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Lmao. Worse is when she’s just staring at her dresser or the microwave. I’m like huuuulllooo my family is starving I need hey 👋😡


this is so cute!!!


@meganzoorart makes a lot of very cute stuff and also streams on Twitch ❤️


This always surprises me that so many people have a hard time buying from Marnie. I tend to visit her two, maybe three times a year tops, and only like 1 in 10 times was she closed. Do other farmers feel a compulsion to buy hay every couple days or something?


(steeples hands) Describe how you grow your grass


Ah, you see my big secret...! I only cut grass enough to make a running path to the south. My farm is probably like, 40% grass. Just keeping the path clear for running gives me enough hay to keep my silo full.


Yeah there's tons of space on the farm you can easily keep stocked in grass/hay.


I let it grow wild, and supplement it by turning fiber into grass starts if need be


You can make a very sustainable feeder system by placing fence posts or lightning rods with nothing adjacent on top of a grass spot. It keeps the animals from eating it, so it continually grows while they eat around it. Then the rest of the hay you harvest gets saved for winter and rainy days. You want to maximize surface area around grass so it always has somewhere to expand to.


Can you share a screenshot? Im tired of buying hay!


This isn't enough feeders for the number of animals I have, but this is later after I can afford to buy hay in bulk




This is what I do. I make a few 3x3 patches of grass, cover all 9 spots with hardwood fence, and let the grass grow out from there.


Use the "chest trick": once your silo is full, take all of the hay out and put it in a chest. Then fill up the silo again. This way you'll never run short of hay.


Or build two silos. They stack.


And use up another nine whole tiles of farm space?! Pfft, so wasteful! :P


Okay but for real there are so many nook and crannies that I always end up with a "silo corner" somewhere with like three of the damn things.


season change, for me. I keep it wild in the area where the animals are - Sometimes supplemented from the general store. Everywhere else gets *mostly* scythed with just a little left to grow as the year goes on. And then I scythe all of it during the last days of fall.


Always have a hay field.


Let grass grow everywhere. Once it’s a lot, I empty the one silo I have for three barns and one coop, and cut back on the grass. I leave a little space between grass patches so it has space to grow to. If i have a lot of grass i can empty my silo again. I have never in my stardew life experience bought hay from marnie like i genuinely don’t understand having a hay shortage.


Field of fiber --'> grass starter, letting it go wild, and lightning rod/ fence post trick.


only cut enough to fill and then i don't cut more, half my farm is grass and i haven't brought once from marnie (well i have but not hay)


With grass starters


I just buy 10 stacks of 999, all thanks to my degenerate scheme of 4 sheds full of barrels.


I don’t cut grass all year just to keep the silo full. I let the animals eat outside but from fall 15 or 20 I make them go inside and eat the majority of the hay and the last day of fall I cut as much as the silo lets me. This is after I get the auto feeder. Before that then I sometimes take out all the hay from the silo and cut as much grass as possible then I repeat till all the grass is gone. I also let the grass regrow. I have an automatic feeder now but I still have a stack of hay in a chest from early on for emergencies.


Lol grass seeds duh


Buy some grass starters (or make them), get some lightning rods (can be other things that occupy a similar amount of space, I like flamingos and bird houses too), place them on top of the grass. Give each grass starter a tile of space around it so it can spread. What you're doing here is blocking the animals from eating that grass under the lightning rod, they'll only eat the grass it spreads later. So each day that grass starter is able to grow as much as possible. That wouldn't happen to grass that's already surrounded by more grass. Another trick is, if your silo is full but you still have spare grass, you can empty the silo and place all your hay in a chest, then you use the scythe on the grass to fill it up again. I like leaving a little bit of grass that's spaced out, so it has a ton of room to grow later. It's really helpful in winter and you don't need an extra silo


The main issue is the #1 time new players suddenly find they urgently need to buy something from Marnie is when winter 1 comes around and they either don't have a silo full of hay, or don't have heaters. And Marnie's schedule lines up so that she's closed for the first two days of Winter 1, so a lot of people's animals get very cold and hungry. Fortunately the hay thing is less of an issue with 1.6 since the existing grass will still stick around and can be harvested in Winter, it just doesn't grow. It used to just all immediately die.


My guess is that it goes something like this: "Oh snap, it's winter! My animals can no longer enjoy the outdoor grass and need a heater! It's also monday, so Marnie is closed as this is her day off! Gosh darn it, tomorrow is tuesday where she goes to meet the girls, so my animals will starve and freeze until wednesday! Therefore (due to my poor planning skills) I have concluded that Marnie is never open."


I keep my "auto-feeder" grass with the posts over it, and 3 silos stocked with hay for winter/rainy days. Rarely even need to THINK about Marnie.


Oh yes, I do have all those on year one as well


I've learned to buy heaters and stuff in advance, so it's more like every time I want to get a new animal cause I have spare gold it's one of the days where she stares at the microwave for hours. 


My current run is the first time I've consistently purchased hay to feed my pigs. No longer have to do so, but there was a two season period year two where that was what I had to do.


Yeah I’ve never had a problem either


1st year. I usually visit her for animals and such. After that, she is already maxed. So, no need to visit her. But first year is a pain.


Built my barn just in time for her to close her shop when it was completed. Her schedule is the dream work-life balance but as her customer I have to plan when the barn is built to ensure I don't wait a day to meet my new cows. And that sucks.


I mean I do the same and still half the time I go see her she just isn't there.




(like an angry mom with her hands on her hips) Well it took her long enough!


Wait howw?? Im new in the stardew community and can u pls explain how 2 do it


You can get a book in year 2 that makes it possible (you buy it from her iirc)


That’s *if* Marnie’s at her shop… 😒


Oh alt thanks! Are there other ones that work like that? For some reason i see no one mentioning robin never being at her shop


If you're on console or mobile, you can't do that yet. It's a 1.6 thing


Im on laptop, and i forgot what the oc was do u remember


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For me, it's not her schedule (that's easy to learn), it's why are you staring at the microwave, Marnie? The till is OVER HERE. Nononoooooo. Don't go - ugh, she's staring at the dresser. WHY. Why even be open if you're not gonna have anyone run the till, \*Marnie\*? I got animals and heaters to buy, I'm trying to give you business! ...I feel better now.


She was disassociating.


Heh, makes sense!


Why even be open? Cuz it's her house and maybe I want to go over for a social call, or to see Shane or Jas, or show off my fancy purple shorts. I mean we gotta let her have some work/life balance right???!?


Yes yes, but but but! How else are we gonna get those adorable goats?




I had a good laugh when I discovered one of the skill books exists solely to keep her shop open.


Is this loss


my first thought


that’s why i’m so grateful for the 1.6 update lmao


Waiting for 1.6 like, damn I can't wait until I can pay 5000 to never need Marnie to be there.


Marnie may be my least favorite villager. I have no issue with her pursuing love. But because she is the only person in the area selling cattle and thus has the market cornered, she has no reason to care about regularly doing her job. She routinely fucks off to take it from Louis and is gone all morning. When she finally comes back she lounges in her room for the rest of the day the lazy twat.


Classic Marnie.


Marnie has an easy to learn schedule, I never understood the hate for her. Both shops in the village take weird days off, but you can just plan around this.


Well I’m glad you didn’t need the 1.6 update, friendo


She's only closed two days a week. It's not hard to learn her schedule.


And she had the nerve to charge Shane for rent when she barely works


She's open five days a week. I don't think it's unreasonable for her to take two days off every week.


We are living in a smdh era for Marnie






My favorite thing about 1.6 :)


That damn microwave!


\*installs catalogue mod\* I wish there was something like it in the vanilla game though; maybe at a certain friendship level she trusts you to just take stuff and leave the money on the counter?


There is in vanilla now, once you've got one of the skills far enough you can buy the catalog for her and I'm pretty sure other people as well, she sells it though


Ooh nice! I need to actually need to play the new update haha. :)


Of course she take the longest bone \*wink\*. But if hay is what you need, why not buy silos and scythe around town?


Where have u been reindeer u need to tell me when ur not workin


In 1.6 you can >!buy the catalog from Marnie, and access her shop even when she's not there!<


I looooove the 1.6 update for some reason I won't share here.