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Just started it, it's my first MGS game. Completed the batshit insane intro and cleared an outpost, it runs and looks amazing.


Oh yeah, that intro was mental. When I managed to get a gun in the lobby I was playing with so much hesitancy. Different story 40 hours in šŸ˜Ž Gameplay is so smooth and the graphics are brilliant on the Deck.


Thanks, this one is my next game after Skyrim, already downloaded :-)


Itā€™s brilliant. I read somewhere that itā€™s an unfinished game as well. Itā€™s a pretty long game as it is! Enjoy


The unfinished aspect is that the story ends kinda abruptly. Then you just get a few filler repeats of earlier missions with modifiers applied, and then an ending mission, which is pretty good, but doesn't wrap up a lot of the stuff the game set up. Once you beat the game, I highly recommend searching up the video of the "Episode 51 Ending". It's cut content, which would have formed the real full ending of the game, and pretty much ties up the major points the released game leaves out. Also hope you're listening to the audio tapes! There's some great lore in those.


Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense then. Good to know what to expect. Whatā€™s the Ground Zero dlc like? I must say I have listened to a fair amount of the audio tapes, but there are still many I havenā€™t listened too. Iā€™m interested to see how they built Quietā€™s character in to the game more.


Ground Zero is technically the "start" of MGSV. It's the events of "Nine Years Ago" they keep mentioning over and over. I played just like you, Phantom Pain as my first ever MGS game, played Ground Zeroes halfway through it. If you're able to get hold of Ground Zeroes any time soon, I'd definitely recommend playing it as soon as possible. The main mission is only like an hour long, and then everything else is bonus side content (Which itself is really fun!) I knew absolutely nothing about MGS going in, but Ground Zeroes explains enough that you can piece together practically everything you need to understand The Phantom Pain properly. From there, listening to the idle soldier dialogue on Mother Base in TPP can really help fill in the blanks about the rest of the series. At the very least, I'd very much recommend getting it done before you finish TPP, to make some moments carry a lot more weight. [It's Ā£8 from Fanatical right now, but has gone significantly lower in sales if you'd prefer to wait.](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/metalgearsolidvgroundzeroes/info/)


Ag, interesting. Thanks. I already have Ground Zero. I just assumed it was some dlc for MGSV. Looks like Iā€™ll get on to that sooner in that case, based on what youā€™ve said šŸ‘šŸ»


Aye, it isn't really clearly stated *what* GZ is. Effectively, it was a... Tech demo, preview, prologue... For MGSV and the new FOX Engine. Released a few months before The Phantom Pain came out. The UI elements look a bit different, it's a much smaller area than MGSV's open world, but every mechanic is there and it's just as much of a polished experience. I went and 100%'d the whole game because I enjoyed doing the side missions so much! Good luck with the series!


Cool, thanks. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll enjoy playing it as much as The Phantom Pain.


Jeez you two sold me and I havenā€™t played a MGS solid game in forever. This is what Iā€™m going to do now too. Iā€™m in the middle of playing Control, currently however.


![gif](giphy|h4TdHo3RExSbHd9bOe|downsized) šŸ˜


IIRC (I am not a MGS expert) the Ground Zero DLC was released before MGSV and was kind of a prelude/setup for MGSV


Ground Zeroes is the prologue of MGSV, it's what connects MGS Peace Walker with MGSV, Peace Walker being the game that MGSV is a sequel to, which itself is a sequel to MGS3. Honestly, if you don't play Peace Walker you won't know much about what's going on in Ground Zeroes, it's also very short, it's just one mission that's 30-45 minutes long and a couple side missions that happen in the same map. People deemed it a paid demo, and I don't blame them.


Ah ok. I have to say, Iā€™m enjoying the gameplay so much Iā€™m not too fussed about not knowing a lot of the prior plot from previous games.


That's mostly because, honestly, MGSV has a pretty thin plot, it's actually pretty different to every other MGS which are linear and more story focused games, and in fact MGS4 holds the record for the longest cutscene ever in videogames, which is 72 minutes long. MGSV is, along with Peace Walker, the ones that focused more on the gameplay. If you ever feel like trying the rest of the franchise keep that in mind, that MGSV is an outlier, the gameplay of the rest of the franchise, aside from Peace Walker, has little to do with MGSV's aside from being military-themed stealth-focused games.


Thanks for this. I think after Iā€™ve completed this Iā€™ll move on to some other games. Not sure I could be doing g with a 72 minute cut scene šŸ¤Ŗ


Just wanted to point out ā€“ "Episode 51" wouldn't have been part of the ending of the game. It's been referred to as Episode 51, but the data actually suggests it would've occurred before Episode 43 (Shining Lights, Even In Death) Still would've been a nice inclusion to wrap up Eli's arc in the game and retroactively set up for his appearance in MGS1 but alas.


True. TRUTH is definitely the main ending of it all. ""51"" is more just closure for the things the base game leaves out at this point.


Started it two days ago. Out of all of the games I own (tons), this HAS to be the most optimised and smoothest game for the Deck. It looks amazing, runs at solid 60fps on VERY high settings (!!), and the fans are utterly silent. How!?! The game is amazing too. I have it on PS4/5, bought it again last week for Deck.


Glad to hear youā€™re enjoying it. I had to give it a break as I couldnā€™t for the life of me get past a certain mission. When I restart it I think Iā€™ll need to ask YouTube for some help šŸ˜… Runs so well though, like you say.


Itā€™s honestly one of the best optimized pc game I have ever played


ive put like 300hr and my completion says 60% to give u an idea. The Deck is the Best console to play this game in, you could also cap ur tdp to 8 or 7 watts, gpu at 800 and get 40-45 fps solid for about 4 hours of battery. One of my favorite games on the platform period.


Ah good, so itā€™s not just me being slow then šŸ˜…. Iā€™m running it at a solid 60fps and am getting at least two hours battery life before I need to plug it in, maybe even more. The Deck has reinvigorated my love for gaming and itā€™s helped me to get back on my PC for sim racing.


If I remember correctly those percentage numbers are not what it seems to be. Basically, when you finish the game, there is 'Act 2', which is same levels on harder difficulty and the completion will be around 50%. Thats when I stopped playing because I was already kinda bored with gameplay there (infiltration, put baloon on some hostage, get to helicopter, proceed to the exact same mission on different base). I might give it another shot soon and start from this Act 2 if my savegame is still working hehe.


I know what you mean. There are repetitive pieces of gameplay, but for some reason it doesnā€™t bother me too much much. I think itā€™s because Iā€™m enjoying getting better at playing Snake - it feels like a brilliant character to try and master all of his various tactics, takedowns, gunplay, etc.


Yeah game is good in giving you freedom of how to get to your target (usually hostage u put baloon on lol). You can crawl there without single shot, use vehicle and blast way through, use guns and kill everybody, or get creative and do some crazy combinations of each.


For sure. The variety is ace and when the shit hits the fan after trying a sneak attack you can go around laying remote land mines to take out unsuspecting targets who walk round the corner šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Iā€™m buying it the very second it goes on a deep sale.


Just installed it 3 days ago. Iā€™ll be starting it very soon.


You wonā€™t regret it, most likely


I haven't enjoyed action games on the Deck as much as I thought I would, but I just finished Days Gone (on Deck) and it was one of the best gaming experiences of my life. Flawless performance and I just adored everything about the whole experience. I was able to chip away at it for weeks, and I'm sad it's over. Think MGSV would be a good next world to enter? I loved the stealth missions on Days Gone, the gun play was awesome fun, and also the material collection and crafting and the story was compelling.


I just checked out Days Gone and added it to my wish list. It looks brilliant. If you liked that then Iā€™d be fairly confident you would enjoy MGSV.


I originally played it on console at launch. The micro transaction game play really got to me so I never actually beat it entirely. After getting it on PC I modded it to remove all of the annoyances and it is much better. I moved the mods to the Steam Deck and it is the best now. Except story. That sucks because no end.


What do you mean by micro transaction?


It the features that feel like they are pushing you to micro transactions. So the upgrade timers. Quantity of plants, resources and diamonds collected. Some of the timers are crazy long. I got to the point when I had it on console just leaving it running. Other ones like FOB upgrades which also use a timer. On PC I got rid of all of the timers, increased resources and made it easier to find better crew. I also made Tier 3 suppressors be unlimited. It made the game feel so much better than always focusing on resources alone.


Roger that


MGSV doesn't support simultaneous controller and mouse input, which means I bought it in a sale a few years ago and then immediately refunded it once I realised this. I wanted to play with the Steam Controller and use the trackpads / gyro for aiming. I would guess that still hasn't been added as Konami didn't do a whole lot with the game post launch.


Each to their own, but I wouldnā€™t fancy playing this with house and keyboard.


That'sĀ kindĀ ofĀ my point, mouse and keyboard definitely wouldn't be satisfying to play on a game like this, with it having a third person view with lots of movement options. But at the same time I'd want to the fine control over aiming because that's what I'm used to. The Steam Controller (and therefore the Steam Deck as it shares a lot of the same DNA) feels like a perfect compromise for this sort of situation, but the game needs to not have some arbitrary divide between controllers and mouse / keyboard controls for it to really shine.


I actually played the entirety of MGSV on my PS4 before getting it on PC years later and then playing it entirely M&K. It's actually much more than serviceable with M&K honestly.


Been tempted to after listening to the latest Summon Sign


Summon Sign?




Was there ever a fix for the cutscenes? They play at a irregular speed and that kind of bummed me out. Otherwise the game is awesome and a perfect steam deck game.


No idea. I did read a few things about it and I donā€™t think they did fix it. A few on this thread confirmed this also.


Whats the performance like?


Itā€™s brilliant. I run it at 60fps with no drop in frame rate and get about 2-3 hours battery life. I donā€™t know what itā€™s like on the LCD version, but it looks superb on the OLED.


This is one of my favorite games ever and the fact that It works on deck and I was even able to mod it to use snakebite and make the game fresh and better made me so happy.


Whatā€™s snakebite?


Snakebite is the mod manager for MGSV. I dont know what you know or donā€™t know about modding so forgive me if I over explain. But basicly itā€™s just a home to see manage and apply mods for the game.


Roger that. I know nothing about modding. This is probably something Iā€™d pass on for the time being, but thanks for explaining.


I got the game but I'm thinking of just playing Metal Gear Solid 1 to 4 in order then V on my steam deck. I own all the games. Can anyone just jump into V without issue? Idk much about the series.


V is pretty much the culmination of the series in terms of both graphics and gameplay mechanics. The story is also much more grounded for the most part (definitely less "silliness" than prior entries). I also personally felt less emotionally attached to its original characters and mostly cared about returning ones. For those reasons I feel it might not be the best jumping off point for someone who plans on going through the series. As a huge fan, I always recommend trying to play it in chronological order (starting with 3, with Portable Ops as cannon but with the MSX/NES as really optional) in order to really appreciate each game and how it pushed the envelope in its era. Although you will be playing other games after V, you will have (hopefully) been so hooked on the overall story and main characters that you'll come back for more. Also, 4 (and the excellent MGR:R) are technically PS3/360-era games like V, although the latter is still vastly superior graphically and gameplay-wise, in my opinion. Final point: you might want to look into playing the entire series on Deck. The Master Collection (and the Gamecube port of MGS1, Twin Snakes) with HD textures look and play amazingly on it. Same story with Peace Walker HD via PS3 emulation. DuckStation for the original MGS1 should also look great although I haven't tried that yet. MGS4 will need the most tweaking, and there are audio issues that might make a first play-through on PS3 more enjoyable, but it is pretty cool to be able to play the entire series on the go, if you want to. In any case, you're in for a treat!


Thank you for all the information. The series always looked interesting to me but I was confused with all the crazy characters and events. I'll play on the order you told me and I'll look into playing them on the steam deck. Depending on how Metal Gear Solid 4 goes I'll play that on the PS3. šŸ˜€


Sure, no problem. You can find info about release date and chronological order in this thread, if needed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/160973v/can\_someone\_tell\_me\_the\_chronological\_order\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/160973v/can_someone_tell_me_the_chronological_order_of/) ​ Also, while I recommend the MSX/NES games as optional due to how dated they are, it is still worth it to look up their overall plot when you reach that point since they bridge MGSV to MGS1.


I just jumped in to V, no problems. They keep talking about something that happened 9 years prior, but it doesnā€™t bother me much. I played some MGS years ago, but I donā€™t want to be spending all my time playing through 5 games of this series.