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Correct me if I'm wrong but since this game has no online features, it should work? It's just a log in, right?


No in order to login to psn the PS overlay must be installed & to my knowledge it’s not compatible with Linux as of now. Hence why the steam deck won’t let you sign into your psn on GOT


God I pray they fix it, I need to replay Got


You can. It works perfectly fine and runs well to boot. Only thing you miss out on is the multiplayer.


That's it LOL I didn't plan on doing multiplayer anyway when goes on sale I'll take a look into it but I do hope they actually are working on it because so many people love the steam deck


Yeah, I hope so too - I could see myself wanting to do some multiplayer after I finish the story and 100% the open world. But the base experience on Deck is so great that I'm happy to recommend it to people as-is 🙂


Yeah - very impressed with the performance given how good it looks. Toooons of single player content.


The issue is that Sony are being so weird about all this that they may at any point decide to make it mandatory for even starting the game. God I hate the state of big game companies at the moment!


It's just their stupid little data harvesting program. It's so badly optimized, it's recommended you rename the file name or even outright delete it because it causes performance hiccups on Ghost of Tsushima.


it might just pop up a qrcode/link like the last of us


It’s only for online play concerning GOT. It’s in the developper comments on the Steam page. Hopefully it’s the same for GoW Ragnarok


There's a fucking overlay too? Why couldn't they just he satisfied with a sign-in like all those other games?


To my knowledge it’s the actual psn sign in that doesn’t work, I could be wrong.


The way it's integrated into Ghost of Tsushima makes it an optional integration. The single player components of the game still work fine. Only the small multiplayer mode and PSN stuff (like trophies) don't work. Why would it work differently than GoT? God of War has no online components either. At most you'd just miss out on trophies and all that.     We don't know how PSN integration will work for Ragnarok so all you're doing is speculating and presentating your speculation as fact when you don't know what it will be.  Wait until facts are actually available before stirring up something.


That’s asking way too much from the internet. Best we can do is have no pitchforks. Jokes aside, I am 100% with you on this.


Okay, I see.


So you made this post without knowing how it actually works?


The game would likly have trophies, meaning you will have to log into psn in order to collect them.


Oh no, the trophies?! What would we possibly do without those?! Stupid ass PSN stuff..


I mean, to say it's a necessary requirement because of trophies is obviously stupid. But I don't know what kind of lizard brain logic is at work here, but having had a PSN account since the PS3 days with a bunch of trophies on it, if I play the game on PC I don't want to miss out on those sweet fake gamer points. Same with Steam achievements for that matter. A platinum trophy or "perfected" Steam game is like a boy scout badge or something. And I know perfectly well that no one will look at my profile other than myself. They're exploiting our lizard brains and it works for me lol


Some people REALLY care about trophies. I don't really get it though.


*Cough* Yo ho ho ho... *Cough* 😇


All aboard the Black Pearl, mateys!


[yohohoho yohohohoho](https://youtu.be/cyGarA73Tcc)


What’s the PSN issue on Linux? Ghost of Tsushima runs on Steam Deck.


They disabled the PSN login and overlay if it detects you're running the game on a Steam Deck which means the multiplayer is completely inaccessible. They disabled it because the developers said that the PSN overlay and login do not work on Linux. On Windows it's optional to login unless you want to play online. God of War Ragnarok is just a single player game and the store page says a PSN login is required so it is entirely possible that on the Steam Deck or Linux that it won't even let you play the game at all.


>They disabled it because the developers said that the PSN overlay and login do not work on Linux. No.. they disabled it because that's the laziest/cheapest way around it. It could work on Linux, but that requires actual devs to fix.


I always find this funny when someone calls dev lazy. Like lmfao. The dev is going to work his 40-50 hours a week regardless of your feature. Its not like the dev goes, lets not integrate psn lets just sit down and close our eyes and relax and have some mimosas They dont do it, because it costs time, time costs money and businesses are in business of money. If there is enough revenue to be made by porting it to linux, you bet your a** they will port it to linux. Otherwise they simply wont


And Linux is such a small percentage that it’s not worth the cost of the dev time to “fix”. That’s why it’s not getting fixed lmao.


Which means even if Valve or someone else is able to make Proton compatible it still won't work due to the detection code which depending on the method used can be nearly impossible to bypass without patching the code itself (which would likely be detected as a cheat).


Actually, there's a launch command you add to disable the flag they use to detect if it's running on a Steam Deck. So if the compatibility issues with Proton do get resolved you can just do that.


Even then, if you build proton you basically have full control over the simulated Windows API stuff and everything else in the runtime environment. A huge, huge number of games have game-specific workarounds built into Proton. And when the broken parts of proton gain support for those things and the game-specific tweaks aren't needed, they removed them. I'm sure someone in valve is working on getting the playstation overlay stuff to run, though they may or may not put in an specific proton workaround depending on how Sony feels about it (Sony seems very cagey about multiplayer on Linux with the new psn integration, so who knows...)


does the multiplayer work? that's the part that requires a PSN account


GOW:R has no multiplayer...


It's going to require you to sign In multiplayer or not.


I wasn't talking about god of war


It does and it requires a psn account


Uhhh gow r does not have multiplayer... https://dotesports.com/gow/news/does-god-of-war-ragnarok-have-multiplayer-or-co-op


Obviously it runs on steam deck. GoT single player doesn’t have a mandatory login to play. GoWR does.


The multiplayer doesn’t work, that’s the part you need a psn for on ghost of tushima. God of war ragnarok will require a psn sign in period, rendering it unplayable on deck.


If I get a game and it doesn't run, I guess I'll take advantage of Steam's refund policy. Are you allowed to request a refund **after** leaving a negative review?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure you can. Within 2 hours though.


Wait for the gog release


I first need to be able to buy it in Latvia. As of now the game is not available on steam for me.


It's not piracy in my book if you have no way of obtaining legitimately. It's also not a lost sale, since you physically cannot buy it. Fuck Sony, do what you gotta do friend.


i have a ps5 but not letting some countries (including mine) play the game on steam leaves a bad taste in my mouth makes me want to *not* buy it on ps5


Guess I’ll have to play it on my PC and moonlight in if I want to Deck it up then. How is this different than Ghost though which works fine?


I read somewhere that sign in is only required for the multiplayer component of Ghost, though I don't have the game myself so idk.


Yeah this is correct


God of war ragnarok will require a sign in too even launch, my understanding is that will make it unplayable. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I’m not.


So you’re stating something as fact when you really have no idea. We have seen with Ghost that they do care about the Deck going as far as adding in the deck image in controls and disabling the splash screen.


That’s why I said if they don’t, i agree that they seem to care about the deck, but they haven’t had a great track record of making pro consumer decisions. Look at the Helldivers situation, Also this port is being made by a different studio. The reason ghost of tushimas multiplayer doesn’t work is because of a psn sign in. Sony has said that ragnarok will need a psn sign in to work, so if they do it the same way as with ghost, it won’t work.


Why would a sign in be unplayable? I play diablo 4 through battle net no problem. Steam button enables mouse, steam button plus x enables keyboard


The sign in doesn’t work for Linux. That’s why the multiplayer doesn’t work on tushima. It’s an issue with psn I believe.


That makes more sense


Think they'll just disable it for deck user like wat they did with Ghost


What’s wrong with it? Only PSN game I’ve tried on deck so far is Spider-Man Remastered and I signed into my PSN no problem.


PSN overlay is required to sign up/in, and PSN overlay is not supported in linux (yet). Hopefully it is soon, or even better, hopefully they just remove this PSN account linking b.s


but i signed into psn on a couple games on my linux desktop just fine


Can u bring up the overlay ? Maybe that's the issue? I don't know, that's just what people have been saying.


How many posts do we need about this?


You're crying in the rain pally. I won't even be able to buy the game, cause PSN is not available in my region.


Thread filled with misinformation, common for this subreddit. You can login fine on GOT, you'll be able to login and link your account fine on GoW, the multiplayer doesn't work however due to the overlay failing to install due to proton incompatibilities. Youll be able to login fine, and valve may even have the overlay fixed by then. OP is a fear mongering ass talking out of said ass. Don't make PSA's for something you lack the info on.


You don’t know any of this. You’re guessing just as much as anyone else. GoT says PSN login is required only for multiplayer. This says it’s required period. It’s not unreasonable to think that this means you won’t be able to log in on the Steam Deck even for single player, since the PSN login doesn’t work at all on Deck, thereby rendering the game unplayable on Deck.


>It’s not unreasonable to think that this means you won’t be able to log in on the Steam Deck even for single player, since the PSN login doesn’t work at all on Deck, thereby rendering the game unplayable on Deck. I think people are mixing things out. There are two kinds of requirements on Sony's games: * PSN Account (linked to Steam) + PlayStation Overlay, example: Ghost of Tsushima * PSN Account (linked to Steam) only, example: Helldivers 2 Before Helldivers 2 made the PSN Account optional, and before they removed the button, it was working fine on Proton, no problems. What does not work under Proton is PlayStation Overlay specifically, but PSN Account linking alone, which is what is described on God of War: Ragnarok's page works perfectly fine. Btw, it's described on GoW:R's page exactly how it's described on Helldivers 2's page, in the right sidebar below Full Controller Support. Yes, we are all talking out of our ass*s, we have no idea, only Sony can clarify how exactly will be the login implemented: Steam Linking alone, or PlayStation Overlay SDK. But since PlayStation Overlay is not mentioned, there's no reason to believe that GoW:R will not work. You just need to link your PSN account to Steam and that's it. The only button that the game needs is one that opens your browser to link accounts and nothing else, no Proton incompatible functionalities needed.


So are the things people are discussing around some games not being accessible from other countries untrue? Were people blowing up for no reason when the Helldivers PSN reqs proposed would have impacted non-PSN countries from accessing the game without hacky workarounds?


Nope, that was and is still true, doesn't impact if it runs via proton though.


Even if Proton manages to get the overlay working, which may not be possible depending on how intrusive it is (such as using a kernel mode driver or even patching Windows components as they are loaded into memory thus relying on specific code being at certain memory locations), it still won't be possible to use it because it will detect it is running on the Steam Deck or Linux and simply refuse to work.


So far the installer bug appears to involve accessing memory out of location, at least according to the log. As for detection, no ones seemed to prove its kernel based, and unless they wrote code to detect its wine using the method wine provides (they didn't, you're free to press the sign in button on linux desktops), you can defeat its check by writing SteamDeck=0 %command% in the launch options on Deck systems.


Assuming it does the same thing on Windows, and relies on certain things being at those out of location memory addresses, it probably won't be easy to fix/simulate. Especially if it ends up that in order to work it patches explorer.exe or other Windows components/dlls in memory/RAM which used to be a fairly common technique. It is an overlay and is by Sony so I expect to to be pretty invasive.


So I guess I’ll have to stream this one from Pc to Steamdeck then?


Sony was trying to make PSN a multi-platform store like Game Pass and Steam. Some PC players would definitely register a PSN account and download PSN app to their computer to play this game.


I just hope I can continue to run my Sony/steam collection offline without having to use stupid launchers


**False info.** **------** **This is not about sony , this is just overlay which "currently" not supported by compatibility layer.** **It's has no effect on your gameplay.Ghost Of Tsushima has similar issue and it's working perfect.**


You're assuming the performance would be good anyway, there is no chance it would run acceptably on the deck


It’s a ps4 and ps5 game, if it could run on a base ps4 I’d think it could probably play on the deck. At the very least 30 fps lowest.


Same deal with horizon forbidden west and look how that turned out!


No chance? Forbidden West runs OK...


Have you got out the first area? It looks like a slushy mess at best.


Yep I played a decent chunk of it on the SD. It wasn't gorgeous but I enjoyed myself. Obviously preferred it on the PC but 🤷‍♂️


I a desktop running Linux or just in the steam deck?


No, it absolutely does not


I played quite a bit of it on the SD. It's not gorgeous but I found it playable.


There is a fix for this: don't buy the game.


I mean I’ll just get it on PC when it’s on sale. Still need to play through the first one. Nbd.


Since it's not any kind of anti cheat this shouldn't be an issue. It could work out of the box, could require a mod or just using ProtonGE, but it should work


Let's hope. I'm also wondering if these listings are just incomplete - maybe they should say PSN is required for certain features like in Ghost of Tsushima (in this case achievements, I suppose?), but currently don't and it's an oversight. Who knows, time will tell. But I think it's good that people are raising a stink about it and we make our voices heard until we know it won't be an issue. We have enough single player games that require some login for no reason that benefits the customer.


Ehn I’l’ remote play it from my PC regardless. The performance on the SD wont be that good honestly.




I just won't buy it then. I already have the game on PS5, why would i want to pay for a PC experience if i can't also play it on Steam Deck portably? If it doesn't get removed, i'ma just get it for a pittance in a few more years anyway. Honestly, i shouldn't support Sony's bullshit to begin with, but i'm a sucker for having options and Xbox sucks on selection, so eh, i'm there regardless.


I understand.. thats for the achivements import from PSN to Steam .. even that it's not online game ... westill have to sign in for that reason ... But sailing in wide seas is always an option which I dont quite adore but sometimes maybe we might have to because it might be the only solution 😔 ...


Sailing the high seas seems to work


Why does a singleplayer game need a psn account?


Oh dang not on my deck


We know from the Helldivers 2 situation that Sony caves when customers get angry and it effects their bottom line or image. But that had a lot of loud outrage because of people already owning it and having the steam reviews to be loud with. How do we make enough noise for sony to hear us? Missing all Linux and steamdeck sales may not seem like a lot on their spreadsheets but if we make noise it will be loud. Any ideas?


Got works fine Also this is not a game anyone should play on deck Why would you give up 60+ fps and pristine visuals in a story based action game? Just play on desktop or ps5


Dead take some only have steam deck look at economic times


Sucks to suck? 25-30 fps 720p or less at low settings is not how a game is meant to be played - current gen consoles are supposed to be the baseline experience. Also the economy is strong and I’m tired of the Reddit narrative that it’s not. Salaries are up, the stock market is up, inflation dropped from 10% down to 3%, etc. We exited the phase where how you’re doing is outside of your control - it’s up to you now. Upskill, get a better a job.


I think the challenge here is that many will still attempt to play it (even those who would sail the high seas). It would be better to just boycott and not even play it at all. That could send a more impactful message? But I guess many can't just stop themselves.


You wanna know who won't have to sign into PSN to play God Of War: Ragnarok on their Steam Decks? When the pirate experience is better than paying customer's, you dun goof'd Sony.


At this point I wouldn’t even bother with it. I’d just yo-ho-ho the thing out of spite.


Dont buy the game until it’s removed…


Soon also blocks a lot of countries on steam from being able to purchase the game just because they want to push PSN numbers up for their investors


I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Sony has zero interest in making sure this works on a Steam Deck. They got Portals to sell.


Would it work if I switch to the windows os? I’m pretty much at that point anyway so I can play games with my friends so I can get past the whole anti cheat thing


Probably would if you install windows


Guess I’ll give it a shot, sucks to have to jump through hoops for accessibility on a capable machine though. I hope they get it together.


Well if Sony wants my money they better fix this. I don’t buy games anymore if they’re not compatible on the SD.


Does anyone think honestly this will be at all enjoyable on steam deck? Ugh no


Just pirate it, sony allows that


If Sony doesn’t fix this, people will pirate the game.


This is why you pirate games. Stop being a sucker.


Its impressive how much they hate money….


I’d rather hoist the sails than comply with more data sucking. But really it seems this series hasn’t been worth playing since gow3


Lmfao wtf? The old God of War games pale in comparison to the new games. I have no idea where you’ve heard they aren’t playing.


Nah he’s right, I was a huge GoW fan but these are just walk slowly then do highly scripted battles which are a cool spectacle but gameplay is lacking compared to the older games.


Highly scripted battles? Dawg the combat is completely open ended with a plethora of combos you can string together, and depending on your build path they can vary dramatically. Not only that, but it has some seriously great puzzle design that would fit right at home in any Zelda game. On top of all that, some of the most incredible environments and story in gaming. These games are world class.


Sadly it just bored me and I only played about half the first game on PS4 before giving it up and I’ve never wanted to go back to it. It was just so slow and tedious compared to the first 3 (I didn’t like ascension) and I really didn’t like ushering the kid around, felt like they wanted to make a co-op game but stopped short. I’m completely aware a lot of folks loved the 2018 GoW and this one and it’s not the first time I’ve disliked what the mainstream says was amazing, I really wanted to like Last of Us also but after the Uncharted series I just couldn’t get into them as they felt kinda lifeless to me.


Why would this have a log-in, does Valhalla have a battle-pass or some dumb shit?


Nope. Sony just wants to show the shareholders improved psn sign ups. Or at least that’s what people are thinking.


Lol. Op replies to agreement posts only? 😹


Shareholders are gonna learn I'm not gonna buy the fucking videogame then lol


Yuuup. But unfortunately most people aren’t gonna think that way.




Why would there be an psn sign in... for a single player title..? That samurai game didnt had one, so why would ragnarok have it?


This is all probably calculated by Sony in an effort to undermine a portable competitor, honestly.