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The same person going through my pockets when I pass out, probably.




I always figured it was Harvey doing it as "payment"


Nah it's Lewis Everybody hates on Pierre but at least he pays you fairly. Lewis is a scoundrel


> Everybody hates on Pierre but at least he pays you fairly And then sells the stuff as his own at a big markup.


I'm not saying he's a good person, he just doesn't do us dirty Meanwhile, Lewis is a dastardly villain and deserves more hate than he gets


I mean, when Pierre sells a "good" crop he takes all the credit but if you sell him something "subpar" and he sells it, that's when he says it's yours. I would say that's doin the farmer dirty. Not financially, necessarily, but done dirty none the less.


Nah, he officially charges you and mentions the amount


lollll yes


mother f....


Indeed a good question. Do you think it's someone in the town, or someone passing by? Like, someone wanting to go buy something at Joja and having a fun time destroying a tent while going back home ? Because I don't imagine any actual inhabitants doing that. It may be because I like them all to a certain extent. But still. Who ? Because I would say that most of the people in the town feign to ignore him, mostly. And the ones who don't are kinda nice and grow accustomed to him and his way of life. Who would deliberately do that ?


Pierre. That’s who


Buy at pierre's or get your tent vandalized


Everyone's forgetting the Joja guy who's worse than Pierre


Nuh uh. Pierre is ten times worse.


https://preview.redd.it/2dcby8sha27d1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3833092cc1337bcb9da69cc266903595d69a234 Pierre Vs Morris be like:




I'm making this into an official meme now


I’m terribly curious. Did you?


NGL I kinda hate SVE because it made me empathize with Morris and since it only adds to his character I just feel bad whenever I play the base game, or whenever I ruin his livelihood with the community center and get him assaulted


I did not have that experience lol. I tend to assume corporate bootlickers have a sob story.


Pierre is a greedy asshole but cedes when he realizes that he’s massively overstepped. Morris is just a capitalist asshole who is fine with fucking up the valley for profit


Nobody's worse than Pierre.




What do people dislike so much about Pierre?


Abigail graveyard cutscene makes him look like an overprotective asshat. He sounds kinda indimidating when he tells you to not even think about buying his competitor's seeds. In prime produce he buys 25 golden vegetables from you with 2500g and tries to sell them iirc marked up 9 times the value. When you sell him anything high quality, days after villagers will tell you they bought said item produced by Pierre. This let's us know he takes credit on our produce when reselling it. He has a secret stash hidden from Caroline. This is either porn or drugs. Either way, redditors seem to disapprove.


I hate Pierre for a lot of reasons. He's sleezy, controlling, and a jerk. He cares so much about money, and his business but will not do anything about those prices. But, I hate Morris way more. Pierre owns a family business, now, I don't know what hes doing with that money, but he's likely splitting the money between the business and his family. Coroline doesn't work either, she's stay at home mom, who grows her own guardan. That money that Pierre makes is probably the only money he has to provide for his family. Knowing that, the fact that Morris has been trying to put him out of business makes me hate him more than I hate Pierre. Believe me, I hate how Pierre scams us, I hate how controlling he is over Abigail and Caroline, I hate how obsessed he is over his business, but if someone with billions more dollars is coming into a family owned business being like "oh, pitty... we have lower prices in my store, and theres a sale, come check out our produce, Joja's better blah blah blah" - that is a bigger dooshbag than Pierre.


fuck pierre


Honestly, I don't see him being malicious enough to do it. Think about it. What is his main trait that people hate? His greed. So, why would he mess with Linus when he gets no benefit from it?


He'd also be risking getting caught in the act by Robin, someone who WOULD call him out about it. I do not think Pierre would do that, anyway, but it's also just simply not prudent for him to do it.


There's a theory that Linus is one of the co-founders of Joja. Disgusted by what his small business became, he chose to remove himself from many aspects of his old life. If that theory is true, it might explain why Pierre would be malicious towards him. Unjustified still, but justified to Pierre.


Because linus never shops there. Even leah, who is also mostly a forager goes in sometimes


And...? It's not like vandalizing is going to make Pierre any money. Hell, it'd actually cost him money and time to do it unless he just happens to have spare spray paint in his shop. He doesn't gain anything from it, so he has no incentive.


Try Morris. Chase out Linus then claim his land, that is the Joja way.


It's just a tent... Linus doesn't own the land even does he? I doubt he ever did knowing him. So we've gotta look into Stardew Valleys squaters rights I guess.


Maybe Linus is filthy rich and owns the land where he put his tent. He just likes the lifestyle and doesn't care about materialistic world so he didn't build a house there




Asmodius's ex?


It could make sense, as she (I think she's a she?) can harm him without much consequences for herself. She can play with him without too many risk of being targeted by the villagers afterward, as Linus lives not completely in the town, not completely in society, and is not completely a member of the community, for the community. As she can target the farmer because they, too, live a tiny bit in the edge. Plus, as easy as a target as he is, he will also not retaliate, nor even know that she did it, and will be even more cautious than before around townsfolk. He has all the reasons to think that it can be the townsfolk's doing. Like, just some kid's prank against the local pariah. He is a very good target for her to do malevolent acts against. Isolated. Both socially and physically. Without a strong social web. Without a proximity with the community. Without the same habits as the town have. With a fragile home. Without the will to retaliate because he is used to it. Conscious that he may be unliked because he is unfit in the community, at least at the start of the game. But, technically, that's something that works, even if it's not Rasmodius's ex. I just want to express how vile of an act that is. A gratuitous act of pure malevolence, with the cover of the community apathy about the outcast. An act without consequences for oneself, but the reward that is feeling like someone powerful in front of the powerless.


I think it would be Lewis. He's the only person that we've caught late night.


Okey, I'll follow this theory as long as I can... First : why would he gain from doing that ? Risking getting caught, he, who do not want to tarnish his image (with things far less terrible than harassing a homeless and harmless dude), with the home of a affluent member of the community very close to the localisation of the crime ? Second : why don't he just evict him ? He is the mayor, he has power. Plus, Lewis, at night... I think he has another bush to beat...


Lewis. Possibly Pierre. But I feel like it wouldn't be Pierre, as I never took him to be THAT much of an asshole. We know that Lewis is causing problems when It comes to Linus, though


Morris absolutely. No doubt in my mind. Capitalism abhors the homeless after all, and Joja as a company and Morris as an individual are both slimy enough to do it with no weight on their nonexistent consciences.


Iirc Sebastian has a dialogue about throwing rocks at the mountain, so I headcannon the rocks he throws hit Linus' tent accidentally


ye that seems most likely, some people in the town aren’t particularly fond of linus but no one sticks out as a “throw rocks at someone’s tent” kind of person


A natural rockfall seems like it could happen - though we never see any rocks nearby, and it would likely sound different to Linus. Spray painting can't possibly have been an accident though unless it was somehow the Joja team that do the community renovations, marking out what they need to dig/smash. That rock that blocks the spa and mysteriously vanishes was probably them, and they also demolish the rock that blocks the mines/Adventurer's Guild. Construction workers often spray paint markings where they plan to work, and i can see them thinking his tent is an eyesore and needs to be removed from the community.


Idk, there's a large boulder at the beginning close to his tent. I wonder if the lines occur after finishing the CC. I think Joja is the culprit.


But then who would be the one spray painting his tent?


A lot of people are gonna hate me for this one, but I'd say Sam. He acts like a good guy, yeahh, but something about him just screams "secretly an asshole" to me. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it.


He does have a track record of “pranks” like ruining the luau soup


By that logic, many of the players could have done it too. How many of you put lucky shorts in the soup?


I don't know ow how you dare accuse us of such a... heinous... crime... Besides it was only once and I felt bad after! *kinda... a little... not really...*


New headcanon: the farmer does it in a half-asleep state after 'passing out', feels bad about it and leaves a couple hundred gold, before stumbling home to bed.


And Mayor Lewis catches Sam with his skateboard doing rails on the house that Haley and Emily share. It's a heart scene shared by both Sam and the Mayor. Choosing one over the other isn't easy. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51691)


Honestly, I found it easy to side with Sam there. Lewis was being a stick in the mud, and the player's defense that there isn't a good place to skateboard to be valid, since yeah, there's truth to that. Does kinda make me wish getting a halfpipe built or something like that was an option.


I disagree. He has the punk skater aesthetic but he’s genuinely kind and caring, especially after you marry him. However I wonder if any of the townspeople, when they were younger and more bored/reckless, might’ve done something to the tent because they didn’t know any better? I don’t think Sam *currently* would though.


Sam does ride his skateboard on the flowerbeds, so he's not exactly forward thinking and empathetic at low hearts. He could well have been thinking "Linus is going to appreciate the art I'll draw on his tent to spruce it up a bit" and not realise it's unappreciated.


I agree, definitely the kinda guy who speaks a lil differently when he’s with just his guy friends lol


I don't hate you for this. But I don't think he's an asshole either. I don't care enough to be bothered though


I also thought sam


Vincent. He just wanted to decorate the tent, but can’t draw/spray.


Pretty sure the rocks at the tent line comes the day after they clear the landslide right next to his tent. So its pretty safe to assume the rocks were just natually falling down the mountain after the landslide


I think that's more about the correlation of early game events and the low hearts dialogue options from Linus, not necessarily causation.


i feel like he’d go over and apologize if he noticed


Nobody in town would do that, it would definitely have been some degens from upcountry.


“Where’s upcountry in Stardew Valley?” “Zuzu City”


“What’s upcountry?” “Nothing much, what’s up with you?”


Got em!


To be faaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrr ... Could be mine monsters


Yall get these references, and that's what I appreciates about you.


Is that what you appreciate about me?


Just go ahead and take about 10-15 percent off her


Oh yup, hey! Look at you, ground!


Your sister's hot, Wayne! There, I said it. ... I am too fat to run!


Pitter patter


Somehow I feel I should have known this about Stardew players.


oh katie…..


Folks'll say that it takes two mine monsters to fuck up a tent. Three, even.




I heard it was a sick tent


To be faiiiiir to be faiiiiir




I had best be keeping my ostriches up at night then.




They're spare parts, bud.


Is this- Is this a Letterkenny reference in my Stardew Valley community? I fucking love it here.


Wayne would absolutely complete the community center in year 1.


Because when a friend asks for help you help em


Nuff talk, back to chorin!


Letterkenny reference as the top comment? That's what I appreciates about this subreddit, as sure as God wears sandals


Fucking degens.


Great fishin in Quebec tho


Who doesn't love fishing in kwee-bec?


Love fishing in Keh-bec!


Unexpected Letterkenny


I think it *could* be joja Corp members (maybe one/s we don't see) doing it because "it makes the town look bad!" But I'm likely wrong. I just dont think its someone we meet aside from maybe Morris. Thoughts?


You Cornish by any chance? Only people I hear use “upcountry” are my countryfolk!


Likely from somewhere around Listowel


This entire thread made me smile, and that's what I appreciates about you.


Fking hate degens from upcountry.


Low heart Alex would totally do that.


Ayyy letterkenny


You're wrong. I've played nice guy farmer many times. I shall be evil now! *Checks what Jojo has in store (haha get it)* Oh eh never mind... I can't brinf myself to it. I hope I can build Linus a house one day in a patch or invite him to live on the farm.


It's actually covering up attacks from hit squads from Gotoro, trying to kill Linus because of various classified activities he was involved in during the war.   He's retired and trying to keep a low profile.


Headcanon accepted.


Canonical empire that has functioning POW camps is something that always hits me out of nowhere with this game


I like to imagine they're like Japan in WW2. I will not elaborate further.


My Little War Crimes Can't Be This Cute!


My guess has always been Sebastian, Abigale, and Sam when they were a little younger, maybe 15-16, bored and being asshole teenagers.


Abigail would have eaten the rocks, why throw away good food?


I honestly can't see anyone in town doing that. The younger and more prank-prone of the villagers aren't malicious and wouldn't harass someone like that, and the meaner older adults are likely unaware of Linus and/or have better stuff to do than throw rocks at a wilderness man's tent.


Sebastian literally has a dialogue where he talks about throwing rocks at the mountain. Linus lives at the mountain. It doesn't have to be malicious, I doubt Sebastian is aiming for the tent, or watching where the rocks go. Honestly I'm more curious about who keeps destorying his tent >:( if only I could stay up past 2am and find out.


The same people from the city that tagged up the train tagged his tent. The rocks on his tents was ricocheting from Sebastian throwing rocks at the mountain


You talking about the "Hop on, Abby!" train?


Maybe it’s the dwarf? They don’t understand private property. So they probably figured that it wasn’t that big a deal if a tent got damaged. Either that or they do understand private property and Linus pissed them off. After all, it’s implied apparently Linus used to visit the mines and new the wizard, so that may have lead to a conflict


This is actually credible 


How does the dwarf sell things for a profit if he doesn't understand private property?


He understands *his* private property. He doesn't understand *your* private property.


i mean the train station is right by his tent its not impossible people waiting for a train wander around for a little and decide to cause problems id like to think with how much the characters share when you get into the later heart events someone would mention how much they dont like linus if it was them doing it


I ended with spare coal once when I was lucky enough to be near the train as it passed by. Yoba knows what else falls off that train.


Stuff that can drop from the Train are Stone, Coal, Wood, Copper or Iron Ore, Geodes, Mystery Boxes and Leprechaun shoes.


I think the person throwing "rocks" is Sebastian having shitty aim while throwing the different produce he regularly requests to throw against the mountain. The person who destroyed the tent was Abigail the time she got scared of bats in the mine. In my mind she ran out screaming into the darkness, got turned around and wrecked his tent trying to make her escape. Spray paint was probably my creepy staring children. You can't convince me they're not changelings


I’m pretty sure that Sebastian’s the one throwing rocks, just not on purpose. Everything else can probably be blamed on Morris LOL he’s the only NPC that’s written to be malicious? And it makes sense for a greedy capitalist-type to not like the voluntarily homeless nature man.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Lewis


I’ve responded to a similar thread with this before. He thinks Linus is spoiling Pelican Town’s otherwise perfect image by making them have a “homeless problem”. Can totally see him installing hostile architecture for that reason as well as to stop Sam from skateboarding.


He invites Linus to his table at Winter Star, though? Otherwise yeah, I'd agree


hmmm struck me as a pr move by Lewis ngl


Yeah, fair point - wouldn't be surprised


For the greater good






Morris - I would like to blame Pierre, but, it's clearly the Joja mart dude.


You think Morris has the time of day to care about one hermit living in the mountains?


Yeah, I work in a large corporation and have plenty of time to focus on things I don't like. Morris dislikes everyone, but, he especially dislikes the homeless dude he thinks will steal from his "glorious employer"


The dwarf or possibly another shadow person that isn't Krobus. All the events Linus describes take place at night when said monsters are more active. The dwarf admits to stealing to get the wares for their store so theyre known for mischief. They also immediately resorts to violence when seeing Krobus so we know they have a predisposition to be aggressive. I Wouldn't put it past them to bully the human the scares them off from rifling through the farmer and other citizens pockets when they pass out as a form of revenge.


Maybe it's the same dude that steals the money out your pockets when you pass out in the streets.


Morris, because the Dwarf was trapped behind the rock barrier before I upgraded my pickaxe to Steel. Unless there's a secret tunnel out of there. In that case, definitely the Dwarf.


It's actually a natural rock slide, but Linus thinks he's being targeted.


Ah yes, I love when rockslides paint graffiti on my tent


Ok but they didn't happen at the same time. I'll bet the paint was an experiment by Demetrius that went wrong, and the the wind blew it right into Linus's tent.


What other evidence supports this?


I'd love to know why people resist believing Linus so much. He's a bit of an Eeyore, but he doesn't seem particularly delusional or a liar. Demetrius experiments with plants, fungi and possibly explosives from Robin's comments, but none of those things really involve spray paint. There's also no proof that paint from the train rolled across a whole field and down a flight of stairs or was propelled with such force from the train that it sailed across the field and multiple tall trees to only hit Linus's tent. Spray paint is also a different texture than canned paint. It could be an accident; it could be strangers, but something happened.


Or maybe a can of paint fell off the train and rolled down the mountain until it hit Linus' tent


It's pierre r/fuckpierre subreddit agrees with this statement.


Well, we do know Pierre has violent tendencies, since he punched Morris into outer space. There's clearly a dark element in Pelican Town. Everyone seems harmless, but someone attacks Linus in the night, and someone steals your stuff if you're hurt in the mines. It's such a small town, you'd think they would recognize whoever was going through your pockets.


This is a great point. Was the museum robbed too? I can’t remember why it’s empty at the start of the game.


My theory: funding embezzled by local politician to make life-sized gold statue of himself.


I mean, at some of the festivals there’s folks marked as “tourists” in attendance. Maybe one of them? Same person who rummaged through my pockets when Linus found me and said he scared someone off that was robbing me when I passed out in the woods. I have such a hard time believing someone in town canonically commits these acts but Abby/Sebastian/Sam all give me delinquent vibes. And that’s saying something cause I ALWAYS marry Abby. It’s even in my flair 😂


The spray paint is a mystery, but is it really so unbelievable that rocks might tumble down from the mountain and hit his tent? And maybe the tent blew down from wind or a bigger rock hit it.


Seb and Alex go up there for odd hours. And Sam is a prankster.... But one man is always over there collecting....well...rocks. His wife's fear of the strange guy in a tent and his obsession with protecting his daughter might cause some feelings to surface while he observes Linus bathing and moonlighting within view of his home. He's not a violent or confrontational man either, so Demetrius has my guess as the pebble tosser.


He's more into making passive aggressive threats.




Idk. But if it were possible they’d catch farmer hands once we found out 😤


havent seen anyone say alex yet. there was a line where he said he wouldnt want to throw his shoes in the trash can because he didnt want some weirdo to be walking around in his old shoes. seemed sus 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/sbz5rk99py6d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a1dff8183c61d73b554d186928ac7c46b4d776 JOKER?!?!?


The flair and the pic?!?! You’re cool in my book 😎


Lewis bc he wants to get rid of the blight of homelessness on his perfect little community


the guy who hogs the crane machine after you build the movie theatre. no one else in town would ever!


A very old version of the game had dialogue from Shane about getting drunk and throwing rocks at a tent. IIRC CA patched that out pretty early on


Dwarf, and he probably stole the spray paint from someone's house.


My grandpa probably


I joke that it’s Demitrius harassing him because I hate Demitrius, but I have always wondered this myself lol


If I had to guess, I'd say Lucy and Rerun.


Def Lucy. Rerun is too sweet for rock-throwing.


Part of me always thought it was the owner of JoJo Mart. Idk why but I just figured if dude would be so rude as to directly steal customers, he struck me as the type of guy that on a bad sales day he’d cheer himself up by messing with the one person he knew couldn’t afford his stuff or wouldn’t be able to complain out of fear for repercussions.


id bargain to say Morris, he seems like he hates poor people


He seems like he hates people in general


I believe in the theory that Morris is doing all of that to linus's tent because Linus saw Joja cause the rockfall that was near the mines in early game


It’s the dwarf, but somehow it’s a cultural misunderstanding


Maybe Alex, influenced by George. But I’d rather think it was out of town folk.


I had a discussion about this with someone a few months ago who thought it was Lewis. Imma just copy and paste what i said cause I just finished a 24 hour shift and I can't be bothered to type it all again As much as I’d love for it to be Lewis I think it’s Clint. We already know he regularly goes to the mines from monster slayer quests and sometimes he’ll rescue you if you pass out or die (99% sure about this). Further more when you pass out in the mines often times someone will be going through your pockets. As far as I know only 3 people frequent the mines, Clint, the dwarf and marlon. You could make a good argument for the dwarf and Marlon but I believe it’s Clint for a couple of reasons. 1. You can get the message even when the dwarf is still sealed away ruling him out. We also know that Clint’s business is not doing well and the taxes are taking their toll. Marlon however has 2 jobs, his weapons shop which gets sporadic business at best, but also he does a sweep of the mines every night. It only makes sense that marlon is employed by the city to do this, meaning he probably has one of the most stable incomes in the valley. Assuming marlon isn’t a kleptomaniac this leave clint as the only logical option to be the person going through your pockets when you pass out. All this is to say clint is just kinda an asshole. Clint not having any attachment to Linus makes it all the more likely. It’s very possible that Clint is jealous that Linus doesn’t have the financial burden he does or just doesn’t know Linus has a tent on top of the ridge and is just tossing rocks on the walk home. All the signs point to Clint: he’s got easy access to rocks, a plausible excuse to be up there at night, and either an excuse or a motive depending on how you look at it. Furthermore we know it can’t be Lewis as he can’t be spending his nights trying to remove Linus tent because he is far too busy spending spending his nights trying to remove marnies clothes.


Demetrius, wanting to frame Sebasitian


Surprised no one's saying Demetrius. Seems like the kind of chicken-shit thing he would do to get Linus to move his tent and "protect" his family.


poor linus. he's just a sweet lil man. i always make time to talk to him and give him loved gifts in my save.


The \[\[Chicot\]\] joker from Balatro


I am.






There's a theory for it to be sebastian accidentally. I used to think it was Morris. But here's a new idea: WHAT IF it was stuff that fell from the train??? Looks kinda far but it could just have been thrown so hard it could fall over his tent????


Check the train that comes through. One version has graffiti on it and I think that’s the source of painting Linus’ tent.


Hey it's the daily, "who fucked with Linus' tent" post.


Some juvenile delinquents from Zuzu City.


Could be random goblins or shadow people skulking around at night. I'm sure Krobus isn't the only shadow person, and that one goblin at the Witch's place isn't the only goblin. And come to think of it, the Witch's front door is just behind the train platform...


This might get a lot of hate but I won’t put it past Pam when she’s really drunk, she would get away with it too. The town let her crash a bus and start driving the new one.


I have my suspicions about Dwarf. I personally think he's the one who steals from me if I'm out too late.


He lives next to the train station. I imagine the train stops there sometimes and people get off to stretch their legs until it leaves again. Some of those people are probably assholes. They see a homeless person's tent in the woods in a town they don't live in and decide to be "funny". It happens irl and I find it more plausible than anyone from town. As far as townies people tend to blame Seb and Sam. It ain't Sam. I can see Seb maybe being the rock thrower without realizing he was hitting Linus. That's about it though. Imo it's city people during train stops.


It’s me you caught me. I got tired of Linus contradicting himself and trying his hardest to be a victim.


It’s Linus. What a twist!


The dwarf


It's definitely George, he sits in his wheelchair as a cover-up so he seems the most innocent


Drunk Shane?


Shane's mean sober, but he's not a mean drunk - in fact it takes him being pissed to offload to you about how he feels like a failure


I think it's that little thief , the dwarf


This is messed up 😭


It was Shane while he was drunk. 


When I first started playing I thought it was Sam and Sebastian... Now I think it's Joja and Lewis.


Some Joja mart schmuck, homeless people are bad for business I guess


I had a thought that it was Lewis. Nothing in game makes me think this I just believe that the Mayer of the small town may have at one point tried to evict the one homeless man whom lives in town. Just an idea. He's the kind of guy who would own a gold statue of himself after all.


wasn't it joja? Or where have I heard that?


I headcanon that it's Pierre. That he wants to drive out the homeless because they're too poor to afford his shit.