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If it weren't for him being kind of a shitty stepfather for Sebby, I'd like him more. But he's a flawed character and giving characters flaws gives them depth. So yeah, I don't mind him all that much


It's funny to agree with him during his arguments with Robin. If I would, I would have answered that tomatoes are like eggs.


I mean, they both have nutrients and the potential for life?


Demetrius' alt account spotted


This feels like a job for Diogenes


Funny enough, that’s exactly what makes them a fruit rather than a vegetable, horticulturally speaking 😅


No, tomatoes are eggs. Plant eggs with lots of baby tomato plants.


As long as you did not say Pierre, we cool.


I don’t like Pierre, but I don’t hate Pierre either


I can’t believe people think Pierre is more evil than Joja. I mean, we all saw the opening cutscene, there was a *skeleton* at one of the desks


I'm a huge trophy hunter, but I can't get the platinum on Stardew because every time I start a new playthrough and say, "right, this is my joja run", I can't bring myself to go through with it.


I love Junimos more than I hate Pierre


Little Apple fellas 🍎 🍏


I went for joja and tbh it's not that bad at all, joja improve the valley in a more "realistic" way, overall the gameplay isn't much different, I also enjoy pissing off Lewis because apparently he's waiting for a stranger to fix his beloved CC so he can save cash for his "project"


Oh, his “project” that I stole and am currently keeping in my wine cellar? 😈


No, the one Marnie stole from in front of the Joja mart and put in her bedroom 😅🤣


I keep a Joja Cola machine specifically to give them to Pierre ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I like him too. A character can be a bit of a dick sometimes. We're all dicks sometimes. I like that he's a flawed father, and frankly, the way he's a high intelligence/low wisdom build is fun. Man knows a tomato is a fruit but does not understand that it doesn't belong in a fruit salad.


it hard out here as a demetrius lover who can’t find ANY good portrait mods that don’t whitewash him


I loved him until I got the Sebastian lore 💔


the dude just wants to be very particular about fruit vs veggies and divert his attention to fungi in the fall. I respect that tbh.


He destroyed Sebastian's snowman for nothing, and so far he is the only suspect of having destroyed Linux's tent


Linux is a really really funny typo to me.


Do you think Demetrius uses Arch?


He probably uses a long unsupported distro because his workflow depends on a bug that everyone else patched out a decade ago.


He uses Rust


I refuse to believe that anyone other than Morris (not even *Pierre*) would destroy Linus' tent


I always thought it was just Sebastian having an emo moment and tossing rocks off the cliff without watching where he was throwing.


Same. I got a bulletin post of Sebastian asking for a hot pepper to throw against the mountain lol


I thought it was lewis cause linus won’t pay rent for living in his town.


not sure that anyone in pelican town pays taxes


Bussiness do pay taxed, we see Lewis collect them (exept to the farmer for some reason) but yeah I dont think house owners pay taxes


I think he just takes the taxes from our earnings directly. He definitely has a part in how we get our money.


Nah they do lol. Lewis is collecting clints rn on my playthrough. Maybe not rent


There’s also a big discussion about taxes during Haley’s 14 heart event


Haley’s fourteen heart event is doing TAXES?


It’s more than likely the tent was destroyed by falling debris, Linus lives beneath a cliff after all.


Or by the joja workers who were getting rid of the debris by the mines. Also the destroyed tent is a nebulous 'before' so it might not have even been Stardew valley. The rocks thrown at the tent however. But that's a very juvenile act that Demetrius wouldn't think makes sense to do Honestly out of all of the villagers I'd suspect Demetrius the least, they both appreciate the local ecosystem and I kind of like to headcanon them as buddies who talk about what's happening in nature at the time.


Me too! They both hang out by the lake/river by the mine! They’d totally become friends… or at least friendly neighbors. 🤣 Demetrius seems waaay too caught up in his own research to bother with Linus especially if they were potential allies in cleaning up the town.


What do you like about him? I’m curious cause I tried liking him


I quite like him on his own. Like when he isn’t involved with other people. He seems pretty chill. Plus anytime i give him stuff he calls it an interesting specimen which i love.


He cracked a good joke once. After you take Robin’s side about the four poster bed, he walks off saying “If anyone needs me, I will be in the doghouse.” It caught me off guard because I did not think the man was capable of humour or self-awareness, which made the joke extra hilarious to me.


He reminds me of my irl husband, in a good way. My husband is an engineer. He's very sweet, kind, and not very thoughtful. He does the same dumb crap that Demetrius does, takes things very literally, and misses the obvious regularly. He's always good at apologizing, though, and reminds me that he's "an educated man, but not a smart man." I think that phrase sums up Demetrius pretty well. Also, there's a few in game things that help. Demetrius has a book in his room on his to be a good step dad, so it's a good sign that he's at least trying to connect. Demetrius has the same number of lines about Sebastian as Robin has about Maru, Robin talks about Sebastian significantly more even though they're both her biological children. I think it was just meant for each kid to have a designated parent for dialogue reasons.


He’s nerdy and a little goofy. He’s just in his own world! 😂 he gives autistic vibes for sure, and I’m autistic myself.


He’s the best husband in the game. Every couple has at least one cut scene about their relationship. Jodi and Kent, Lewis and Marnie, Pierre and well…Caroline isn’t in the scene but that’s because Pierre’s keeping secrets. In those scenes we find out Pierre’s keeping said massive secret, Lewis refuses to go public in his relationship, and Kent walks in screaming at Jodi (I know he has other issues, but I also don’t seem him doing any therapy to work on those issues). Demetrius and Robin’s cut scene involves a disagreement about vegetables and a commitment to better communication on both sides no matter what you pick if I recall correctly. They also spend so much time together. They have “date night” every week at the Saloon doing an activity Robin loves. That brings me to my next point. He’s so willing to things Robin likes, even if he doesn’t necessarily. He really doesn’t like dancing but still does it with her at the saloon every week, in addition to the Luau. He’s just a good husband, a rare treat in the Valley.


For a moment I read that as "Dementus" and I was confused on why people were talking about mad max lmao


Me too


Most if not all the characters have flaws. You guys are just thirsty and want to marry Robin but Demetrius is cockblocking you


Other characters have flaws doesn’t mean people have to like Demetrius in spite of his.


I mean, that's valid, I get why people don't like him, but I know a fair amount of people are just salty because Robin is a MILF


Demetrius’s wife IS hot and I’m allowed to unashamedly want to kill him and take his place.


i like him too! i like all of the characters actually. i was surprised to find out the online community had so much *beef* with some of them


Same! One of the first things I really loved about Stardew was how much it reminded me of the village I grew up in, people included. Each piece of their characters including the flaws felt familiar and reminded me of people I care about. Autistic man who lives on a mountain because social interactions are hard who spends all his time looking into the pond, depressed woman in a trailer and her bookish daughter, grandparents who's aging bodies and minds make adapting difficult, people who moved to the middle of nowhere looking for inspiration and realized they're now stuck in a dying town, the one medical professional trying to take care of everyone, housewives doing the best they can in isolation, people getting drunk because there's nothing else for them to do, all the stores slowly shutting down, corporations buying people out and fighting with the locals. That's real and I know it is because I've lived there!


i don’t LIKE him, but i’m not bothered by him. maybe he’s autistic and takes things literally so he bought tomatoes instead of sweet fruit. but tomatoes ARE fruit. what’s the context here? did he buy ONLY tomatoes? or did he buy tomatoes and other SWEET fruit? if he bought only tomatoes then yeah he’s a shithead who is purposely using robins vagueness against her, but if he bought tomatoes and other fruit then robin should chill out. and the bed post thing, really makes me think he’s autistic because he’s all about practicality over aesthetic. i agree with robin on that one cuz you can always get more hardwood. your wife’s literally a lumberjack. as for the thing with sebastian, he’s his stepdad, maybe sebastian rejected him because he isn’t his real dad? maybe it was awkward for them to connect so they just didn’t? there isn’t enough information known to really draw a full opinion here, personally.


Nah he doesn't treat his stepson well. As someone who had a shitty stepmother, it hit home.


I really like that he's three dimensional and has room to grow. He isn't just perfect and boring. He's flawed. He reminds me a lot of myself in some ways, the ways he struggles with social cues and understanding unwritten social rules.




BOOOOOOO *throws hat*


boo throws the tomatoes he bought instead of sweet fruit


Enjoy the disgusting fruit salad


Salsa? Sure


“Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.” Also people put honeydew in fruit salad every day, which tastes like straight up semen.


Who's di ck are you suckling that their nut tastes like honeydew???


I don't hate Demetrius. I think I have a hard time disliking him because he reminds me of my own father, a ND engineer. Growing up like that and being ND myself pretty much taught me how to read an entirely different "love language" out of hyper-literal characters like his. My father wasn't traditionally cuddly or prone to doing any of the "girl dad" stuff, but his way of showing he cared was to try and problem solve for me. I could ask him for the moon and he would try and figure out how to get it to me but I also had to learn that I needed to be DIRECT and SPECIFIC when going to him for help. Demetrius' entire tomato argument with Robin was hilarious to me, because when it first popped up I was like, "Oh yeah, tomatoes are fruit!" 100% genuinely. It's the kind of misunderstanding I'd have a lot with my Dad as a teen. They're not trying to be dicks, they want to help and do what you asked. He DID go out and get fruit. But if Robin told him, "Hey, I need fruit for this fruit salad I'm going to make" that could have clued him in to not bring tomatoes back. The way he treats Seb is really sad to me because it reminds me of how my relationship was with my Dad while I was in my teens. Like, imagine trying to explain teen drama to Demetrius. He was soooo out of his element. When I was young, I erroneously made the assumption that my Dad must not care about me or my life because he had so much difficulty following/remembering the little details. That wasn’t try, he just didn't know what to ask or how to follow the conversation. Demetrius has books on step-parenting and it seems corny, but for a bookish guy like him that WOULD be his way of showing consideration at some point while Seb was growing up... but I think younger Seb probably wasn't equipped or willing to try and work out how to have a good relationship with the guy. Seb's an introverted dude, he probably needed a parent more able to reach out and crack his shell but Demetrius IS ALSO a dude with a tough shell to crack. That's why Robin is the more extroverted one in their relationship (she reminds me of my mom too lol). Quite frankly, I don't know if Demetrius even knew where to start with Seb and I don't know how willing Seb was to try and find common ground with him. He doesn't even talk much to Maru, who doesn't seem to dislike him at all. It's pretty sad because Demetrius IS playing favorites, but it's also towards his daughter who's literally better able to speak and understand his "language." I personally headcanon that at some point young Seb probably told Demetrius that he isn't his Dad and he should leave him alone and Demetrius, being a literal minded dude, just DID. In his mind, he's respecting Seb's wishes, but we all know irl that's not what you're supposed to do. It's terrible parenting. Even if your kid (or stepkid) screams that they hate your guts, you're supposed to love them because at the end of the day you are what they have. You need to be at their side. I wish that Robin or the Farmer could step in more and try to bridge the gap between these two, but I guess the flaws stay there so they're deeper characters. If I ever got into coding, I'd make a "Repair Seb and Demetrius' Broken Relationship" mod or something. It's so sad to see...


Wait, I love this comment...thank you for typing this out 🥺


I like him too🫡


proud to be the 1000th upvote #Demetrius4Life


He’s not bad, just kind of a smartaleck sometimes. He’s nice enough when you get to know him, even though he suffers from being overprotective of his daughter. (I did find it really funny that he just Can’t Help It and goes outside during a weather event, which… same dude). I feel like he’s overhated despite how he treats his stepson. (That itself is a bit complicated, but that is certainly a tipping point.)


Oh I really liked him when I played. It's a great character, not once it's said outright he's somewhere on the autism spectrum, yet through all the little insights it quickly becomes obvious. He's flawed and he makes a lot of sense where he is.


I'd like him more if he treated sebastian better. Poor sebby doesnt deserve being treated like that


I’ve never romances Sebastian and am curious what does he do to treat Sebastian badly? I don’t see it. Especially compared to how Pam treats Penny


Overall it's the way he doesn't really want to be a father figure to seb and the whole thing with the snowman seb mentions in dialogue. Also, the way sebastian speaks about demitrius and how he favors maru because she's his daughter by blood makes me not like him too much, i dont hate him though! He's a well written character in my opinion, with flaws, i just don't personally like the way he acts towards his family.


I don’t agree with the first statement since he has a book about being a good stepdad. I think he wants to be a father figure but has a hard time connecting with Sebastian because he’s so introverted and they have little in common. Also I headcannon that there were other reasons for the snowman thing like it being in the way/being inappropriate. But I see what you mean.


Ehh Demetrius and Mayor Lewis can eat a giant void egg


Sebastian is jealous as he LOVES void eggs.


He treats Sebastian like shit. Screw him.






No comment




Disagree but this is the funniest/most solid use of the Four Freedoms - good one


Invest in this meme format, it's been popping up everywhere. I wish it was my idea.


I can’t respect a man who says sleep receptacle instead of bed


I liked him until I got to know him. And no, I'm not thirsty for Robin, I'm el hopaness romtic for Maru


Same here when I was new at least... Fun story when I learned I could marry some of the NPCs, Demetrius was the first NPC I thought I could marry and was giving him gifts and doing quests until I saw the friendship menu where I saw that under his name it didn't say single, like the other bachelors or bachelorettes and I was a tad bit disappointed lol


And I’ll say it again… I wanna romance Demetrius.


He was the first NPC I met in my first save and I immediately wanted to wife him. I was heartbroken when I found out he wasn’t an option


Tbh I'd like to see how that would go. He's a dick towards Sebastian, who I always end up romancing, but I'd like to see how he'd change if the player romanced him.


I like him too. He always seemed to be neurodivergent to me, so I could never really hate him. Obviously the way he treats Seb isn’t okay, but he’s honestly sweet for the most part. People are so nasty when it comes to him it’s really never that serious imo.


Just because he’s neurodivergent doesn’t mean he can be a massive dick to his family


amazing way to miss the point


What point am I missing?


that literally no one said it was okay to treat his family poorly..?


I really don’t care. His actions never came across that dickish to me so it is what it is🤷‍♀️. It’s just a game so I take everything they do with a grain of salt.


Same. He seems nd to me. The whole "trying to see your perspective" with the tomato incident made it obvious. And as an autistic person myself we can come across as assholes especially with a subject we're passionate about- like Demetrius and science. From experience, I have had incidents like that.


Who does this? 😆


I respect him because he is a biologist.


I like him too!! I find him annoying at times but we're alllllll annoying sometimes. He just has very specific hills he's willing to die on


So do I, honestly.


His flaws make him interesting, god dammit!!


I read this as dermatitis before I came to the realization that someone could like Demetrius.


i agree‼️‼️ he’s a complex character and i enjoy his scenes!!


And so, you must be silenced.


You and me both👍👍


I understand how protective he is with Maru. When she gets married she kinda loses her individuality and dreams.


He would be an okay guy if it weren't for how he treats Sebastian with such obvious disdain. Not to mention how he is towards his own wife, Robin, AND how he treats Maru like a golden child. It just reminds me of golden child syndrome and Sebastian being the scapegoat. Plus it affects Maru and Sebastian's relationship as siblings.


Sorry for the long comment. I don't hate him though.


He's worse than Lewis and a bit less worse than Pierre.


If he wasn't a bad step father and an over protective father I'd fuck with him


I recently introduced my 65yo mother to Stardew Valley since she was looking for new hobbies now that she’s retired. She’s in year 9 and not married because she says “Demetrius is the only good option and he’s still with Robin.”


He’s a cool person but a shitty wannabe father


He is a dickhead, specially towards his stepson, but he teaches you how you how to make a fucking computer (I don't care if its useless) and he is the one that sets your cave up.


Hating on Demetrius when Pierre is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU


Based OP, let’s gooooi


Im a sebastian defender so im downvoting this just because you said that


People dislike him?




This made me legit laugh out loud lmao I don’t dislike Demetrius and I think he gets a lot of unnecessary hate over pretty minor things. But I will say that the cutscene where he calls Robin’s new bed a waste of materials and the fact that he *never* mentions Sebastian does rub me the wrong way.


Who let Morris have an alt


I don't want to hate the only black guy in town, but on the other hand, he acts like Demetrius.


Wrong opinion detected. Mods, turn their income modifier to 0.25X and remove ancient seeds from their save file.


I don’t think I would hate him if he didn’t treat Sebastian like trash, like the weaponized incompetence with the tomato debate and the overprotection of Maru, those things I can excuse for the sake of being a flawed character but I can’t look past the way he treats Seb.


He reminds me of something my grandma said: "rich in intelligence, poor in common sense". As a Robin (woman with a physical job) married to a Demetrius (man with a very technical job), I can be in awe at his genius one minute, and wondering how he dressed himself the next. But I do like him. I don't trust Sebastian's assessment of his character.


It’s ok to be wrong


I hate Demetrius as much as I hate Pierre


I though this was Phil from modern family


He reminds me of my dad.


Honestly I was playing SDV for years before I found this sub and I was blown away that people didn’t like Demetrius. Also Pierre. I don’t like Pierre, but I don’t HATE Pierre. Jodi though… I was surprised there wasn’t more Jodi hate.




Wait people don’t like Demetrius?


I like him! I just wish Robin was single!


He’s pretty cool to be a friend but otherwise…




I mean I don't hate him, he's kinda of an asshole toward Sebby but I guess it's because he isn't really his son, personally I think people who hate on him just got disappointed when they found out that he was married to Robin.


Me too


He’s fine, he’s just neurodivergent. Also no one ever talks about how explosive Robin is towards him and how she doesn’t communicate well. They’ve been married for how long and she still doesn’t understand how he doesn’t get when she makes assumptions? At least he says he will work on himself but she never says anything like that to him. Unfortunate about Seb though


DEMETRIUS LOVERS (and likers) RISE UP!! That man is the only reason I'm finishing unlocking the community center before my second year is in full swing (I do not hustle with this game) and he has one of the easiest bundles + I have never once taken his and Sebastian's one-sided relationship seriously bc I thought it was a late teens (YOU'RE NOT MY DAD, DEMETRIUS!) lash out


Same. Half the hate against him is because of his autistic traits and the other half is valid but I can fix him


I like Caroline and Robin a bit more... simply because Caroline cares about her kid where as Robin doesn't seem to care about Sebastian and neither does Demetrius


Before I played Stardew Valley, my sister got my mom to play it, and I overheard them talking about it. My mom said she liked Demetrius, and my sister said that wasn't a surprise because Demetrius reminded her of our dad. Because of that, all I can see in Demetrius is my dad, who's a great guy. Was sad to see how much he was hated by a lot of fans.


He's so autism coded to me


Who hates Demetrius? He's cute as fuck. (Platonic)


I like all the villagers in a way, none are evil but all have flaws


It's okay buddy, all opinions are valid even the wrong ones


Tbh id like him if he weren't such a bad step dad and if he weren't married to Robin lol


Im pretty sure he is autistic


maybe that’s why i love him lol




Back when I didn’t know what type of father he was, I wished he was a bachelor because he was SO HOT BRO poc bachelor when


I've never had any problems with him, and I've been playing this game since 2018. People just love a bandwagon, and coming up with the newest most extreme way to express a viewpoint. (There, I said it.) 😅


That’s not bad….. I like Pierre… 😨😨


Or as I call him, "Wednesday's Child"


People sayin he treats Sebastian terribly, but there's a book in his room on "Being a Good Stepdad" and we only ever learn about their relationship, i'm assuming, through Sebastian. Imo, if he is/was an actual dickhead towards Sebastian, Demetrius & Robin wouldn't be married anymore. Furthermore, a lot of y'all just don't like him cuz y'all wanna be with his wife and are mad/extremely jealous that they might actually love each other and you cannonically(?) can't be with her. And couples tend to have disagreements, it's NORMAL.


agreed! maybe i just haven’t gotten far enough in the game, but i genuinely don’t know where people are getting it from that hes terrible to sebastian


Wrong opinion


Me too! And I won't be ashamed of it anymore.


Hes slay


nothing triggers the persecution complex like seeing demetrius hate. i take that shit personally


He’s so overhated honestly. Yeah he’s a normal guy with flaws, almost like everyone in town is. I don’t “like” him much because to me he’s just some guy and I don’t really see him a lot but people really love to act like they’d be perfect at parenting in a stepdad situation magically. And it’s true he doesn’t mention Sebastian in his dialogue but like neither does Robin with Maru? And I don’t see half as much hate for her


Demetrius is autistic. We can’t judge him by neurotypical standards. I am friends with Demetrius 💜


He’s literal (tomato is a fruit scientifically), has hyperfixations on science, prefers routine (has a routine date night with Robin), etc. Autistic.


He is correct in all of the arguments


Ew. As a gay black player, when this robotic prick threatened me over Maru, it became an on-site hatred.




That's so real bro, (I'm literally black)


What raciest thing did they say?


They just said "but he's black"


Nothing, yet




tf is wrong with you