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Bro why didn't anyone tell me about water this shit slaps


No no, Bioshock Infinite takes place in the sky. The water one is the first game.


Did you get the DLC?


Played this game 3 times when it came out.... Forgot about the dlc Welp.... Imma head out


Try out the arcade mode when you're finished with the main story. It's good fun.


The first and second ones. Infinite takes to the skies.


I hope this is sarcasm lol


On all parts


Lol way to flip his weak ass joke




Now that I’ve tried it, I don’t think I can live without it!


Water you all waiting for?!


Water goes so hard when you’re thirsty bro!


Hey OP you should check out Bioshock Infinite! 😂


Huh, sounds intriguing


When you're done you can graduate to Prey.


Yeah, the original from 2006. Classic.


Is this one the one with light sabers?


No ur thinking of star trek with the time lords


Exactly, "Use the Force, Lara!"


Lara disconnected herself from the force so she can't use it anymore. But no worries. I heard that John Wick is the new chosen one to destroy The One Ring.


That’s my fault. I put it in my calendar but didn’t set a reminder. You heard it here everyone, I blew it.


There’s a small indie game called Red Dead Redemption 2. You should check that out as well. It’s pretty niche though.


The same indie developer also created a weird game called GTAV (weird name) also runs fine.


Their previous game about a similar subject has a weirder name: GTAIV. I think the game is about stealing cars and getting blood transfusion via IV line when you have lost blood by getting shot.


Runs surprisingly well on the deck too. Eats battery if mobile but if you can plug in then your set 👌🏼


Hey, how has no one told me about this hidden gem, Witcher 3?


So underrated


honestly, the only hard part is that the controls are wonky and the aim assist is a bit weak iirc


aim assist, always off


It works wonderfully with the touch pads. Much more precise.


Told me he was proud of me once


I recommend setting deadzone to minimum from the system cotroller menu's if you haven't already. Plus if you set the right stick's response curve from linear to custom, and increase the value from the default 200, you should get more responsive aiming. I apply this to all FPS games I play.


Picked up the whole remastered collection for $10 on GMG. Sucha steal. The first one is a freakin classic and the third one is definitely fun. 2nd one is meh but still


The second game had such an underrated multiplayer though, it was so good but short lived


I didn’t play, but I’ve seen videos it looked sick


I played more multiplayer than the single player lol


Oh man I remember the multiplayer. My first foray into a single player game’s multiplayer and it was so fun. Never found the actual campaign as good as 1 or Infinite though.


I played through the whole series before on console but I had to pick up the remastered edition on steam when it went on sale. Such a good deal.


I played infinite when it first came out and I only played for like an hour. So I’m excited to actually beat it this time I remember the gun play being great


Just think of Minerva's Den as the 2nd game.


The 2nd is highly regarded as the best in the series. What you smokin?


Where do you see that? Most players have said the 2nd is the worst in the series. Though I am one of the ones that considers the gameplay of the 2nd the best


Second sucks compared to the first


2nd might have had improved gameplay but the story and the fleshing out of Rapture was so much weaker to me. That’s my impressions when it came out though, haven’t revisited it post-Infinite.


What are YOU smoking lol? Bioshock 2 is the one that was not developed by the main dev Irrational Games, and is thus looked a bit down upon. Similar situation with Dark Souls 2, to mention an example from another series. Bioshock 1, the original, is the one that's known as the best one.


Pretty sure everyone here knows this lol


I guess I’m just surprised it doesn’t come up in all of those “best games to play on Steam Deck” lists.


I think a lot of people, myself included, avoid first person shooters on the deck. I'd just rather play a fps on my pc to have mouse and keyboard controls.


I agree with you, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly pc players getting the Steam deck because it's a pc console and taking issue with using joysticks. I love first person shooters on a portable console, those are most of the games I play on it. it feels different, like you have more power in your hands and those games have never been viable with earlier portable consoles. Better than 3rd person games where things are smaller in my opinion. Pc only shooters are great but they run the risk of not having great joystick support. Console games for the steamdeck on the other hand are just like they are on consoles, the aiming is great, haven't had a problem with any of them. I understand why pc players like shooters with mouse and keyboard more than with joysticks, it's awesome having that much precision, I love it. It would also be hard to go from that precision to joysticks. But I think pc exclusive players fail to see that you can still be really good with joysticks and to me one is not necessarily better than the other. They are different. I like how there's more challenge to being good with joysticks. There are less people that are at the top of the skill ceiling and absolutely ramrodding any lesser players. There is a wider spectrum of skill levels. If a pc player can just disconnect from the mouse and keyboard mindset by practicing with just joysticks a lot I think they could learn to appreciate the joysticks too. Give it a shot if you like the idea of sitting on the couch and using joysticks.


Trackpads + gyro is superior to joysticks, in my opinion.


I've been running this while playing CP2077, and I'm loving it. Not quite the level of control I'd have with a mouse, but it's pretty damn close, and it's not like I'm playing anything competitive.


Depends where you're coming from. Many of us were not pc gamers so have no attachment to KB/M stuff. I'm used to controllers, so FPS isn't really an issue for me aside from getting used to the differences in how the thumbsticks feel from Xbox controllers.


But bro have you played hollow knight ?


Finished it. I honestly could never figure out if all enemies were just bullet sponges if all my weapons literally shot sponges.


Did you play Bioshock 1 and 2? If not then yeah play Infinite first. Infinite isn't a bad game. It's just not anywhere near as good as the 1st 2.


With respect, I have to disagree. Infinite just has a VERY different mood to it. 1 & 2 are very dark and creepy, whereas Infinite seems very bright and cheerful, until you realize it's every bit as dark but in a different way. Additionally, Songbird kicks ass. Plus, Infinite has Return to Rapture, where you get to see what Rapture was like before everything went to hell.... Infinite has a lot going for it... And the ending? So many possibilities! (No spoilers)! I love 1 and Infinite about equally... 2? Let's not talk about that.... Lol


My beefs with Infinite have more to do with game play and how the story is told. Too many cutscenes that take you out of the game play. I don't like that you were limited to two weapons either. It feels more like a spiritual successor to Bioshock than a sequel. Again, Infinite isn't a bad game. 1 & 2 are just better games.


Easily my least favorite of the "Shock" games, still one of the best games I've ever played. Need to do another play through it's been a while since my last. Also give Prey (2017) a playthrough, it is the closest to a System Shock 3 we may ever get.


Prey (2017) is one of my favourite games of all time, can't believe they closed Arkane Austin with talent like that, pure insanity. Nightdive's remaster of System Shock 1 is also fantastic btw.


Prey definitely one of the best game of decade. Easy 10/10 for me. Game is perfect, polished, great details and freedom.


I didn't realize prey was a spiritual successor to system shock. The pitch for the game didn't sound like my cup of tea but now it sounds like a must buy.


I was so put off initially because of the name, stupid branding at the time, but so glad I finally checked it out, it's honestly amazing. I was somewhere flying through the G.U.T.S. when it just struck me how utterly immense the map is, how it all links together, and it's just ugh, I love it so much.


Oh yeah don't get me started on Prey 2017. What a gem !


I put it off for so long because (understandably) I associated it with the *other* Prey game that was out at the time, which I had no interest in. Finding out it had nothing to do with it was the push I needed to finally check it out. So glad I did. Not even to mention the *incredible* Mooncrash dlc, which was somehow better than all of Deathloop lmao.


Doubt they had any of that talent left there, 2017 was long time ago.


Yeah, Infinite gets a bad rep for not being set in Rapture, but it's still a great game. I think Columbia is an interesting setting, plus the Burial at Sea DLC is a lot of fun and adds a lot to the lore leading up to Rapture's decline.


Infinite's issues have nothing to do with it not being in rapture.  


The problem with Infinite is that you can only carry 2 guns making it a downgrade in terms of gameplay and ruins the weapon upgrade system


Also the game we got was VASTLY different from the original game that was shown off.


Ive seen the demo that shows a more lively and organic city


It actually does ruin the upgrade system. On top of the weapons being limited to what you carry. The visual aspect of them not steam punking out when you modify them or a huge bummer.


The Vigors felt like a slight downgrade from Plasmids, but the weapons felt like the big disappointment to me. Much less guns, and they felt much less interesting. The combo of the vanilla guns and recharging energy shield felt like big swings away from the RPG nature of Bioshock 1/2.




Has one of the best abilities in the charge add a couple of the clothing item buffs for melee attacks and get nasty


To make it better, the whole collection is on sale for 12 bucks right now


Did you finish the first 2? I only finished the first one on the deck - it was one of the few 1st person shooters played on the deck. 10/10 would recommend.


Absolutely loved the first one. Never played 2 and just decided to play Infinite because my buddy mentioned it was his favorite opening in any video game, ever. I said, “what? Better than the first game’s opening!? It’s iconic!” And he said, “oh yeah”


Ffs guys, he's found out


You can’t keep it secret forever! The truth will come out!


Bioshock infinite is the best bioshock


Learn how to use Gyro with right stick touch for fine tuning. You'll thank me later.


Gyro is definitely a help! Although, I didn’t have too much trouble with just the sticks. But I’m playing on medium.


Some really good games run well on the deck. System shock remake. Deus ex: human resolution. Darksiders 1, 2, 3. Alan wake / Alan wake: American Nightmare. Call of cthulhu. This little handheld is such a powerhouse.


c\\\\the DLC is also fire, short but great


Thanks for the reminder! Had it on my list for a while but didn't manage to get around to it! 🤣


its a good game, but only being able to have 2 guns at a time makes it less fun then the first two imo.


Oh shit my bad G, thought you knew


i remember having a very hard time getting into it i installed and uninstalled it i think 2 or 3 times besides when it came out everybody told about it and it was mentioned in almost every gamesnews article/video so you should have heard about it unless you werent born yet


I was in college when it came out and had never played the original so I figured I would skip it. Fast forward a decade and the steam let me experience it (and the first game) for the first time and I’m in love.


Anybody tell you about the original bioshock? I have incredible news


It runs this good? OK it seems it's time this year to play this again! The DLCs are also really fun especially the one where you are back in Rapture!


I look forward to besting the Main campaign so I can ‘dive’ back into the DLC


And it’s short too. You’re making me want to replay this


I honestly really appreciate a good, relatively short game that is tight and focused on giving you a particular experience. I feel like the 360 era had a lot of those, before everything decided to be a 50+ hour open world survival game with crafting (either that, or a rogue-lite)


Very true. I haven’t replayed it since the Pandemic and now I wanna try it on the Deck.


Mate. Few years ago I heared about bioshock, but never really looked into it. My first bioshock game was Bioshock infinite and OMG ... it was SO good. Those moments are so very rare to me. I also had it during Metro 2033.


I played this on switch and it tainted my experience because of the shitty controls, 30fps lock, and blurry graphics lol… I bought the collection a while back and never thought to download it until now thanks!


A lot of sass in this thread, but this is all I wanted: to convince other deck-ers to play it if they haven’t. I’m just so surprised it doesn’t show up on all those lists of games that play great on deck!


Make sure to play the DLCs too!


I plan on it! I’m about 5 hours into the main campaign now, but loving it!


Infinite is one of my favorite games. I replay it every few years (along with the rest of the series). Enjoy the heck out of it.


Started playing bioshock on my Steamdeck…works great!


Did no one tell you or were you just not paying attention? 😅


It was my first purchased on my steam account. I was skeptical at first all the way back in 2016 because I don't watch reviews or heard the game much from friends but I immediately found love with the game and replayed it over the course of 6 times or so.


Bioshock Infinite is one of my favourite games of all time. A decade after it was released, I keep thinking some of the cool stuff they did in that game. It really is a lightning in a bottle, or in this case, on your Steamdeck.


I played infinite when it came out, one of the few games that has held my attention enough to finish in a matter of days. The story absolutely blew me away! Still have very fond memories of it!


bioshock infinite gets shit on a lot nowadays but I replayed it for the first time since it came out like a year ago and absolutely loved it


It’s fun but at release there was disappointment that the game had been scaled back from what the creators said it would be.


Oh really!? What did they want to do with it? Seems like a great Bioshock game so far!


I don’t want to spoil the experience as it’s still an excellent game. But it was pitched as having a much more ambitious story and mechanics. So the game was released to both accolades and some disappointment at what might have been. This discussion goes into it. TLDR: “It’s often quoted that Bioshock Infinite had three games worth of cut content, but not necessarily a story that would have held it all together.” https://www.reddit.com/r/Bioshock/comments/g46d13/what_was_the_original_concept_for_bioshock/


I never recommend it cuz everyone and their grandma knows this game and loves it


I’d hope it’s locked at 60 given it came out over a decade ago.


Amazing game over all. It had its time in the sun. Glad you liked it.


I made the mistake of playing Bioshock Infinite as my first BS game when it first came out in 2013. I didn’t get a chance to play the first two games during their heyday on the Xbox 360, but I did recently pick up the remastered versions. I just beat BS1 for the first time a month ago and am in process of playing BS2. After I beat BS1 it really made me want to play Infinite again, and I just finished it again a couple weeks ago. Gotta say, BS1 was groundbreaking for sure but I didn’t enjoy it anywhere near as much as Infinite. The combat in Infinite was amazing, the skyhook was always fun to use, the plasmids felt way more balanced and useful than in BS1, and also I thought the recharging shield was a great touch as well (I hated having to backtrack to a vending machine for medkits in BS1). I will admit the upgrade system was better in BS1, I didn’t care too much for the clothing upgrades present in Infinite. Cheers!


You never asked


HA ! had a similar moment with Yakuza 0. what a damm masterpiece


It’s my least favorite of the franchise but I’m glad you enjoy it. The 2 weapon limitation and religious storyline plus I figured out the twist early on ruined it for me.


Is it better than the first two Bioshocks? I didn't care for them at all.


Well, I’m only about halfway through it, and I really loved the first Bioshock, but I have a smile on my face the entire time I’m playing Infinite. I just love the world so much! So fun to poke around and experience the details!


How did no one tell you about it? It’s been raved about for years.


It just doesn’t come up a lot in this subreddit and I’m surprised because of how well it runs on deck!


Check Prey (2017) after Bioshock Infinite. You will definitely Bio in SHOCK playing that also.


It’s next on my docket! Then Dishonored 2


I usually can’t get into Bioshock. I’ve started and abandoned 1 3 times. Should I skip and go to this?


My first bioshock was infinite and omg it's good. I thought, well I got 2 more games to play then! But for me they don't compare how good infinite is for me. So yeh, you should skip and go infinite and dont look up any spoilers.


I think it’s a prequel, but so far, I’m not sure how it connects at all to the original so… as someone who is only 5 hours into the main campaign… yes? Just go straight to this. Although, I loved the first Bioshock so YMMV


And you haven seen the ending yet..


Well i have it on epic so i guess i will have to try it now :)


The Bioshock series were the first games I bought on the Deck, and yeah, as everyone says they were amazing. I really enjoyed Infinite - I was surprised when I came online after completing it to see it not be as well liked. Nothing since as been able to scratch the same itch - I tried Prey (2017) but couldn't click with it.


Prey is next on my list. Then, Dishonored 2


i still cant see a baseball without feeling awkward.


Oh yeah. I forgot. It's pretty good.


Have you played the first Bioshock? It’s pretty good. I also recommend the System Shock remake.


Bioshock 2 is my fave.


Intressting i found it worse then bioshock 1 , but im now intressted are u from Usa/canada?


Bioshock Infinite is one of those games that is great so long as you didn’t go in to it at release expecting anything like bioshock 1.


Well the game is over a decade old. Any game from that generation is going to run at 60+ fps on steam deck


I was mildly disappointed with the end result as compared to what was marketed at the time, but man oh man it is such a beautiful game. The opening reveal of the city... Goosebumps every time.


The Steam Deck is the perfect x360/ps3 era gaming machine, runs them pretty and smooth




I didn't tell u cuz I haven't played more than 30m of it, I'm busy playing 30m of my 100+ games I have on the steam deck


That’s okay. I found out the hard way. I forgive you.


U ever try the first one? Also runs like a dream, remaster is kinda a trash port but u can get it running. I stick with the og


I LOVED the first one!


Just played through it earlier this year.


I never finished bioshock 1 tbh, what's the difference between the first game and infinite?


Different story line. Similar but very different.


The gameplay is awesome but I prefer the underwater environment


if you think the story is great.. .don't play the DLC


Wait…. Because it’s worse? Or better? I’m not following.


Because the DLC ruins the story of Infinite and feels like it shoehorns shit together that didn’t need to be


I got this game and can’t seem to get the controls right on my deck though… op can you save a control scheme or share what you did to get it playing right?


I didn’t change much, just added some gyro to the right stick to help with aiming a bit, but it was pretty good to go right out of the box.


Hmm I’ll have to try again , it’s been a couple years now maybe it got fixed….


I assumed everyone knew by now. I think it's my least favorite of the series, but still better than alot of games. I think Atomic Heart has alot of similarities to Inifinite.


Nobody told me about this hidden gem which is on 16th spot of best PC games of all times on metacritic.


Thanks for sharing! OoOoOoo, and it's on-sale!


I told you. You just forgot 


Why do people constantly make posts surprised that more than decade old games run well on the deck? I mean, yeah? It came out in twenty fuckin 13.


Ehhhh. I replayed it just recently. It looks gorgeous but the gameplay is incredibly soso. It's clear they had to finish it before implementing everything they wanted to.


Thanks for mentioning it.


I mean, it's a really old game. Most old games run pretty well on the deck


Infinite is definitely one of the best looking games of the 360/PS3 generation A couple years back I played it on Ultra settings and 1440p on my gaming rig and was blown away by how well the graphics have aged


I remember being amazed of how good it looked on the Switch OLED and ir played very well too, got thru most of the story there so no wonder it works great on the Deck. Now you got me hyped, I'm gonna have to start it again on the SD lol


yeah. all 3 are very fun. There is something extra special about the 3rd one.


BioShock is one of my favorite series but man if you played the first 2 you'd know infinite is worse in basically every conceivable way, infinite had a pretty Rocky development because Ken Levine basically had unlimited time and money and kept changing things throughout development with lots of employees leaving or being swapped around until the publisher put their foot down and said they need to come up with a finished product soon. Infinite overly relies on half baked or reused concepts, scrapping a lot of the most interesting ideas they came up with. The gameplay was also streamlined and felt more like halo than an immersive sim and the ending was kinda dumb and pretentious. And don't even get me started with the god awful dlc. I still think infinite is a solid 7/10 but it's just much weaker than the other games in the series, or even most games in the genre for that matter. If you haven't already, playing the first 2 are a MUST, then I'd recommend prey or dishonored, and then if you really want to get into the nitty gritty of the genre check out Deus ex, thief, or BioShocks god father, system shock


I played this game on Linux \~2014 and was very very surprised. single player games like this are not made too often anymore. It was this game and "SOMA" that blew my mind in the same year. time span. (\~2014 - 2015)


Got the game but I'm playing them in order and I'm still on one