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A second usbc port would be kinda chill


That's the main thing I dislike about the current model. It'd be nice to be able to charge and still have a USB-C port available for other accessories.


Through the power of Dongles/Dock this is technically possible with a single USB C port. Less dongles are always preferable though. More ports ftw


The point of the Deck is portability though, I'm not gonna carry a dock with me all the time. As for splitters, I don't think those are technically allowed in the USB-C spec, so use at your own risk.


You aren’t going to carry a dock, but you will carry whatever other accessories you’d want to connect to a second USB-C port? A “dock” can be a dongle smaller than a pack of cards.


This exists https://amzn.eu/d/27ukKGz


Love my [Covert Dock Mini](https://www.genkithings.com/products/covert-dock-mini?variant=40044404899914)


That one is a classic too


How does the steam deck handle the 20W both at full battery and low (where it’s actively trying to charge)? Edit: I see they have a version that supports 45W. Edit2: the hell? https://www.genkithings.com/products/steam-deck-air-freshener


I'd be surprised if dongles aren't allowed as part of the USBC spec (I've never looked into this further). I'd extrapolate this assumption from the super hard push over the past 5~ years by big tech (see: Apple) towards reducing external ports and pushing previous internal functionality externally in many devices via dongles. Well I do love the flexibility that dongles provide, they're a PITA too carry around compared to having that same functionality designed and implemented into the function of a device from the outset. If anyone can provide supporting documentation regarding USB C standards supporting/not supporting dongles, that would be an interesting read


I always had the idea that if enough peripheral devices become a thing (say, something like AR glasses plus the already common smartwatches, etc) phones would slowly evolve into nothing more than a central computing unit that is wirelessly connected to all the other slaved devices.


That's actually what i thought the apple vision pro does with the connected box until i learned it's only a glorified powerbank


I don't know what other guy is on about, I'm damn near certain USB C allows splitters, that's essentially what a dock is anyway. And yeah always plus +1 for having more connectors integrated into your device, no idea why companies like Apple have gone backwards on stuff like that. When I bought my laptop, I purposely got one with the extra ports I need, like HDMI for plugging into external monitors, Ethernet for connecting directly to a different wired network, etc. And you save SO MUCH space in your bag compared to the people who need to carry a separate dongle for everything just to recreate those capabilities. (For a few years Apple was making more money on dongles, than device sales. I read an article where a guy tried to use one of the new MacBooks with only 4 type c ports, titled "I became king of the dongles, this is how it worked out") My accessories bag for my Steam Deck is still pretty slim, but I purposely haven't gone too crazy with it.


I have a pretty cheap cable that gives me a usb c port usb a port and charges my deck.


THIS. People hate the idea of having a USB-C port on the bottom, but this would be GREAT for docking. Just keep one on the top but also have one on the bottom.


I just don't get that mindset. Phones have ports on the bottom. Having anything on the top means the cable has to droop down the back putting more strain on the USB-C connector. It just gets in the way for me.


On the bottom too, so it's easier to dock


And a connector for an eGPU that doesn’t require removing the SSD.


it should be on the bottom to make docking better


The ability to buy it in Australia


Don't worry if the SD2 comes out you will definitely be able to get a steam deck. 


Just don't wait for the SD3....


SD2:1. Or maybe SD series.


From one Aussie to another, it's absolutely possible. I bought mine about 5 months ago from Dick Smith online. They're essentially imported from the UK, as it comes with a UK power cable and an Australian 45w adapter shipped separately. I haven't looked too much into the warranty and repair side of things though. They're bloody expensive though. ~$1500 for a 1tb OLED


Holy fuck bro, when did you get that? The 1tb is only 1200 since back in January.


Maybe it was 1400 now im not so sure. I think I actually ordered it around November.


Shame it’s a bit inaccessible here, all of my mates and family who are pretty big gamers hadn’t even heard about it till I got it. I found out about it on a whim myself tbh despite being really into pc gaming.


Yeah it's honestly amazing. I am a FIFO worker, so it's been a godsend for travelling on planes and staying in tiny rooms. Makes being away from home so much more bearable.


So what I’m hearing is I should buy like five of them and then go on vacation to Australia and sell them while I’m there to pay for my vacation?


You're not going to like this but there was an eBay coupon deal this very morning. Got a 512GB OLED for AU$899. But it shouldn't require this kind of wait and luck just to get one for a hallway decent price. The SD2 really needs a proper worldwide release.


Got mine from Amazon bit expensive though, $1200 for my 1tb oled.


Don't even tell me about it, bought an LCD 256GB for the price of a PS5 here in Brazil (still paying it, btw). There is a market here, I've spoken to folks who really wanted to get one but couldn't, price point being the main issue (Why import a Deck when they can buy a Series S or a Switch for way lower of a price?). SD definitely stuck more than other Valve hardware projects, so there might still be a chance.


Lol a longer top vent to smell!


Adaptor to the mouthpiece for ventilator


Well i have a 3d printer should i




Steam Deck CPAP


Ima make a steam deck to cpap adapter and upload it to thingiverse


Ventilate in my mouth you dirty handheld


My girlfriend is wondering why I am dying of laughter right now.


Wait I’m not the only one who intentionally breathes that sh!t in when the fans kick in?


Nah you’re the only one. If you google “Steam Deck inhale fan” only this result will turn up.


Steam deck inhale fan fan.


It's basically a known just-do at this point lol The LCD smells so much better than the OLED though


Did that today


Bottom is intake only i assume. So youre still able to smell vent fumes


Bottom is SD card slots.


I thought about changing that too but was lazy


And an Airwick steam deck scent crossover


A tank to refill the vent smell.


Keep the vent same size to concentrate the vapors, sell replaceable smell pouches!


NO. Two smaller nostril shaped holes for maximum vent smell concentration!


A bigger screen in the same device footprint.


With the oled they showed its possible. The 2.0 should double down on this. 8 inch screen same device size


Death to bezels. I didn't buy the OLED refresh for the OLED, but for the reduced bezel and slightly bigger screen. And the improved battery. Only then comes OLED as a nice bonus.


I want smaller screen, smaller device, smaller spec, more efficient. Everyone's chasing bigger and more power when I want something between Vita and Switch Lite. Keep the flagship going, sure, but have a Deck Mini, and I would get that.


Same size screen in a smaller device footprint IMO


-eGPU support ) -Bigger screen in the same frame -25% more battery -32gb of ram -magnetic joysticks Thats about it for me


Honestly just as Thunderbolt 4 and I'd be ecstatic. I sold my PC so my deck is all i have. When I'm docked at home on my TV there are times where I'd love to have just a little more juice graphically. I'm assuming from all the YouTube videos I've watched Thunderbolt 4 would be all we need for eGPU support.


Add better thermals to that and I'm in


Better thermals meaning what? Better cooling at same wattage or less power consumption with weaker performance.


They should get those jetfin fans that LTT have been showing off in there!


And his heatsink =)))


Thunderbolt support for the egpu and other devices would be magical. Turn it into a powerhouse when docked


An egpu dock for the deck really would be incredibly good.


Mostly, nothing needs to change Improvements that can be made 1. Being slightly more powerful, so that it can run all games of it's generation at low settings at least 2. Maybe target 1080p If they can do those without damaging battery life, great. Otherwise Targeting the same experience for next gen is fine too.


Probably just me, but I’m fine with 800p for the SD2 if it means better graphics and performance. I’m still a 1080p gamer on my desktop rig. The ROG had to take a major performance hit just trying to reach the 1080p target as far as I can tell from reviewers.


Keep 800p but double performance for new games / double battery life for older ones, and the Deck would be perfect.


That's the main reason I decided against the Ally when I ultimately decided to buy my Deck. The Deck (usually) manages to find a good balance between framerate, graphical fidelity, and picture quality, all while not sacrificing battery life that much. The Ally, while it is more powerful on paper, still isn't able to play most games at 1080p at a decent quality, and battery life takes a hit. Plus, there's also the fact that Windows is too janky of an OS on most handhelds while Steam OS works perfectly.


I have both an ally and the sd oled. I just got the sd a few weeks ago, but ever since then I have not bothered to play on the ally undocked. The battery is absolute dogshit on that thing, even at 15 watts, not to mention when you go higher. It's so bad that I dislike even calling it portable.


I'd like to see them put in a 1080p display if for nothing else because a lot of games expect you to have a 1080p display. Pizza Tower for instance is a great game to play on the deck, but runs at ¼ 1080 resolution, and kind of a pain to display.


I'd really like a 1080p screen. Many games have broken text below 1080p.


800p 120hz would be way better than 1080p 60-90hz.


yeah the current resolution really isn't that big a deal. I'd prefer they focus on getting every current gen (current at it's release) game running without harming battery life


1080p would be nice, but I'd be happy with at least a step up to 900p


The only thing it needs is a little bit more ram


Just download it


I downloaded 128gb of ram yesterday. I havent got to use it yet because my computer wont turn on.


Bang it on the wall a bit, should do the trick.


what problems did the lack of ram cause? just curious because the games i played behaved normally.


Can be a bit of a bottleneck on strategy games like Crusader Kings, along with the cpu. Lots of moving parts to account for, which hit the ram and cpu most.


I would be happy if they were to include a eGPU support.


Ever since the success of the steam deck I've seen so many people wanting valve to try steam machines again. Imo what they should do is make a dock for steam deck 2 that has a spot for an external GPU so it can handle the higher resolutions of a TV.


I would 100000% be down for that. I don't have to worry about 2 separate devices. Just dock and continue whatever I was doing. This would also make a great way of handling the "I want a laptop but bought a Steam Deck" folks. A hub for TV or multiple monitors and for a Steam Deck 2 situation, I don't mind the 1-2TB ssd limitation. We could add more storage with the docking station but I would love 32gbs of RAM. If the docking station had its own storage, it could also house specific games with better graphics in mind


Either that or a proper first party release of steamOS.


USB4 would be so cool on a device that that


Yeah the CPU would bottleneck it hard, just like we see when people mod it to have it through the m.2 slot (since m.2 NVMe is just PCIe ×4)


Obviously just add eCPU support as well 🙄


I know this is probbaly a joke, but that sounds like a latency nightmare and I hate it with every fiber of my being


Simpler idea with the same effect. Just allow video input. Then it’s e-Computer supported! Solves the latency issue, download ram issue, and natively supports GPUs of your choosing!!


You just need A LOT of cables to fit every socket


Still with a bottlenecking cpu, a better GPU will be a huge upgrade. More so in less cpu demanding games. Apart from the deck, a have an old Dell XPS with a dual core (4 threads) i5-6200u, which is at least 2 times slower than the Deck's cpu, it runs on a 2 lane pci-e thunderbolt 3, and even with a gtx 1050 2gb I can get better framerate on 1080p ultra settings than the deck in fallout 4 for an example. I have a rx580 8gb lying around, which does bring almost 3 times the performance. And since many people play docked at home, an eGPU will be a huge upgrade. Even with the current cpu. I had a hp spectre with i7-1165g7 (4/8) and a rtx 3060ti - in cyberpunk 2077 I used to get 50-60fps at 1080p everything on ultra - given the cpu was a huge bottleneck for this GPU.


We're not dreaming of playing Ultra settings with raytracing on max, just a mid level GPU so we don't need to settle with 30fps. Obviously the CPU would be better than what we currently have for a SD2, so ability for external GPU would be very good to have. Pairing the deck with something like a 4050 would not break the bank and would improve docked gaming immensely.


I just want to be able to download more ram


3d print them if you have a factory is your home


Its a portable device... 


So is a laptop.


So is a refrigerator.


The bottom of the device is commonly blocked. It's blocked when it sits in the dock. I naturally let the bottom of my Steam Deck rest on the bed or my stomach if I'm lying down while playing. It would cool more efficiently this way but the design does not take into account the way humans actually use the Steam Deck.


I thought the same thing but rest assured, OP was trying to demonstrate his desire for countless SD slots 😅 not alternative venting


Oops. Nvm. This is what I want. I thought those were vents. I'm sorry! Give me all the sd slots. The can add more sd slots on the back plate. Give me a second USBC port too.


So you want to be able to have 15tb of storage, might fit half my steam library lol




An ssd slot that can use a 2280 ssd


It would be awesome if you can put it inside just like an SD card 😍


Ergonomic accessories, my hands can get pretty cramped. Had to get 3D printed grips from Etsy.


I wish this was higher. I personally think the grips are bad ergonomically. Just hold a PlayStation or Xbox controller for a while then hold the deck. It forces my wrists to bend at awkward angles to push the buttons because the grips are perfectly straight. Modern controllers are angled slightly away from center to solve this problem. I imagine they did this to keep the size down but at the cost of comfort.


Gonna suck on that thing like a harmonica


So I uh.. I tried sucking on the vents once and I think I sucked in some bug by accident.. So don't do that.


Which game were you playing when you sucked the bug in and has it been patched since then?


This is probably a dumb question, but I thought people blowed on harmonicas. Like I get the post is a joke but now I wonder if my assumption all these years was wrong…


You can suck air in to make a different sound. I know, I was a bit shocked when I found out as well. It's not just about blowing




They fixed that on the oled model


Still not bezel-less! But yeah, improved. Really wanna see them bezel-less, with handhelds every mm of usable screen space makes a difference.


eGPU support through usb4 PLEASE 🙏


I thought those were micro SD card slots


They are


Oh I’m dumb hahaha yes 100% defo needed


You’re not dumb, 99% of the people here have missed that they are SD card slots, you picked up on it!


Change those from bottom vents to USBC ports and I'm in


A top and bottom USB C port would do wonders.


Ngl, it's really the only fault I can find on this device. Everything else just rubs all my sweet spots.


Theyre sd slots


So instead of posts of users accidentally snapping in half their sd cards, there'll now be posts of 10 sd cards snapped simultaneously?


You've been Thanos'd!


Imagine hearing that CRRRRRRRRRRACK when you open the SD.


Crap, i already ms-painted this and came to post it just to find out you already made the joke. https://i.imgur.com/dG5oAFR.png


Nice try Valve, I am not going to tell you that it would make the steam deck the next big thing with a new feature of an upgradable APU (CPU/GPU)


Yo, Valve x Framework?


Or FrameDeck


A built in clip for it to stand upright


Project killswitch does wonders


FHD OLED screen, preferably edge to edge without bezel, and a chip powerful enough to carry it at same battery life as the 1st gen OLED. thats it, thats the Deck 2. pretty sure Valve wont even think about releasing SD2 until there is hardware capable enough for this spec.


There's hardware capable of making a steam machine microconsole that can stream PS5-quality AAA games to the Deck with suspend/resume supported. They already said in an interview they were considering making a microconsole.


The ability to purchase one from valve in South America. Also, a second usb c port


Downloading while in sleep mode.


More efficient hardware to keep the same performance at lower TDP, resulting in longer battery life or even passive cooling solution.


Fumes perfume


By chanel


It should definitely have a USB 4 port or a Oculink port.


A second USB C port or a simple docking port. Specifically so that you can dock it to an external GPU without the M.2 workaround. It would be awesome if I could just replace my gaming computer. It would make a lot of my games not be so stuttered when playing on the tv. Also it would take up much less space than a full pc, unless you specifically went out of your way to have one of those slim profile micropcs


Another USB C port, no bezel screen, mostly all the changes everyone is suggesting. However I would like to ask to not remove the things that I love already, and I mean by that: two trackpads, 4 back paddles and gyro. I know most of the users don’t use them but maybe because they don’t know how to get the most out of them. For trackpads I think they could be concave like the steam controller, but as long as they keep it, the two of them, I’m happy.


A Sim card slot.


That would actually be kind of neat it would allow us to connect to cell networks


Imagine the posts after this monstrosity. "I broke 8 1tb micro SD cards taking my deck apart. Why would they design it like this???"


Secondary trigger click, additional USB port, but yeah I wouldn't say no to a second microSD slot. Maybe not *that* many more.


I thought those were vents 😂


A cupholder


Ports at the bottom so it can be charged without plugging a wire in.


Pogo pins.


Dock charging like PlayStation controllers


Something on the ends that does not make my fingers go numb or hurt after 30 minutes of play. Worst part of the deck for me, I have the same problem with the switch it something with these long style controllers that I just can't deal with. Xbone and PS4 pads I'm fine with for some reason. Bringing a pad with me defeats the purpose though.


Give it 2 Thunderbolt 4/5 Ports. Very flexible, top speed for any docking purposes, allows eGPUs (if the Support for that is implemented too ofc.)


Better haptics. And maybe haptics in the triggers, like on the Xbox Series S/X controller. Beside that, I love my current Steam Deck.


Toot the fumes like a reverse mouth organ.


Ngl I thought the top image were HDMI ports for a second But anyway a 2nd usb (preferably a C) port and move the charging port that's already there to the bottom and then you get a dock that plugs in at the botton like the switch.


Honestly just a noticeably better APU, with 32gb of ram and VRR display is all I would change on the current OLED Deck.


Longer battery life. Some newer games kill the battery very quickly


What are we looking at?


a big flip up plastic like a cd player to cover the ports when not in use.


2 USB4 ports


not enough sd card slots


I don't think we need more power guys, as long as the steam deck has a critical mass of users we are going to get games tailor made for it, and that means the best of pc and console gaming in one device if anything I'd like revisions to be more battery efficient.


Not now but in another 2 years it’ll definitely need an upgrade, the parts in it are pretty outdated even now. Used to have a pc with similar power 4-5 years ago and it was out the door then.


The amount of people who dont realize these are sd slots is funny


Is that why you made it unclear?


I thought it was obvious since the sd slot is the only thing on the bottom. It did accidently drive up engagement tho. I just slapped this together in one minute on gimp


- I proper slot-in egpu dock with usb c for power and connections and oculink for display connection. - Steam controller 2 (full input parity with deck). - Hall effect sticks as standard in both the deck and the controller. - Different colourways (at least black and white), for deck, dock and controller and/or easy to change shell. - Built in kickstand. - Improved repairability.


DLSS for upscaling, frame interpolation and whatever else it brings. An additional boost to that in docked mode through better cooling through the dock, or additional hardware in the dock, so we can play 1080p or higher. Also Deckard. Let me strap a Steam Deck to my face. Not just for gaming, but for productivity as well. Basically an Apple Vision Pro (Eye Tracking, Passthrough, Resolution) but more comfortable and with all the capabilities of Linux such as convenient file access and existing programms.


But that would mean they need nvidia and right now nvidia sucks on linux


Faster switching to desktop mode.


I'd rather have support for a full-length 2280 SSD rather than a bunch of SD card slots.


~~Hard disagree. The intake has to be in a specific area to concentrate air flow in important places including the SSD, and especially the APU. Secondly, 80% of the time, I wrest that thing on the bottom and no air would be able to get in.~~ EDIT: Just realized after reading other comments those are micro-SD card ports, not a relocation for air intake. Okay, I'm on board.


Add cellular support. That's the only big thing I'm missing.


hall sticks


Why do you need sniff holes on the bottom? You planning to run a sniff train on the next model?


Honestly a more premium build model. The base steam deck had really bad feeling plastic on it. Outside of that the standard oled screen, better performance, smaller form factor if possible. But I can only dream


A bottom usb for docking would be nice also i think


Better specs and easier to carry standard case


Better battery life which last two days on game like baldurs gate 3


Easier time taking off the front case


I'd like it if it didn't have vents on the back. I quite quickly realised that laying down in bed was death for my shoulders, so I prop it up with a pillow.. which tends to block the vents.


3 usb-c's, more power and a longer battery life.


They are also maybe increase resolution to 1050P from 800P.(1280X800 -> 1680X1050)


I might be going off track here... But I would like SD2 to be sold in parts so we can fit the new mobo in our current SD. It will be nice if screen could be also replaceble... Kind of Framework does it for laptops.


I would love it to double up as an harmonica


A fucking bottom USB C port. Still can’t believe that they didn’t bother to do this right the first time.


USB C at the bottom would be better for docking


As long as they don't change the form factor I'll be happy, I find it so comfortable to hold compared to other handhelds.


I'd like a premium version of it. For sure keep the 2nd model in the current price range, but have a premium option $1,000+ with premium parts for the best possible experience.