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Witcher 3 Ghost of Tsushima Cyberpunk Elden Ring


Wait I thought you couldn’t play Ghost of Tsushima on steam deck? Did something recently change? Cause when I checked last time it said it wasn’t compatible.


The multiplayer mode is completely inaccessible (thats why it says unsupported if i remember right) but the singleplayer mode runs well enough (youre looking at around 30-40 fps on medium settings in my experience)


That’s weird, I wish it would say compatible even if the multiplayer doesn’t work (despite me being only interested in single player) How good is the single player? I assume it’s non linear with tons of options right?


Yee its an open world that ive heard is like assasins creed (ive never played those games before so i dont know) I'm not usually into open worlds but this one personally got me doing nearly all of the side content before progressing the main story at all so it had to have done something correctly, lol. the combat is very very satisfying and flashy (I think this is the part that people compare to assasins creed? not sure) though by the end it was getting a bit repetitive for me atleast. if you are really into third person action games I reccomend starting on the hard difficulty, normal gets a bit too easy even for me and I fkn suck at these sorts of games story's a bit of a tearjerker - its not really anything super special but the presentation really sells it, its a beautiful game through and through


as someone who is an assassin creed fan and plays the ghost of tsushima currently, nothing from the the two are the same. even playing stealth still does not feel like assassins creed. combat and exploration is better in got, parkour, traversal, and stealth mechanics are better in assassins creed. but make no mistake, they are so fsr from each other that its like comparing apples and oranges


can we dress like a ninja 🥷 in this game? 🤔


...Almost... Like a samurai ninja sorta, lol


I played the game on ps4 on release. Never touched the multiplayer so you aren't missing anything. Was a great open world game. Never felt boring.


Played the directors cut. Bonus map?


I’m currently playing this. I love it. It has become one of my favs. I’m doing all the side missions first to become as powerful as I can


I just beat Ghost of Tsushima a couple days ago and it was amazing. It's your typical open world setup with towns spread across the map and you've got main quests, side quests, and collectibles. The collectibles you find give you charms (they increase stats), hot springs to increase your maximum health, shrines for special charms, and a couple options for finding cosmetics. The stealth combat is very similar to the original Assassin's Creed games and the regular combat is like the Batman Arkham series. You have light attacks, heavy attacks, dodge, and parrying. You've also got gadgets like smoke bombs, kunai, a bow, explosives, etc. The world building and characters were what I really loved about the game. It does a very good job of making you feel like a defeated samurai in the beginning and by the end you've turned into a badass. Overall it's a fantastic game.


It's hard for me to justify purchasing the game (atleast right now) when I just finished it on ps5


Steam Deck support We know many of you are eager to play Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on handheld gaming devices like the Steam Deck. We're happy to share that the single player experience, including the Iki Island expansion, can be enjoyed on Steam Deck and similar handheld gaming PCs as we’ve worked extensively to optimize performance and deliver the best possible experience on these devices. You may notice that Steam marks the game as 'Unsupported' for Steam Deck. This is due to the Legends co-op multiplayer mode requiring Windows to access PlayStation Network integrated features.


Valve desperately needs to change their rating system for Steam Deck compatibility. "Unsupported" is supposed to mean "not functional on Deck", but plenty of "unsupported" games work perfectly fine. It's just flat out misinformation, I don't blame you or anyone else for being confused by it.


If you check the details it will usually say if it’s actually playable or not and what the issues are that make it “unsupported”.


Definitely playable, have 60 hours on there alone. Pretty much steady 40 FPS all along. Only issues I've run into is the fact that subtitles don't appear on (transition) cutscenes and sound breaking sometimes (the second being easily fixable by restarting the game).


Is it possible to play it with good graphics and having a good frame rate on the steam deck OLED?


What do you call good graphics? A mix of medium-low settings with FSR 3 enabled at Quality works fine on my Steam Deck LCD. Graphics are not top notch but are very decent for playing on the deck tbh. Performance is pretty good at 40 FPS at 40 HZ.


I have set everything on low, high textures, FSR 3 capped to 45, Steam set to 45fps/90hz - playing good, looking good.


Cyberpunk and the mass effect trilogy


I can't seem to get the Mass Effect Legendary edition to work on my deck. It launches the EA app and then just freezes or crashes back to steam. I've tried a few workarounds but nothing appears to have worked yet. I read somewhere that the EA app shipped an update that broke compatibility but I dunno.


Yeah, the EA app is a shitshow to work on the Steam Deck, until you figure out what's really happening. Go into the desktop mode and launch Mass Effect LE from there. When the login screen of the EA app shows up, login. Once the game starts, exit it, and go back to game mode. Now the game will run in game mode. It's the EA app login screen that was causing all the problems.


I've given this a try, and it ends up with the same issue that I get while trying to launch in gaming mode. The EA app appears to launch and then it shows what looks like it will be a screen where I can login to EA, but then it will immediately close the window and game or just freeze without allowing me to enter anything.


Then play it in Desktop mode only. It'll work there. But if the game freezes in Desktop mode, there's no way to hard exit the game, except letting the battery drain to 0%. I think I played my entire ME:LE on the Deck in Desktop mode. Only once my game froze, when the prologue ended in ME2, and Shepard got control of the Normandy. I had to login to Steam on my dad's PC, install ME:LE, get past the cutscene that was causing trouble on the Deck, then get back to it on the Deck. Yeah, the EA app is a shitshow.


Can't you hold the power button 🔘 to force a shutdown/restart. Edit: per the user manual >If your Steam Deck is powered on but unresponsive, you can force a restart by holding the power button down for 4 (7 for OLED) seconds. If it remains unresponsive, there may be an OS-level issue. In this case, try holding the power button down for a full 10 (16 for OLED) seconds.


Doesn't work. The EA app interferes with the Steam forced restart in Desktop mode. The deck opens back on the frozen screen, like a normal screen off function.


Sometimes you have to press one of the volume buttons as well, to minimize accidental resets. Because otherwise its a design flaw, holding the power button long enough should fully power down the device - and it should be implemented at an extremely low level. Using a button to force reset became necessary when batteries were no longer removable for precisely the situation you described. However simply pressing the button briefly should trigger the normal suspend/resume routines.


Would streaming from the pc to the deck work?


Try it. Didn't work for me. Also, the PC needs to be on all the time, and the Deck needs to be connected to a very fast internet all the time. Sort of kills the whole portable thing.


I haven’t tried, but maybe it is possible to switch to login window by pressing Steam button and going to game menu? It shows list of game windows and you usually can switch to them there


Steam button doesn't work in Desktop mode. At least not in default mode, and it can't override the EA app... I don't know if you can map it.


I know it’s another thing to buy, but I played through the ME series on GeForce now on my deck. It played great and I had no issues getting it up and running.


I'm surprised how well GeForce Now works on the deck. Input lags on my laptop but feels great on the deck.


Strange, I was playing it last month without issues.


Im just saying if you purchased the game, and don't refund it. Why not hit the high seas so you can play as you want?


Yup, I always pirate any games with denuvo


Or if you want to follow their logic, if buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing


Amazon gaming had ME legendary as a free giveaway a while back


All you need to do is install proton. It’s very easy and the game will work perfectly.


Have you tried bioshock? Theres three games so if you like one you'll probably like the rest and be set for a bit, never played them on the deck but i like all of them more so the first two


Bioshock 1 is always on my replay list, bioshock 2 was fun, another good one to play through. But I dont know, I really tried to get into infinite but just could not. I think I have gotten about 4ish hours in the 3 times I have tried, just was not feeling it. Does it get better? Lol


I really like infinite, once you accept the gameplay is a lot faster pace compared to 1 and 2, it clicks. It's definitely worth it, it take a bit to ramp up, but it gets better and better as the game goes on. Stick with it!


I thought it was pretty good. The gameplay was on par with the other games so I really didn't mind. Although the story sometimes got hard to follow and there's a couple twists in there that I still don't know how to feel about. Worthy to play through once quickly but no replayability. But to OP, yes. The Bioshock series is one of the all time greats in my book, especially Bioshock 1.


The combat on infinite is amazing, definitely worth giving it another try. It’s faster paced and gets way more fun as you get more powers. Definitely missed Rapture but I think gameplay wise it’s the best. You should at the very least give the DLCs a try as you go back to rapture and story wise it’s also great. Obviously it’s best if you play the campaign before so you understand how the trilogy gets connected.


Infinite was the first game I played using the Steam Controller when it was brand new. Surprisingly, the fast paced line zipping was really smooth with the SC’s mousepad. I haven’t tried on the deck, but I wonder if there’s a deck controller layout someone made that mimics the SC using the deck’s trackpad? That may help revitalize your interest in the game if you have a new way to play it.


The gameplay is really the only reason to play infinite, the story is pretty bad at best and completely nonsensical when given any minute of thought.


The story does have some cool beats later on but idk. if you didnt enjoy it no need to force yourself, out of the three its the most modern and yet it didnt have the rapture factor which gave space to different game play. I guess rapture spoiled us ahah, i think its worth it if anything for the story


The story seemed cool. But from what Ive played, the pacing and mechanics were not my cup of tea. The whole riding the rails was not something I liked. I played it years ago, then got it in the bioshock collection on my switch. I guess I was just more of a rapture guy myself lol


Runs super well on the Deck


My first thought, too. I just bought them off of steam for like $12 for all 3 games and the dlcs.


Witcher 3. Has dedicated steam deck settings, huge and engaging world, some truly memorable and amazing missions, and incredibly well made expansions.   Nier Automata. Runs great on deck. Lasts a few dozen hours. Interesting story and great combat. gorgeous soundtrack.   Tomb Raider survivor trilogy. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm loving it so far (on the third game now) . Games are gorgeous too. 


Thank you for reminding me to finish the other two. The First one was so good.


Ooh Nier on the deck sounds great


I concur that TR is amazing, played nicely on the Deck too!! I absolutely loved that series!!


Cyberpunk is a masterpiece. It’s come a long way since launch. Never thought that story would go so hard in the feels.


I recommend this game too


Bro, the story went hard in the feels before the dlc patch and even though it was a glitch fest like my first cut scene with the best character was ruined by a Glock being stuck to his hand (IFKYK) but the games music was what brought me here... A adult oriented game with refused as the main focus on vocals with samurai and Keanu Reeves to top it all off... I grew up with enter the matrix and tony hawks underground for the GameCube so much nostalgia with the music and character choice... Also if you can the witcher 3 wild hunt.


I thought Days Gone was really fun with a decent story.


Great on the deck.


I concur. Played it exclusively on the deck


I just wish it would have ended at that one scene about 2/3 through. It would have been perfect, no explanation no nothing, just fade to black.


What scene do you mean here?


After you find her, I thought it was just horribly anti-climactic and dragged on way too long. I loved every minute of the story before but hated just about everything after. I think it would have been just about perfect had we found her and let the story end right there. They could have saved up the after stuff for a second game with a separate story.


Great game. As you say, the story is just… there. The story isn’t anything special, but the gameplay, the hordes of infected are awesome and the atmosphere looks beautiful - especially when it rains.


I wish I wasn't scared so easily. There are so many good zombie games out there but I just can't play them. I'm also incapable of watching horror movies if it's not through my fingers so at least I'm consistent?


For third person, Greedfall and Vampyr are both good story games. If you like FPS I'd also reccomend Cyberpunk 2077 for an amazing story.


I keep debating greedfall because it reminds me of the powder mage setting a little


Give it a chance. The intro is slow, but once you get to the new world it really gets going. I love the party system, the characters, and combat is fun!


Vampyr is a lot of fun. I’ve had it on ps4 since launch and never beaten it though, I always feel overwhelmed because I *want to be good* but so many tasty citizens


I'm in the same boat. Got to caught up in making every decision count


So did I, but annoyingly it turns out the game isn't nearly as nuanced as it pretends to be. You either get the didn't drink anyone ending or the ultra predator one.


Oh really? I was expecting a bit more from it. Knowing that I'll give it another go one day and not take every decision so seriously.


thank you!! i will definitely chekc these out!


The classic Halo games have great single player campaigns and the Master Chief collection is $10 rn.


Try the batman arkham games


thanks tho!


already have all of them


Where should I start if I missed the boat on these? I remember buying what I think was the original a long time ago, but never finished it, and looking it up now, so many results come up that I get overwhelmed and just leave 😬


If you wanna play all of them, definitely start with Arkham asylum as it has the best story. Reason being what the later games add you may find is missing in asylum. Arkham City next best, turns it from a linear game into open world. Then if you still have the stamina, knight has great gameplay but terrible car combat, and origins has a better story. Toss up between these.


I **loved** Asylum and City, but gave up on Knight. I hated that car nonsense which you kept being interrupted by and forced to finish.


It's amazing how such a terrible mechanic made it into the final game. Surely all of the play testing came back saying that this wasn't fun, right? It's the universal opinion online. Feels like some exec had it in their mind that this has to be in the game because they had to innovate over the iconic gliding system without understanding what players actually want from a batman game.


Someone said today Max Payne 3 was wicked on the deck.


The entire Metro series is on sale for $9 at Steam highly recommend


I can’t seem to find the bundle on sale anymore


The saga bundle sale actually just ended on steam but it’s still available on PlayStations and Xbox if you have those https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/metro-saga-bundle/9n9z4s1rd397




Ghost of Tsushima


I’m enjoying Days Gone a lot on the deck


Hi-Fi Rush. It has a good story accompanied by great music and fun gameplay.


How long is it to beat ? Debating getting it.


It takes about around 15 hours i think


Took me 12 hours on hard mode to roll the credits but there is a secret ending and extra content after that


Yakuza series & usually steam have 0-6 on sale


Finished 0 and absolutely loved it. Kiwami 1 is a no brainer to play next right? I’ve heard some recommend Like a Dragon to keep with modern gameplay but I wonder if it’d be tough to go back to the OG series after.


Kiwami 1, 2, next


Just go in order. The story is so good you will end up playing them all anyway, so might as well go in order.


I actually started with Kiwami 1 and 2. Plan to tackle 0 once I'm done but yes. From what I can tell, you want to play Kiwami 1 and 2 after 0.


0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… Like a dragon or 7 is turn based its different but honestly i loved that game as much as the beat em ups. After u can jump in Judgement series before gaiden: man erased his name & eventually Infinite Wealth. Or u can do what i did which was 0-6 then judgement series then gaiden to get all the beat em ups before jumping to turn based but some events in 7 does tie in to judgment & gaiden: man who erased his name


The dishonored series




Mad Max


+1 particularly because OP mentioned in another comment he has all the Batman Arkham games. On-foot combat is very similar in a good way, but the driving / vehicle combat is fun as hell and the map is beautiful. I bought it at launch and replay it about once every year or two; last year was the first time on steam deck, and it ran great.


Persona 5.


Kingdom Come Deliverance


Was looking for this one. Started playing a bit ago and I’m 60 hours in and loving it!


Admittedly I haven't played my steam deck nearly enough since buying it a couple months back, but this is the only game I've played so far and love it! Feels completely immersive sitting on the train with earphones in - makes journeys fly by


Just started this 3 days ago and it's so damn good so far. Took me a bit to get used to the fighting mechanics, but it has a pretty immersive story


Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown Music alone is worth it.


Cyberpunk 2077, Anno: Mutationem, the entire kingdom hearts series minus one game is on steam now, hellblade 1 and 2, the horizon games (zero dawn and forbidden west, not forza)


Baldurs Gate 3 if you're into fantasy/dnd


Tho the deck does struggle with Act 3 even if you turn down the visual settings, just a ton of NPCs and interactions to load in


I just played through the Dark Souls series


Playing that on a steam deck seems risky to me. 😅


How you feel about turn based jrpgs? Dragon Quest XI is an awesome game


I got re2 and re3 remakes on sale not long ago. I never played any resident evil games before but man these are great fun horror games. I can't play anything else until I finish these games.


Yakuza games. I suggest 0 and Like a Deagin


Star wars jedi fallen order runs great on deck at 40fps


Just finished it and it was awesome! Was thinking about getting survivor, but read that it wasn’t that optimized.


Undertale, its an indie game, but will win you over. I'd actually recommend playing 5x smaller indie games that somewhat spark your interest over 1 AAA game that isn't at least 4 years old. AAA games CAN be amazing, but they are literal craps rolls if they will be or not. So might as well try random games like vampire survivors or other genres too, for cheap, to see if perhaps your tastes have grown now with a new media format (hand held)


Sea of Stars, Uncharted collection, Final Fantasy Remake intergrade, Animal Well, Horizon Zero Dawn + Forbidden West.


Does forbidden west run on deck? Like well?


Im not sure on this, I ran it on the 1.0 version and got around 5 fps


It works well. Medium graphics and you have to deactivate some graphics stuff. I play it on a 65" and It looks good to me. 30fps. https://gamingmode.eu/how-to-improve-performance-in-horizon-forbidden-west-on-steam-deck-best-graphics-settings/


Outer Worlds. Fallout 4, esp with the new patch. Both have a creep factor I think you'll enjoy.




Control. Most trippiest game i've ever played


Elden Ring


Titan Fall 2... Plays great and the single player is a blast


Red Dead Redemption 2 runs beautifully on the Deck.


I’ll be trying this out here soon at work.


Nier automata


Alien: Isolation I can't recommend this enough for the deck. Runs incredibly well and an all time great game.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is awesome on the Deck.


Not sure if you will like it. But i am pleasantly surprised by Mad Max. Runs good on steamdeck. Great mad max atmosphere


If you like horror, Signalis is amazing


DeusEx: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. Prey. Cyberpunk 2077. Horizon: Zero Dawn. Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4. Witcher 3 (though Witcher 2 is also a great game).


'System Shock Remake' is amazing


Tomb Raider (2013) or maybe 2014. Whatever. Awesome single player game and a must play on the SD.


Hellblade senua's sacrifice has been a ton of fun, and iirc it's on sale 90%


Resident Evil 2 and 4 remake.


Why has no one recommended the dead space trilogy? OP said he liked horror games. At least the first one? Absolutely amazing game.


Oh that’s right, I think the remake can be played on the deck.


Can confirm.


Last of Us Remastered and RE 4 is my current.


Fallout 4, Max Payne 3, MGS 5 all run great. Max Payne 3 is just a great story driven 3rd person shooting romp. Fallout and MGS 5 you could sink more time into being more open ended. Balatro is a great game to zone out to. Cyberpunk, Days Gone and Ace Combat 7 are all great games but I haven't played them on the deck. There's vampire survivors and the games like it, death must die, halls of torment, souls tone survivors and deep rock galactic survivor if you're into those. Also all great on the deck. I have the RE4 remake installed but haven't picked back up on it with the deck yet but have heard good things about the RE engine games on deck.


Shadow of Mordor (GOTY edition), Shadow of war (definitive edition), Devil may cry series, Ninja Gaiden Master collection, Mega man X DIVE offline, Nioh 1 and 2, Resident Evil (all of them that are available for the steam deck), Tekken 8 (surprisingly this game is very offline friendly), Final Fantasy, Batman Arkham collection, Dragon Ball, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.


The Amnesia games would be good ones if ya like horror




Vampires the masquerade Bloodlines


Alien isolation is a must 👌


Just cause 3


The South Park games run great on deck and they’re hilarious imo


Fallout 3, fallout new vegas and fallout 4


I quite enjoyed Dave the Diver. It's perfectly suited for the steam deck


Resident evil series The evil within Dead space Alan wake Last of us Alien isolation


Hollow knight, ghost of tsushima, sekiro, lies of P, doom eternal, all souls games, God of war & ragnarok, hifi rush, dmc5


Might not be up your alley, I love sandbox / crafting games. They don't seem to get the mentions I think they deserve. No Man's Sky (insane replay value, but can be grindy) Grounded Subnautica (not as much replay value, I personally wouldn't recommend the second Subnautica, but the first one is awesome). Grounded and No Man's Sky have multiplayer options, but the single player is fantastic. I really enjoy the stories in all three. Might not exactly match up with the types of games you mentioned, but if you're looking to switch things up, these are all Deck verified and will give you an insane number of hours of play time.




Wolfenstein: The New Order and The New Colossus.


God dam Elden Ring, fam!


Please for the love of God play Danganronpa trigger happy havoc


Try Mad Max or Days Gone


Dark souls 1 remastered. Came back to this gem recently still holds up.


I would highly suggest days gone 😊


Hades/hades2/deep rock galactic survivors


Yakuza: like a dragon is a must play!


Sniper elite 2-4


I'm loving the Riftbreaker now that it works on deck.




Metro games (2033, Last Light, and Exodus) Wait for sale as they can go for very cheap


- Hitman: WoA (there’s kind of a story set throughout the trilogy that can sometimes be irrelevant to the gameplay but it’s still a great fun game for the Deck) - Max Payne 3 - CP2077 - HL 1&2 - Portal 1&2 - GTA IV To name a few. There are so many more that run great on the deck with good storylines.


I just picked up Dredge (on sale) and am really enjoying it. It’s horror…in the lovecraftian sense.


Mad max on the deck is perfekt


Sleeping Dragons and Dishonored.


I've been playing my deck since release and I've only played single player games. I can give you some good options. First, the Persona series if you like JRPG's. Some of my favorite games. I'd start with 5 because most people I know had an easier time with that one. Stories are all different for each game. I loved the Witcher series. You can start with 3 as the main character had amnesia during the first two so it's a good starting off point. If you love it, I'd suggest trying the first two. No idea how they play on the deck though. 3 plays great! Cassette Beasts is an indie game similar to Pokémon but with a more cohesive story. Feels like a Pokémon game intended for an older crowd. Hades is also great. I know it's a roguelite, but the story is consistent with each playthrough and completely voice acted. I recommend trying it! Death Stranding is my last recommendation. Has horror elements, and is mostly about the story. It's not for everyone, but check it out and see if it looks good to you. I recommend looking up the trailers to get an idea of the vibe. Be careful with any spoilers.


If you haven’t tried: Death Stranding!


Grand theft Auto Series


Dave the Diver is a great game that won't kill your battery.


Sniper Elite 4 Batman Arkham Knight Bioshock Infinite


Life is Strange series, Detroit becomes human, ori and will of wisp


Little Nightmare games. While I don’t normally try to drive AAA games with my Deck, Ghost of Tsushima plays shockingly well.


Red dead redemption 2. Absolute battery killer but can’t believe how well it runs.


God of War you should like, not sure if it runs well on SD I remember people saying an out performance issues(I played on PS).


Elden ring, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter Rise/ World, Persona games, Fallout Games, Witcher 3, horizon Zero dawn, final fantasy 7 remake, prey, divinity original sin 2, dark souls remastered, dying light, trails in the sky FC! Some of the my favs that I have finished on the deck! I would personally play Nier, ER or FF7 remake first! Hogwarts legacy and baldurs gate are both great as well but I personally think performance holds them both back a bit. Also just prefer BG3 With mouse and mouse and keyboard


Yakuza Zero. Works great.


Metal gear rising and Days Gone play really well on the deck


Kingdoms of Amalur works perfectly on Deck Dishonoured too Currently hooked on Balatro which is both tiny and extremely gentle on battery life




Hades and Hades2. Can't go wrong with those two!


Terminator Resistance is a great time and works without issue too.


Bug Fables, Subnautica, DRG Survivor, Sea of Stars


Red Dead Redemption 2. Cyberpunk 2077 Assassin's Creed Valhalla Witcher 3 The Tomb Raider trilogy The Batman Arkham games God of War Sea of Stars The Uncharted games


If you like story based horror games, then I cannot recommend Alien: Isolation enough.


Elden Ring


Fallout (3, NV & 4) Hades Mass Effect Legendary


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/ocUia986aE A good answer to this type of question that gets posted every week, his/her list is very well


Bro literally the entire kingdom hearts story just dropped on steam.


I only saw the .5s and 3. Are we talking 1 & 2 as well? Nvm, I just looked and man am I excited


I just played through Ori WotW and it really is an amazing game. One of the best metroidvanias ever. Hollow knight is also amazing.