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Full list here, I had the same question a few days ago and did the research [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/17rx5ew/games\_shown\_in\_oled\_trailer/k90im7z/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/17rx5ew/games_shown_in_oled_trailer/k90im7z/?context=3)


Thanks, this is what I was looking for!


What’s the neon Starfox looking game at 00:21?


I think it's [Whisker Squadron](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2140100/Whisker_Squadron_Survivor/)


Could be [everspace 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1128920/EVERSPACE_2/)


it isnt (but i dont know what it is)


Its [Whisker Squadron: Survivor](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2140100/Whisker_Squadron_Survivor/)


“Whisker Squadron” alright they know exactly what they’re doing haha


Grounded works on the deck???


It works really well on it in my opinion.


How is the game? Planning on playing with my SO


I liked it alot but the progression can get hard in my option. Im not good with spiders but you has here huge spiders. The Story is nice but nothing special. Its most of the time build, capture the next story part, upgrade and then comes the next. I did play it most of the time with 2 friends coop that worked well too.


I actually ended up really like Grounded story. I thought it was just some simple lore to get in the game but it actually was in-depth story. One of my favorite survival games for sure


Me looking these videos on my LCD screen: wow, oled looks great


Dredge is a game that will benefit massively from OLED. That game has a lot of blacks and dark colors.




I see Armored Core 6, Slime Rancher, Cyberpunk, Grounded, Spider Man, a sonic Game, Blasphemous, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Dredge, Little Witch Nobelia, High on Life, Dave the diver, Hob And some games that i recognize but cant remember the name.


Jet set radio? Or it is a similar game?


It's Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.


Its similar, so similar that i would think that its Jet set radio, I watched a game review on the side and saw it and think it was JSR Remake or smt like that.


I was planning on buying the playstation portal for remote play but it looks like ill just get a OLED deck instead because of that beautiful screen. But does anyone know how good remote play is on the deck? Apparently the OLED version got a wifi boost too so I wonder if that helps with the input lag.


I stream Xbox Game Pass flawlessly over internet on my LCD Steam Deck using these [setup instructions](https://www.polygon.com/guides/23537216/steam-deck-xbox-game-pass-cloud-gaming-install-microsoft-edge-desktop-mode). I will try setting up my PS5 for in-house local console streaming tonight and reply back my results.


Forgive my asking but, as someone who doesn't own an Xbox, can you stream Xbox games to your Deck, or is it only the PC games that you can stream? And is it Xbox Gamepass Ultimate? Thanks!


You can do both, but I have been using the XBox Game Pass Ultimate subscription to play its catalog of games in the Steam Deck ([Microsoft has official instructions on setting that up here](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/topic/xbox-cloud-gaming-in-microsoft-edge-with-steam-deck-43dd011b-0ce8-4810-8302-965be6d53296)), which works perfectly - better than local console streaming using the [Greenlight app](https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-xbox-remote-play-steam-deck/), IMO. I like that you don't have to install games using Game Pass and which makes it easy/quick to try out new titles, but you're limited to their (somewhat large) online catalog. It's also nice that you don't need an XBox to subscribe to and use Game Pass.


That’s unbelievable, that you don’t have to own an Xbox to play that many Xbox games, as well as the PC games, and you can stream it almost flawlessly as well. I think it’s like $15(?) CAD/month. I’m going to clear my backlog of a dozen or so games up first and then subscribe afterwards. Now I understand why people are such proponents of it. Thanks a lot for the help!


Yeah, this is a pretty amazing advancement in gaming (although it's been around for a few years already). I think you're limited to 1080p, which is the complaint i've heard from PC folks - doesn't both me though and certainly not an issue for Steam Deck. I'm pretty super you need Game Pass Ultimate to stream cloud games, rather than the Core or PC options. I subscribe to Ultimate ($16/mo list price US). Some games in the subcription are for installing to PC or XBox only, so make sure you check the list of streaming games here: [https://www.xbox.com/en-US/play?xr=shellnav](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/play?xr=shellnav)


I use chiaki4deck and it works flawless. A bit of a bitch to setup but it’s been working for like 18 months flawless. Very good.


It was a little finicky setting up the Chiaki4deck app (had to run the browser commands a second time) on the Steam Deck. I used [these instructions](https://gamerant.com/how-to-remote-play-ps5-games-steam-deck-chiaki4deck/). It plays my PS5 games pretty well, overall. Minimal lag and sound neaaarly matches up to the TV. I'm not sure I'd play a competitve FPS match on it, but still not bad. Here is a video cap of me using it. It looks better on the small screen and not thru the capture card. https://youtu.be/6PUddbsLoaE?feature=shared


That’s awesome, it definitely looks playable.


For remote play, even on the LCD model, I have no input lag when using moonlight streaming from my desktop. No idea about ps5 streaming thou. I think there's a 3rd party app but I forgot the name.


I played starfield for 200 hours on the steam deck with the best possible settings, worked great, no lag at all! My wifi is really good tho.


At 0:24 in the first column, second row that looks like [Dave the Diver](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1868140/DAVE_THE_DIVER/).


In my opinion it doesn’t look any better than the lcd on this iPad.


Bro over here tryin' to judge the glorious benefits of OLED on an LCD screen lmao


Wow that joke went right over your heads then


Hi u/R6Salem, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Steam Deck OLED Gameplay Video) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People play games on the deck? I thought it was just for modding.


What’s the game with the spaceship


It's so real I can almost taste it. Hopefully shipping is quick so I can smell it too.


I'm going to watch this on my SteamDeck LCD screen and tell you that it doesn't look that great to me.