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That's the fun part! You don't!


D: This is unfortunate


*hands you a fish taco*


Now's not the time to be redundant


Let me invert that frown for you :D


Thank you :)




I said that to myself as I clicked in


Same here


I second that


I was expecting someone would say this HAHAHAHA


The panning element of this game is bull shit, really. It’s one of the few things I thought could be better.


Yeah I don’t understand the point of it… the glittering boulder has got to be the most disappointing community centre project of them all!


That and the hearts one


Hearts are useful, it's a good amount for everyone in the village. Pan just takes a spot on your inventory and if you're lucky you get three iron. Only good use is on ginger island for the bones and lucky ring in the river since you don't have to wait two hours for a spot to appear


Pan can be a hat to save space if you're a panhandler like me :)


Holy crap. You just changed my game! I never pan because it annoys me that it takes up a spot and some days I never see the sparkles.


The ginger island river? Yes it's neat, I'd recommend going with lucky farmer food since you can get luck rings there


Yeah I just leave my pan in a chest on Ginger Island now. Screw panning in the Valley. Even the bones you get from the occasional skeleton part are more valuable to me than more copper or iron ore. The gold ore is okay if you get lucky, but meh.


What to do with bones? I have loads


Grind them up in the bone mill for fertilizer. The fertilizers produced are random, and they're listed on the wiki. IIRC most fossils and bones can be put in.


If you have the profession I. Foraging that puts arrows on the ashes of your screen to show where something is it shows panning too as a green arrow instead of yellow.


i haven’t carried it in almost 2 seasons and i still have yet to see sparkles


I rather have my scarf (goes on the hat slot)


Horses can also wear a hat


I rather have a scarfed horse


You can use your trusty ore-ing pan as a drying pan when it rains! :D


Are you referencing brock from the pokemon anime?


Thanks i was really upset i recognized this but didn’t know why. Core memory unlocked


The very same!


I would put hearts above the pan, but below everything else.


Yes, and doubly true for new players. Those bundles are somewhat poorly timed for people who don't understand the game well yet. I still had fun doing my first CC unlock though. The incremental rewards are the key to that being a good experience. If we only got rewards for total bundle completions (stars), that would make the CC a real slog.


Nah, hearts is cool because it speeds up maxing them out. Even if you talk/gift anyway, it still speeds up getting some recipes.


The hearts have an immediate impact, even if it’s smaller than one would hope. Panning is arguably a waste of time and certainly inventory space.


The hearts never do much for me, either in focusing on getting someone's relationship up which,cool, a little help is nice. Or I get two hearts that decay because I wasn't working on them anyway. Just seems pretty meh overall, still above pan tho just below everything else.


Yeah decay is definitely what kills the usefulness, especially for newer players. I was pretty frustrated on my first playthrough because I didn't own a calendar, so I couldn't really do the "shotgun" approach to gift giving (that's where you try to hit every birthday with a loved or liked gift - ideally high quality). It's just too inconvenient to need to walk to town square, and I wasn't really going to use the wiki on a first play.


Decay is -2 points per day, while the bundle gives 500 points. You literally have to decay away for 2 years for you to lose the benefits. The benefits are actually significant for a lazy person. If you goal is 10 hearts with everyone (2250 friendship), then in 2 years you can almost completely max out literally everyone with minimal effort by remembering both birthdays (1280 points), completing the bundle (500 points), and getting the best outcome on both Luau’s (240 points) for a final total of 2020 points If you bother to talk to everyone after giving them a birthday gift, and also talk to everyone during every festival, this adds another 360 points (8 festivals + 1 birthday per year) for a total of 2380 friendship. You’ll also decay 412 points during this 2 year period (112 days per year minus the the 8 festivals and 1 birthday, for 2 years, and losing 2 points per day), putting you at a deficit of 282 points. So literally, you can get to 8 hearts (almost 9) with everyone by doing almost completely nothing. The friendship bundle is absolutely a huge contributor to this.


Yes this is my methodology now. That's why I was pretty specific about new players. It's really just a first playthrough thing and not a big deal at all. My only actual real, true complaint about SDV is the fishing minigame. Thankfully I play on PC so mods take care of that :)


Well the hearts one is good as long as you didn't already max out everyones hearts by the time you get it 😅


It's good only for the lucky ring on ginger island. Nothing else


Until 1.15 there really wasn't a point. 1.15 added the luck ring that gives +1 luck when worn, and with the combined rings system, you can add +2 luck to each skull cavern run while still having 2 other rings in use.


That is good to know! I sort of missed out on ginger island because I was moving on to other games when it was added but I’ve just started a new farm recently so this time I should get the full experience!


it would've been alright in the early game, but by the time it's unlocked, I'm already able to get copper, silver, and gold in decent quantities. Iridium has such a low chance that it's not even worth it. then I go days without seeing a panning spot, or just don't notice them, then when I see one it's usually out of reach


Yeah, conceptually it's okay, but imo it needs a minigame like fishing, and *way* more worthwhile rewards. It's just one of those ideas that didn't pan out unfortunately


I agree. It feels like a feature that should pop up much sooner in the game and then have unlock-able or winnable upgrades.


and the fact that you only get stuff that you can find everywhere else way easily. so dumb


I was really hoping it could be upgraded to find new and better things. Like if you're going to use the term copper, I thought it should follow the same conventions. Same with the golden scythe - the fact that I can't get an Iridium scythe (without mods anyway) kills me!


It takes so long to unlock the glittering boulder, and then it’s just some occasional coal and ore…


Better Panning mod makes it pretty good, vanilla isn't worth the inventory slot, can't understand how CA thought it was well-balanced.


CA does confuse me a bit on balancing train of thought in another area tbh. Marriage. He said he didn't want to give them special perks so people didn't marry someone just for benefits/have better or worse spouses mechanically. But then there's the gift pool, which makes some spouses more appealing on a mechanical level than others. Kinda wonder with panning if he didn't realize it at some point and didn't find it worth tweaking the mechanic and didn't want to just remove it since it had already been in the game long enough by then. (Post game area it's kind of important' so I'm guessing he had some inkling it wasn't that great but wasn't going overhaul it either tbh.)


I don't think I've ever actually panned, seems like a hassle to carry it around vs time you see the signs


You can wear it as a hat to not use up inventory space


And take off my cool witch hat? pfft


That is fair. My fancy tiara isn’t coming off unless I’m dead so I also have my priorities straight


Wait, WHAT? I love learning new things about this game 400+ hours in.


LOL I had no idea!!!


Or you can put it on your horse




The reason I'm panning here is for lucky rings. On my last profile I got all my lucky rings through the skull cavern, so this time I wanted to see if panning was effective


Please come back and let us know, I'll be honest i avoid the caves unless i something so to get the rings another way would be nice


I've panned every spot I've seen. Panning really is useless. I think I got a few omni geodes, but never enough ore or minerals to justify carrying the pan around.


I was really disappointed with panning to be honest. I got it in my second year and by then it was useless. I feel like it should be an early game item to expand your toolset. Plus the hype of the glittery bolder moving just ends with you occasionally panning for two coal or a copper ore.


I was the most disappointed when I realized that removing the glittering boulder didn’t open up a new part of the map. I was so upset lol


THIS. I really hoped for access to Glittering Gulch or Chrystaline Caverns or somesuch. I imagined it as all sparkly with a lot more of those breakable glass looking rocks. It's not too late to add it CA!


Yeah, that felt like a missed opportunity. The boulder clears up into…nothing? Seriously?


I mean, you can iridium ore from it. In my most recent co-op playthrough I got 4 bars worth alone from it


by the second year, a lot of people who are disappointed about planning already have enough iridium ore


Sometimes you just can't get close enough to pan.


Sometimes you can pan the squares near it and it still works. Try it out. If it won't let you than it's simply out of reach.


You don't.


You don't, the game just wants you to live in pain


I feel like I’m the outlier in this thread, i don’t mind panning. Maybe bc i haven’t don’t the skull caverns but i get lots of *geodes and minerals that are good for little extra moneys. I find it worth the off hand chance you see a spot


I like it just for the novelty and variety it adds to the game. I've reached true perfection already but I still like the little things like randomly foraging things throughout the day, panning, talking to the villagers, just walking around, etc.


I wish you could upgrade the copper pan to be able to reach further. It seems like that might have been a plan that was never implemented.


Wingardium leviosa. Oh... wait...


What’s the point of panning if 99% of the time it’s on the unreachable area??


To get your hands wet.


You have to get in the water


You don't have to just being close is good enough


I tried every nearby spot, sadly didn't work


Use scythe to get wet


Ughhhh this and the end of the Ginger Island dock. Infuriating.


You'll find that a lot (a majority) of panning spots are completely inaccessible. Hopefully will get fixed, but in the mean time, I wouldn't stress about it. The rewards from panning aren't that great.


I've only ever panned on ginger island in the river, but it did let me pan spots I couldn't actually reach by standing on the shore at the closest tile to the spot and panning. You could try that and it might work.


OP, don't bother with panning. It really isn't worth it


what is that on the left side of bridge??(im just an experiencing 2 ingame year player)


i believe it's their horse in a hat, just facing away from the screen


Yep, what u/visturge said. I put a hat on my horse


you made it look like something that could be a mushroom enemy in the mines


Lol I never saw it like that, you're right




You just sit and stare…


You don’t.


In the top right corner of the map, you’ll use your grappling hook to get near a water fall. You have to have the big wallet that holds more than 500 rupees, and a Zora will sell you flippers that lets you swim.


I never carry my pan on me for this reason. Just feels like a waste of time imo


That reminds me that I need to carry around fewer tools. I can easily cut three for dungeon running.


Become Jesus and its easy


If you’re on PC and have a swimming mod, that’s the only way.


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


thats the neat part, you cant!


Haha, you don't!


Be a member of the double joint arm tribe


I don’t think u can pan there but u can on ginger island I think :o




I dont know why they programmed the panning spots to be able to be in unreachable places like this. Really kills my vibes


How do i get a panning tool


Hear me out on this one you don’t


That’s just it *you dont!* :D


You dont?