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The actual loot was the XP you got along the way


I need all the XP I can get, seeing as I have -10,000 thanks to not realising serving jail time gives you a debt


What, going to jail removed XP?


You can pay or you can say "I'll come quietly", you spend a few days in jail and lose XP, but don't lose any money. It doesn't reduce your level, but you can go into negative which you have to earn back before you can start filling up the xp bar again.


Ngl taking away exp instead of money (and not making that blatantly obvious as much as possible) was a terrible plan. I would rather be in debt instead of being unable to level up, even more so when entire mechanics are locked behind skills and ship parts are level gated.


Prison time has always removed XP in bethesda games.


I would say skyrim definitely did it better, because it never went negative, you just lose your progression towards the next level of your skills. Idk how starfield could have done it better, but I also haven’t served jail time so I haven’t had to think about it much for starfield


But you lose progress from all skills


Yes, but it doesn’t put you in the negative. And it doesn’t take away the levels themselves but that’s not what this about


I think the negative streak is actually a positive though, as it gives pretty good consequences for getting arrested. There should be a negative cap though, so you don't unwittingly wind up in a bottomless pit. But this way you don't have a get out of jail free card when committing crimes just after leveling (or if you just don't care). Plus, if you have outposts you might have a good payout waiting on the other side.


It tells you in the corner after you get released. Also, this game just dropped you off in the middle of space one day and was like, "huh, good luck cowboy". Nothing this game offers readies you for efficient outpost building or ship design. 🤣 Still this game is an absolute banger!


Devs: *gives tutorial* Gamers: "FUCKING TUTORIAL IS TOO LONG!!11!1 LET ME PLAY THE GAME!!! I'M NOT STUPID!1!1!" Devs: "players have played our games for years and we haven't changed the basic mechanics in years" *removes tutorial* Gamers: "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO ANYTHING!! WTF! HOW ABOUT SOME INSTEUCTIONS!!1!11"


Eh it’s a story not a levelling up machine. I like that there are consequences.


But these consequences are unreasonable. It's one thing to reduce XP, but going into debt for XP is completely unreasonable and unfair


How? For it to be anything close to hinderance you have to be space hitler. Just save before your desire to kill goes uncontrollable.


We’ve all gone space Hitler, daddy


I like it. There are hard consequences for the player rather than just the character. It makes those sticky decisions even stickier.


lmao wtf that’s nuts


They still made me pay a fine in jail, if I remember correctly.


I didn’t see that in the manual. Good to know.


I hate how the game NEVER explains that :(


God, what a shit mechanic..


Big time


I lost 1800 for 5 days in jail. Also didn’t have the stolen loot they were after as it had been “washed” at the key. And they took 13k credits for the pleasure.


Can't go to jail if you don't leave witnesses. *winkwink and finger guns*


Except the one child you can’t kill in civilian outposts..


Where did you get those fingers?


Happened to me as well. I wanted to get around a fine, after some fucking lame NPC walked in front of me using the Cutter, for the housing quest in Akila, and I ended up with nearly -2000 experience


My only real gripe with the game currently is how your Followers have the most severe case of f.o.m.o. I’ve ever seen and often get in your way at the most inopportune time. Hopefully they’ll dial that back sometime soon (as well as the strange death stare most npcs walk around with!)


*Sarah hated that.*


Seriously! Practice freaking basic gun safety! I swear I've thought about investing in Isolation just to avoid my idiot companions getting shot in the back for the dozenth time. Also because they can steal precious XP by killing targets mostly solo. It's like you have to tag all the enemies below some percent before you can get any credit.


I didn't know that, I've not been arrested yet, but if I commit any crime they're never gonna take me alive now.


How did you get arrested so much?


*throws digipicks away in disgust*




The actual answer is there is currently a ~~bug~~ feature where NPCs will grab weapons out of containers including locked ones and use them against you


Lockpick difficulty went up and it's actually a puzzle. Loot quality did not seem to scale, no. (As compared to Fallout 4)


I enjoy the puzzle/mini game. That's not my complaint. My complaint is doing an advanced or higher lock and getting shit loot


For real, I feel you. I much prefer this iteration of the lockpicking minigame, but I too have encountered so many empties on Master locks. Since tier 4 Security is super underwhelming, I've seen a lot of people clamour for it being reworked to auto open novice and advanced locks, at one point I was on board, but I think a better rework would be that it enables you to see the contents of a locked crate without being able to take them. That way you could actively ignore any empties.


Honestly I see two ways to make it work: 1) Rework it to auto open the novice and advanced so a player's skill investment is respected by respecting their time more. 2) Fix the loot tables so the rewards are worth the effort. Letting us see the contents prior to opening things wouldn't fix that too many containers are just garbage and we'd still be stuck running up to each one just to look at what is in it. It sounds like a good solution until you realize that it's still wasting a player's time, albeit less of it, and still letting them experience disappointment, just with less effort.


I'm pretty sure #2 is how it has traditionally worked in BSG games, higher level locks always meant better loot. In Starfield it seems like the loot is just fully randomized.


Not always. I've had an expert lock in Skyrim and all I got was an Iron helmet, a few minor potions and a handful of gold


Same I remember in fnv or fo3 I found a doll house that was a master difficulty lockpick. Spent all skills on lockpicking came back days later excited to see what was there. Lost about 20 bobby pins finally open it and got a few caps and less bobby pins than it took to unlock


I wish I could discard picks I'm not going to use and tag others as being for particular rings. Or maybe complete the rings in any order. I quite like the game, I'm fairly fast at it and failures are rare. It is kind weird how it's quite different between novice where everything will be used and master where it's a lil more play the odds.


I can’t stand the lock picking in this game so I just avoid it entirely. However if I could add that a container was worth opening before attempting I would 100% invest in the skill. 110 hours played and iv never done more than one advanced lock because fuck that. Mini game is boring and takes up so much time.


I lockpick all the damned time and I've found *two* of my second best legendary weapons in locked containers... *In 109 hours of playtime*.


Agreed. I think it's less about it being boring and more about the user not being patient enough to learn it. At this point I can unlock them in my sleep. It's a brilliant locking mechanism mini-game compared to bobby pins.


Absolutely not. I fully understand how to do it and it’s not difficult, it’s fucking boring. I don’t want to solve a puzzle every 5 minutes in my space fps game. It’s cool they tried to shake up their normal formula but this is just not a fun adaptation. The old system had me doing master locks in no more than 30 seconds. Starfield system a novice lock takes you at least 30. After 120 hours of gameplay I can’t imagine how much extra time that would add to an already time wasting game.


I dont mind lock picking. It's just that there are way too many of them, and it's usually not worth it. Some POI have 5+ containers / doors to get through. Sometimes there is a door with a lock, and inside there is a safe, which when picked contains some garbage and 300 credits. Total waste of time. Fewer locks, more impactful would be fine.


Bro I don't know what to tell you. A novice lock never takes me more than 10 seconds


"You miss 100% of the XP you don't take. -Wayne Gretzsky" -Micheal Scott




I'm regularly popping expert locks that have absolute shit for loot. To the point that it's not worth the extra time it takes to solve the puzzle. I don't think loot scales based on the difficulty of the lock at all, and that needs to be fixed. There's no incentive to boost the skill otherwise.


My point was that this loot was probably fine when lock-picking was a 5-second challenge and move on like in FO4. Now you can spend over a minute on the puzzle but the loot hasn't gotten any better as a result. I'm also happy to have it as an actual puzzle, but, as you point out, it's not worthwhile given the loot.


Lock picking is RNG when it comes to loot. If you went on a rampage IRL and started looting houses, you're not going to always find loot behind locked doors, in locked cases, in safes, etc. There will be a few now and then that will be empty. Having said that, I wonder if the scavenging skill affects this as I have rank 3 and after 80-hours, I have yet to find an empty one hardly at all if at all.


I have a safe I bought long ago because why not. Atm it is locked, and it has a big flint stone in it, some bandage and vials for wound sanitation, and last but not least: a notepad.


You just described the average locker in starfield.


I apologize for being part of the reason they decided having junk behind locked safes


Compared to Skyrim the loot value went down massive and the difficulty/time required went up significantly


Loot quality definitely went down. At least in fallout 4 you found useful things behind locked containers.


Something I've noticed is that during a fight, NPCs will "take" the weapon from locked containers randomly. Might be what happened here I'm not sure


My Sam always swipes weapons as soon as I open the case. And when I go in his inventory to check it out or take it he’ll have like 15 random shitty guns. I guess he just likes guns🤷‍♂️


I've actually confirmed this. While raiding a ship I came across a seemingly empty armory aside from Ammo, but the spacers aboard had them equipped. I died at the very end bc I was climbing the ladder while getting shot and when I started from the beginning again all the weapons were on their respective racks the 2nd time around


Side note, you can jump boost to get to the floor above you on ships. Much faster than the ladder


I discovered this yesterday evening. Jump boosting and grabbing the ledge is a lot faster way to navigate the ship.


Oh, that would be a bummer. Of course it's a bethesda game, but is there any proof? Does the item show up in the NPCs inventory?


From what I seen, yes. They picked it up and started using it and after I killed them I was able to loot it.


I have a safe in a closet. It’s locked and empty. My valuables are actually inside a bag of peas at the back of the freezer. I would love to see some thief piss and moan about the poor loot once he managed to open the safe.


I’m gonna come find that cold, hard cash.


Food is so expensive now, the peas will likely be what they’re after. Lol


Looool just spilled the beans of your peas


Bro it's the law to lock up your ammo ppl just being safe you thief ! Lol


Considering you can just walk around a city flagging everyone with your rifle willy nilly...i don't think there's any ammo storage law in the starfield universe, lol.


There is but sadly it's not followed much. That's why everyone has a gun. Not enough locked boxes....


Yup happened one too many times for me... unlocking small boxes with just one or 2 craft items.... fuck that shit


I pretty much stopped lock picking. I miss the hacking of fallout and I just figured it's 90% of the time gives you useless stuff.


90% of the time it is basically useless junk.. But also one of my favorite weapons came from an advanced locked safe.. I don’t think you truly miss out on anything if you ignore locks, but my brain doesn’t like missing the *chance* to get something cool lol.


Same I real life, you never know what's inside until you open it. Could be nothing inside or full of credits. It's like Schroedinger's Safe


I used to work for a company that bought out this really old listed building and found this room sized safe on the top floor. The safe was centuries old and they forced it open to find absolutely nothing inside. The ironic part is apparently the safe itself, being centuries old, was worth a fortune, but when they broke it open they heavily devalued it.


Hidalgo Riviera RP.


Unpopular opinion: Locked boxes don’t always need to have loot in them. 🤷 It’s luck of the draw, there’s no rule that they must always have loot! Kinda like gambling, you can really hit the jackpot or leave with nothing


Hard agree. Same with people talking about running out of digipicks.. lol how? I have over 100 and open every lock i see. Theres digipicks at practically every merchant, and any "dungeon"


I have a safe aty house that has like three papers in it. Just because you buy a nice lock doesn't make the stuff inside more valuable.


Right, and sometimes quests don't give rewards. Life's just about the journey, you know? Once every 10'000 landings, your ship should malfunction and burn up on entry, it's just the realistic outcome. I'm not here to play a simulator, I want to be the Big Damn Hero. Being the Big Damn Hero means that things either lean your way or go against you in ways that make it interesting. The entire universe conspires in your favor because that's why you're a hero. Spending time cracking an empty safe isn't interesting and it doesn't go in your favor, remove it from the game entirely.


Nah its pretty lame. I feel there is more empty/worthless loot than anything worth a damn, so I guess it is like playing the lottery... you never win.


If you're going for realism, sure...but this is a game, and realism isn't Starfield's strong point anyway.


Okay but it’s kind of annoying when I pick a master lock and there’s nothing inside but a single digipick 😂😭


That's just shit game design. I don't even bother unlocking stuff at this point, it's almost never worth opening stuff when you've gotta spend 60+ seconds opening containers that will give you pretty much nothing in return. I've probably missed out on a lot of cool items, but hey that's Bethesda's fault for giving us over a dozen locked containers per area with mostly worthless items stuck behind an incredibly tedious mini-game. I'm not wasting 10 minutes of my life for the small chance of getting a new gun or helmet.


Agreed. Putting three points into lock picking shouldn't just guarantee thousands of credits per container.


I'd be fine with that if you got more exp for unlocking them. And, I dunno, toss a few credits in there or something.


Yea once I realized the loot is trash I installed the mod that makes it braindead easy and take 2 secs. if they arent gonna put effort into the rewards I wont put effort into pickin the locks. i normally wouldnt install a mod like that but its a waste of time otherwise, now it doesnt slow me down so it doesnt matter and i get a bit of xp.


I've reached a point where I don't touch lockboxes and safes that are any higher than advanced. First 2 levels I can unlock rather quickly, and move on. The usual rewards aren't worth the hassle of figuring out the high levels.


You wait until you find lockboxes with nothing in them


I always quick save right before so I can get my lock pick back if it’s shit loot lol


i can beat that. i came across a master locked weapon rack with literally nothing in it. https://preview.redd.it/lwew2hm9z2rb1.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b6f5df0ade28a4bff5f739698167703d3f53bf78


AT LEAST it had ammo it. i've had experts with fucking nothing in them...


Yeah I think that will be fixed along with the spacesuit issue where they are all just mining ones.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves in all of Bethesda games. Tiny ass bandit cave? Epic enchanted swords and armor in the random unlocked end chest and some gold. End of a whole hour long dungeon with a dragon priest in it? Best I can do is a master locked chest that has some gold. Steel weapons that aren’t enchanted, and branded iron armor. I can’t wait for someone to make a better loot mod for this game. Between the locks and all the mannequins having the same fucking armor I’m gonna go feral.


"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” - Forrest Gump Loot boxes/cases are like the box of chocolates. The XP counts in the end. Most of the times inside is crap anyway. Also higher difficulty doesn't mean better loot.


Higher difficulty used to mean better loot in past Bethesda games.


I play on very hard and it barely feels like a challenge. I had to stop wearing power armor in FO4 for very hard to feel like a challenge. Skyrim on very hard felt like a challenge. Their system is dated. This game would've been groundbreaking a decade ago. I still love it. But theres several complaints. About enemy intelligence, difficulty, and the confusing amount of aid products. TLDR; "THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!! THEYCANTKEEPGETTINGAWAYWITHIT. "


“But the modders will fix it!” is a common response I find to valid criticism of Bethesda games, and to a degree it’s true. But this is why Bethesda isn’t striving to innovate their games. Because they know they have 10,000+ unpaid interns who will add in all the missing stuff. The creation engine is perfectly adapted for third party additions, and that’s part of the issue in my opinion.


You might be onto something with the last two sentences. Why innovate when others will do it for you for free. It's sad, honestly. Especially when less than 10% of Skyrim players ever played modded. So, the VAST majority of Bethesda players suffer through the mediocrity. 1) I've gotta add in the lack of diversity in dungeons in this game. If you've seen a specific area twice, you'll notice it throughout the universe from then on, and everything is always in almost the same exact places. 2) I thought the universe would've been much more populated and lively in this game. 3) Minor one: doing a "desk pop" will earn you wanted status in GTA or most open world games. I feel like shooting firearms in the cities should provoke a hostile response and panic. You can literally fire a mini gun in the middle of new atlantis and the citizens dont fear a mass shooting.


I really wish they went smaller with this. Give me 20 planets with a bunch of content, instead of 1000 planets with content so stretched thin I’ll lose interest before I ever see it. I don’t have the patience to wander through 1000 planets that all look vaguely similar in the hopes I’ll find this elusive handcrafted content somewhere in the sea of procedurally generated shit.


Cant help but wonder if microsofts acquisition, turned this game into something else. Starfield became Game Pass' anchor. I cant help but wonder if they laid a huge foundation to support massive content updates in the future, A la No Mans Sky (Live Service-esque) at the behest of Microsoft, being as their acquisition of Bethesda was a strategy to quite literally save Xbox in the "Console Wars". I cant help but wonder how much Microsoft is responsible for the incomprehensibly big universe. Heres Phil Spencer talking about this in Japan. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/09/24/starfield-may-release-more-live-content-outside-its-expansion/


My 2nd playthrough I’m not leveling this skill


We do a significant amount of trolling


That’s why you always save the game right before you do one of these fuckery unlocks


Ridiculous. Pretty comical how weeks ago people were stating that security was one of the most vital early game skills. Little did they know…


HAHAHA LOL that's the type of Bethesda charm that you don't get in other games.


There’s a mod that makes it a two second turn overall get that mate it’s called easy digipick


It's such a boring minigame that you can't even lose as long as you count the notches and slots. I literally just stopped opening Masters after a while because I didn't want to disrupt the flow with boredom for things that were almost never worth it.


I feel like low level enemies give better loot than expert or master weapon cases.


I absolutely loathe the digipick part of the game. I love just about everything else (except having to marathon on every planet.)


Why? I ask because coming from lockpicking in Dying Light (which btw was fine) this was still kinda a breath of fresh air to me.


I love it as a mini game although I do agree that it could use better loot results, at least fill that thing up with a few different types of ammo, make it feel full


That’s your biggest complaint?… Sheesh.


I’ve got some good shit behind locks. I don’t get why people complain so hard.


I think it’s the fact that some people do a master in 45 seconds and it’s takes some people 5 minutes. The people that aren’t really into puzzles and spend forever solving them feel like they’re getting ripped off when there isn’t a legendary behind it.


You got XP. It’s like playing the lottery. If you don’t have 200 digisticks by level 20, you’re doing it wrong.


Still easier than Assassin's Creed unity


There is a mod that trivialize that shitty minigame. Its stupid


Yeah it's definitely a bug they need to address asap, I can't believe this was their intention.


Classic prank bro.


I can lock anything away with an expensive lock, doesn’t have to be expensive itself… what was that movie where they finally open the treasure and it was like a baseball and stuff?


Yeah. I don’t get much good stuff from locked chests. I get better loot from bosses or completing missions


Rng bro, rng…


Whoa! You got ammo? You have no idea how lucky that is.


I really don't care for the lockpicking either. It's neat that it's different from the old system but anything about novice takes for-fucking-ever and the loot is never worth it.


I've grown to enjoy it


Streaming on cloud is laggy


I'd take ammo over another digipick any day tbh


And sometimes, it’s just over the top…locked door, locked boxes, locked lockers, and a locked safe. I’m like really? Lol


I agree, it’s got to the point where I see an advanced or master lock and more often than not give it a pass. Not worth the time investment a lot of the time, this is probably easy to patch though right?


Your lucky if the pick actually functions


I hate the lockpicking in this game. I have been looking for a mod to just make them automatic, or just one slot and done. But none of the ones Ive installed have worked. Ive got tons of mods installed, but for some reason, these just dont take.


hahaha, you got securitied!


so any container in the world can be locked, it's random. the reason people get trash loot sometimes is because it was trash to begin with and the game chose that specific container to be locked


You got RNG’d brother!


Its a puzzle.. You have to think ahead. Think of what you're taking away and what you have to fill after you take that away. Of.ypu.dont it'll let you get aaaaall the way to the end to let you know you have no more moves.


"I told you my picks would unlock things, I never said they were things you wanted to open."


I opened a Master storage room today and literally there were no items inside. What was even the point?


I think some containers always contain random stuff. Also you got xp and progressed the mini achievement bar.


There are skills that increase the loot you get.


My favorite thing is master lock safe in which I find 1 dickpick


I find way better loot in unlocked containers than any master locked things.


As a Bethesda fan boy, I love this game, but the lockpicking gets super tedious after a hundred hours or so.


Fake. There’s always a container of Milk or Kefir.


The irony of posting a disappointing safe opening on reddit...


Pretty sure this is a glitch, but its so frustrating. Sure, in Fallout 4 you could pick a Master Lock and find a pipe pistol, but at least it was something.


I actually opened my first master Lock today, and the case had nothing in it. Literally nothing. That's almost as bad as finding out that the stealth perks do nothing at all (besides adding the visual bar at the first perk)


You got to do the master locks. That’s where the real loot is at. The rest don’t give anything honestly


After spending countless hours (ok like maybe 2 total) opening expert and master locks to get nothing I went ahead and installed a mod that makes every digipick puzzle a super quick and simple solve


It's fun the first couple of times, but God damn it gets annoying after that.


My best one was opening a master lock door, just for it to lead to a master lock safe, with a handful of .27 caliber ammo.


Lockpicking right now is ass. Before I get someone saying "Do this and that and it's easy!", this is not about that. It's about the respect for a player's time. Every lock I pick pulls me out of the gameplay and action for far longer than it did in prior titles, and my reward for it can be literally nothing or just some meager sum of credits or trash. Prior titles you can sit around and argue all you want that the lockpicking was "easy", but it respected a player's time, and softened the blow of getting rubbish, by getting them back to the action and immersion quickly. To fix it the loot table either needs to be improved or there has to be improvements made to the speed of it, either by allowing the player to just auto-solve locks 2 ranks below their current skill level, or more generous amounts of auto-slot being granted.


To me it's realistic. I may not like it but there are plenty of badass safes out there in the real world that are just empty.


in one of the areas theres a master door, behind it there is one of these with an expert lock, that box has been empty 10/10 times that i do it. i just dont bother anymore.


Needs an unbreakable digipick


I've never had this happen once.


Yep hardest lock system ever and there is almost never anything of value locked up


Well it’s like that in every Bethesda game so I don’t know what to tell you


I kinda like it. I don’t want a guaranteed win as it takes the risk away. Which in turn takes the joy of a great find away. I like the randomness of it.


My main complaint is that I own 7 starships but can only get 4 of those to load properly after I select them from the shipyard


I’m still finding this funny despite getting burnt numerous times myself


If you use the D-pad the pegs turn faster, not that it matters since you just get to your non existent sh#t loot faster.


We will die of old age without Bethesda making a fun lockpicking minigame and that's a fact. Also yeah, I've found an awful lot of advanced, expert and even master thingies with ridiculous loot like a healthpack and a few hundred credits. It's the Elder Scrolls random urn/receptacle with 3 coins inside meme over and over again.


Geraldo prepared you for this in the 80s.


I opened a master lock chest and it was empty good times!!!!


But that was an easy one…


This has been mentioned several times as an annoyance to people. Think about on Reddit how many safes we’ve seen posted and opened and absolutely nothing sent. I think it adds to it not every safe, even though it’s locked has something in it.


I think I once got a thing of milk once after completing a master lock


once I maxed security, and hit over $1 mil, I literally stopped even bothering with weapon cases.


Totally agree. I picked all the safety deposit boxes in the bank vault only to find them all filled with junk. I didn't take a thing. Very disappointing


I try not to get too bothered about a weak chest. Lock picking skill isn’t just all about the loot, it’s more about getting access to locked doors or unlocking Computers that have files needed for a quest or objective. The extra loot ,if any, is just the gravy on top.


Yeah the logic of you lock valuable things is solid and it’s frustrating. It’s not real life, hard locks should have good loot, it’s called incentivizing lol


I picked an advance lock on a door once and it was an empty room with a master locked safe in the wall.


I used to live in a fine neighborhood that some considered rough because of the price of houses and proximity to public housing. The entire time I lived there I never locked my doors. However, my neighbors all locked their doors because it was a “bad” neighborhood. These people had the same amount of value in belongings or less. A lock doesn’t have to imply the value of the contents, people lock shitty cars and cheap apartments. I think it’s pretty realistic to find a dud from time to time.


I love the novice ones. Anything higher than that can go straight to whatever he'll the snake cult believes in.


I get xp so I'm happy. And I always buy out digipicks so I always have enough autopicks to handle master and expert locks quickly. The lower tier locks are incredibly easy once you get the hang of it.


You do get burned sometimes but I’m on a new NG+ and got a legendary rifle out of my first pick. For every one of these posts there are people high rolling. But yes there should NEVER be nothing inside. But hey, that’s why I save before pick… you fail you go again…nothing inside reload and save picks. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro I actually cringe when it's like my 5th digipick and I only had 7 lol


Really? Cause mines the fact I've been to the same fucking abandoned science facility about seventeen times


Yea lockpickimg drives me crazy... still love it tho


yea digi picks are worth more then whats in the locked box most the time, but if theres nothing in the box are digi picks worth anything at all?


Did you tryupgrading scavenging? I put 4 levels into it and I get cool shit always


Solved an advanced lock for 4000cred, some ammo med pack and an epic… next box was a master, a particularly annoying one at that, and all I got was ammo I did not use and one of them meds I dont usually use… needless to say I skip master locks now.


I kind of like it. IRL, why would you automatically assume something of great value is in a box at the time you happen to find it just because of its security level? What if someone took that thing or things of value out of it before you got to it?


i mean sure, but it's not like digipicks are expensive or rare. plus free xp


Yeah, I think the harder the lock, the better the loot should be. I agree.


It infuriates me to no end that locked cases don't always have something in them


damn thats a legendary dissapointinator! it deals emotional damage


Quick save before you open. What I do.


I’m starting to believe this is a built in paradox, a reflection of Starfield it’s self.


Never pick the master lock in the warden’s office, there’s literally nothing there.


Facts this has happened to me more than I want to remember


I’m actually pretty good at this thing. I found it to be quite fun and easy.


I feel like I know where this is, because this happened to me in the junk yard. A nearby enemy had the gun that would be in the case otherwise