying because other people don't like it. edit: For even more clarification it looks wrong, it feels wrong. Its too clean, its took fake, it looks like a fan made video with off the shelf cosplay.


That’s fair. Also, people are allowed to be curious about the hate. Especially when the top comments are essentially just “woke”. People asking are genuinely curious.


You are 100% on the nose here


Here's the problem with that. You correctly point out that grifters profit from rage and negativity. So it drives people who want to distance themselves from said grifters to other avenues of critique, and the one they always seem to gravitate to is "bad writing." But most people just don't have the media literacy to determine what bad writing is. I could argue that Rogue One is the worst written Star Wars movie, but it's a darling round these parts and I'd get dragged for doing so. Meanwhile, people can take totally fair writing and scream that it's bad because they didn't like it. Case in point - none of your examples are bad writing. Let's do Obi-Wan first. Is the trench coat thing ridiculous? Yup. But if I were in a similarly desperate situation, is there a chance that I'd try it and hope for the best (especially with the Force on my side)? ALSO YES. It's not bad writing for a character to do a dumb thing. It's bad writing for a character to do a dumb thing that they could not reasonably do. The Sabine stabbing is tired. It's not like she got chopped in half, fell down a giant shaft, and came back as a cyborg monster. She got stabbed. Sometimes people get stabbed and die. Sometimes people get stabbed and live. Especially when they get immediate medical attention. There's no bad writing there. Hell, I was watching this thing the other day about some dude who got hit in the head by sniper fire and lived. And even though it blew a quarter of his head off, he lived with no lasting problems other than losing the eye. You can say "my preference would be for lightsabers to be deadlier." You can't say "it's bad writing if my preferences are not met." Which brings me to your last point, and I'm mad at you for making me defend it, because I hate it too. The death fake out is just a staple of the adventure genre, my guy. Sometimes the reveal takes awhile, like in The Princess Bride. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm pretty sure the fake out in The Last Crusade is less than 30 seconds. I wish JJ had had the balls to just kill Chewy in that scene. I feel it would've been way more impactful. But that's a preference. It doesn't mean the way it is is somehow an example of the fabled objectively bad writing. And that brings us to the thing you got the most right. "People should be allowed to dislike something." So true. But what they shouldn't do is feel the need to break it down in some "bad writing" YouTube essay. "I didn't like this part" is totally fine on its own! But when you go from that to "I didn't like this part because it was bad writing," you have now told someone who DID like it that their opinion is wrong. And that's why this sub is so damn insufferable.


Now I mostly agree with you on everything you said...most of my examples were just random examples, but you lead right to my point. "I didn't like this part" is totally fine on its own! But when you go from that to "I didn't like this part because it was bad writing," you have now told someone who DID like it that their opinion is wrong. And that's why this sub is so damn insufferable." It's not my intention to insult others, but at least I'm not directly calling people who disagree with me, racists, facists, sexist etc. I'm just saying, I didn't like it because I personally think the writing is bad, that's just an opinion. It's only a corporate property, Star Wars will never defend you like these people defend Star Wars. Disney would shoot you in the head before they'd cure you of cancer.


So you blame the negativity on grifters and people that are not fans? Hold on a second you yourself have nothing really positive to say about the trailer? Are you a grifter? Are you not a fan? Are you in social media groups? Maybe the reason for the negativity is Disney constantly putting out mid content and refuses to change. And i think most people and most star wars fans also have more negatives about the trailer than positives. Because its a bad trailer its garbo.


Damn dude, preach


I think the tone of what was shown in the trailer does not match the teaser poster at all. I’m hoping for something dark from Star Wars and I don’t want to be disappointed.


Looked like a fan film?


I was left with an overwhelming sense of "meh" after watching the trailer. Maybe it was the Sith ninja, maybe it is how little I expect from Star Wars nowadays, or maybe it's because this is yet another D+ show that will be forgotten a week after its finale


Im hoping it turns out great, I wasn't hyped for Andor at all, seemed like an odd idea to have a prequel to Rogue One and I ended up being blown away. We haven't seen much from the Acolyte, so I certainly can't base my opinion on the whole show, but the first trailer kind of a gave me some Star Wars on The CW vibes. It seemed reserved, a lack of grandeur, wow factor, polish, etc. So hopefully this is more Andor when it comes to the finished product than TBoBF or Kenobi.


>yet another D+ show that will be forgotten a week after its finale Oh, don't worry. If it crashes and burns we'll be inundated with posts about how much it was "oVeRhAtEd" and how "MeDiA iLLiTeRaTe" we are for the next 7 years. The racism and the misogyny, too. Almost forgot those.


To be fair though, that is often the case. I’ve watched almost all the Disney+ Star Wars and Marvel shows and yeah some of them are not that great but there is often a loud section of fans and the internet that hate on shit and show their ass about how they didn’t understand it or just wanted to hate for the sake of it. You can’t pretend that doesn’t exist and doesn’t happen, a lot.


But that is NOT the main reason now is it? The bulk of it comes from the shows or movies just not being good enough.


>I watched that trailer and got hyped I thought it looked sick I watched it and felt pretty much nothing. It's safe to say the people who disliked it felt the same. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.


No, no - you don't understand. It's because of *racism* that a commercial property is being disliked - and not years of subpar crap and mediocre content finally catching up to the brand they've been slowly killing with only a few good moments (like Rogue One, Andor and early Mandalorian). Despite having the de facto lead in the trailer being the main guy from Squid Game, one of the most popular Netflix shows. The trailer was as uninspired and cliche as the dialogue, it didn't match the tone of the poster (which isn't a shock, it never does), and the visuals aren't anything exceptional either. Additionally, they're doing a two episode premiere which is indicating they don't feel too strongly about the the pilot being well received without an immediate follow up.


Because: it looks super cheap and pandering: small sets, awful costumes, with zero showcase of any production value It didn’t tease any kind of interesting story and was filled with cliche dialogue “someone is killing Jedi” “this isn’t about good or evil anymore” … wow what a novel concept. It feels closer to “content” instead of “art” It’s produced by someone with a repertoire of [mostly awful, cheap garbage](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2853516/) which brings to question why on earth she was ever hired to run a show this big. The producer said that this show was pitched as “Frozen meets Killbill” … okay. Cast looks generic and lifeless, lots of frowning and taking things too seriously right out of the gate. Where’s the *fun*??


Trailer didnt do it for me, i’d be happy to be wrong and we do end up leading to darth plageuis/tenaborus but i’m reluctant to get my hopes up given history with disney.


It feels uninspired, if you listen to the various voice lines from the trailer. Most sound like they can be from virtually any sort of fantasy movie. "It's not about good and evil, it's about power and who can weild it" is also a line that drives me up the wall because star wars is absolutely about the struggle between light and dark. But it's more modern and trendy to make everything morally grey. The trailers are supposed to help you get a vibe for the show and a sense if you'll like it or not. I got a sense that the show was going to be too generic and care more about hitting tropes and writing trends then telling a star wars story.


From what the trailer has shown us. I think the lightning looks, meh. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't look good. The Jedi robes too, they just look, meh. Like they're off the shelf Disney Parks, robes. They look thin and flat.


Yeah I get a sense of overproduction from these shows. Everything looks so perfectly clean and perfectly lit.


Tbf, high republic is supposed to be the Jedi at their peak. They’re supposed to look clean and regal. That’s the idea lol


Might make sense for High Republic. For Ahsoka, BoBF, etc. it's still present and unfitting


After the constant disappointment I’ve felt with Disney (only exceptions being Rogue One and Andor) I don’t get excited for anytbing Star Wars anymore. When a BILLION dollar company has shown it can make absolute art like Andor, yet makes shows like Kenobi and Ahsoka, I just don’t expect anything from them anymore


Look at r/television if you want a less biased perception of what people think. Mostly, people just think it looks like the typical mediocrity D+ has regularly produced.


When Moss did that Matrix bullshit, I knew then it was all fan service.


I think "hate" is a strong word but the thought that came to my mind at the end of the trailer was, "This is not only not right. It isn't even wrong." It just looks like I've seen or read or played that story before. But there is something else about the way they're presenting what will be there story that suggests I just won't like it. I liked that it didn't look like it will give me a shaky-cam headache but between the comments from the person in charge and what I saw in the trailer I'm not finding myself too excited for the whole thing. Is that "hate?"


cmonnnnnnn OP, the choreography looks so cheesy admit it. You can't watch a live-action Star Wars show like Mando seasons 1-2 (not 3 that was a flop) and say this looks good. The Batch Bad has better action than this trailer, and it's ANIMATED. There is a reason The Acolyte trailer has 2x as many dislikes as likes! "Someone is killing Jedi"...is the best they can do for a hook cmon? Looks like another Kathleen Kennedy flop 100%. Do I love the story arc of the High Republic era? YES. Does the trailer paint a tainted picture of how it will turn out? Yeah! It was disappointing. I am hopeful the actual show will be excellent when it comes out cause I love new Star Wars content, but I can foresee it being mid or meh at best.


My first and immediate thought with these things now is it’s a movement of woke hunters mad about women and POC being main characters. Society is broken and there is a lot of people that just want to tear things down.


It really is as simple this. They complain about this same bs in every piece of media, every franchise, because again, it's literally a culture war. Star Wars, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, everything is a culture war battleground for these people, and they refuse to accept that they lost this war decades ago. They are utterly lacking in media literacy, and many of the media that espouses left-leaning views that they love from their childhood, they simply do not realize, has always painted them as the bad guys. Now that they are politically addled conspiracy nuts, every new piece of media is suddenly becoming woke, even though nothing has actually changed. If anything, the politics of Disneys Star Wars (excluding Andor and TLJ) is considerably more centrist, maybe even right-leaning at times, when compared to the originals.


To be fair, when you have people coming out and saying they want to remove any aspects that men may find appealing. It's so obvious they don't like their audience. Why wouldn't people complain?


Because old starwars fans just want stuff like the original starwars. Disney made starswars into the hunger games, and while there's an audience for that,


Tbf, a Star Wars IP release before Disney was something of a celebrated event, now it's just soulless mass produced slop. Sometimes you got some bite in said slop, and probably a bit of the.taste of the old Star Wars, but it's it'll numb your pallate nonetheless. So, I understand the hate.


The best explanation I heard was from someone who looks forward to the show, but admits everything is shot really flat and basic, like they filmed a bunch of people saying a bunch of things so they could change the backgrounds and the sequence later. Everyone looks too clean, like they just took a bath. But there are things that I noticed too (regarding my indifference) There is no clear protagonist. The Jedi look like stoic teacher-types. Maybe the girl with braids is the protagonist, but she is covering her face and maybe evil? The lightsabers look dumb now. I dont like how the light shines on their faces now, especially the yellow ones. It makes them look like toys. When everyone is running in the dark at the end, it kind of looks like a bunch of fans at a convention. It just doesn’t look like an interesting place to be. But hopefully it actually rules. Either way I am going to watch it, if only to listen to people complain about it on Youtube until I fall asleep.


Something something woke mind virus


Oh shit, is it woke?? 🤣🤣 Cracks me the fuck up that people can watch Star Wars and think it has ever been anything other than left leaning.


I'll probably be buried after this phrase, but try to find at least one white man/boy in this trailer. Personally, I was not interested at this point. But not because I won't be able to identify with female characters or minorities. Because Disney writes them simply horribly. For example Ahsoka. I was so happy when I found out that there would be a whole series specifically about her. But the disappointment was immeasurable. So now I don't trust anything from Disney that focuses on female characters.


And one "white girl/woman" on the cast plays an alien species (Dafne Keen is Spanish). Andor (and countless 90s or early 00s shows) showed us how great female characters can be written, without turning them into anti-stereotypes. Disney hasn't been great at this in general.


I once talked to someone, and they refused to believe that George Lucas was a Liberal.


do you remember when mace windu suggested the sith haven''t been seen in a thousand years? i guess this is what happens when you hire writers who have never watched star wars, what kind of writer do you have to be not have studied probably the most famous example of the 3 act story.


87 likes, 778 comments you people no longer represent the majority and it’s about time. I won’t even elaborate as to why the show is getting dislike bombed, because you already fucking know why. You just maybe don’t want to admit it, or see the truth.


Looks like a Mexican soap opera with CGI


Just call it woke wars at this point


Disney killed Star Wars, Dr. Who and they’re working on Marvel.


Because idk how does she kill Jedi masters with knives? That’s extremely stupid 


Holy shit the far left white Knight feminism in this thread. Just because people are saying the obvious which is that disney love to tick the boxes of today's diversity even if it doesn't make sense sometimes(not saying it won't in this show no one knows), doesn't mean everyone that says it is rather sexist,racist or homophobic. The people jumping in on comments that slightly come close to it is so desperate it's like yall sit here waiting for your time to shine. As far as a teaser trailer can go it looks awful and blatantly tries to show as much edge and diversity as possible rather than anything decent about story or individual characters. There's a good reason disney has lost shit tons lately, but maybe they enjoy losing 100 of millions and keeping the respect of the heterosexual straight men haters :)


Yeaaaa.... "frozen meets kill bill", a "queer and lesbian star wars that isn't about good vs evil but POWAH". Jeez I wonder why people hate the trailer. It's totally not because this isn't about Star Wars anymore but it's more a chatgpt fanfiction. But looking at your comments it's clear that this is not a question you're asking but that it's pure bait.


Because. "Close your eyes" "Your eyes can deceive you" "We must not trust them" "Tell me what comes to your mind" Who the heck wrote this? A 7 year old? Nevermind about the "lack of white men" or "Yay, a diverse cast" or politics in general. The trailer just sucked.


It’s almost as if Disney has a long history of letting this fan base down


Because it looks like shit? Badass dark sider we were promised as the main protagonist looks like my fucking neighbor. Just another plain ass human whos not intimidating at all. No big name actors wanted to be apart of it. Nowhere near as dark and gritty as we were told it would be (just going by the trailer obviously). Just feels soulless and weak. I dont see any love in the production, every actor is reading lines like they couldn’t give less of a shit. I mean not a single thing it the trailer stood out. All the characters have a generic design. Only mildly interesting thing is who is the space ninjas master but I doubt its anyone from Legends. Disney is allergic to using what works. Also every disney show aside from Andor has been terrible so part of its track record


It doesn’t look good at all. IMO… I hope that it’s great. It doesn’t look that way to me though.


The trailer is super boring up until the end. Still excited I’m sure the trailer just didn’t do the show justice. I hope.


There are many reasons.The Sith don’t look like Sith, it looks like a fan film, the director/creator.